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Nepleslian News Network [NNN] Editorial - The Decline of Yamatai?

Violence in Yamatai - Signal of Social Decay and Imperial Decline?

By: Sam Watkins, editor for NNN

Since the ascension of Empress Himiko in YE 30, the galaxy has been flooded by messages of paternalistic, patronizing propaganda outlining the Star Empire's new tack. However, if one is to examine recent history, there is an obvious disconnect between the honeyed words and the actions taken by the Star Army. The benevolent helping hand offered has also been used to wield oppressive force.

In the past year, rather than aid the beleaguered United Outer Colonies, Yamatai chose to (re)annex them. It can be argued that there were leaders in the UOC who chose to rejoin the Star Empire. However, there is no doubt that no one bothered to ask the millions of UOC citizens who were being invaded. Whether they wanted it or not, their nation ceased to exist and the blame must fall to both the NMX (who invaded) and the Yamatai Star Empire. They have the capability to defend their home system but not the UOC. It is a strange thing for the most powerful Empire to concede the UOC territories and simultaneously boast of its military prowess.

I would make the claim that this is, in fact, a sign that Yamatai's capabilities can no longer match its arrogance. Words can no longer be put into action. I bring this up because there has been talk for the longest time of a military alliance between our Imperium and the Star Empire. But if they can only defend their systems by the skin of their teeth, how can they be relied on to help their allies? Are they capable of dealing with their allies on an equal basis or will we see more of their condescending attitude? After all, they only have two small allies and the humbled Elysians.

Then there is the newest report on violence in Yamatai. What had started as a bill to outlaw cannibalism has turned the planet, if one is to believe the report, into a cesspit of panic and fear. Deep divisions, along seemingly political lines, over this issue right after the Battle of Yamatai put paid to the myth of Yamataian unity and moral fiber. If they were the saints they so often claim to be, one would not see them turning on another so readily.

As a comparison, when our beloved capital of Nepleslia was infiltrated, our citizenry rose to the challenge admirably. Those on the planet took up arms and fought against the invader whilst citizens on other planets joined the fight either by enlisting or by helping the war effort in other ways. Right after their capital is attacked (but not invaded by NMX ground forces), the Yamataians have fallen apart.

While the austerity measures may make some sense considering the food shortage, it is wholly absurd that a whole population should be swept up in this mob behavior. That's what we do! NNN has not found news reports even mentioning the presence of people who engage in cannibalistic acts as a form of survival, let alone for sheer kicks.

Homes have been attacked, everyone's angry at everyone else because of what some senators are doing, and the police have stepped in. Brutally. Some reports from we have received at NNN, though we aren't going to be sending anyone to Yamatai to confirm them since we can't get anyone who can be bothered to go over, suggest that the police are actually directing the mobs towards known opponents of the bill. One home video shows the police watching as a man gets beaten up by a crowd. The yelling in the video is indistinct but the Yamataian police uniforms are unmistakeable. If you're going to film it, use a better camera, guys.

I couldn't accept that Yamatai is better than Nepleslia even before these reports. I would find it hypocritical of Yamatai to even try to justify anything now when its own citizens are attacking each other. We can draw so many things from this that herald the beginning of the end for Yamatai as a serious nation.

First, the citizenry no longer trust in the democratic institution. Because their elected representatives cannot come to a consensus, they resort to mob violence. It is, essentially, them saying "Screw you," to the government. Which is kinda funny since we did that, the UOC did that, the Lorath said that. Wonder if anyone up there is listening.

It also shows a complete breakdown of the social and moral fiber as well as the incompetence or unwillingness of the Yamataian government to intervene. Or perhaps, they just don't care. I don't think we can say the Empress cares all that much if she's not going to work publicly to quell the unrest. We resolve our differences with words and guns, that's the way we do it. Yamatai, with its claims of culture, civilization and overall "we're better than you" attitude, is supposed to be able to do things without violence... Yet, when have they ever resolved anything non-violently? Really. Think about that.

So. Best case scenario for anyone trying to paint Yamatai in rosy colors, Yamatai has always been as morally "bad" as the rest of the galaxy but unwilling to admit it. Like total denial, blinded to their wonderful illusion. Worst scenario for that same person, they used to be great but now they're going down the crapper fast than a bottle of whiskey down Grand Admiral Vanderhuge's throat. My analysis - it doesn't matter. Yamatai has fallen apart worse than we did after we got attacked. And over a fairly odd issue. I don't think we should count on them to do anything except implode. The citizenry have given up on democracy and resorted to mob rule and the government is either helping it or repressing it in the same way they repressed the Freespacers. Regardless, nothing good is coming out of Yamatai.

Sam Watkins is a senior editor for NNN and is a former Marine. His views do not necessarily reflect the feelings of NNN, the DION, or any other individuals. They are his thoughts and NNN is happy to publish them in the spirit of free press.
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