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NH-S-Type Microwave Gun.


Inactive Member
Producer Information
Designer: Miles Gunn
Manufacturer: Star Army of Yamatai Nodal Systems.
(Suggested) Price: N/A.
Individual Component Costs: N/A

Nomenclature Information
Name: NH-S-Type MMPW (Miniature Microwave Pulse Weapon)
Type: Directed microwave weapon.
Role: Anti-Vermin and crowd control
Length: 5.08 CM / 2 Inches.
Weight: .226 kg / .5 lb.
(Size and weight vary, they depend on the dimensions of the NH-S-Type unit that is issued the weapon)

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Directed Microwaves.
Firing Mechanism: A charge is given to a cathode encased inside of a vircator tube, the resulting electron beam is then accelerated against an anode mesh, the result of this is that the electrons will pass through the anode forming a space charge behind it inside of a resonance cavity, this charge will oscillate at high microwave frequencies, the resulting charge is then directed by a dielectric window waveguide, the focused microwaves are then free to move towards their intended target.
Beam Diameter: Three inches.
Beam Arc: 45 degrees.
Effective Range: 10 Meters.
Maximum Range: 20 Meters.
Minimum Range: 0.
Muzzle Velocity: Radio wave speed.
Muzzle Blast: None.
Firing Mode(s): A duration beam that continues to be emitted until deactivated.
Recoil: None.

Damage Description: In organic creatures thermal effects are noted, damage ranges from minimal heating of water molecules in skin, to spontaneous combustion. In electronic and metal targets electrical arcing does occur along with "hot spotsâ€
It would probably make a really satisfying noise like an vintage dentist's X-Ray machine. You know, the ones they used before they knew exactly how much radiation they really needed. The kind that sound like a hundred game-show buzzers going off at once.

I like that.
But...but... shooting through walls in enclosed spaces and killing the crew! KILLING THE CREW DAGNABIT!
Due to the strength of bulkheads in Star Army Of Yamatai vessels, I would assume that the microwaves would be unable to penitrate easily, and even if they do, I doubt leathal exposure would take place.
Mkay... still adverse to having the skin on my toes die, itch or slough off due to a misdirected maser >.>
Don't worry, the beam control is handled by the neko and the nearest computer system. so things should be fine.
Don't worry
things should be fine.

... you just jinxed this thing FOREVER o.o

Neko and human alike will know the horrible power of misdirected maser fire across the entire empire! Pharmaceutical companies will make trillions from skin cream! Through those simple words, you bring the Star Empire itself to a standstill!!!
Oooh, that reminds me, I need to begin to market "Miles Gunn's Super Skin Cream - For all skin, lab made and natural!" Oh I can just smell the KS rolling in!
KS smell now? >.>

Although a pharmaceuticals company would probably be a good idea... There isn't one, and who produced all the medical gear and drugs for common use around the empire?

Nova Corporation smells fresh meat... but only if someone else doesn't wanna step in and take the job
<_< That seals it! Miles is making his own brand! >_> he may need a company to market things though....
NC can always dump some funding on you if you want to set up something, or there's the usual startup funding for corporations anyway
Hmm... very interesting... heh, first Miles needs time to go about research and such of course. >_> He is currently busy taking apart a misshu/neko
What is this mishu/neko you speak of? and why have I not been notified of it's existence?!
tell meeeee! TELL ME NAU!


ahem. Anyway, yeah... Nova Corporation is always happy to help people get on their feet, so long as it is accorded some measure of loyalty afterward... even just the ability to use storage space, or delegate work out to smaller corporations for a slightly reduced rate...
NOT approved.
Rob, you needen't worry about stray maser fire killing other crewmembers, since microwaves can be deflected fairly easily by metals, so they wouldn't go through the bulkhead, which I assume are made of metal (probably fairly thick too).
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