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NH-S-Type MWP (Miniature Weapons Platform)


Inactive Member
Producer Information
Designer: Miles Gunn.
Manufacturer: Star Army of Yamatai Nodal Systems.
(Suggested) Price: N/A.
Individual Component Costs: N/A

Nomenclature Information

Name: NH-S-Type MWP (Miniature Weapons Platform)
Type: Various Configuration, Standard mode being a rail gun Gatling system.
Role: This weapon is designed solely for the NH-S-Type Nekovalkyrja
Length: 7.62 CM / 3 Inches.
Weight: .226 kg / .5 lb.
(Size and weight vary, they depend on the dimensions of the NH-S-Type unit that is issued the weapon)

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: The MWP Unit standard configuration is a miniature rail gun mechanism.
Firing Mechanism: When used in its normal configuration a "hopperÒ€
Pretty nice... in fact, very nice.

HOWEVER, a hypodermic needle, or anything else for that matter, travelling at 16km/second...

well, this thing is a gattling gun rail gun, and it fires lots.

You're not so likely to incapacitate them as turn them into a fine mist...
DocTomoe said:
Recoil: Very minimal recoil.
Muzzle Velocity: Rail Gun Speed (16000 Meters per Second / 52493 feet per second.)

....okay, no.

First of all, the momentum of a needle - for the sake of simplicity, we'll say it weighs 5g - would be about 80kg*m/s; the gun, weighing .226kg, would recoil at 354m/s, or 1274km/h, or 792mph. Unless the NH-S is designed to be capable of stopping small fighter jets with its bare hands, it's gonna have to prop the gun against something.

Also, a railgun's design is remarkably simple; two rails, both touching the payload, are electrically charged; current (usually huge amounts) passes through the payload and the rails, causing parallel magnetic fields all the way from the payload to the battery, but not past the payload, which results in a huge force forward. No fancy technology involved.

Another thing is that, in an atmosphere, the needle would melt on the way to the target; it wouldn't keep its sharp point unless it was made of some as-yet-unknown metal with an impossibly high melting point. Even then, the pressure from hitting the target would probably liquefy it further, unless the tip was only a few atoms thick. This tends to be less friendly than a puncture wound...

...but yeah, if the needles weren't travelling so fast, none of this would be a problem, and everything else would be actually really sweet.
Another place I could see this as being useful for is in some sort of drone or something, a little remote controlled device... like the SOSDs that the Mindy's have.

But yeah, the compression wave that something at that velocity, even with as small a mass and diameter, would likely cause a body to just rupture. Think of what shotgun pellets do, and they are relatively low velocity.
And hell, if this thing is for an anti-pest unit, you don't want weapons that can tear through ship internals... only the hull would be safe, and thats assuming wer're using zesuaium O.O
Hmmm, guess this weapons unit can be used for more... heavy... targets, looks like i'll have to cook up something with less pepper for smaller targets.
Indeed... Try something that fires heated toxic gasses. Neko are immune to such stuff, but your average pest isn't...
or a maser!

Fire focused microwaves at them, and VOILA! Have instant mouse flambe as well! No need to ration them!
I'm digging the microwave idea. There's no recoil problem, ammo problems are reduced, and the weapon make much more sense fo rthe situation.
Well yes, but we're assuming that it won't accidentaly shoot someone else through the internal partitions that way... which is likely. I prefer, in this situation, heated gas (not plasma, just hot enough to cook something small in a few seconds, if it gets shot several times) because there's a lot of free gas just wafting around, it won't damage the ship or crew and it can easily be converted to a real weapon for defense, in-ship ambushing etc. (let's face it, gas heated up enough that it'll cook the skin off your face hitting you is not nice.. not as nasty as masers, but still a very effective weapon.)
Standard mode being a rail gun Gatling system

Gatling configuration in this case totally superfluous. If you can reach the level of sophisication to build a functional raingun, evidenced by this post, then we can tailor it to have whatever rate of fire we want it to. The only concievable use for multiple barrels is to combat the terrible wear on the barrels. This is, assuming, the barrels actually take wear and tear. Seeing as this is my first post on these forums(and it now occurs to me that I should probably introduce myself first... oh well) I am not aware of the elements avaliable in this universe.

The weight seems a bit off too. You'd prolly want to use heavy metals to absorb the heat from friction. Theres my two sense worth :\

This might help you a bit to figure out where you're going.
The multiple barrels are there to increase rate of fire, while one round procedes down one barrel, another barrel comes into place and fires another while the other round is just barely exiting the previous barrel.. also thanks for the link, i'll look it over.

also, considering the feedback on this weapon, maybe I should re-lable it as a weapon intended for taking out humanoid light armored and armored targets... heh.
Considering that the Mindy and Kylie units are a "light armor" of sorts, and how damage resistant the buggers are... I think the term light armor does fit.

But when I realised what exactly I was putting down as the power of this weapon I kinda was shocked. :shock:
DocTomoe said:
The multiple barrels are there to increase rate of fire, while one round procedes down one barrel, another barrel comes into place and fires another while the other round is just barely exiting the previous barrel..

Okay, Firearm Function 101:

Here is how the breech of a weapon works. Bear with me here:
Bolt unlocks
Bolt travels back, pulling the spent shell casing backwards
Spent shell casing is ejected, new round is extracted from the magazine
Bolt travels back towards the breech
Bolt inserts new round, and locks shut
Round is fired

The reason I went through all that is to illustrate the point that railguns don't have breeches. They dont really need them. The reason? There is no chemical propellant. As such, you can have a stream of projectiles spewing out of the end of the weapon separated by only the length of the barrel.

I don't know if you know, but modern gatling guns have a separate breech for each barrel. This is to allow one to fire, and while the most recently fired breech is working on getting the shell casing out, a new one is already in place and firing.

In fact, having a whole bunch of darts end to end would work to your advantage, as the first few would probably vaporize, but would carve a path for the ones behind. You'd be looking at a magazine of somewhere around a couple thousand, though.
Other than overlooking the fact that not all firearms have locking bolts...

Yuuki said:
Other than overlooking the fact that not all firearms have locking bolts...


okay okay, small caliber pistols don't. But just about anything larger than .22 does. blowback systems usually have some sort of retardation device to allow the pressure to drop.

*sullen* most do :\
Not approved.
Are not multiple barrels done that way to reduce the thermal stress on each barrel? That was my understanding. This is not as much a problem now, as modern metalurgy has made much stronger, heat resistent barrels and heavy machineguns have mostly gone the way of the dodo, as modern armies do not need any more firerate than general machine guns are capable of (like the M2-H1; i believe thats the model).

Most "needle" type weapons I have read about have frangible rounds designed to break upon impact with a hard target so that they do not cause colateral damage in urban settings.
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