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Notably Possible News [NPN] Reikan Park: Size Matters

By Sergei Gavrilov
Political Journalist, Nepleslia Prime News

The hottest topic of the Senate tonight is the proposed lot promised by the Yamataian Star Empire in their new diplomatic park. The biggest question? How big should it be.

Yesterday morning, many people awoke to the shock announcement that the high-brow super-power, Yamatai, opened a park for surrounding nation. Even greater a surprise was that the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia has been personally invited to stake their own plot in this 20km[sup]2[/sup] zone. Higher political aspects of the Nepleslian government have remained silent until the Senate convenes fully on the matter. Nepleslians at large have been voicing equal measures of disdain and drunken revelry at the idea of staking an embassy on Yamataian turf.

"What's tha' point?" tells Joseph Malbury, a Central-District Police Officer in Prime City, who seems to share the sentiments of most discontent Nepleslians. "No matta' how big we make it, the Yamataians won't eva' take it seriously. Rakin' Park," as Officer Malbury called it, "is just another way the Yamataians can feel good 'bout themselves. And just whos son or daughter are we going to send to play house with those blood-thirsty cats?"

Carol Druthers, an Asteroid Miner on leave told NPN that, "Nepleslia could use some better connections in the wide world, especially between Yamatai and themselves. If they want to give us a spot to build on, I think we should do it. [Nepleslia] needs to plant a big embassy right in the middle of that park, and show the rest of the world just who we are."

Nepleslian Senate hearings were just as divided as the Senators argued over what such an action could warrant for the nation's image. Relations between the two countries have been strained since the Imperium's founding.

"There's been a lotta of bad blood between [Nepleslia and Yamatai]. An embassy ain't gunna' make it any better," argued Billy Blizzard, Senator of Kennewes.

Premier Westwood had little to say on the political ramifications of building on Yamataian soil. Instead, he voiced support on building the embassy. This proposal heated debates once more between Senators, but a majority seemed to reach consensus. Discussions turned towards aspects of an embassy on Yamataian soil, and the proposed budget funding towards such a structure. However, the main topic discussion was considered to be the size.

Both New and Old Partys of the Senate agreed that size was an indubitable factor in the embassy's construction. Planetary Representative of the Francia Research Colony, Wii Matsobuki, stated, "We should try to build to maximum limitations, that way it will look like a big achievement to some, and giant middle finger to others." Most other Senators and Colonial Representatives stated in agreement that the only way to please all sides was to make their embassy as large as possible. However, the final measurements are still yet unknown, and the Admiralty has yet to comment to the Sky Marshall of their own opinions.
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