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Newsies. No wait, newbies.


Active Member
Hi! I'm a new roleplayer that just turned up. Very new actually, I barely came out of my 2nd session of Tremulus a month ago. With that said, I just wanted to introduce myself with a question!

How's my character? https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:roy_s._rotundo

I don't have an active plot I'd like to join right now so I'm keeping my character on lock for a bit but with that said, must I join a plot to have my character immortalized in canon?

After that question, that's it! Just here to say hi and introduce my new-ness to roleplayng!
Greetings! Welcome to the craziness that is called Star Army!

Your character is pretty awesome, but in order for him to be part of the canon, he must first be introduced in an active plot. Also, a bit of advice...and it's the only one I can see being a 'red' flag...you need to create your own page where the red link is. Other than that, I think he'd be welcome in any plot!
To clarify a couple of things. No, the character never needs to take part in an actual plot to be part of the canon. If you submit your character in the character submissions forum, and they're approved, they're canon, whether or not they ever actually join a plot. However, solo RPs aren't guaranteed a place in the canon in the same way plots are, so while the character might be, what you do outside of the plots might not be.

Now, that said. You don't need to wait for a plot to be starting to join a plot. Most GMs are more than happy to work with you to find a way to bring your character into their plot somehow, and just pick you up either in between chapters/missions/episodes/etc, or in between threads at the very least. Sometimes you can even be pulled in in the middle of the thread. So don't worry about that, and just look around and see if something catches your eye. If it does, go talk to the GM for that plot, and see what they say.

And, all that out of the way, Welcome to SARP!
Oh nice! Great to see that I don't have to join a plot to be part of the canon. I'll submit my character soon then, thanks!
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