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[NSMC 309th] A Ruthless Introduction


Inactive Member
Hray in 1st Fleet, Juno's Temporary Cabin

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss." "Ssssssssssssssssss... ssssss~!"

A thinned and elder soldier of burly Nepleslian descent was speaking from the other-side of a monitor aboard one of the many Hray of the Third Fleet's Recon detachment. More specifically, this older gentlemen petting a well-trained cobra from one of no doubt countless worlds was one of the finest soldiers in the NSMC. A man of countless battles who, in the early days of Nepleslia, had been promoted and helped found the 309th when it was one of the countless main battle divisions. A face in a sea of many in the grand scheme, but General Apollodorus was one that had faded into a more obscure position. Among the untold amount of upper command soldiers, this was a general that had been regarded as a fading legend. A disease and bad health had seen to making him frail in the eyes of the common buff Nepleslian. It had led to him spending time with his pet snake, Whooper, who had lived easily as long as the division had existed.

On the other side of the screen, however, was the sole man leading a single platoon of a once-famous division. And as he sat his Nerimium-tipped fingers on the desk before him in a personnel cabin he'd been assigned, it was a man of a more modest but no-less hard-fought reputation. Lieutenant Juno had fought with the Division for the last seven, coming up on eight years. Of all the veterans who hadn't been transferred, the reputation behind the man's leadership was quite simply gruff and war-focused. A battlefield commander, but no politician or elegant strategist who saw the fields of battle in his mind before they ever sprung up. Five tanks had been fielded and lost under his command, but not a single battle where he was allowed to command the 309th had soured.

"Sir, I don't doubt Whooper's opinion as important, but we have greater problems. This system we're helping the Third Fleet mop-up? 'Freemud'? It looks like it's a hotbed of all sorts of shit."

"Tsk-tsk," said the man without even looking toward a seated and furrow-brow Juno, "Now Juno, you've never been one to doubt me or the high command... especially since the Navy took over. Tell me, Lieutenant... do you think you and the new blood of the three-oh-ninth can't take care of it?"

A thunk of Juno's pointer finger sounded over the comm and filled his cabin without remotely any sort of hesitation.

"I think we can, but... most of these people are green. It doesn't make my job easy, you know, having to babysit... and now, I found out we don't even have suits of Power Armor for our infantry detail?"

"Lieutenant, most of the other Riders aren't being supplied death-suits. It's rational when we have so many without any experience. Even Whooper understands not throwing so much equipment on untested assets."

A hiss came across, the cobra looking at its owner momentarily with recognition of its name. Clever boy.

"Well," the Lieutenant paused as he turned his gaze toward the cabin exit. A shuffle had caught his attention for a moment before the grizzled veteran returned his blue sight on the fully-attentive general. "I agree, then, sir. We're coming into orbit of New Bernese soon... I need to get out and meet the troops in the cargo module and prepare for some drop. They were picked up before we Ef-Tee-El'd here, but the flight was about long enough for them to get small naps or make some arrangements. I'll make sure we don't lose the Maximus you got us. Wish they'd let us try out those fancy RUSE upgrades..."

No formal dismissal was needed between the two friends, Whooper hissing lightly as the feed cut. Rising to his feet, Juno took all but a moment to fetch his rather new but far less-than-shiny jacket. Being promoted to Lieutenant at least put him in one of the jackets, even if it was the utmost earliest point to acquire such attire...

1st Fleet, One of the Hray Cargo Modules, AKA the 309th "Drop-Box"

Juno walked into the platoon's cargo module with his dufflebag in the robotic left hand, the man's custom-made Grinning Devil hanging from a strap worn around his chest. It looked like an unwieldy and large uzi-like sub-machinegun in design, the metal painted red on the barrel but a nice shade of Nepleslian green on the remainder of it. With his tall stature, Juno made his way over to a still non-christened Maximus. The Platoon's support staff were handling boxes and pallets that held the gear and supplies they'd need if the local militia and populace wasn't willing or able to support them, leaving the platoon-head alone to stare at one of many of the tanks he'd commanded. It'd been out for around for three years, proving to be a good alternate to more practical hover tanks. It was also the only tank that he'd had break down and forced him to turn-out while driving. Four times.

"I have to somehow make one of these things work while undermanned in combat power. A single squad of infantry and this... all because the rest of the platoon has to be support staff for the stupid reconnaissance and ground-work laydown."

Turning around, the Kuznyetski man didn't even have to clear his throat before yelling more than loud enough to disturb ancient spirits if he believed in that crap.

"Alright, I need my tank crew and grunts formed up on me! Make it snappy, I know you're all green or transfers, but we don't have time for messing around! We got only a short while until we're entering orbit and getting set-down for drop-off! Anyone who takes their time owes me one Neko whore once they make it big in whatever job they find after I have them kicked out of the Marines for wasting my time!

