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Inactive Member
Name: NH-18
Type: Biological Weapon
Variety: Advanced multi-cellular colony offence drone
Creator: PNUgen

The NH-18 is the one of the latest Biological Weapon from PNUgen. It is an organism made out of billions of single celled organisms, none with a set task, but each contributing to the organism as a whole. Each of the cells can quickly specialise to a task and the entire organisms adapts to external stimuli extremely fast, evolving the necessary changes.

It can easily adapt to temperature extremes, pressure, and atmosphere, even going into hibernation in the depths of space. It also quickly adapts to any other situation it comes across and the entire organism learns from its past adaptations and becomes more efficient as time goes on. These adaptations can be anything, the organism striving to come up with the perfect answer to the situation, from larger claws to specialised cells to utilise a new substance. The organism can also very quickly absorb organic matter into itself, growing larger and stronger, and regenerate wounds, only a few cells need to survive (and these can be separated) for the organism to survive and regrow, thanks to its telepathic bond (detailed below). This matter can be in the form of humus, dead animals or plants, or even alive ones, as the organism sends in some specialised cells that take them over and introduce the link.

The organism usually appears to be a humanoid form, but this is mainly because of its designers, it can actually take any form, due to its highly flexible nature can look like whoever it wants, and has been known to become a quadruped or even more exotic forms to adapt to a situation, and can loose matter to become small animals. It often grows large serrated blades, or tentacles, quickly reallocating its matter. It can also become up to one cell thick and fit through tiny gaps, or even split up and reform later. It has an inbuilt inhibition from creating new versions of itself "buddingâ€
Bugger. alright I didn't think of that. I Created an andriod Idea that was almost exactly like that but needed to be scrapped. Wait... isn't the most recent form of Neko technological? And the adaptive thing isn't the same is it?
Its a nanomachine based weapon capable of adapting itself in pretty much the same way.

Don't worry about duplicating things, I did that a few times when I started out too.
However it is a machine, not an creature, and thus with a whole different list of strengths and weaknesses. Also it has large components in it and isn't quite as flexible due to this. Thier similar but not identical. Any helpfull coments (don't misinterpret me my tone of thought isn't rude or agressive). Thanks for the support.
the latest neko is completely nano-machine based, forming organs and whatnot on the fly. Your creature is more or less the same thing, the ability to form organs and other biological structures needed to preform tasks is shared between the two as well as the majority of the smaller things from what I understand. A nano-machine and cell aren't that different and the distinction is almost completely lost when you start constructing orgains out of the two.
Nano machines are smaller. However I still think their are differances, but I'm a little to tired to argue now, but if Wes could just make an apearance I would be able to muster enough strength to argue my case or just accept his verdict.

Zack, while your reading this could you possibly look at the enforcer power armour I have on the other forum, and give your opinion on that I would be gratefull.
I haven't looked at the body of your post, but why would you yourself create something and say it was PNUgen's creation? Why not sell it instead of acting like a PNUgen R&D?
I'd actually like to use this description for the PNUgen NH-18, the sucessor to the NH-11 Shadowshifter (which was based on the NH-8), since it basically sums it up. It's a great post!

At the nano and below scales, there's not much difference with "machines" and "organics." The NH-27 uses DNA and cells, but the true workings of the 27 are found in quarks and leptons and all that good subatomic stuff. The same is true for the NH-28, which is very much more "machine" but does use cells for its face and other human-like body parts. The NH-28 has some mechanical internal parts, though (power systems).

In responce to Jadgs question. I made this for PNUgen because neither NovaCorp or Emrys industries have anywhere near the technological level for this.

Thanks Wes, go ahead, anything I can do to help. WIll this be in the CCG then?
resurrection of posts thought to be long rotted is Snibble's job. then they get locked.

... not that I think his having a monopoly on the process is good ^_^ go to it!
Thomas, could you edit this to be up-to-date please? Thanks.
Edited with the name NH-18 replacing the earlier version, as well as inserting detail over the NH-18's operations to date.