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NH-Series Questions


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Some unanswered questions from here:
What type of NH-2 and NH-7 weapon was Eve?

What physical feature makes NH-7x weapons stand out?

Can you say when they were made and what the most important aspects of each of the most important series are from here:

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Fred abstains. There are some very old and no longer functional links involved that I can't answer to. Wes, Kim or Zack are probably the people that have been the longest around on SARP, and likely better authorities on the matter than I am.
Its ok, I am an expert in this field.

The NH-7x was nothing special. The NH-7y was the stealth model and featured the optical-camo built into the skin.

The other NH-series weapons are most notable for not being the NH-7y4 model, which is what Uso is.

But the big important thing about the NH-7 series was this heafty manual Wes put together that details everything: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:nekovalkyrja:nh-7_technical_manual
NH-7 came in around 20 years after the first Neko. I'm mostly wondering about what came in between. I should have specified what piqued my interest most was the definitive lack of information about this time period, just bits and pieces on the forum and wiki.

*winks at @Fred's sweet Signaler*

Your wiki is well-fleshed out, though, you perfect little NH-29 Signaler Nekovalkyrja cherub.
I can answer some of these, but I don't want to do so if Wes is going to anyway. My knowledge isn't complete and the htmls I saved aren't either.
By all means, he can correct you if you're wrong and I'd like the information sooner rather than later.
By all means, he can correct you if you're wrong and I'd like the information sooner rather than later.
The NH-10 were male/female twins. I featured them in the Goban, but I didn't get deep into what they did. They had some Bubblegunner abilities, if I recall.

NH-12 came out with the original LAMIA armor. NH-12 were the pilots.

NH-18 are hard to describe. Best way to speak of them are nodally adaptive weapons who can do all kinds of mad things. Fred liked them.

The NH-19 is essentially a Neko tank. It was the first attempt to use Umbral technology with Neko genetic material. If you've seen the SMX icon floating around of a red-eyed, pale pink, Neko-eared tentacle monster around the sight? NH-19.

They came out around the time of the NH-17, but I don't know when.

NH-23 is your omnipresent, super-powerful PANTHEON-loving Neko Empress model. Yui might be the only one left. Just imagine someone who can be a Goddess at the drop of a thought.

That's what I got before bedtime.

That's a Wes-endorsed look for the Mishhuvurthyar that were serving in the SMX during the first two Mishhuvurthyar wars. Mostly using the flag as inspiration. ( disclaimer: lineart was made by mouse in the drawing app of Yahoo Instant Messenger. I think it came out okay, considering the handicap >_>; )

That's what the NH-19 was. PNUgen had a hidden outpost, Saigo no Eden, where they studied the first live Umbral specimen they obtained from an accidental ship collision and then experimented on various lifeform samples until they got what felt like the winning solution for a hardened nekovalkyrja tank. It had the brain of a neko, floated like a neko, had a double pair of eyes to have wider vision where its carapace did not permit skin-vision (and thus thermo-optic stealth) and it had a wide array of nekovalkyrja-like battle tentacles (the same design the Eihei nekos can use via hemosynth manipulation even today). They also had several unique qualities derived from their Umbral progenitor.

PNUgen developped a test fleet for the NH-19 sole use and then pitted them against multiple combat trials (often fatal) as they continued to tweak and optimize both them and their hardware.

When Mefpralphra (the Umbral they were based on) realized how this new 'humanoid' species were essentially torturing her artificial offsprings, she psionically compelled them to rebel against their human masters and she made her own escape to guide them. Saigo no Eden was laid to waste and the hordes of NH-19, then calling themselves Mishhuvurthyar in the language their progenitor conveyed to them, left with the fleet PNUgen had built to test them... and soon turn it against Yamatai itself - then not making the difference between the misdeeds of a single coorporation and that of an entire culture.

That ushered in numerous bloody conflicts ever since.
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The NH-18 are essentially a mass of nodal matter capable of swiftly altering its shape. The nearest sci-fi application I can give is the liquid metal T-1000 from the Terminator movies. It works on similar concepts as the hemosynthetic organs nekos can create for themselves, but they weren't blood so much as... I'm actually not sure what they're made of.

Plot-matter! *handwaves!*

You could have it disguise itself in a room as a computer console, and then when a target gets close, it could flow almost wavelike at it, cresting around just as it's grow bladed edges, spikes or what have you before it fell upon its prey. They're kind of nightmarish to brawl against because they aren't only confined to their original matter - if they gain a hold on something, they'll quite readily begin assimilating it and turning what they strike into more of itself.

Considering how I saw scenes where it showed up a lot like JAWS, one of the bigger battles against it had me use more tangible shapes to show how it turned an assimilated M6 Daisy power armor into all sort of terrible stuff until I gave it a toothy maw, crab-pincers with guns, and tentacles... and then called is a "sharktopus" from there on in (which is why my players sometime see me throw something nasty at them, and then go "well, at least it's not a like the sharktopus, we can do this").

