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NPC Species - Baroka


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: NPC Species
Submission URL:

Faction: Baroka
FM Approved Yet? If I count as the FM, then yes. If it needs proper approval from Wes, then no.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Previously Submitted? No

First submission draft. Lay it on me. What needs adding? What needs rearranging? As much input as possible, please.
There's a lot of problems with the wiki formatting. But before I address those, I need to ask two questions that determine whether I feel this concept is worth refining.

1) Where are they living? That determines interaction.

2) What is the point of this race? You say it is NPC so that makes it a GM tool. As a GM, I don't see what makes this race a useful writing tool. We've got a bunch of unused NPC races as it is. The Phods, the Kodians, and the Kohanians could use the love, especially since Wes just bought cool art for the first two.

I know that Tanka is working on the Azoreans and I'm slowly working on the Separa'Shan. I don't see a demand for reptilian species (hence the slow progress of the Separa'Shan). They seem to be pre-spaceflight and xenophobic. That's the Kohanians' premise.

Long story short, I don't see what use this race except as target practice. It might be a cool idea but I'm not convinced that it'll be a helpful improvement. New species just for the sake of having more creates articles that just lie unused in the wiki (like the aforementioned trio of species).
1) An icy planet. Massive frozen oceans and two large continents, with very little plant life and equally sparce fauna. Was I supposed to submit the planet first?

2) Responses in bold. and underlined (Because bold by itself is a little hard to discern, sorry.)

Does this suffice? And if I sound at all rude, I don't mean it at all and I apologize. It's hard to convey complete and utter neutrality via writing.
You're still not addressing my concern about why the heck I should use them in a plot except as target practice. Simply saying that it bugs you and being philosophical are evading my question. This is an OOC issue, not a philosophical one. We're not developing organic life. We're developing a community authored, artificial setting which strives for reality. Having a reason for the introduction of yet another race, when there has been little demand for one, helps Game Masters find a purpose for the tool. Simply saying, "Here's a thingybob whose purpose is for you to define" does not help GMs determine the usefulness of the tool.

This is simple economics. Supply and demand. There is no demand, yet you're supplying us something without convincing us why it's worth bothering about as compared with existing species that are ready for use. And I'm not sold.

Anyway, you're completely happy to develop this species for two years and find out that none of the GMs are interested in using them? Because that is what I'm reading since you're not attempting to convince me why this is useful to the setting in a meaningful way. I'm also reading that it's the GM's fault if there are unused species because we're not tailoring our stories to include them.

Solar-based technology isn't exactly high science-fiction. Solar technology is fairly basic in comparison to micro-fusion generators and handheld aether weaponry. I would imagine that middle school Neps and Yamataians learn about solar energy much like today's kids. "Yeah, we can use the power from that star. But its not as efficient as the amount energy we can produce from this fusion plant." Since SARP follows the high science-fiction themes, introducing basic technology like it's something we've never seen before is a bit... underwhelming.
I'm not going to argue for or against new races. The principle of new races is fine by me (lol clearly).

If something is presented well both visually and in prose: why not? Though the visual part is really important, especially in the direction the site's moving. On that note, commissions are worth pursuing, I think. I do realize that it's an incentive-less proposition to get a commissioned art for a race before it's approved so that's a fine line to consider on both the approval and submission side.


Why make them pre-spaceflight at all? If they're just for GMs to "encounter," I don't think there's much interest in having them available for regular visits.

More later. But that's it for now.
(I'm not sure where I was going with the half-assed philosophy and now regret mentioning it)

Going by the rules of fiction, then I am allowed to bring up the example of Star Trek and Doctor Who. They encounter new species like it was nobody's lunch. Being an NPC race, they do not require constant attention and input like PC races do. Not to say that they don't need attention, but they need less attention because things aren't constantly being added by the input of multiple players.

And yes, it is actually the GMs fault for not using them. It's not like the FMs can just say, "Okay, I'm going to throw a few squads of X race at you, kthxbai." Nobody has the power to use these creatures in a setting but the GMs. With the move to a peacetime setting and exploratory nature, the contact with such species (plural) are made much more likely in these coming months.

Just because something is basic doesn't mean that it's invalid. The Baroka have developed the technology for the solar power to produce substantially more than our current day arrays. Not anywhere close to fusion or whatever, but that's what having a set of capacitors and batteries is for. Not all species in a given galaxy will have quantum computing and androids. Science fiction doesn't mean every race you encounter is exactly technologically compatible and/or equal. I am not introducing "basic" technology like it's something we've never seen before. I am introducing technology like it's something that isn't used by all these "hoighty toighty bigshots" because they've got a superior power source and resources compared to the paltry resources on the Barokan world. I will answer more in a in a bit. But before I forget. . .

