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Rejected Submission [NPC/PC race submission


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Race, Likely a hostile one.
Submission URL: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Scellor

Faction: the Scellorians
FM Approved Yet? (i don't know what this means)
Faction requires art? (No)

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (I don't know?)
Contains New art? (Possibly)
Previously Submitted? (YNo)

Notes: This is kind of meant as a new, rival faction, and it is just an idea I had after finding the scellorians some time ago, and after i found this place, well I thought there would be no harm in trying for its intigration. Obviously minor changes to its history and such could be changed to fit this universe.

This is an agressivley expansionist, 'laid back', inquisitive race of a half hive mind.

a race like this would likely, putting it lightly, have a rivalry with the presumablely equally expansionist Yamatai.

They are unafraid of death, have phsycic powers, and genetic engineering on a level that would be insane if they weren't a partial hivemind...

They have a tendency for heavy armor and weapons in terms of warefare, leading them to resemble knock off mass produced space marines, using numbers and overwhelming force as their primary tactics, regardless of the number of casualties.

This is not my race, it is a race built by somone else, some time ago. His current whereabouts are unknown to me, and all his projects, and they are many, have been on hiatus for a year at the least.

I beleive he stated somewhere that the use of the Scellor was okay as long as one did not try to claim it as an original creation.
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