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NovaCorp Grenades


Inactive Member
In responce to Emrys Industries grenades, NovaCorp put their superior technology know-how (And contacted Ephesus who was annoyed to be dragged of his own projects), to create their own range.

Gravitic Claymore: This horrible grenabe has two stages. In the first it create a localised powefull gravitic effect dragging everyone and thing in the vicinity towards the grenade. The Second stage is a powerfull explosion with violently throws out ball bearing at extreme velocities.

Sonic: This grenade creates a high pitched noise that is designed to have a certain rhythmn and tone to create extreme discomfort to everyone around, usualy causing unconciousness, the bursting of blood vessels, extreme dizziness, nausiea (or all of the above), and quite often deafness at the extreme volumes and in short is almost impossible to function. It also makes windows and other fragile objects shatter. It continues utill it is shut off or after around half an hour, however some of the effects can last much longer than this. It is designed for the rhythmn to effect humans, Geshrin and Neko.

EMP: This grenade creates a powerfull Electro-Magnetic Pulse, deactivating all electronics in a large area.

EMI: A related device, this creates an ongoing Electro-Magnetic Interferance effect, disabling electronics and interfeering with radio signals and other forms of EM communication.

(OCC: More grenades, more indepth descriptions, and prices are coming. Comments are, as always, welcome)
So, how's the EMP grenade work?
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