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[NMX] Physiology articles


The Six-Shooter of Love
Inactive Member
All articles are either linked from the main NMX article: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sp ... huvurthyar

Crab type - https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sp ... thyar:crab
Parasite type - https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sp ... rarasite
Advanced type - https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sp ... r:advanced

And of course, the STP that brings them together: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sp ... rthyar:stp

As per my conversation with Wes, the Venus-type has been done away with due to the lack of having a defined role within the NMX. Also, the changes he asked be made to the Parasite-types have been completed.
I believe the reason you have not had any replies is that those articles (excepting the removal of the Venus-type) have been up for several months. Until you had put this up I had assumed they where a GM product that had been approved amongst yourselves and I think most of the other people on the site that saw it thought the same.

In regards to the articles themselves, they do not look objectionable but there really isn't all that much out on the Mishhu (new or old) to compare it to so I can't really compare it to anything.

The summary though, is more the former than the latter. This has been up awhile and does not appear to have had outstanding issues from the other GMs so people don't see a need to comment. For all intents and purposes it has already been approved.
On the advanced type, should we create them as male and female? The older Mishhu had no true genders, like the Nekovalkyrja.

Crab type: maybe a more tank-like configuration? I may have to whip up a DOGA Model.
Why would they want to split off into two genders though? It is much more efficient to just have one gender (at least when you have the medical tech to deal with issues of genetic defects propagating). Since they started as a hermaphroditic species it doesn't really make sense for them to want to change it.
I believe they should have one gender because that makes them more of these-- inhuman monsters. They don't breed like humans, they don't look like humans, they're something else.

As for the Crab-types, I'll admit I was influenced by Monster Hunter when I wrote them up, since the crab monsters there are the baddest looking moth-- clean language. Of course, I added in the scarab-like split shells and the very Mishhu-like STP and the whole deal about making them harder to kill by having Advanced types eventually hatch from the corpses.
I think these should be approved, all these types have been used in Canon already (See: SS Nanashi)

They are a good update, and give more variation to the Mishhu in general while making the types helpful to one another.
Approved, then. We can always fix them up more later as needed, I guess.
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