The thing was nigh impervious to most kind of kinetic-based attacks (at least those capable of being delivered by power armor away teams) but could be susceptible to energy attacks, especially stuff coming out of a plasma flamethrower (neko regeneration is greatly hindered by burns, so, kind of a similar limitation).
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The NH-25's, Neko-Mishhu Hybrids, have played a key part in both the Sakura and Miharu, but will they ever get an article? I'd be willing to pitch in, but at the same time, I don't want to step on toes by getting a detail wrong.
The NH-25 boasts about the same general prowess that all the NH-17 could do (stealth, the potential for psionic abilities), under one package... albeit with one very notable exception: their hemosynthetic ability was such that their legs could almost explosively divide into numerous battle tentacles. They also seemed pretty resistant to stun attacks - as in, only one stunshot was enough to down a player nekovalkyrja, but it took several to slow down a NH-25.

I was always a bit baffled by how a flesh-and-bone leg could spontaneously divide in - say - four (I mean, the bones? what happens to the bones?). But the result of transitioning to mishhu-hybrid provided semi-functional mishhu appendages; no egg-laying, but the paralyzing stingers the Mishhu possessed were there. NH-25 reproduce the same way nekovalkyrja do: self-cloning youngling birth.

The genesis of the NH-25 seemed non-native. It's a manufactured neko, like any other. It's unclear if it was made by Yamatai or not, though Yamatai now can create NH-25 bodies. It's likely that it originaly came about when organization like Black Spiral were first interacting with the Mishhuvurthyar and a body transfer process was made so that a Mishhuvurthyar could copy its mind to a NH-25 body and so be better able to interact with other humanoids (speech, gestures, facial cues). I was told SARA holds on to the NH-25 design today as a profered transition point for benign Mishhuvurthyar whom wish to be freed of their bestial body and integrate into Yamataian society.

Yamatai's SARA isn't the only one to do the practice. Out there, there are independent colonies - they collectively dub themselves the "True Nekovalkyrja Empire" - populated with neko... and a sizeable part of them are Mishhuvurthyar that were converted into NH-25.

(sidenote: Mishhu paralytic stingers were initially a PNUgen innovation on the NH-19 (and that's why it works so well on nekos despite their resistances to toxins). Umbrals have no paralytic stingers; only their saliva tends to affect us negatively - their saliva is supposed to be an anti-coagulant that also holds chemicals stimulating bloodflow; smaller forms of Umbral can feed like vampire bats - sticking to some larger prey and feeding on its blood if it can't take it down. That same saliva accidentally was found out to be a strikingly powerful approdisiac when applied to sentient humanoid lifeforms)
I've been keeping up with this thread on the peripheral out of curiousity. Now, Fred comes out of nowhere with NH-25 lore, and I am thoroughly impressed with the idea of less aggressive Mishhu transferring into Neko bodies to fit into society... if not into entire colonies of similar-minded beings!
Eve was a psionics variant of the NH-7. The mono horn was the physical indicator of that. She also had the optical stealth ability except for when her eyes were open (she could see through her eyelids so that was moot). She was also an experimental model much like Yui and Chiharu (the red eyes indicate that).

I also vaguely remember that Eve was a custom model? I forget what her hair color was but it is an important indicator of what she was assigned to.

Green = Army; Blue = Spacey, etc.

The NH-X was capable of using hemosynthesis to change her form based from DNA samples. Chiharu used this to eventually escape from the Elysians after she was taken from the GSS Yui.

The NH-X Twin enabled 2 people to be psychically linked, but at the cost is individual personalities.

From what I remember, the mishhu took many neko captive for interbredi g and food. Neko will regenerate lost limbs so long as she has enough blood to generate them.
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Pumpkin is the only NH-25 Wes ever showed us. She's the benchmark from which all the others were based on. So, technically, she's the most 'normal' NH-25.

So far as I know, 2 others were later introduced, both by me. One was an unnamed youngling of Eve's that soul transfered herself in a NH-25 body. The other was named "Ume" and she was a representative of a True Nekovalkyrja Empire Colony that was present to witness Melisson's victory at the Blue Rift Expanse.

Both died, one to the Black Knights when they confronted her at the depts of a rebel underground factory complex on Bowhordia, the other was killed while trying to parlay with the Black Knights by the Sharktopus.
If anyone knows, what would the designation zx behind an NH series number denote?
Can you give me an example of where it was found? Usually it was just one letter. In the NH-7 series there was:
  • A: General Purpose military model
  • B:
  • R: Racing model/maximum speed
  • T: Telepath (with the horn)
  • X: Stealth model
  • Y: Test model (Yui was always using the latest test body)
  • Z: Some sort of stealth model or composite (according to Tweak's bio page which I didn't write)
I can't find the link but saved the quote from 2003 ish:

Context is basically Yui making small talk on the GSS Kamikaze I believe:
'Kitsurugi_Yui Lastly Yui adds "The Uesu Empire is a repeating Cycle. The weapons, even. The avatars are 'NH-Zero' and NH-9zx weapons from the last cycle, which ended when they killed God." She stops. "About the warp gate..."'
Oh man, my old RP is so edgy haha.
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