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Nepleslian News Network [NNN] Delsauria Senatorial Race Ends

A new headline ran across the screen as the ever-popular short-haired blond with a hint of professional cleavage sat staring back at her Nepleslian audience. Behind her, a reel of footage depicting a somewhat wiry, slick-looking businessman shaking hands in a crowd of politicians began playing behind the anchorwoman's voice. The head line itself at the top of the screen (next to a small counter following the Spaceball Playoff scores, Funky City Bludgeoners versus the Los Apagos Speedfreaks) read clear as a murky, muggy, smoggy Funky City morning;
Laj Vinross Yu takes electoral office, new Delsaurian senator on the rise.
"As the elections for planetary senator of the Delsauria system come to a close, a victory nothing short of a landslide holds the outcome high for new senator-elect Laj Vinross Yu," The attractive anchorwoman said with a white smile. "Former Delsaurian senator Edward Vanderhuge, after a good few years in office supporting Green peace during the Kennewes Offensive, was hard-pressed against the younger opponent, what with the recent decline in conditions, both commercially and economically, that have recently started to spring up in the Delsaurian system."

The footage behind the anchorwoman quickly changed to a new reel, containing footage of one of Edward Vanderhuges rallies before the senatorial election. The large ID-SOL was on a podium, trying to talk above an obviously outraged crowd...apparently unsuccessfully, as a small barrage of garbage made a star appearance a moment later, flying in from off-screen at the frustrated ex-senator.

"Although previous promises of more protection from pirate activity from Senator Vanderhuge held firm in the years before YE27, a recent rise in trade and commercial flights coming under attack have increased substantially in the coming years. It is well-known that Delsauria accounts for collectively 24% of Nepleslia's shipwright and ship construction capability, which has always made the system and surrounding space highways a target for marauders. Although Senator Vanderhuge has been up to the task as of late YE27, successful repulsion of pirate attacks has recently taken a dip, along with support for his increase of investigative operations against suspected privateer and mercenary organizations which critics have declared to be 'a wild goose chase with no relation to Delsauria's true issues'."

"However, corporation guru and CEO of Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials as well as the popular casino chain "Golden Royale", Laj Vinross Yu raised eyebrows with his decision to enter the senatorial race, almost immediately pushing Delsaurian underdog Kaaz Yissha to the sidelines. Vinross Yu's monumental donations to Delsaurian police forces and fund-raising events to assist victims of raids, combined with the young businessman's unique outlook on the state of Delsauria and how it should be handled. The increase in funds to Delsaurian police departments had the most direct influence against marauding; polls show that bigger guns do scare more pirates away," The anchorwoman smiled through her teeth at the horrible joke, silently pondering what she would buy with the bonus the station gave her to say such a thing.

"Although some critics question Vinross Yu's intentions in running for system senator, going as far as to accuse the co-owner of the wildly successful resourcing company after his own name, Delsaurians and their votes spoke in a much louder voice for the people."

The volumetric screen behind the anchorwoman changed a third time, back to another clip of Laj Vinross Yu participating in one of the previously-mentioned fund-raisers.

"And it looks like the Delsaurian population will be 'banking' on senator-elect Vinross Yu's gamble as well. We here at Nepleslia News Network can only hope that he continues to uphold his vows."
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