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NPC Volunteering!


Well-Known Member
I just want to say that I am volunteering to roleplay as random NPCs for any plots that require them. If any GMs, co-GMs, or even normal players want to add some spice into their characters'/plots' roleplay, just let me know! I am usually on YIM and the IRC whenever I am available. Just trying to help make Star Army a funner, more diverse place to have fun in! ^_^
This is excellent, and I hope more people offer to do the same. I'm open to doing this too.
I also offer my NPC-playing skillz. Koku can vouch for my ability; we had a short session where I played an NPC opposite Stromm.

The only tricky part is my availability for JPs. Though I prefer JPs, SPs and threads are easier for me to keep up with in a timely manner.
Wonderful! Now, we just need peeps to ask for our help. '5tar said he could use some random NPCs in his plots' JPs. ^_^
The Street Life forum encourages such NPCing, and it will actually be a big factor in how it runs.

To copy/paste from the Ad thread:

Concerning GM Style / Method

Ask anyone who has ever had the opportunity to RP one of my games: I'm a pretty laid back guy. I also like to experiment with new methods and allow for as much input as possible.

Continuing in that spirit, I will be trying to implement something I call "cloud RPing" (aka Jam Sessions) at several points in this RP. For those of you who don't know what a Jam Session is, it's basically an open-door policy for contributing to a plot. You want to play a random NPC shopkeeper who sells the weapons to the PCs? Jump on in and post! You see that I'm running a club scene in a JP and you want to RP a mutant stripper/lap dancer who provides a little 'entertainment' to the PCs? GO FOR IT!

I firmly believe that more minds keeps a plot fresh and adds exposure to the site as a whole. It sure throws the players for a loop sometimes too!

That being said, of course, there will be rules regarding this RP model which I will put in place prior to the beginning of the plot. Look for that post a bit later.

The format will be both SP and JP


Chat me up on the IRC sometime or PM me and we'll see some magic work.
i will offer all my npc playing skills as well!!!. i just don't do the superflueous characters very well fyi.
I offer my skills as well, I know that Kai and Soresu can vouch for me, as we did some fun pirate prey JP stuff. Contact me however you want and we can get something going!

Tom, so does that mean anyone can really post in that street life thread?
Anyone can post being an NPC in that street life thread, yes. Just don't try to break anything and keep it realistic.

There will be set rules put up, but right now I want to see how it goes without strict regulations.
It might be a good idea to make a board allowing GMs and players to put up "wanted ads" (as a site I was part of would have called them) for NPCs and people to play them. Might encourage people to join plots in minor roles if they have time for a little thing every once in a while versus a considerable amount of time as per if they wanted to join a plot.
You're more than welcome to put those in the Characters Wanted page - just be clear they are for NPC roles so people don't get confused.
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