This is meant to be a reference. I ask many people to put TEXT or prose after sub-sections and before bullet lists, charts, images, and etc almost every submission and I want a place to point people to understand more.
Here is the wiki article.
Here is the wiki article.
====== Title ======
TEXT or prose introduces the article before anything else.
===== More about Title =====
TEXT or prose comes after a header and before any bullet lists, images, or charts.
* Bullet
* List
==== About Title's Systems ====
Before another sub-section and after a sub-header, put TEXT or prose.
=== Much more about Title ===
TEXT under sub-section headers and before bullet lists, images, or charts is important.
^ Quote about Title ^
| TEXT or prose comes before this! |
== Systems of Title ==
* Bullet lists
^ Charts ^
| And etc. |
Can possibly be put in SMALL sub-sections without introductory TEXT or prose, but ask @Wes
===== OOC Notes =====
[[user:ametheliana|]] made this.