(@Cordinarr @SirSPT @HAMnJAM =3=b All future characters gotta get passed, but you three have had your posse pretty solid for more than long enough. Let's get this ball rollin'!)
The Corporal was wearing one of the tank tops and his combat pants. On top of his head was a Field Cap covering what little hair he had. He looked like any other marine veteran among the support snipes. He was puffing at a stubby cigar crouched behind the Maximus puffing himself his own personal cloud. He looked with a neutral expression when the Lieutenant spoke and walked fast to formation. He gave a puff before snapping to attention his voice gruff but clear,

"Left-Tenant, Sir."

By his dossier, he was Timothy McClosky Jr., but everyone could have swore they heard one of the support jockeys call him "Sabot."
A disheveled head popped out of the driver's hatch of the Maximus and seemed to scan the room before spotting the Lieuteant and ducking back in. With a quick hair tie attempt to contain her hair and a kiss goodbye to a small, smiling figurine of a certain famous neko, Ella scrambled her way out of the hatch and down the side of the tank. Bounding her way over, she snapped to attention.

"Private Ella Duville, Sir!"
Fergus has been up since 0400 hours shiptime and was busy in the kitchen ordering around all of the new Privates. “If the Ship Captain doesn’t get his breakfast and coffee at 0530 on the dot, the grass on your ass will be greener than the shirt you’re wearing! Now, get to it!” Fergus cooked eggs, rehydrated milk, fried sausage for the breakfast line, and squeezed fresh orange juice all in time for even the early eaters. Once the mess hall had cleared and the new recruits were busy cleaning the dishes to his specifications, Fergus made his way to the Cargo Bay where he was reviewing the supply list for the tank he was assigned.

He was in the middle of carrying a large box and was looking at the next item when the Lieutenant called for attention. Shoving the box and list on a recruit, he rushed over as the smaller man attempted to adjust to surprising amount of weight.

The half ID-SOL stood at attention next to the others, “Private First Class Fergus Mallan, reporting Sir!”
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Difficult to tell if they were eager to impress or just overly professional, but there was one grunt who leapt into an alert stance the very second they were called upon. Second tallest despite being female, green uniform as crisp as possible with the type 33 cap resting on their head. Darkish skin, scars, a bionic eye. Hulking and muscular were not inaccurate words.

"Private Fang-Yin Zhou, Sir!" They were rigidly in line with the others, but the announcement was made with such force it made their netted hair braids jangle around. "Awaiting your orders, Sir!"
1st Fleet, One of the Hray Cargo Modules, AKA the 309th "Drop-Box"

With the support staff looking on, the only ones he'd so far enlisted into his field team had all come forward. He'd barely met the recommended amount of people to field their Maximums. However, with his two infantry to help support them it would at least be viable to get it out of some situations like getting somehow stuck.

"Good and orderly," he said with a quick once-over the posse, "Just like I like them. All of you came either out of bootcamp or had transfers.... but to give you some perspective this won't be a traditional mission. Our assignment with the Third Fleet, specifically in relation to us Ruthless Riders, is one the high command put on us to see if we're worth keeping around. Our division had been made of some of the best soldiers in the entire En-Es-Em-See. Been around just about as long as Nepleslia had its independence."

Moving down the line to the group's otaku, he'd motion back toward the tank she had just crawled out of.

"Private Duville, get back into that old man and get him to wake up. We're going to need to be able to move if something goes wrong during our drop."

Then his eyes turned to both the PFC and Private grunts.

"Zhou and Mallan, get your shit. Command has issued some Golems to make sure our grunts don't bite the bullet without power armor. We got plenty of standard issue guns to pick from, too, since most of our staff has to keep the drop-box secure. Once you're all ready, strap up on the Maximus."

And of course, as the man turned and climbed up onto the machine's body, he would finally turn to speak to the corporal.

"Corporal, you get in and see to our ammo check. Everyone can chat, but try to stay focused people! We've got to be ready for the drop! We're not that far from entering the planet-proper!"
Tim nodded and stepped forward, climbing on the Maximus' hull then the turret before sliding down into the gunner's hatch into his hole. He hummed a metal tune while he went along looking at what ammunition was stored outside the shell box at the back of the turret and ones underneath the floor. He got a rough number and turned on his gunnery equipment to log the shell numbers of each type and prime the turret for movement if need be. He looked ahead towards the driver and squinted a little into the hull's "hallway" to the drivers compartment. He audibly spoke his mind, "What the hell..."

