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Nepleslian News Network [NNN] IPG Conducts Raid on Nepleslia

Today, an IPG spokesman confirmed that the secretive organization had launched a raid in Funky City. We present this video report.

*Image cuts to a jerky, night time home made video of people drinking merrily at a warehouse district, surrounded by boxes and large buildings. One of the revelers points to movement behind the camera. Camera pans and zooms to show images of black power armors advancing in front of black-clad, armed individuals. A shout from them and the recording ends.*

IPG Military Police stormed a warehouse near the James Clarendon Starport last night.

*New video shows what looks like a helmet view. Audio chatter has obviously been edited for secrecy and dramatic effect as there are points when audio is suddenly muted. The view stops at a door and pauses for a few moments. Then, "Canary One, breaching breaching." A sudden rush as the view crashes into the door, smashing it aside like it was nothing. "IPG! Hands up!" Dozens of armed men are standing around crates and stasis pods, obviously two groups discussing something when they were suddenly interrupted. Then the lights died and the view switches to night vision instantly. And then the screen lights up as weapons fire erupts. Video ends.*

The IPG acted upon tips and evidence that a Helashio trafficking ring was due to meet tonight to make a large sale. The traffickers resisted IPG calls to surrender and a firefight ensued. Eight traffickers are reportedly dead with another twenty in IPG custody. No Operators were killed, though two received minor injuries.

Some 50 Helashios in stasis pods were recovered as well as significant monetary assets. The IPG is currently holding these as evidence while the government decides its next step.
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