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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Night of the Ninja


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 45
RP Location
YSS Mazu, Yamatai, Kikyo Sector and Kosuke Sector
With a furrowed brow on her face, Sachiko leaned back on her chair and turned it thinking that to look away from her current project would help her thoughts. Unfortunately, the advanced technology within the area, known as her second
Tinkerspace didn’t help her any. Until she closed her eyes and focused. “come on Sachiko, you're good at technology, focus!” She said and focus she had, when ideas popped into her head. “I know, I’ll update The Star Army’s Reconnaissance Technology! I don’t know if they use drones for that, but I can make something and then I’ll know... Though since it's military, I probably can't ask Yue-sama for help since she’s a civilian, though she’s a member of the Motoyoshi clan. “ Sachiko nodded her head, then chuckled. “She made the hoverboards and the Daikoku Agriculture Ships while naked, would that actually help?” Sachiko giggled before she got to work. However, she chose to remain clothed, unlike the blue princess of the Motoyoshi clan.

She turned back to her project with renewed focus and enthusiasm, as she got to work on creating a drone for stealth and recon missions. Something that would work efficiently and with her new position and the technology that came up with it, she knew that she’d be able to create something.

Her creation became, the Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter and she spent time fine-tuning it, making sure that its stealth features were really featured. She also used Yugumo’s and her own connections to Ketsurui Zaibatsu to use the material Xiulurium for its stealth capability, though she did use Yugumo’s Yarvex and the foam version for the inside. Some of the appearance was old school, but she used new advanced technology to keep it invisible and fly.

“Now I need to test it.. but I’m not a soldier, I’m a technician... I need someone skilled in stealth, but who” she said and then used Her connections and looked through the list until she got to one particular person. “Makoto Mikratos, Ninja? oh, she’ll be perfect! oh, but she’s with the Motoyoshi Clan, and the others. That makes it difficult, she might be on a mission or something.. but let's see..” Sachiko said to herself.

She saved what she’d made into volumetric data and then left her Tinker Space and went to Yugumo Headquarters and to its communications center. After showing her badge, and then began typing. A few seconds later, Makoto materialized before her, much like her special ability. The Kunoichi blinked at the cyan-haired Nekovalkyrja before her.

“You wanted to speak with me about something? Shachō Itatski?” Makoto asked seeing the nameplate underneath Sachiko’s image on the volumetric display. Sachiko was familiar to the other woman, even before she joined Yugumo Corp.

“Hai! I created a new drone, I’m calling it a Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter though the name may change depending on the board, but I needed someone good at stealth missions to test it out. Here, I’ll send you the data! One moment please!” Sachiko said, as she tried to control her emotions, due to her excitement, as well as the fact she was speaking to a Ninja.

Makoto nodded her head simply and waited for the data to arrive, and when it had, her red eyes blinked. “hmm.. I see, this might be useful.. and I think I got the right thing to test it. I’ll contact you later,” Makoto said and ended the the call. With the Stealth Quadcopter safely tucked in a pad, The Stealth Neko walked towards one of the VR chambers on the Mazu.

Stopping at the console, she selected one of her personal missions, and pressed the start button. That’s when she turned and prepared herself for the mission.

As night covered the land, Makoto took a moment to adjust her vision, which allowed her to see that she stood atop a high-rise building. As she moved towards its edge, she saw that it was overlooking the heavily fortified facility. Moonlight bathed the scene below, casting an eerie glow on Makoto's stealthy figure, as she remembered exactly what this mission entailed. the 13th princess of the Motoyoshi Clan was being held captive at this facility, and she had to rescue her. This was the mission she thought would be perfect to test out the Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter.
As they prepared for their daring mission, Makoto double-checked their gear: smoke pellets, shurikens, Aether Ninjato, and the Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter drone. Of course, Makoto also had an Aether Katana, but she thought that she should use that against the Kuvexians, Rixikor, Mishuu, and Perverts, not volumetric opponents, not these ones. Now crouching, she silently observed the complex layout of the facility from her vantage point, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of guards or potential obstacles.