He shook his head and settled himself in his seat and leaned back against the turret wall, waiting on everyone else to get in. In the meantime he hummed a little louder and sang the chorus somewhat quietly.
When he'd reported to the Master Sergeant's office for posting, Slon Kuznyetski looked every inch like the bright-faced boot that he was. And the Master Sergeant had regarded him with an unimpressed stare as he flipped through his paperwork, signed it off, and rather off-handedly told him where he was to be assigned. A mechanized platoon that was short of a much needed medic for its personnel. In fact by the state of things it seemed like the whole AID was understaffed and needing more able bodies in its ranks.

He had all of his worldly possessions that the NSMC had ever issued him and a few of his own personal clothes stowed in bags, as he walked clad in his neatly pressed 'dress greens' with the beret atop his head to where he'd been told he could stow his gear and meet his new unit. A few more veteran sailors and Marines gave him funny looks as he passed but he could also tell that he wasn't alone as a new fish out of water from all the perfectly maintained crew cuts and Marines in spotlessly new uniforms who looked ready to snap to parade rest at the mere thought of an NCO approaching them. The closer he got to his destination the more he smelled diesel fuel in the air.

When he stepped into the cargo module he took a quick look around at the tank and the support staff all bustling around. Busy hands stuck on the Maximus or sorting out their gear. So he found an empty spot to set down his equipment and almost immediately started to do the same. To stow the various parts of his dress uniform as carefully as possible so as to avoid messing them up prior to any sorts of inspections, while at the same time switching into the much more comfortable service uniform. With efficiency still sharp from boot camp he was in his duty uniform and readjusting his beret as he looked around and . . . found himself with nothing to do.

It was funny how useless medics tended to be in what amounted to a motorpool.
Ella paused for a moment, wonder what old man the Lieutenant was talking ab- Oh right, the tank. She gave a quick nodded before she hustled back to the tank and climbed in though the driver's hatch. "I guess I should hold off on telling the LT that her true is the Sōkō Neko" She muttered to herself not quiet as silently as she hoped, closing the hatch shut and locking it, just in case anyone heard her.

Inside the cramped driver's compartment, the almost every inch not dedicated to some form of components, switches, or instructions was plastered with various pictures of Ketsurui Hanako. Resting on the dashboard was a small 8" vinyl figure of the neko herself, encaptured int a heroic pose rested on the dashboard among the various gauges.

Ella plopped down into the seat, taking the small figure and holding it closely as began flipping some switches and priming the ignition. She could barely be heard muttering to the doll as she began revving the tank to life. "It's okay Hanako-sama," she said in a hushed tone to the little doll. "I won't let the big, mean lieutenant hurt you..."As the tank roared to life, she opened the driver's hatch again, and poked her hand out, giving Juno a thumbs up.
Once the Lieutenant had finished giving his orders, Fergus gave a snappy, “Yes, Sir!” and ran off to finish his supply gathering. Finding the recruit from earlier, he finished stacking the boxes, picked up a M3 with the Underslug Pump Action Shotgun attachment, got an extra clip for the rifle and 8 extra rounds for the shotgun, then prepared to put on his Golem.

Using his DataJockey, he loaded up his HUD with a compass, message notification, and keyed the comms for the short range radio to the channel linked with the tank and the Lieutenant. Slipping it in the slot on the Golem, Fergus was half-way through step 4 of 6 when the medic arrived. Adjusting the strap on his wrist, the cook walked up with a light chuckle in his throat, “Heh heh, well look at you! I bet you could eat one of my Supreme Breakfast Buffets just by inhaling near it, huh?!” The “huh” was followed with a heavy gloved slap on the shoulder. “I’m Private First Class Fergus Mallan, cook for the 309th. Great to meetcha.” He was putting the Golem helmet and strapped it on while finishing his reason for coming over “I’m sorry to say that you just missed the Lieutenant’s orders. You may want to check with him, and quickly. I think he wants us shipping out soon.”
The sandy-haired Marine gave a jump as he felt a hand slap across his back and he looked at the man responsible: a man who was easily as tall as him and laughing while securing the helmet to his Golem armor - the same armor that Slon had been worryingly issued when he first arrived. Didn't they have any PAs? Did they just expect a single tank to make up for under-equipping the infantry or did the quartermaster just simply hate Marines? He turned back to the PFC and offered a smile that managed to hide his sudden case of nerves quite well. "Private Slon Kuznyetski. I've been assigned to your platoon as your medic." That was enough of an introduction for now and he turned to start prepping his gear. From the Golem armor itself that he began to pull on to the hypolathe and his rather simplistic M3.

