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New site format?

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Retired Staff
I am not a fan of the new, 'simplified' set of links near the top of the page. They no longer open pages in a new tab, and are also lacking several key links that I used all the time. Also, I was horribly confused and unable to find the IRC link after it had been moved.

Is there a way to get the old setup of those links to important Wiki pages back?
Which ones did you actually use often? I could put the most common ones back perhaps. Did you know all those pages are now linked from the wiki's front page?
That may be so, but having those links at the top of the page was very convenient for getting around the wiki and finding information quickly. It was nice and unique having them always up at the top where I could easilly find them. It seems to me that this is a situation where "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
The List of organizations was my most used link, with Starship classes and Mecha/power armors being second and third.

I don't mind that those links are gone quite as much as I mind that it is forcing me to change my current tab to a Wiki tab, as opposed to handily opening a second tab (so I could have the wiki and the forums open with one easy click, often directly to the page I needed)
I personally never used them and went to the wiki directly using the 'Setting Info and Guides' link on the blue-bar above. The only useful link for me was the starmap.

This said, I've been annoyed once or twice by going to click the mIRC link... and finding it's not where it's supposed to be. That's just annoyance tied to force of habit, though.
I like it because it's not cluttered up there anymore. It used to be a mesh of pink. Granted I always used the first page and bookmarking rather than doing advanced maneuvers like using the search.

I think the problem is they probably need to be in a different color for people to notice them, they are so small it's probably seen as vanilla text only to accidentaly discover they lead to the wiki or other locations. Right now when I look up I see "New site format?" being much larger than the links, making them a mesh of pink that look like they belong to the top image.

I think really the important links missing are to factions and races, the tech is up there but it would take a bit of wrangling to get them (meaning, to those who want one less step than opening up the wiki main page then scrolling down).

Meaning the important thing we are probably talking about is time. How fast can you get to Abwre from here in fewest steps possible?

So the thing is we can find a way to make it more noticeable so more people could use them, or only bring up the most commonly used ones and or the ones that lead to important lists (which to me is species, tech, and factions but that's just me).
I agree with Kai on this. While I didn't use all of the links, all of the time, when I did need them, it was very convenient when I did need it. I think the ones I used most were Mecha Power Armor, Equipment, and Characters.
The "Useful Links" section has been re-added at the bottom of each forum page.
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