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Laz Public Network [NNN] Pre-Breaking-News


Inactive Member
Dearest Samantha Wheelwright,

You are probably looking for a little insight into the IRC right now. I was hoping to set up an interview with you so that we could get prepared for the upcoming fight between Yamatai and the Lorath but something else has come up.

I was wondering if you have any interest in a piece about the Yamatians ignoring international law and arresting delegates to the IRC. Naturally the delegate is me, on behalf of the Gartagen Union, and I think it is because the one in charge is a little butthurt that I helped get her thrown out of the conference along with myself. Naturally I am in no danger but this looks like it could turn into a fun piece about the Yami’s overstepping their authority and nepleslia loves stories about how their neighbors are evil.

Naturally, a recording of what is going on right now is attached and It will be updated since this is ongoing right now.

Tell Norman I said hi!,

Dearest Heram Wazu,

For months we had been working to understand your location after you were removed from command, and somehow slipped detainment. We did not expect to find you working within another country, which, to us, seems to reflect poorly on someone who was under investigation at the time. Considering your already shady record, we have decided to confiscate the data within this message, and use it accordingly. Rest assured, it will serve Nepleslia's best interests.

The Intelligence and Pacification Group
OOC: This message will not be transmitted for 72 IC hours, Pisces Station time.

Dearest IPG

Sorry for the delayed response. It has been a while since I have had that many women ontop of me but I do not need to tell you. The recording is still being sent out from my pad.

Do not be a stranger now, feel free to come by and talk anytime. Maybe we can figure out why you are bringing this up again after you guys found nothing to charge me with the first time.

No Hard Feelings,

- Wazu
(OOC: Not a repost, the message sent twice. The IPG will receive two copies, one now and one in 72 hours)

Dearest IPG

Sorry for the delayed response. It has been a while since I have had that many women on top of me but I do not need to tell you. The recording is still being sent out from my pad.

Do not be a stranger now, feel free to come by and talk anytime. Maybe we can figure out why you are bringing this up again after you guys found nothing to charge me with the first time.

No Hard Feelings,

- Wazu
The recording was, indeed, still being sent out from Wazu's pad.

Currently it showed a portrait of a rather fetching Shosho, examining it through the device's camera. She was walking, because the background was moving, and didn't seem to be giving the datapad more than a passing interest at first. As if, of course, she did not realize it was still broadcasting.

And then she realized.


And stuck her tongue out.

Abruptly the scene changed - the world swirled, the fake sky of the station all at once... and then a bump, a rattling fall, and finally settling...

...in what looked like a trash compactor. Or perhaps it was the inside of a garbage can.

Apparently there was no more point in keeping it after the contents had been so widely distributed. Or, perhaps Morioka-Shosho had simply wanted to stick her tongue out at the world. Who could tell?
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