Star Army

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RP: 188604 Not Quite Leaving the Nest

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
  • Start date Start date

Alex Hart

The Queen's Slave, Gogatsu 28, YE 39

Alex had sent a message out to Araxie and Uso, letting them know he wanted to meet today. He now waited to discuss what may be the most important decision in his life so far.

Uso's datapad let her know a message had arrived. That beep came from deeper inside of the ship, and shortly Uso would come out, rubbing her eyes and feeling her way back towards the main room of the ship. The neko was dressed in an overly large white T-shirt and fluffy black Aethersperm pajama pants.

"You don't usually make things sound important Alex. What's up?" She asked.

Alex sat at the table in the middle of the main room of the ship. "Well, I want to wait until Araxie is here to discuss it, but I felt that both of you should be in the know."

Speak of the birb and she shall come, essentially matching Uso's outfit with her own pajamas.

"I'm with Ms. Uso on this, what are ya asking about?"

Alex sat still and rested his hands on the table. He looked...uncharictaristically serious.

"I've recently run into some old aquaintances from my days in Psychopomp. Specifically, someone I'd call a friend. However they didn't seem to recognize me at all, and I think it's about time that I settle the score with Psychopomp for what they did to me and so many others."

Alex stood up, his hands now resting on the table and supporting him as he leaned over it.

"To that end, I'm going to be leaving for a while to look around the sector, help people and investigate activities that might have something to do with Psychopomp. I wanted to know if Araxie would come with me, and if you," He looked at Uso, "Would be willing to help me find a smaller, commercial ship for this. I figured that a military cruiser might be a bit too intimidating."

"Why not take a broadsword?" Araxie interjected. Alex responded quickly. "Because people might not respond too well if they see a military cruiser. Like I said."

"...Then why did you ask for a military cruiser?"

"I meant that I wanted a less intimidating ship." Araxie took a moment to process what he meant, her barely-functioning brain finally connecting the right dots. She decided to tap out of the discussion for the time being.

Uso flopped down in one of the chairs around the edges of the main room, ending up sitting down beside the half-disassembled power armor that had been strapped in. She would blink, look at Alex for a moment... blink again... her NH-7 body still re-building her retnas after waking up.

"This is nothing but trouble Alex. Heading down this road right now is going to hurt. The past sucks and there's a great future ahead that you could be working towards." Uso said.

Alex frowned. "I might have a great future, but after seeing my old friend like that..." Alex shook his head. "I realized that it's not just me that's important. I might be free, but they aren't, and I'm betting that there are a lot of other people stuck inside Psychopomp who need help too."

"And about a Million-Billion more on Nepleslia who live shit lives, Billions more living in a total survailance state next door... Sand-Lizards who can't keep from blowing themselves up. You can't save everyone." Uso replied, "You gotta look out for you and yours first."

Alex sighed. "I guess that we might never agree here. Besides that, 'me and mine' are already safe here. The sky guard is able to protect our space and Ragnarok can protect the ground. There are other people who need help more than the people here now. And unlike you, I just can't live with not trying to help."

"There are bigger battles going on than spaceships and infantry. You leaving now is going to hurt that... but I know better than to keep someone here against their will."

"What was that one saying...? Oh, right, something about... One piece at a time and you're finished eating or something like that. I mean, it's goatta start somewhere, I guess...?"

Alex sat down again. "I just... I have to do this. This friend I saw, they were the only person who cared about me at all while I was at Psychopomp. We risked our lives for each other time and time again. I know that they'd do the same for me. I need to know if you guys are going to try to help me or not."

"Why not bring in the army though? Can't we just do that, rather than trying to fool around with a few people and one ship?" Araxie looked a bit worried as she spoke. "If we bring an army, Psychopomp will see us as a major threat and go to ground, and they'll be more likely to see us in the first place." This prompted a sigh from the elysian.

"Now is not the time to strike against them... but if you are... Romanov knows something," Uso said.

Alex's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching. "Romanov... What the hell do you have to do with that bastard Uso?"

"I snoop. It is what I do." Uso said firmly. "Just because it looks like I'm lounging about doing nothing, doesn't mean I'm not doing a whole lot that you don't see."

Alex didn't untense. "Just... be careful around him. He's a sick bastard."

"Trust that I know what I am doing... his second in command seems to be more level headed... you may want to start there... with investigating... NOT with blowing stuff up..." Uso added.