Remembering her purpose, right then, Makoto retrieved her Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter drone from her utility belt. The sleek and compact drone hummed softly as she activated it, its charcoal-black frame blending seamlessly with the darkness of the night. Then retrieved the mask, that would allow her to see what the drone saw, and then attached its control system to her SPINE, and winced, both at the cold temperature and the new feeling.

Gliding effortlessly between towering skyscrapers and dodging surveillance systems, Makoto found the skill, through her SPINE and piloted the quadcopter toward her destination — a heavily guarded facility rumored to house the missing princess. Now using the quadcopter's high-resolution camera, Makoto scanned the facility, gathering crucial intelligence on guard positions, security systems, and potential entry points. With each passing second, her confidence grew, knowing she possessed the tactical advantage essential for a successful infiltration.

For the purpose of the VR mission, she had been given information that the mission had delicate implications for the Empire's fragile alliances, making success paramount. Though how the real Yamatai Star Empire’s reaction, or effect to losing a member of the Motoyoshi clan, she didn’t know. Personally, she hoped there would be hell to pay, after all, she’d send the perpetrators to their doom, even if not ordered to do so.
As the drone crossed towards a dimply lit window, Makoto's heart skipped a beat as she spotted the princess, bound and guarded by a group of heavily armed adversaries. The princess's eyes widened in astonishment and hope as she caught sight of the Ninja's Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter drone hovering just outside the window.

Now that she knew where the princess was she moved the drone to a new position, and then stood up. The Ninja leaped from her perch, and as she did so, she began to blend into the shadows, as she began to use her body’s ability to turn her completely invisible. She thought that the Stealth Quadcopter had been an invaluable asset. With its cutting-edge technology and unparalleled stealth capabilities, it had granted her the upper hand, ensuring that her infiltration would be undetectable until it was far too late for her adversaries.

She began thinking about how she might be able to use the drone further as she flew towards the facility, using her Nekovakyrja levitation ability, and soon she was inside. Now stealthily making her way through the facility’s corridors, Makoto relied on her training in the art of infiltration, ranger training, and her body’s ability to stay invisible. Her drone provided her with real-time feeds, allowing her to approach each junction with caution and avoiding detection from the guards.

Moving like a ghost, now her breaths focused on calm, and quiet, as her movements , her steps soundless and her presence barely registered. As she went deeper, and deeper into the facility, her Nekovalkyrja ears, heightened her audio senses. This helped because she could hear faint cries for help, directing her towards the princess. The drone scouted ahead, confirming her location and providing him with a clear path towards her holding cell.

Upon reaching the princess's location, Makoto utilized the Nightshade drone's last invaluable asset: a small electromagnetic pulse generator. With meticulous timing, the pulse disabled the electronic locks, opening the cell without triggering alarms. This allowed her to open the cell door, and enter the cell, and surveyed the room, spotting the restrained princess. Unsheathing her ninjato blade, and turning visible, but making sure her volumetric clothes kept her dressed, she sliced through the restraints, allowing the princess to stand freely.

The Princess’s eyes filled with gratitude as she looked upon her rescuer. “you've risked everything for me," she whispered, her voice full of relief.
"The safety of the princess, and the Motoyoshi Clan is of utmost importance," Makoto cornily replied her voice barely audible. "We must hurry before reinforcements arrive."

Much like before, Makoto led the way, allowing her drone to scout ahead, to make sure that they didn’t encounter guards or her enemies. But whenever one had appeared, she directed the drone to silently neutralize the guards patrolling. Its built-in taser darts incapacitated them without raising any alarms. As the guards fell, Makoto swiftly moved on, carrying the princess until they’d reached the exit, and the VR chamber shifted, and disappeared.

She retrieved the drone data, and added her VR session to it before she walked back to where she’d received Sachiko’s call.
Makoto called Sachiko on the comms, and was witnessed to Sachiko’s nervous face. “Mikratos-hei? what did you think of the Nightshade Stealth Quadcopter?” Sachiko asked, her voice showing how nervous as her face appeared.

“Makoto smiled to try to remove her fears. “your drone worked well, I do think it would be a useful tool, to use on certain missions. I’m sending you additional data, on the mission I used it on. Please tell the board, that I fully endorse the drone, and shall speak to the Taishos and the Taisa, as well, with my report, but I do believe they too will endorse as well.