Star Army

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Neshaten Information Network [NIN] Eight killed during prison escape.

Nesha Prime, Capital

A My'leke reporter appeared on the screen, the girl shifted through some papers before she got the cue that she was on the air. "Early this morning, eight convicts attempted to escape from the Helanae Prison. Most already know that this is a prison located just outside of the capital and built into the side of a mountain, it is well knwon for housing some of the Kingdom's most dangerous criminals due to there being only one way in and one way out."

"Today, however, criminals attempted to escape from this prison. Between them, and freedom, were heavily armed prison guards, razor wires and an electrified fence, a mine field, and an automated defense system designed to shoot and kill anyone who attempts to escape.

Footage provided to the news agency is shown below, we warn you that the footage isn't suitable for Kits below the age of twelve, it is pretty graphic."

The scene changes to show an active security camera currently surveying an empty courtyard. Suddenly the camera pans left as three criminals in bright yellow jumpsuits with reflectors jumped 'down' from the roof overhead. The three men then were seen brute forcing a door open to allow the other five out.

Within seconds the eight men are seen running across the courtyard toward an eight foot tall fence. A bright red flash can be seen as one of the criminals touches the fence, causing the other seven to back away as the man is killed instantly. After the flashing ends, the seven begin to jump the fence due to it being offline and recharging.

Beyond the camera, people would see the remains of other prisoners who had also attempted to escape. There were also red lasers 'sweeping' over the mine field that was placed between the first and second fence.

When the men hit the ground they start running, a twenty foot gap between the fence they are just volted and the fence on the other end. Three of the men don't make it, one steps on a mine just feet from the fence he had just come over, his body blown into the air. The other man is struck down by strapnal, falling onto another mine and blowing apart. The third man is seen almost making it to the other fence, but steps on a mine and dies instantly.

Out of the seven that had tried to make it to the second security fence, only four make it. These criminals are then seen volting the other fence that had razer wire on it, cutting into their bodies and leaving one of the prisoners unable to continue as he becomes tangled in the wiring. Along the fencing, viewers would notice the bodies of other prisoners who had also tried to escape but failed.

The last three make it over the fence and high-tail it toward the final obstacle - a tall steel wall that was coated with a slippery material, which the criminals discover when they try and climp up it by using some of the protrusions. One begins to climb before his head is popped by a sentry turret, however it can be seen that the other sentry turret hasn't engaged and the criminals take notice as they use their fallen criminal as cover while the turret fires into the dead body.

Once over the fence, the camera loses sight of them.

The image changes into darkness as a news reporter appears briefly. "Prison officials reported that after the two remaining criminals managed to get over the fence, they car-jacked a passing motorist and led City Guard on a chase through streets heading into the capital. We now bring you footage of this chase, given to us by the Monarch."

The image then changes to show footage from a C.G. interceptor flying overhead, the pilot banked the craft to give a better view of the car. It was a light blue sports car with several luxurious looking anti-gravity engines on the sides and hood ordaments. The hijacked car can be seen moving at high-speeds through desserted streets as they made their way toward the capital.

For nearly ten minutes the chase continued, as several more C.G. interceptors appeared in the skies and began to dog the criminals, opening fire on their anti-gravity units but not scoring any hits due to the evasive driving of the criminals.

As the car made it's way into the capital, a number of security gates were suddenly seen being activated and cutting the car off from some of the side streets. In the distance, a large gate attached to the defense wall began to come down, preventing the crimals from getting into the capitals third sector and putting residents in further danger. When the crimnals saw this, they turned away from the sealed gate and began to drive around the industrial sector with City Guard hot on their tail.

The camera then panned to show the highway the criminals were currently headed for, a large group of city-guard forces were stationed at the top. When the hijacked car came barreling up the on-ramp the officers opened fire with their asssortment of weapons, the car was peppered from the front. The passengers was killed, while the driver blew through the road block and made his way through a security gate that hadn't been closed in time and allowed the driver into sector three.

Viewers would see that the car was having a lot of problems, two of it's five anti-gravity pods had been taken out and the car was running on it's forward section with sparks flying off in every direction. Soon, the driver brought the vehicle to a stop and attempted to make their into a nearby residents house only to come running out the front door with a resident on their tail, the resident was Daur who came out with a rifle in hand and fired three times, hitting the criminal once in the leg and twice in the back.

The resident backed off and headed back into their house, but then stepped back outside 'without' their rifle as city guard forces pulled up. One of the officers could be seen talking to the resident while the others checked on the criminal.

After this the image changes to show the reporter and a prison official. The reporter looked down at a sheet of paper for a moment, then at the official. "Is it known how the criminals managed to escape?"

The official, a Laibe, looked over at the My'leke. "We typically do random maintenance in order to shore up the prisons security, including the cameras and laser fields. Unfortunantly, it appeared that the escapees somehow figured out a pattern, so we are changing up things so this doesn't happen again."

"It also appeared that one of the turrets wasn't active," said the reporter.

"Due to the maintenance I'm afriad, the same reason why the second fence wasn't electrified and didn't stop them," the official let out a sigh and shook his head.

The reporter nodded, then turned to her viewers. "There will be more on this story at a later date."