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NMX Prisoner Handling Vehicle

This is a very tactful article -- surprisingly so. I like it quite a bit. It also has a land transport base, meaning that rescuing the occupants is not an impossibility. This could be useful in plot situations.
10 Externally Mounted Prisoner Handling Viewing Chambers
50 Internal Prisoner Storage & Processing Compartments

What exactly is the difference between these from your text they should be the same except for location but the difference in naming seems to imply there are different purposes. Also how many prisoners do they hold.

there are a total of sixty compartments, fifty internal, and ten external

Can we get some dimensions on the vehicle, and can we get an indication of
Detachable prisoner handling section
which section is which?

External prisoner compartments are transparent, allowing for onlookers to see how the prisoners are being handled. Reasons why should be kept vague for good reason.

As for labels and dimensions, none of the other NMX vehicles have such things, I did not think they were needed. However, the blue-dome-like area is the crew cabin, the rear trailer like portion is the prisoner handling portion, with the brown dome on top being the prisoner handler compartment. The dark colored portions with the blue dome-like portions are the external prisoner compartments.

In regard to dimensions themselves... for scale, the forward driver cab is able to comfortably seat two conventional Mishhu. Since other NMX vehicles don't have solid numbers, I don't see why I should bother.
I can't say much about the lack of hard numbers. It is a flaw in the NMX stuff the lack of details.

So based on your updates the PHV can carry a maximum of 70 prisoners.

You might want to make a reference to the PHV taking prisoners to Model 32 Logistics Engine stations for long distance transfers, since a max speed of 43mph is not ideal for moving people quickly.
Ok, no one has raised any other issues, so Approved.
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