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No-VW-01 VOW


Inactive Member
Name: Variable Output Weapon(VOW)
Designer: Nova Corporation Innovation and Design
Manufacturer: Nova Corporation Manufacturing
Price: 400KS

Type: Multi Purpose Weapon (MPW)
Model: No-WS-01
Role: Multiple
Length: Variable
Weight: Variable

Discharge Information

Solid Ammunition Module - Pistol (SAM-P)
Caliber: 9 mm.
Effective Range: 100 meters.
Maximum Range: 200 meters.
Minimum Range: None.
Muzzle Velocity: 375 meters/second, or 1230.6 feet/second.
Muzzle Blast: Automated visual and audio dampening systems are included in this weapons module. User may experience small flashes and sputtering sounds when firing in burst or full auto modes.
Firing Mode(s): Semi-Automatic, 3 Shot Burst, Fully Automatic.
Recoil: The module includes an inner "floating" barrel that absorbs much of the recoil produced by the gun. User may experience some kickback when firing in bursts and full auto.
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic:N/A. Burst: 3. Fully Automatic: 9. Rounds per second.

Ammo Description:
Name: Anti-personnel 9mm rounds.
Visual Description: Small, thin, dart-like objects with miniscule blades that act as in-flight stabilisers and maximise organic damage.
Ammo: 120 rounds/module, with a maximum of 60 rezzed at any one time. Rezzes from energy stores at 1 round/second.


Grapple Utility Module (GUM)

Able to rez a grappling hook with cable of a length up to 500m (thin, strong thread. Break weight - 1.5 tons. CAUTION - dangerous).

Grapple hook can attach magnetically or through conventional means, and includes the option of heat-fusing to it's target.



Solid Ammunition Module - Rifle (SAM-R)
Caliber: 7.62mm.
Effective Range: 1150 meters.
Maximum Range: 3000 meters.
Minimum Range: None.
Muzzle Velocity: 1143 meters/second, or 3753 feet/second.
Muzzle Blast: Automated visual and audio dampening systems are included in this weapons module. User may experience small flashes and sputtering sounds when firing in burst or full auto modes.
Firing Mode(s): Semi-Automatic, 2 Shot Burst, Fully Automatic.
Recoil: The module includes an inner "floating" barrel that absorbs much of the recoil produced by the gun. User may experience some kickback when firing in bursts and full auto.
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic:N/A. Burst: 4. Fully Automatic: 8. Rounds per second.

Ammo Description:
Name: Anti-personnel 7.62mm rounds.
Visual Description: Small, thin, dart-like objects with miniscule blades that act as in-flight stabilisers and maximise organic damage.
Ammo: 400 rounds/module, with a maximum of 60 rezzed at any one time. Rezzes from energy stores at 2 rounds/second.


Electromagnetic Ammunition Module (EAM)
Caliber: N/A.
Effective Range: 500m.
Maximum Range: 2000m.
Minimum Range: None.
Muzzle Velocity: 1c.
Muzzle Blast: none. Weapon may give off barely audible buzz while firing in beam mode.
Firing Mode(s): Beam or Fully Automatic Pulse (FAP!).
Recoil: N/A
Rate of Fire: Beam: N/A (limited to 7.5 seconds with 1 second cooldown). FAP: 1-20/second (variable).

Ammo Description:
Name: N/A.
Visual Description: Invisible beam or pulse of energy. Can, however, be set to fire with colored beams to prevent accidental friendly fire or light up a dark area like a flare. Beam may cause gas such as air to form heat-shimmers and distortions.
Ammo: 45 seconds of constant beam.

Weapon Mechanisms:
Safety: Yes, on/off switch.
Fire mode selector: Yes, Semi-Automatic Burst and Full Auto
Weapon Sight: Yes, variable focus

Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure: Unlikely to require manual maintainance. If so, the VOW must be returned to a Nova Corporation store or outlet, where it can be swapped for a new model or repaired while within warranty.

Visual Description: Black and grey pistol with a number of ports that allow the rezzing of equipment such as stocks, sights, ordinance launchers etc.

History: The VOW is a relatively new innovation to be released by Nova Corporation and holds to the idea that in combat, one wants to carry as little as possible to reduce target profile and carrying weight. The VOW caters for every wish and need, through the thus-far unique method of acting as a simple delivery and support device for the weapon modules it carries. This would usually present a problem, but for the VOW, thanks to recent advances in energy storage and production systems, this is no huge obstacle. Each module is a functioning power generator that includes different systems to change the output of the weapon (although each module is essentially the same, areas of circuitry inside are disabled and enabled to change the function it has), and as such can produce solid ammunition, electromagnetic beams or pulses, utilities such as grappling hooks etc. The VOW itself contains a low grade maser, guaranteed to function for three years off its own charge, the ability to rez a range of stocks, barrels, ordinance launchers (eg for grenades and rockets), sights and bipods.

(Picture is large, so I'll just post a link... only 93 kb though, due to my awesome crappy drawings skillz ^.^


You may obviously invent your own modules, but post them in this thread for approval first! Weapons modules must be in the format used for the SAMs and EAM, utility modules just need a description of what it does.
No one has commented on this, so I suppose that means it should be approved?

There's not much point something sitting in this forum with no comments, since there is now way that anyone is going to be able to make it approve worthy without comments.
An effort was made to create a picture for the weapon, based soley on the effort put into making a picture and the skimming of the text makes me think it is ok to be approved.
Sorry, dropping into SL/Tron terms there. Essentially, a formation of energy into matter around a generated or stored image. I realise this might need quite a lot of cooling...
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