Araxie frowned. "So, what exactly do you plan to do? How long do you think this might be?"

"First, my face would raise a lot of red flags so I can't investigate directly or through conventional routes. I was thinking of taking at least a year to explore the sector for myself and help people while I'm searching for Psycohpomp."

"Well... we'll be here when you get back. I'm sure I won't have to blow up the planet or anything..." Uso said, "I can't stop you from running off... maybe it'll do you some good... just remember you don't have to do this stuff alone."

"I know. I also wanted to know if you'd be able to help me with getting a ship Uso."

"Yeah, of course. Getting things is what I do... whachu want? If those broadswords are too large... there's always the classy small freighter." Uso asked.

"I was looking for some sort of escort craft. I had my eye on this origin design called a Kouken. Large hangar space, low crew requirements and decent weaponry."

"I am sure I can scrounge one up for you," Uso replied, "I assume you'll be taking your U1 and a ton of gear for it as well?"

"A decent amount yes. Maybe a few other U-1s as well in case I meet anyone who comes along with me."

"I'm sure you'll be able to take care of food and such too... I'll get the stuff together... Just give me a call before you decide to take on PP ok?" Uso asked.

Alex snickered despite his seriousness. Araxie, however, looked on the nervous side, speaking her turn, "So you plan to just, up and go, leaving all this behind basically, to go to a place where we're probably going to spend a lot of time... Likely just trying to get by."

"Yeah, I agree, its dumb, but if you keep Alex here he's always going to be wondering 'what if I did that thing I totally wanted to do'. He'll resent you for it. Words will be had. Besides could you imagine me demanding people do things? I mean... people I like."

Wings pouted for a moment, choosing to remain silent.

"I know you both want the best for me, but I need to do this. It's about making sure that my friend is safe, and that more people don't get hurt the way I was."

"I mean, that cause is noble and all... I know you love to be able to help people and all that, but on a lower level how are we going to stop ourselves from starving?"

"We can load up on provisions from here, and I have my salary from the USO, which is more than enough to keep us in food for a while. Besides, I get a feeling that helping people might get us a bit of help."

"I guess you could see it that way."

"Plus you don't have to be here to work for us. We've got construction projects both here and on B7R that could use design talent. You can work remote for that." Uso added.

"...Okay maybe we won't slowly starve to death, then. I'm hoping the guys you hire can handle without me being directly on the scene, though."

"Have more faith in them." Alex said. "Does this mean that you're coming?"

Serai shrugged. "Seems so."

"That's on you," Uso said, "You're just as free to do what you want as Alex."

Alex nodded. "Thank you for understanding. Uso, is there anything else you need help with while I'm making preperations? It might take a while for stuff to get all set up..."

Serai looked from Uso to Alex. Alex to Uso. She gave a pathetic yet slightly subtle wink towards the neko, sending a very drowsy telepathic message her way: "I think he might need to change his name, still. There's a few ways to do that. Tasuki is a bit... Out there, really."

Uso would look over at her... then back at Alex...

"Nope. Nothing for you to do but head off on your own, make your own name for yourself... though I think I can get everything done in just a few days.... yasee... the Garts wanted our fleet to join theirs and the Neps and the Yams... some big joint operation... So I'm going to be out of the loop here for a while."

Alex frowned. "I don't want to owe you for this, so if I help with that, we'll be even. And I kinda want to see what's going on." He smiled sheepishly as his curiosity got the better of him. "Plus maybe I should say goodby to all the skyguard people..."

"The amounts of ones you owe me are staggering..." Uso said, slouching back in her chair as much as she could, "So when shit does hit the fan I expect you to come running... for now, you can consider the ship and the planes a freebee."

"Do you want me to help or not."

"Well I don't want to keep you from your own adventure," Uso said, trying and failing to supress a mischevious grin, "But you know how the Skyguard is... they are all really green and this will be their first time conducting an operation on this scale on the international stage..."

"Yeah, it might not be the best idea to leave them right before something like that. Of course, if I had known something like this was coming I would have delayed a bit."

Araxie quietly thought to herself for a few moments, before wobbling a little. "I think.... Unless you two uh, want me, I'll just be... Over here... Taking a nap..." She turned slowly to leave.

Alex gave her a hug before she got far, and then sat back down as she turned and walked through the door to their room.

Alex turned back to Uso. "So let's get down to brass tacks. What do we know about this going in..."