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New Weapon: "Serious Business".

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...This configuration actually makes a sort of sense, though I hesitate to approve a DR 7 nuke. I told Strangelove submitting this was the only way to even get it considered, and this seems like a somewhat feasible system.

REQUESTING ADMIN REVIEW due to a possibly justified DR boost.

I want this to be a very rare system, though. We're talking only the groups with most resources have them, and only a few. It should be exclusive to your race. No sharing with the Neps.
Yangfan said:
Please tag it as "not yet approved" to avoid confusion. Thank you.

Yes, sorry. Slipped my mind.

Well, probably the Neps wouldn't even want this, since they already have more advanced weapons. Somply put, Freespacers have little more than their trusted nuclear weapons, so they try and improve those, since they're their most reliable, simple, and cost-effective weapon system (and 'spacers will pick cost-effectiveness over power any day)

Plus, it's part of the Spacer's remilitarization, which is basically just happening, so probably this weapon system is just out of beta testing and thus very rare.
Shouldn't this just be counted as a single missile, though? It's just got creative placement of warheads.

Approved, but as DR 6, not 7.
Then what's the point of putting 10 warheads on a missile, if it does just as much damage as a missile with a single warhead?
Della does have a point.

The Pseudonova has a variable DR between 4 and 6, meaning it's max DR setting is a DR 6.

Since the Serious Business is supposedly a weapon more powerful than its predecessor, why would it be a DR 6? If it's the same DR as the max setting of its predecessor, it's pretty much a waste of resources to make.
Because to be honest, like Tosh and Wes, I'm not sure how more warheads is really going to help. Once the second detonation occurs, the explosive potential of the first is completely negated by the explosive blowback from the next warhead and so on down the line.

It could potentially increase penetration by forcing the missile deeper into a target, but that's all its got going for it. There's no massive increase in damage just by having more warheads in the thing (which is what you require to get to the next level of DR - the scale being exponential atm). The Psudonova, at DR 6, is as powerful as a nuke can get. After a certain point more nukes / bigger nukes just doesn't do anything else - scientific fact.

Besides, if nothing else, the DR system is up for revision so numbers like this are a placeholder in the end anyway.
Ah, I see. I was creating this weapon under the assumption that the "Ten weapons of one level are equal to one of the next" rule was still in place.
But, this is just one weapon. To me, it seems like a blatant attempt to subvert the damage system.
I don't know, it didn't seem strange to me that a race with low technology and a chronic lack of high-energy sources and resources would try and create a more powerful weapon by simply making it bigger (not being able to make it better).

Anyway, I'm sorry. I'll delete it.
You aren't at fault for this, it's Jess' responsibility. I was expecting this submission from her.

And yes, even DR 6 is pushing it for a nuke (standard is DR 5, the Pseudonova is just FREAKING HUGE). I allowed Jess DR 6 and said that to get any higher, she'd need a seperate submission approved by the Admins, and it would need VERY good justification.

Wes has spoken, there will never be a nuke above DR 6, and DR 6 needs justification.
But under the DR rules wouldn't this count as a DR 6 weapon stacked to DR 7? (IE: 10 DR 6 weapons like the DR rules state?)

It dosen't seem like trying to subvert the DR system so much as someone just trying to use the DR system.
As Wes said, this is considered 1 weapon.

Also, as I keep saying, Fred only intended that to work for shields as a way shields operated. 10 weapons do not have the same output as a single one level higher---shields just act like it does. It confuses me a bit too, but that's how it was made.
But according to the DR system 10 weapons of the same level can count as one weapon one rank higher if they are used together.

Considering the DR system is a guideline, it is reasonable to assume that a weapon which focuses 10 weapons into one strike would have a higher output than just one of those weapons.
I brought that up to Fred, but that's not the case, apparently.

This is not a place for such discussion, and this submission has been finalized. If you want to discuss such a thing, open a new thread elsewhere asking about it.

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