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Approved Submission Nexus - Privateer and Bounty Hunter Network


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Service
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=plot:nexus

Faction: Not really part of a faction? I guess it's independent? Though even other factions can use it.
FM Approved Yet?
Faction requires art?

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No)
Contains New art? Just a logo
Previously Submitted? no

Notes: Not actually sure if this should go here but I didn't know where else to put it. This is the basis for the 'Adventure Guild' mentioned before. Right now it's kind of plain and there are no jobs listed, but those will start getting listed soon.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Just as a curiosity regarding the active jobs that will be added, what's the difference between Bounty Hunts and mercenary work? The two have been basically interchangeable for me so far.
A bounty is a target on someone where a mercenary job can be something as boring as a simple guard job. Bounties also tend to be a small scale kind of thing, while mercenary contracts tend to be much bigger.
Aendri pretty much hit the nail on the head. Mercenary work is going to be 'hired muscle' in some sense. Where as bounties are -specifically- go an find this person of group and bring them back or kill them.
Requesting permission to make a Yamatai version of this.
Well you wouldn't really need a Yamatai version. if you want to make a job 'Yamatai only' you can just put that in the notes for the job. Splitting it up into regional divisions would likely lower the activity of both. Cause if you have a job that say needs someone with a ship that can carry so much cargo, but it's a Yam only job, but all the Yam people with ships are already stationed somewhere then the mission can't be done.

If you're worried about approval or anything, you can freely post jobs as you see fit. Right now I'm not making an approval process for it. As long as we don't get a bunch of bad jobs or something I think it's best to let people just add jobs as they see fit(of course they shouldn't be adding jobs involving groups or people they don't control. (and people do have the right to remove other's jobs if something they control is involved without their consent.))
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