Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!



Retired Staff

Hey people I am Ivan Miller, I enjoy roleplays and I just happened to notice this site. It looks very well put together but I have no idea except for some basic knowledge of what this site contains. Can someone show me the ropes and help me in creating a character sheet? That would be most helpful.
Yours truly, Ivan.

Doshii Jun

Two links should be enough to get you started: ... le-playing ... _character

I'm Doshii Jun, the moderator of the biography forum. My best advice is to do what you can with the links above and ask questions if you have them. Staff and players will do their level best to answer them for you in a timely fashion.


Yes , we will. We love new players :twisted:

Don't worry about us, we're a jolly bunch of people, and *Most* of us are ready and willing to help. If you need anything, feel free to PM me or just about any other player, and usually we'll respond nicely. Welcome to SARP and I hope you stay here and be cool, like us!


Thank you all. I will be sure to read those sites. And Im sure I will Pm some of you.


Also, the Contact Info Thread would be a good place to head too as well. Other then that, you're pretty set since Dosh covered the player's guide, and such.

Welcome to the SARP Neomancer, hope you enjoy it here, and hope to RP with you!



My personal advice would be to join Elysia.

Although that's just me. Really Yamatai would probably be your best bet.

Welcome! Enjoy your stay! Don't leave on us! Welcome again!


Actualy, I was wondering how one would go about making a Abwehran, character. I have already started a character but I need the help of the Abwehran Admin. Or of someone else. First of all. There is no Abwehran thread, or none that I can find. Second of all, I have not found military ranks, and I am not sure what rank I would be allowed to start as. Im not even sure it is a playable race, but it said so in the character creation guide. Help is needed.
Yours truly, Ivan.


They are the HMS Fearless plot in the Other Factions board (you actually have to read the plot descriptions on the boards to see what faction they are.): viewforum.php?f=63

Wiki on the Abwehran Armed Forces: ... med_forces

Wiki on the Abwehran Race

Abwehran FAQ ... 1dd36e3f29



Abwehran Commander, the faction's GM recently started up a plotship. If you want to play one... you should contact him about it. Though, I would seriously recommend you have one character in one of the 3 main factions (Yamatai, Nepleslia, Elysia) since most... if not all the playerbase is there.

EDIT: Kim beat me to it...


Also- the military ranks are listed separately for each of the 4 branches of the AAF within their appropriate wiki entries. I'm taking a guess that the HMS Fearless would be the Weltraumflotte and you would start your character at the lowest rank of Maat.

Edit: And reading the wiki confirms, that yes, the HMS Fearless is a Weltraumflotte ship.


Yay!!! Another Abwehran!!! I won't feel so lonely anymore as the only PC Weltraumflotte.


You will forever be alone within your skull, looking out on the world through the windows of your eyes.


....I'm trying to figure out if that's really deep or if that was a crack about me being anti-social.


Who can tell? I know I can't.

It depends how offensive you think I am. Most people seem to think I'm quite a nice guy.


Does anyone know when this Abwehran Commander gets online?

Doshii Jun

Various times. Try nighttime.

Soldier Side

Hey, nice to meet you, Ivan. I'm Fay. Welcome to SARP. Hope to maybe RP with you someday! Always good to see a new face here and there. ^_^


Welcome to SARP.


Yeah, the Commander gets on mostly at night. hrm.....hold on a moment *does some quick calculations from odd bits of info* I predict he'll get on again on October 5 give or take a day.