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NovaCorp product information and ownership update


Inactive Member
Quite a... lot of stuff is soon to be put on the NovaCorp public market, and I want to see what you all think. Constructive (or otherwise) criticism please please note that the following were not written by myself, although I did have some input and control over the designs... they are actually the designs of the new "owner" of NC. I will continue to be the go-between for NC to the star army and the population of the site, updating the NC products etc. and relaying information back and forth. The new dev/owner of NovaCorp has decided not to become an active member of the site, except in some roleplays to do with NC that will be posted by me... if they occur... mainly because I want to focus more on my own character(s) rather than them and an entire corporation.


No-PCS-01: NovaCorp Personal Civilian Shuttle "Deixâ€
One area that could see some improvement with the ship designs is the interiors. The ships need descriptions of the insides so people can know what it's like to be aboard one. I've done it for the Nozomi (see here) and plan to do it for more of the ships I designed. If you could include that info from the beginning, it'd be awesome. Don't be afraid to give each design some character, too. ^_^
This stuff was never approved!? Oh dear oh dear *shakes head* I was always working upon the assumption it was approved but just not used.

Alright, I'll get to work on redoing these.
Not to criticize, but the fields seem partially incomplete, especially where mass is concerned...just a heads-up.
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