Raz: I don't want art until I can pay for it myself. Hence the Spore video. Also, Pre-spaceflight is so I don't unbalance things. I answer the eternal question of "Why haven't they made contact yet?" by putting the Baroka at a technologically "lesser" point. They don't have radio communications because they only use landlines, and only the ruling caste use landlines because the communes have no reason to contact eachother. A species that makes no noise isn't heard, you know.

Now then, I will start citing the wiki here. The guide to background factions
Now, this will be a little off because I haven't finished the faction page yet, so I will be working off of a wip draft I have lying around.

These can be: Alien factions to add flavor and variety to the universe

It is important that each faction have a purpose and a use: if you're building a faction as a static personal display piece or one that no one is using, you're doing it wrong. Connect to other factions in the setting.

Purpose: To demonstrate the ascension or lack therof of a species to spaceflight in the realtime setting. To demonstrate the applications of "antiquated" technology on a faction-wide scale as they advance to the "modern" age. Is that sufficient?
Connection to other factions: If Jimmy is still down with it, then a First Contact with the Chelti is how they start making a name for themselves in the SARPVerse. I haven't planned any past said encounter.


They should generally not unbalance the setting or overshadow the played factions.
Check. Low technology level comparatively, and the most advanced their tools are are mining lasers.
They should appear or have a solid plan to appear in a roleplay plot at some point.
Check. If Jimmy is still down with the Chelti crashing the party, that is.

Information on:
Technology level and any interesting technologies of note.
Species physiology
Only one of these things is up for submission so far, as you already know. The rest will come later.

Just pointing that out.
Fill A Niche
Low level technology, getting crossed to spaceflight? A species that doesn't exist in our classifications of reptilian, avian, etc? Solar power? A form of government which SARP hasn't seen played ICly, from what I can tell?

As more and more species/factions are created, they tend to bleed together and there's a greater need to have your creation stand out. But if your species is too foreign, players will have difficulty relating to and identifying with them.
The lower caste is rather antisocial to new people, but I wouldn't say xenophobic. The ruling caste has curiosity like a child. I mean, really, the evidence is in the article. I can't exactly re-explain the entire species better than I've already got in the wiki page.

I wanted to go plenty under the limit, and save myself both the trouble of explaining their lack of contact with the universe at large and start with something simple for my first real contribution to the SARPVerse.

We frown on so many species starting with heavily industrialized nations on very resource rich homeworlds, or those that have some miraculous new wonder fuel/substance totally unique to them that exponentially increases their power.

When I get the Barokan homeworld up, it will be apparent that half of the lack of advancement is due to the fact that Baroka is lacking in many resources and abundant in only a few others.

Avoid physiologically unbalanced species.
Baroka are large, but slow. They have extended lifespans if they lead calm lives, and MUCH shorter lives if they don't. They have the lowest level telepathy available, being simple projection of thought and nothing more. Their sense of smell is the strongest, while all other senses lack the delicateness. I would say the Baroka are fairly balanced.

Avoid the "we're perfect" cliche.
Their society is pretty much a collection of monk communes, so each commune is very rigidly structured. Those that break the rules don't fit in anyways, so they end up drifting rather than being exiled. But it's not much better, considering that they are pretty much ostracized in the communes if they don't leave. Plus, the lower caste is also very. . . susceptible to direction from the mutated caste, due to the Maro's almost godlike status among the people.

Avoid the "monopoly material" cliche.
I mean, they've got francium deposits on their planet, among other things, but nothing substantially overpowering. Also, they lack many resources on their world. To be explained in the planet article.

Is this sufficient?
I am amused that you feel that it is the GMs', and not the creators', fault for the lack of interest. Considering that the individual GM's plot is his or her own, it falls upon the prospective NPC submission to appeal to the GM for use. We are not, in any way, obligated to pay attention to what every Tom, Dick and Harry creates. GMs are the consumers, you are the producer. Your reasoning is very... naive. This consumer is still not sold.

The story I, or any other GM, choose to tell is not prerequisited to include anything the GM doesn't want. We weave the tales we want to involve the community in. You're approaching this from the perspective of the creator who thinks something he has is the shit. I am approaching this as someone who has to consider whether it fits the collective story in SARP and has a use in the wider setting.

To return to the analogy of a tool and its user. I am the user. Is it my fault that I have no use for the tool because it has no purpose or its purpose does not fit my requirements? Yet you wish to blame me for something I have no need or desire for. Should I specifically go out of my way to create a need for said tool when the desire is not even present? When a concept has no interest, it is not the Game Masters' fault. It is the creator's fault for not properly researching the prospective interest and catering towards it. Should companies blame the consumer market when they have a crappy product? Your marketing is not very good, Moogle, since you are saying it is my fault that bad ideas don't take off. Your product, likewise, is not very interesting to the SARP setting.

Now, if we were to inject reality into the basis for the concept, as you wish to do so, then shouldn't we consider the rarity of sapient life on foreign planets? It occurs to me that the occurrence of sapient life in a galaxy as small as SARP's is already very high.

