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SACN Nishitama City Complete


Inactive Member
TO: Empress Ketsurui Himiko
CC: Taisho Ketsurui Yui

The City of Nishitama, which consists of the contents of the YSS Nishitama, has been completed and is ready for occupancy of Mishhu War POWs and displaced SAoY personnel.

Former SAoY personnel will be given first pick when it comes to residency and job consideration, and I invite the SAoY and YSE to assist in making those selections.

I have not yet worked out a method of representation for the Citizens of Nishitama in the Empire's government, but at the very least I can provide homes and work for 20,000.

In addition to the Nishitama, crew is needed for the YSS Atlas, a Subjugator-class Landing Vessel. This vessel will act in a logistics and transport capacity.

Kage Yaichiro-Shosa
Chief Engineer
YSS Eucharis
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