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New Species: Ottyo


Well-Known Member
Uh-huh. Yeah, I know, I know. We already got quite a few in SARP. Still, here I am, putting my idea forward because I honestly believe my creation here will come in handy and add to Star Army in a meaningful way. And no, this isn't going to be another playable faction. Hell no. Another one of those will only risk further thinning us out. Instead, it's a faction I hope players will take delight in fighting against, and GMs will have fun scheming with. Hopefully, they'll start off with the Iromakuanhe and if people like them, move on to the rest of SARP. (And the universe! Ack! Just kidding.)

They're far from done, so for now, just the species by itself so I can get some input. Keep in mind, I made them this way specifically so that they are unattractive to humans and so appear much more hostile.


Again, I can't help but say that they're far from complete, but that's not going to stop people from poking around the rest of the race. Still, keep in mind that for now, this approval thingy here is focused on the species only.



Currently, this next part that I'd like feedback on looks somewhat plain, so I'd like to know what you guys think would fit well here or what's needed.

Well, lets be honest, the standard for race submissions has risen dramatically over the past year. This is a natural defence against the apparent wave of new races trying to come into the setting, and the long list of dead, or unplayed species we have on the wiki. Expect extreme reluctance to have anything to do with getting these guys approved, and be prepared to show real investment in getting them approved.
Yea pretty much what Jimmy said.

I worked on the Gartagens for about a year and a half before they ever got approved.

Though the rise in the standard is not really a bad thing. It just means quality over quantity.
You'll need art for the Ottyo for approval, and even then they might not be approved. There are simply too many races around, and of them only a handful are ever actively used.

I'm not saying don't try -- By all means, go ahead. But you need to prepare for the long haul with these guys. I'll leave the reviewing of the Ottyo to someone else, since I'm biased on the subject.
I have to say, so far, you're all right about this. I have noticed many species created, and promptly abandoned and left to die. Practically orphaned to be honest. However, I also noticed that most of them were crafted more to appeal to and entertain the creator than actually play a major role or meaningfully add to Star Army. I really remember Teddo's 'Tarkarians'. Me and Kai just called them 'Sugar-Tits' since they lactated sugary syrup and had huge....well, you get the idea. I look at the species list now, and I get the feeling that there was even more on the list at one point. Now, I can't find the Tarkarians on the list, but if you search up 'Tarkarian', you'll still find a single character belonging to the species.

Obviously, a creator always makes something to appeal to themselves, but as a consequence, the creation may be fleeting in it's existence. I'm guilty of this as well; I'm making something that I find appealing to my own tastes. But, I'm too damned polite. If I do think of something that appeals to my tastes, I keep it in my own damned head, unless certain conditions are met.

If I think others will find it enjoyable, or useful, I'll do it.

This is an oxymoron, but it's true. I want to make good villains. Really good ones. Ones that are alien yet human. Or humanly alien. They'll be cruel, cunning and dastardly at times, and yet roughly merciful at others. I want to see the kind of villains that can be feared, respected, and empathized with.

I mean, do you ever feel bad for a Mishhuvurthyar? Does a Mishhu itself ever feel bad for doing naughty things with it's tentacles? Or desecrating the remains of the dead? I doubt. Besides. Most of those on the species list were meant to be player characters. I'm trying to make an NPC faction like the Mishhu, and hopefully an 'Axis of Evil' or something for players to fight against and enjoy.

Oh boy...I just looked at the rest of this post. I'm ranting aren't I?

Umm, back to the main topic. This isn't up for review right now, I'm just trying to ask people what they'd like to see in new villains for SARP. The whole point of the culture thing here is to make them both terrifying and pitiable.

I want your opinions more than anything else right now.

I think humanly villains have been done to death. When making a player character race you should strive to make them easy to relate to, that away people will want to play them. I attempted to do this with the Gartagens, and I also tried to take more of an Unbiased approach (I did add a few things I did like, but only after test firing them on various people)

A villain is something I have only discussed, but you should try to avoid going the "Human route"

You should make something distinctly Alien. Culture, temperament even the language. Monstrous and scary is a good way. It is a bit of a fine line to try and dance, but it is something I would love to see.

I don't speak for everybody on the forum, but I think maybe somebody will agree.


I haven't looked at the Ottyo much, but if you want to make a good villain-like race or faction in most (good) novels/stories/etc., they should typically have three of five things in my experience:

1.) They're Mindless: Either in the literal sense, or in the "It's impossible to communicate with them." sense.

2.) They're Cunning: These jerks are very, very, VERY smart. They'll use any means at their disposal, and make liberal use of subterfuge and cold, logical strikes.

3.) They're Monstrous: Whether physically, or just through their actions these guys are just freaking cold. They have no limits, or they have a very twisted sense of honor. Slowly torturing a child to death, cutting down people who run, taking pleasure in pain/destruction.

4.) They're Tough: Man for Man, these guys outclass the protagonists. They have drawbacks -- sure -- but it should take a lot of force to kill one of them, or to kill one of their war machines (Google Posleen for a good example of what I'm trying to say)

5.) They're Numerous: They typically outnumber you... Go figure.


I'm not saying "OMG, THEY HAVE TO BE THIS WAY." but three of those I find makes a good combination if you write it out well. There really is no hard-and-fast rule for a good villain.

But I guarantee that three of those will make your Axis of Evil a bit scarier.
Also look into a different biological make up.

Humans are carbon based, but I was reading something that said Silicon, and other such compounds can be the basis for the race.
*Cough* Silicon lifeforms would basically equal crystal trees. *cough*
I can see you guys haven't actually read the article. The Ottyo are not Humanoid at all, they are very alien, but have some twisted human-like traits that simply add to the oddness.

