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[NPR] Taisho, Senate clash over proposal

"From NPR News in Kyoto, I'm Jill Synder.

"The leading admiral of the Yamatai Star Empire's 5th Expeditionary Fleet, Motoyoshi Katsuko, traveled through a war zone in order to attend a Senate hearing about a proposal to decentralize the military. Greg Windum has this report."

Taisho Motoyoshi Katsuko said:
I never imagined in a million years that I would become not only a Taisho, but the governmental leader of one of the colonies that my fleet settled—But it is so.
"It was a tense day in the Senate chambers. According to aides of various senators, the leading admiral of the 5th Expeditionary was trying to sway the opinions of senators about a proposal to decentralize certain functions about the military, which had already been defeated by a close vote. Taisho Motoyoshi Katsuko revealed the results of the destruction of Taiie, a planet that was home to the 5th, and argued that because of how the SMX are fighting, a decentralized and autonomous 5th fleet was crucial to winning the war."

Taisho Motoyoshi Katsuko said:
The people of Jiyuu want the Bakufu; they want a military government capable of defending them, not just against the SMX; but against the all who would threaten their way of life.
"That tone struck a chord with Yamatai's senator, who argued the 5th had all the power it needed, and asking for more was beyond the reach of the Senate."

"Kurokawa, a Port Xenn politician temporarily holding the Senate seat, battled hardest of all to defeat the proposal. Known for her lack of traditional decorum on the Senate floor, she quickly went after the Taisho for a remark about seeking a veto through Taisho Ketsurui Yui."

Senator Kurokawa Yasuko said:
What a righteous bitch! And with minimal knowledge of government to boot! You did not hear a word I said.
"Other senators blasted Kurokawa seconds later, including Tatiana Senator Mayosaki Yuumei, but held firm on their views, dooming any chance of bringing the proposal back to the floor."

Senator Mayosaki Yuumei said:
However, my vote is no still. Why? Because we are in a war still, and changes in how things are run in the midst of a war you are losing isn't wise.
"The squabbling ended with the Taisho recalling their senator to her home planet, a far-flung cluster called Jiyuu located beyond the Lonely Expanse. The proposal remains dead in the Senate, according to aides, and there are no plans to bring it up again.

"Word of the Taisho's military government has spread through the city, and captured visuals of protests in the capital of Jiyuu sparked similar counterprotests in Kyoto, Port Xenn, Nataria and Malifar. Organizers see Kurokawa as someone standing up to the military and voicing proper concern about a possible breakaway government. They also expressed anger about not Kyoto protest organizer Kobayashi Jun said the Taisho should return full governmental control back to the displaced citizens of Taiie."

Kobayashi Jun said:
Even at the center of the Empire, the military doesn't rule us completely, not even here in Kyoto! The Taisho's meddling where she shouldn't; she should be bolstering the citizen government, not create her own empire!"
"Small groups from all over Yamatai are preparing to send broadcasts to Jiyuu containing messages of hope and pledges of assistance at the civilian level. Some are asking local officials to also pledge their help; so far, Port Xenn and Malifar have agreed.

"This is the first time such a large amount of information has been leaked from behind the closed doors of the Senate. The government has restrained itself from stopping the flow of information, however, leading Yamataian citizens to question why they were not told of the war's status before.

"The war now fresh in the minds of the Central Planets, Star Army recruiting stations have seen a small, but noticeable, flux in recruiting, especially from Yamataians.

"Greg Windum, NPR News, Kyoto."

Snyder's voice returned. "Taisho Ketsurui Yui has not commented on the decentralization proposal or the leak from the Senate. The author of the proposal is unknown.

"Jill Snyder, NPR News, in Kyoto."

An ear jingle plays briefly. "This is NPR — Natalia Private Radio."
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