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SYNC Notes to the Family


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RP Date
YE 45.6
TO: Marigold Sanssinia
FROM: Aliset Koun
SUBJECT: Letters home and checkins


Hey, Mari!

I'm sorry I can't be home right now to congratulate you on another great semester, the Koun's on mission right now. Your teachers, though, have told me that you are a spectacular young woman, capable of amazing things. I was very careful to tell them to not tell me your grades. That's your business. I'm sorry for missing so much. Goddess knows I want to be home right now, watching those low budget movies and hearing your complaints. I know Snake-mom wants that, too.

On retraining, I passed military history with a B. And when I do come home, don't be surprised to see me with a slightly different face. We managed to soul transfer me into a new body. Still getting used to it, but you know how it is. I'm waiting on a promotion before I can make some extra stipend available and get you some of those lovely Shuristan goods available again. But I'm sure you can sweet talk my dad into bringing nice things around. Just don't let his mother foist that tea kettle on you. And if you want any cruises, I'm sure spending a few trips on an old Shuristan postage freighter can't be that bad. Just don't let my grandmother talk your ear off about Soren's history. I'll get you their comm codes if you want them. They're your family, too.

Fair warning, my dad's two hundred and seventy. He still picks me up like a little kid. My grandmother's three hundred and twenty. Same story. My species is indeterminate growers. Atteni may be near the end of her life, but don't mistake their age for frailty. Grandma stands right at 445 cm. ish. I think. Can be a little scary for those who don't know what they're getting into. The only harm will come from her being two hundred years smarter and a little bit of a trickster. Unfortunately, Dad's the same way. He's just a lot more protective. We met Sacre's side of the family already. I'll do my best to make sure we all get to meet mine, too. But you know how freighters are. Long journeys to the middle of nowhere, and everything takes time.

Sacre, Snake-mom as you sometimes call her, is doing great. I may have scared the Hell out of her a few times already, considering she's also the ship's chief medical officer, you can blame her for my new body. I know I blame my fiance for a lot of the awesome in my life. Especially you. She misses you more than I think anyone but us would believe. Hasn't said much about it, but I can see it. I know she's different from me, and even you. Separa have different body language than Helashio or Senti. But it doesn't take long to learn when you love someone, right? Anyway. I'm sure she can't wait to be coming home, either.

I'd like to use this series of letters to catch up, make concerns heard, and have some semblance of communication with my daughter. So please. Tell me everything! Grades, friends, troubles, all of it. How's your memory? I know they have you on exercises to build your new memories.

I'll be home soon as I can.
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