I would also point out that, as an NPC race, the Chelti cannot have a plot. A plot requires a GM and players, hence turning the Chelti into a PC faction.
Moogle, some of your above posts are hard to follow. Please use the quote tags properly. The quotes go inside them; your comments should follow. In the first post you put your comments inside Sigma's quote and in the section one you quoted the wiki without using the quote tags. For the sake of others please use the quote tags when quoting other people or the wiki so we can easily tell which is which.


- Every wiki page needs an overview immediately after the title header.
- The bullet lists near the top are messed up.

As a suggestion, I think you may want to create their homeworld before you finalize the species design. That will give you an idea of their environment and how it affected their evolution.
I apologize for the readability of that last post. It was like 3 am when I wrote it and I didn't proofread. I'll see if I can salvage it with edits.

To say that anybody but the GM is responsible to include other species in their plot is flawed thinking at best. Does a PC bring another race into it? Sometimes. But that is only one character, and usually tends to be a PC race. Do the FMs bring another race into the plot? No, because then that would be plot-jacking. The only person who has the power is the GM. And the reason none of these races have been used yet is BECAUSE they "haven't fit into the plot." How long will this excuse be used before these races actually see action? And I do not believe my "product" is "the shit," but you have failed to offer much criticism beyond "why bring another race into the setting?" and the like. Therefore, I cannot improve my "product" beyond the criticisms I have already been offered.

Again, I bring up the example of Doctor Who, Star Trek, and other Sci-fi series. They encountered alien races like it was nobody's business.

And, who says it'd be a plot with the Chelti? It'd be more like what happened a few weeks ago with Yamatai, the Garts, and the Lors with the prisoner/slave problem. The same thing can be accomplished with the Kodians, Separa'Shan, etc, with small one-shots. These races can see daylight, if they're actually promoted. In this way, and this way only, is it the FMs fault for it not being used. Because, those races were already approved. There aren't any criticisms left to be offered about their "product" because their "product" is fine.

And Wes, I'm not sure what happened with the bullets. I checked the formatting syntax page and followed the bullet instructions, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. And what do you mean by Overview? Just a little blurb summarizing the Baroka?

Also, there is a planet already, I just haven't put it up for submission because I haven't made a topographical map for it. It's got a backstory and stuff, and primary resource list. Should I just submit it without a map, then?

EDIT: Apparently you need two spaces before a bullet. who knew?

Wes said:
Every wiki page needs an overview immediately after the title header.

Also, I still want to know what the plan for these guys is. Where are they going to be and what will they be doing in the RP once approved?

Finally, they'll need some art. This is non-negotiable for new species since a species is such a major setting addition.
Moogle said:
And what do you mean by Overview? Just a little blurb summarizing the Baroka?

This went buried in my wall-o'text, so I'm just going to ask that again.

The Baroka will be somewhere far in the Galactic North or Northeast of Yamatai, most likely in that blue area behind the Gartagens. Once approved, they'll be busy living life pre-spaceflight until said Chelti intervention occurs.

Also, this was linked at the top. Does this count as "art"?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnhOa8h6Kp0 Obviously, the quality is low, but I can make a new one next week once I get back home for the holidays.
I mean that the first thing on every wiki page needs to be the title header followed by a paragraph that gives an overview of whatever the page is about, and explains it.

Example: "The Nekovalkyrja are an artificial pesudo-race of genetically engineered female warriors first created by Yamatai in YE 01. Nekovalkyrja are used as soldiers by the Star Army of Yamatai."
Sorry if I'm a bit late to pitch in this, but since I was mentioned by name I figure I should at least confirm that everything Mog has said about myself and the chelti has been discussed and loosely arranged into a planned encounter.

It will hopefully enrich both races in role play and character, and so on. Should be fun.
Alright, this is ready for approval once the red links are removed and art is added.
Any development here guys?
I saw a lot of talk about "Filling a Niche"

I think we need more high technology NPC factions, because in my opinion, Star Army is a high technology RP, low technology races are kind of a one episode deal ya dig?

My point is we need more Romulans, Cardassians, and Klingons. We already have enough low tech races =/
I still say that they seem rather useless as a tool for GMs.

And, contrary to what Moogle might think, the creator of this submissions still has not provided any convincing argument as to the point of this faction. Having a species for the sake of having it is a circular argument. It simply means that the faction has no other purpose than to be around. That makes it, as a tool for Game Master use in their stories, purposeless. We are better off making non-intelligent fauna and flora than another pointless faction. The proliferation of one-trick pony factions dilutes the quality of Star Army Role Play.

And comparing SARP to other franchises is merely an insult to SARP. We forge our own path, we don't follow others.
The comparison was for the general reader so they under stood what I meant. Clearly the point was missed.

A low tech race is useless because they can not do much.

We need more NPC factions that can serve as antagonists. A Bronze age race can't do much but play audience in this type of setting.
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