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New star system: Halna


Inactive Member
Star: Yellow
Halna Alpha: The first anomoly in the star system is a small asteroid field at .5 AU from the star. The asteroids in this field is composed of a wide variety of elements, giving indications that the masses are the remains of a planet or planets that once orbitted where the field exists. The largest of the asteroids max out around ten miles in diameter, though the field is quite full so many asteroids break up and recombine with others as they orbit, leaving tracking individuals quite hard.

Halna Beta:
Planet: 'Hunter's Graveyard'
Distance: 1.2 AU
Type: Terrestrial
This terrestrial planet is very similar to a gas giant in the fact that its atmosphere is composed of very thick clouds, mostly of sulfur and carbon dioxide. The surface of the planet is hot enough to keep any sulfur on the surface liquid until a heat wave passes through the area to evaporate it, thus leaving most of the surface covered in sulfur pools, and some oceans of the substance. The only high points on the surface are the volcanos that dot the surface of the planet, fueling the atmosphere with the occasional eruptions and reforming the surface with the lava flows.

The atmosphere is not conducive to most forms of life, full body suits are required for human-like forms to walk on the surface without suffocating or burning from the acid.

The planet acquires its name from the habitants of its single moon, who often send undesirable people into the sulfur pools of the planet to 'lose' them, especially bounty hunters from governments who may be after certain members of the moons community.

Beta's Moon: 'The Black Moon'
This moon orbits the planet approximately twice every standard day, and itself rotates three times every standard day. The rapid rotation would create quite the volatile weather if the moon had any atmosphere. The surface of the planet is covered in a carbon compound that gives it it's name. The surface absorbs enough light that the underground facilities, a mining complex that was mined out long before Yamatai was founded and since abandoned, are actually kept at a decent temperature without much help.

The facilities beneath the moons surface are basically one large complex of mining tunnels and occasional stations where the ore used to be collected and sent to the surface by large elevators. The new 'owners' of the facilities have since converted them into a large underground city, one of makeshift shanties and houses that line the tunnels, and large ship docks in the elevators. The planet has become a home for those who have a reason to hide since finding a single person in the long tunnels is near impossible without a significant bribe, and sometimes those bribes end up with you being tossed into the hunter's graveyard. There is no true government in the colony in the shafts, though there are enough private weapons among the populace to discourage any invasion by a minor force. The only rules that are in the community are to not bring attention to the colony, and to respect your fellow denizens. This doesn't prevent the occasional body turning up along the shafts, but it is generally assumed that if you didn't prevent it yourself, you deserved it. Many criminal organizations that are beggining to blossom in the fading Yamatai Empire have at least a base here, and often recruit from the populace to pull off jobs that require a lot of hands.

(Edited to add more detail to main planet, gave system a name.)
Looks good to me, and I'd like to see it in the RP ASAP, that way you can support the stuff that's in there (and alter it to match what goes down in-character, such as names of the people, etc.)

Some things I'd like to see changed:
  • Referring to the system as something with the word "moon" in it is confusing. Maybe the system could have a name of it own?
  • It's not mentioned, but the 'Hunter's Graveyard' planet is clearly a young world with a large amount of volcanic activity (thus the carbon dioxide, sulphur). The volcanic stuff should be noted.
Speaking of which, the main world does not sound habitable to oxygen breathing creatures but a clear statment on that isn't posted.
Approved for immediate in-character use. It'll be on the map shortly.
Since the moon is now opened for in-character use, i would really like to see some shops set up by other players, organizations, etc that would make up the population of the place. Given that the nature of the place is rather violent and lawless, it wouldn't be unusual to see stores outside the normal bounds of law, yamatai or otherwise, chop shops for ships, gangs wandering the tunnels, etc.
Good point, Zack. We need the word to spread in the underworld. ^_^
Some people already live there (kinda required, else it would be uninhabitable with noone to keep the life support facilities alive). Given that the first businesses to set up there would be the spacedocks in the lifts, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for spacers who already knew of its existance to spread it to other spacers when asked about a place to quietly get some damage fixed to their craft without questions asked. That would start more people trickling in I assume, and the first would be other businesses to claim space in the tunnels.
Well this place is supposed to have just started up. Even with only a few people knowing about it (though I still think it should start out with no one) no one would know about it IC.
Thus, there should be some roleplay of people spreading the word, using their facilities, proposing new shops, and such.
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