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Non-military NH-29s, legal?


Inactive Member
Currently, the Type 29 is only available for use by the government and military; any NH-29 wanting to become a civilian must transfer her mind to a Yamataian body.

Multiple Questions:

Is this a retroactive change?

If Yes:
Will PC's have to rewrite their histories and/or change their races if they are civilian NH-29s?

What about the numerous references to civilian NH29s, will these need to be edited out?

If No:
Will current civilian 29s (PCs and NPCs) be required to change as well or is there a grandfather clause included?

When did this change come into effect?

Doesn't this contradict the original purpose of the NH-29?

NH-29 History said:
The latest NH-29 Nekovalkyrja (Type 29) was made by the Star Army Research Administration as an answer to the NH-22C/Yamataians, so that the Nekovalkyrja’s could continue their own species instead of being absorbed by another.

If the 29 was created so that Nekos could keep their species then why is it restricted to the military personell only? Wouldn't this change more or less eliminate the NH-29 species in a civilian context?

Can NH-29s still reproduce
With this change all NH29s are property of the military, or are enrolled in it. Why then would the NH29 need reproduction capabilities? It seems like it would be wasted since they could only produce younglings that would need to serve in the military, especially when you consider that the military can create a fully functional and trained NH29 in less than a few days versus the three month time period taken for a youngling to develop.
NH-29s have always been military-only since their creation; this is not a retroactive change. The civilian version is the NH-22 Yamataian.

Doesn't this contradict the original purpose of the NH-29?
No, the NH-29 was created for the military.

NH-29s have reproductive capabilities in case one lands on some planet and needs to start a warrior tribe.
I disagree. That was a contradiction.

Wes, you and I designed the NH-29 so it could be its own race. This military-only determination is not as we concepted it and Yoroko is right, it does contradict written history about it.
Doshii Jun said:
An Nekovalkyrja series that's meant to be civilian only ... that's a great idea!

I'll get on it tonight.
That's exactly what the Yamataian species is already!
People have referenced civilian 29s for a long time, do these posts need fixed then? Should the few who have characters with this background (ironically this includes myself) need to edit it?

The wiki (as well as the old ccg) makes it sound like the 29 is a weaker version of the 28, 27, and 17 ([Link]) so that when they transition into civilian life they aren't as frightening to Yamataians.

The latest NH-29 Nekovalkyrja (Type 29) was made by the Star Army Research Administration as an answer to the NH-22C/Yamataians, so that the Nekovalkyrja’s could continue their own species instead of being absorbed by another. The NH-29 was based of the NH-17, but does not share most of their combat capabilities, settling for a revised, more robust physiology and relying on recent power armors advances to provide for their fighting capabilities.

Furthermore it sounds like OOCly the reason was the same as well:

Doshii Jun said:
One of the many reasons we switched to the NH-29 was because we were eliminating the Nekovalkyrja race when they became civilians, forcing them to become Yamataians. The NH-29 allows the Neko to remain of her own race, without being overpowered once she enters civilian life (something that Yamataians, supposedly, saw as a possible threat to their existence).

I don't mind being wrong about this, but if I am there are a few of us players that need to fix our characters or else we contradict the concept as is.
While I apprecieate the offer, that really isn't what I am asking. I am just asking that should 29s indeed be not allowed as civilians, what do we have to fix, and to what extent, in order to make everything canon again. Of course, if it is correct then why bother making the 29 in the first place when an NH-27, 28, or even the NH-17 are a better choice for a soldier.

I love the 29 don't get me wrong, heck I like Yamatai a ton and I would love to see a civilian version of them. However, if they aren't allowed to keep their own bodies, and only existed in the military that still leaves stuff for us to fix.
I don't think it would all be Wes's work, I'd need to fix my character as well. There are a few characters who will have a very difficult time redoing this as they always have been NH29s and never entered the service.
Yeah, but then, we thought about that before.

Honestly, I'm just mystified Wes decided to go back on his original intent on this one. Yoroko put out good points: why pick the NH-29 for the military when you already had better choices, unless you wanted to live out your life in it? Well, for those whom switched anyhow because it wouldn't mean as much for those born as one.

Well, he said he'd consider it, but I had a large hand in making the Type 29 Nekovalkyrja too and I brainstormed about it a lot, so... well, yeah. I'm puzzled.
Wasn't aware of the part in which they were in the police, but I suppose it makes as much sense as anything else.

But thing is, a nekovalkyrja farmer, a nekovalkyrja librarian or a nekovalkyrja holding a nursery should be perfectly fine. Heck, aren't nekos supposed to be big on philosophy and books? They could go from philosophy teachers to being novel authors.