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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Neshaten Information Network [NIN] Terrorists Strike Against Research Station

The vidscreen flickers through the channels, finally settling on the tail end of a commercial. Seventeen-Hundred Hours, right on the dot the NIN News Network comes on. The same almost generic urgent jingle as before followed by their logo drifts across the screen. A Laibe male with ruddy red fur and what passes as a suit amongst his kind sat behind the broad, wooden desk. A Daur female, long blond hair, green-eyed, and in a women's business suit sits beside him.

"This is the NIN News Network at Five, bringing you the truth from across Nesha." After the Anchorman and his Co-Anchor are announced, the Laibe, holding a paper in hand looks dead at the camera as the green-screen backdrop changes to the picture of a Ya'tronesha Hub Station seemingly on fire. A large question mark plastered over it.

"Early this morning, the Ike'shi'heyeane Research Station in orbit over Nesha Prime was infiltrated by Net'runu'marol elements. A bold move for the terrorist organization due to its close proximity to the Capital World. We will now take you live to our Correspondent in the field at the Ike'shi'heyeane Research Station." A new window is soon superimposed over the main screen showing another Daur, a male this time with microphone in hand. The backdrop was all cool metal, military personnel milling about in the background.

Given the cue, the Daur nods, "All was not picture perfect today on the Ike'shi'heyeane Research Station. At approximately oh-three hundred and sixteen hours an unknown light freighter docked with the station. That... was when all hell broke loose sources say. Laibe wearing the iconic Net'runu'marol cloaks disembarked, immediately firing on security personnel opposite of their access hatch. While they had been expecting a shipment this morning, security forces had indeed been taken by surprise."

The next few images show the airlock opening, milliseconds afterward energy weapon discharges illuminate the airlock corridor and station Security begin to fall. Net'runu'marol Laibe then file out cordoning off the area and ensuring the officers were dead by firing upon the corpses before the camera suddenly goes blank.

The Daur correspondent comes back on grimfaced. "A horrifying sight to say the least. Thus far the Ori'on agency has declined to our requests of an interview, however the leader of the Military's response team had this to say."

The Daur disappears, replaced with a wall of text in which he is narrating:

They came aboard and within seconds had disabled outbound communications, and hacked their way into the station's computer networks. When we first arrived we assumed the station would be in ruins, but instead it was left almost entirely intact. What they did destroy, or rather remove was several next-generation quantum computer mainframe systems each worth several million RN a piece. Why they would want computers is beyond me.

The Daur Correspondent's voice pipes up again as a new wall of text appears:

If only we had, had computers to worry about. After doing a headcount and checking the Station's crew manifest we soon discovered that three people were missing. Famed Researcher Uiy'yeyahe Ma'meahe, one of the foremost authorities on archeology and of course, Federation-era history and technology. Also missing are both of his research assistants. At this time we have no idea where the terrorists have absconded to with their ill-gotten gains and hostages. But rest assured, we WILL find them. And bring them back home safely.

Staring off camera, the Daur blinks, then turns to face the lens once more. "An estimated ten dead, sixteen wounded, four of them in critical condition have also been announced. We here at NIN offer our condolences to the dead Security Officers' families. And wish them well in these dark times. Back to you."

The blond Daur woman appears on screen after the transition, a questioning look on her face. "We should all know My'leke and alcohol do not mix. But one My'leke scientist claims to have found the answer? We will have more on this report after these commercial breaks..."