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NovaCorp development update


Inactive Member
The newest material to come out of the research labs of NovaCorp is the substance "Ring-Carbon". Made from interlocking, benzene-like rings of carbons atoms, it has incredible tensile strength, very low chemical reactivity (much lower than steel, iron or titanium), and is very light. As a figure of equivelant strength it is one hundred thousand times as strong as RHA or Rolled Homogenous Armor. Its tesnsile strength is equal to 117,000,000 newtons per square centimeter, Its compression strength is equal to 110,000,000 newtons per square centimeter, and with a shear strength of 100,000,000 newtons per square centimeter.

(newtonian figures taken, obviously, using standard earth-type gravity, IE 1G)

In order to produce this complex material in viable quantities, NovaCorp has developed a construction system that works much like a molecular binding device, only on an industrial scale. NovaCorp has high hopes of both the material and the device used to produce it, and expects to begin marketing the constructor and Carbon-Ring based products in the near future.

The creation process occurs in a sphere coated with nanite based particle cannons. The mono-atomic particles of carbon are stripped of their electrons as fired, and the process takes place inside a vacuum, with several billion carbon atoms fired per second. The atoms are atracted to the centre through an induced gravity node, are organised into a basic frame and held in place. Finally, the frame is "filled in" by the particle cannons and a secondry system begins to fire electrons into the object, reforming the atoms into interlocking benzene-like rings.

(and in other news, I live! ... again ... planetside stole my soul...)
very low chemical reactivity (much lower than steel, iron or titanium),

All of the carbon atoms in this substance only attach with 3 other carbon attoms. This leaves a valence of +1. I'm not sure how you came up with those figures and I'm not enough of a math guy to comment but I'm assuming from its molecular structure that it wouldn't be as strong as diamond or most (maybe all) of the modern armors.

+1 valence = chemical reactivity.
actually, if I may draw your attention to this quote...

Perfect diamond is a another real material, but there is a
theoretical material which is far stronger. It, too, uses carbon, but
in the form of benzine-like rings. These are looped through each other
in a three-dimensional matrix, and the impressive figures (1.0 X 10^15
(that's a 1 followed by 15 zeroes), 9.3 X 10^14, and 9.3 X 10^12
N/cm^2) for the yield strengths come from the fact that not only is
deformation resisted by the normal molecular bonds, but by the mutual
repulsion of the shared electron clouds around the rings. As you can
imagine, this also makes the material extremely rigid. And hard. (My
thanks to Dr. John Brantley for telling me about this.) "
Made from interlocking, benzene-like rings of carbons atoms

These are looped through each other
in a three-dimensional matrix

Ok, assuming you have many of these rings looped together your still going to have a +2 valence on every carbon atom in the structure. I also thing he is also wrong about the molecular bonds and magnetic repulsion working in tandem. While in theory the repulsion would work well with the structure in theory, it has to push against something. In a nutshell you'll have a wave of rings pushing and pulling half with doubled strength from being compressed but half being pulled by the compressing rings, simply moving the force around. The strength would still be limited by the strength of the bonds between the carbon atoms.
Scientists have already made this stuff on earth, albeit in laboratory quantities... trust me. Where'd you think I got the numbers? =)
Regardless the way this is described makes it fairly reactive to chemicals. Do you have a link to the place where you got this? There has been a lot of talk about 'perfect materials' on this site lately and I've never seen anything about it online or otherwise.
Scientists have already made this stuff on earth

to quote earlier in this thread

there is a theoretical material

This substance has never been made, ever, on earth and only exists in theory and in theory his math has the repulsive force and the electron bonds working together where in theory they could also work against each other. This substance also would still have a +1 valence. meaning it is still vulnerable to chemicals unlike perfect diamond which has a 0 valence because all of its carbon atoms attach on 4 sides to other carbon atoms.

Thanks for the infromation on perfect substances.
geh. It's theoretical... so it's usable until proven wrong! *mutters in his corner*

perfect materials also shall be used I say!

... *thinks about building several thousand squibs and FTL launvhing them at the nearest Mishu*


I've already written down my proof up there^

Be wary of things people just come up with. It is best to base all of your creations (or rip offs) off of something real so that it is only one step removed from reality instead of several.
Hey, it's not MY rip off! lol... I will not say who, although it's likely you can guess anyway...

this is the fastest anyone has ever made me post! you've set a record and beat me down... well done =3 yeah... well perfect materials are still good ^_^
*eyes perfect materials and gets out his debunkifyer*

Ya... can't really find anything wrong with those...

posts used to come about this fast way back when, *sigh*
If only I could sigh with past glory, but alas and alack it cannot be so =( well... If we get more people then hopefully post speed > now
sorry, but a battle of wits against an unarmed opponent just isn't sporty. ;p

Besides, I've already proved my points of the substance being weaker than a perfect material and not chemically inert.
Hehe... well, the Mersina should be done by now... post it Tom you fool!

and... unarmed opponent? *wonders whether to be insulted or not*
I don't understand your theory with valence. There are double bonds in it, meaning that all of the bonds are used up so to speak. Please clarify what you mean for those of lesser inteligance, of which I suddenly find myself a member.
I am assuming that these are chains of the rings arranged in a 3d matrix so they will have 2 or 3 connections used up at most leaving one free spot. If you doubble bond them then you would have many very solid molicules just there would be nothing really holding them in place. Without bonds holding the rings together the substance would be like liquid.

This is sci fi so I am assuming that you could indeed arange them in such a way that the finished product could hold itself together with its own forces. The problem with this is that the force wouldn't be even throughout the object. The edges would all be imperfect because they are not completely surrounded leaving the substance to evaporate.
I'm sure there is some arangment of atoms in which it would work, although I have a poor video-spacial imaging mind so can't envision it. It should work in a simmilar system to chain mail, just with more complex interlocking patterns.