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NEW RACE: The Gahls

And from what I've heard teleporting on a YSA ship would get your shredded in the aether fields.
Yea! Little space hobbits, interesting.

Perhaps you could place this race on a planet with another that is a little less pacifist, but one that is enlightened enough to not just conquer them. Just an idea to keep them frm getting wiped out by some more aggressive races in the galaxy.
Teh spacegnomage.
I like the teleportation idea, but it's more of a magical explanation than a scientific one (though I like magic explanations, such frivolity has been eradicated/PWNED throughout SARP).

SO instead of reiterating what everyone has already said (as I am prone to hypocritically find irritating, and apparently have already done in this post) I shall suggest a SCIENTIFICALLY FEASIBLE EXPLANATION (omgf(tm)).

Ghals, as part of their anti-predatory adaptations and triplitic nature, developed a system by which they would emit extremely-low-frequency radiation and by that, tell where certain things were based on how many molecules of certain substances were how far in what direction. Through evolution, though, this became more and more subconscious until it was no longer voluntary.

As the Ghals civilized, this extra-sensory perception degenerated to the point where they could only tell where organisms sharing their same DNA - that is, their triplet siblings - were, but with extreme precision, to the point of violating Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. They found that if both of their siblings concentrated very hard, the first would be able to deconstruct the third, accurately pinpointing each of the particles composing the third's body, while the second could stimulate particles at another arbitrary point in space, directly routing the first's read information into the creation of a new third in this secondary location. The net result is the translation of the third Ghal to a place within range of the first and second, which is defined and cannot be exceeded by:

d(Original Third - First) < [Distance 1 - parallel size of Third]
d(First - Second) < [Smallest of Distance 1 and Distance 2]
d(Second - Translated Third) [Distance 2 - perpendicular size of Third]

An additional branch of each of the three main sciences applies to Ghal teleportation: Physics includes Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics, and Translational Metaphysics; Chemistry includes organic chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, and translational resultant chemistry, among others; and biological classification associates an entire Order with Ghals for their unique traits. Scientists have been working on ways to translate objects for centuries (as Human scientists seeked to transmute lead into gold) but have so far proved unsuccessful, as their computers are unable to process infinite parallel streams of data (yes, this is a shameless plug).
That certainly increases it's feasability, but still relies on quite a few laws of physics to be ignored or blured.

For example, one Gahl could convert his body into energy creating a multi-megatonne explosion.