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Neshaten Information Network [NIN] Twenty Executed

Netoshen, Neshaten Capital

Footage rolls as a camera shows a shot of twenty individuals, a combination of Daur, My'leke and Laibe, all lined up for public viewing. The individuals wore barely any clothing, with the exception of a loincloth to protect their private areas, they had no shirt on - no shoes, and the visible bruises on their bodies showed that these people had endured a lot of physical pain while behind bars. Each of the individuals was shackled, their arms chained to an overhead bar to prevent them from moving.

Thousands of people could be seen crowding the viewing areas of a rather large hall, on the lower left of the screen, this building was listed was 'Siessha Public Hall'. It wasn't hard to tell that the twenty in the lower part of the hall were actually criminals, this was made apparent not just by the shackles but also by how the populace reacted. Some shouted down at the criminals, declaring them to be animals, others used more obscene language.

After several minutes, a trio of navy soldiers marched into the room that the twenty individuals were in; as they took up positions, the office in charge of these soldiers stepped forward and began to read off a list of crimes that each of the twenty had committed. The crimes spoken were wide ranging, from just muggings and robbery to murder, assault, and even kidnapping. The worst of the criminal charges was the murder of a kit by his own father, this individual soon found themselves hounded by the crowd with many wanting to 'take the mans head'.

The officer looked at the crowd and, somehow, managed to calm everyone down. He spoke in a gentle tone to those assembled, speaking of the lives lost to the criminals standing before them, and that while their deaths won't bring back loved ones; it would save their society from having to deal with them ever again.

Stepping back several feet until the officer was behind his men; he walked off to the side and gave the order for the men to take their aim. Each of the twenty soldiers took aim at a single criminal, they waited until the go order was made, and when it was there were twenty uniformed 'bangs' from the rifles. Shots found their marks as the criminals slumped downward, when the smoke cleared none of the criminals were alive, all dead where they hung.

There was a bit of silence in the hall, before the public began to file out. There was no applause, no gesture of satisfaction, people just came to watch the execution.
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