CadetNewb has said MULTIPLE times that the Ottyo are NOT a PC race, and are actually intended to be something like a 'big bad' for the site much like the mishhu are, although the Ottyo are a much more thought out and I would say much more satisfying villain race than simple tentacle raep monsters sprung from someone watching too much hentai.

Cadet is also going great lengths to make sure that the Ottyo are balanced, but have interesting, alien ways of doing things that may seem monstrous, cunning, or what have you compared to the conventional ideas that we use here on SARP.

Honestly, you people need to actually read the article and talk to Cadet before passing judgements based on your prejudices and underinformed images.
Actually I was just making suggestions. I think what he is doing is awesome.
Thanks Kai.


Well, SSharp, I'd say the Ottyo would fall into categories 2, 3, and 4, with number 5 being up to the GM's running the plots. Going by number 2, The grunts would be clever in a manner that would make a hunter say something along the lines of "Clever Girl." before getting mauled. The commanders are more of the cold and logical type, exploiting PCs' character flaws and personal values such as valuing life.

For number three, they are monstrous through their actions, though their appearance in battle is unnerving as well. Most of their actions have a point, and yes, if they kill children, that would have a cold and logical reason to justify it. They do things with a German efficiency despite their erratic and unpredictable nature in battle. For an example, if they want to interrogate someone, they're not even going to bother physically harming you themselves. They'll either do it to a friend of yours, bring in a Mishhu they raised themselves, or bring in a Mishhu they raised themselves to be 'used' on your friend.

Number four, yes, I intended them to be incredibly tough, speedy and nimble, capable of taking a beating and dancing a ballet. Think of a 'Big Sister' from Bioshock 2 and ratchet it up a bit. However, to balance this out, I'd give them weapons that are of moderate to low power in comparison to what Players may use or make what powerful weapons they have very large, unwieldy and showy.

Number five is debatable, and up to GM's for a reason. Besides their Organic Power Armored troops, I intended them to deploy what essentially amounts to fire vomiting attack dogs and small swarms of fluttering scout birds. The point of this was to give out the feel that the Ottyo were hunters who were setting the hounds on the players. This would outnumber the players, and in such a case they'd be up against less actual Ottyo but a numerically superior force. But, if a GM wishes it, a more conventional battle can be had.


Ira, the Ottyo are not human at all. It's more of what Kai said. They're very alien in appearance, but have behaviors or traits that we attribute to ourselves, making them even more unnerving and alien. That's what I meant by being human-ish. A good example would be their laughter. Go onto youtube and listen to some hyenas at it, and that will give you a good idea.

As for alien biology, I decided to stay with carbon based lifeforms, however, have their blood be cobalt based in comparison to our iron based blood. This means that unless they have special organ/bone marrow grafts or other, they can't eat our food and we can't eat theirs. It will also rule out much of the medical equipment available on SARP as well.


I second what Kai said! Actually read the thing please! Go ahead and ask questions, give comments/criticism. I'm usually on the IRC, so that's on the table too.
I'd like to say three things: 1.) Not only do I like the idea of the Ottyo, I'd be willing to play one!


2.) I love the idea of a nazi-like enemy, as opposed to the indescribable 'cruel for the sake of being cruel' Misshuvurthyar. I also like the idea of the Ottyo joining forces with the Misshuvurthyar. Variety within enemy forces, other than the standard Misshu assimilation of other races, would be very interesting!

3.) I like their non-human physique. While the Misshuvurthyar are non-human, they are also mostly amorphous-- that is, their physical body is so odd shaped that uniforms would be very bland or odd. Thus why the Misshu end up wearing a cape and some tattoos on them. The Ottyo have very promising particularities in uniform design.

I'd be willing to draw you a couple of em, if possible.

I would discuss a lot of other things with you about the subject of the Ottyo in general, but I would be talking about other things that do not pertain to the physical nature (which is what this article is about). I still have my doubts about building underground as opposed to above ground. There are a lot of logistics and efficiency values that would need to be addressed, regarding these matters.

Other than that, it's all very interesting! I'm all for this race. I back it up 100%!
This is intended to be an NPC Race, SR.

With that aside, and my own bias able (I think) to be shoved aside, I wouldn't mind sitting down with you and fixing up this race CadetNewb. I'll try catching you on the IRC when I have some spare time to do so.

Edit: This next statement is directed at Kai... Shove the confrontational things, and don't immediately assume no one has read the article just because we're opposed to it. I've read it, already, and I understand what it is and what it is for.

Warning: I wrote this post in the later part of 4 AM after just waking up. The contents of it are subject to editing at a whim -- though the statements should remain roughly the same.
Yes, this is meant to be an NPC race (Non Player Character). Again, I'd appreciate any criticism you can toss my way SSharp.
If all the red links are removed and there are no objections to me approving this (Iroma GMs, speak up if you have an issue here), then I intend to approve this species on or around November 1st.
I think it's pretty solid. The home world is still redlinked however. I've got no issues with it if he doesn't come in on his own, I'll prod Exhack.
Well, today, I was feeling alright. Had energy to do things, and then I saw this. I kinda had to sit down and let it sink in. To be frank, I never expected it to be approved this soon. It's just the species by itself, yes, but still. It's a surprise.

I've edited their homeworld so it's not a red link anymore, but there's nothing actually there. The data on the species in specific is mostly done, save for the population and a few minor details I may have missed.

What is the population of Yamatai? Nepleslia?

And even more importantly, what of artwork?
Empty wiki articles are not allowed and will be deleted.

Yamatai's population (for the planet) isn't listed, unfortunately. I have a rough idea but it has no bearing on the Ottyo's population.

Artwork: I would like to see artwork as soon as possible.
I got rid of those red links on both articles, however, the information on those pages is very thin and basically a placeholder until more is put down.

Funding for illustrations will likely not be of trouble.
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