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Approved Submission Ninjutsu Martial Art

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I'm pretty sure that jika-tabi's popularity originates from construction workers, not ninjas, lol. Have you read the Wikipedia article for them?

I didn't really see anything else that bugged me.
I took out the jika-tabi's role in ninjutsu.
I'm a little confused now. Doshii said he'll take it, but is it that you want me to review it instead?
Nope, not at all. I misinterpreted what he meant by that.
The same as in the other thread, I just want to both apologize for the confusion earlier, that was all on my part, and ask @Doshii Jun how it's coming. Ty!
I appreciate how well this one hews to the traditional and the familiar.

But I think it's just too close to reality.

The techniques, the weapons, the stealth and all of that ... It's too hard to accept that such things remain in a time of extreme science and a Japan that, if it exists at all, does so as nameless myth.

It's not that some of what is here can't be used. But there is nothing Yamataian here ... Nothing SARP here.

Get creative. Take some changes. Toss out the pure copy of ninjutsu that we all know and make it unique.
Here's an inspirational question: How have volumetrics influenced the ninjutsu style?
Some changes have been made @Doshii Jun to the ninjutsu article based on both of your input.

Below are the section headers they're under and the additions I made, to make it easier for you to look for what was added:

The "about" piece ... I think I understand where you're going, but it feels too bombastic. As well, the stealth is worth noting, but that's just a natural ability of stealth-equipped Nekovalkyrja.

The fault is mine. I could have been more clear about what I was looking for, and what Wes kind of pointed at too.

Let's take stealth. A ninja in the traditional Japanese understanding goes unseen no matter where they are. For a Neko, she can hide in ways a human ninja could ever imagine, let alone pull off. So a Neko ninja might learn to store oxygen in her body, or lower her blood temperature, to help her hide from other sensors or scanners for a few crucial moments before she makes a very personal kill. Just above that, volumetric displays might allow her to don a new face, a new body style even, to avoid capture or infiltrate an area.

For gravity manipulation, she might use it to add extra force to a small throwing weapon so it punches past everyday body armor. Or she learns it to deliver specific blows that can snap bones, obliterate nerves or just plain knock someone out.

That's the kind of thing I'm talking about, where a Neko's natural abilities translate into specific maneuvers or techniques.
Reactions: Wes
Yes, it is. Would you mind if I add exactly what you said in a wiki way and submit that, or do you think I need to make some more things up to better fill it out?
Reactions: Wes
Then give me a few days to really get it where it needs to be.
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