He gathered up his ammo and an assortment of various drugs and chemicals to be used in the field, hypospray vials for the hypolathe, and he checked the battery on his M3's flashlight and the mounting for the foregrip. All nervous last-minute things that a new soldier ran through with their gear to make sure that everything was perfect and in working order. It all was just fine of course, and when he had assured himself of that, Slon turned to the talk and gave it a jogging start to bound up atop it in one go. When he reached the turret he peaked through the open cupola. "Lieutenant? Sir? Private Kuznyetski, reporting as ordered."
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Tim yawned as the tank roared up and awake and popped his hatch above him. He scrambled up where his upper torso was sticking out, his hat beginning to look about as dirty as a mechanic's. "We are good here, want one in the tube since out loader is who knows where?"

Though he was an experienced Corporal and all knowing when it came to the tanks, he didn't like them undermanned or even unready. He looked to the boot on the tank, "As soon as your done with the 'Left-Tenant' get yourself busy and try and help us out, unless you want to be smothered when this thing moves standing next to us like that." He dropped himself down slightly into the turret and barked towards the drivers hatch, "How are we on oil, fuel, and the other crap?"
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Finishing step 5 and preparing for step 6 of donning a Golem, Fergus checked his gun while walking over to the Maximus with that light chuckle still with him. "Go easy on 'im. He's still learnin'." He climbed aboard the tank, and used the gravity shield provided by the armor to stick to it as he strapped in. He had to adjust a few of them as the last person who had used the straps wasn't his size, but it was no issue as he clicked the belts and adjusted the harnesses. Once locked in, he slapped the top of the tank a few times and commed in, "Mallan secured and ready to go. Let's fry some bacon!"
Slon slipped off from the turret of the tank and landed on the ground with a wince at the pain shooting up his knees. He really should have thought that through, he thought to himself as he made his way to where his gear still resided. He didn't like the idea of going into a totally unknown situation with Golem armor instead of the power armor he'd trained for no matter how many tanks were going to be in support. But it wasn't his place to question why things were how they were and it wasn't his style to complain aloud about any of it.

He went through the motions to get the armor on piece by piece until he was done with it. Then pouches were checked and double-checked for ammo and the medical supplies he was assigned to carry. Everything was in order and all of the sudden he was being told to strap himself down and pray for the best alongside these absolute strangers whom he'd never met before. He know absolutely nothing about what was going on and he tried his best to not show it on his face as he climbed atop the tank again.

"Private Kuznyetski secured and ready."
Private Zhou took rather longer to return than the others, but when they did, the thick cladding of extraneous equipment on top of their Golem armour plates made them look truly formidable. The M2 assault rifle and combat axe were like toys in their robust hands, saving weight and dexterity for the jangling clusters of grenades bundled around their waist and thighs. Two frag, two scalar, two plasma. Wouldn't have worked if they didn't have a barrel pelvis, in the same way as a man could have a barrel chest.

Their war face was a distinct upsidedown 'v', saying little as they trudged back up to their warmachine and clambered on board. Eleven long steps and one short one. Before even looking at their two footslogging colleges already on the back, they warmed an ancient metal coin with their breath and flipped it in the air. Bated breath clenched the results, then examined it with a sigh of relief.

A very tall medic with messy blonde hair, hulking with muscle. The man she was informed was the cook was no less brawny, but it seems all of his hair had grown on his body instead. This was confirmed by an extremely close examination, leaning in close enough to smell them. Obnoxious display over and clasping themselves onto the hull completed, they randomly made a single loud clap directed at seemingly empty space.

"Private Zhou is ready. Honoured to meet you gentlemen." The voice was more hoarse and low when not directed at superiors, slow and methodically soothing, yet a little too calm considering the situation they were about to be dropped into. This made their one-eyed eye contact really quite sinister when combined with such an unpractised toothy smile. "There is nothing to worry about. I am getting good... vibes... today..."
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Atop the Sōkō Neko/Old Man

"With a posse like you walking around, I'll have to make sure our woman of a driver isn't as bad as ancient stereotypes depicts them. It'll be hard to miss the lot of you if you decide to walk in front of the big bad machine."

Looking between the trio that would be handling his ground work, Juno opened his robotic hand and moved to the turret's command port. Unlike the others who were dropping deep into the massive war-beast to take their proper positions, the large Kuznyetski opted to slip into the turret's commander spot with a hearty clasp to the mounted gun for balancing. The clunk of his feet in the beast from the short drop, leaving all but his shoulders and upward exposed, had sounded more loudly within than out as he turned his vision to what would effectively be a bunch of sandbags and hoverslabs. The support detachment was far less mobile for if they did find something, but dropping into the DION-sponsored territory likely meant that New Bernese wouldn't have someone aiming a gun at them anyway. It was all precaution he had voiced after finding out who their enemies were during some of his lengthy talk with their division's general.

"Alright, you goons, stop acting like a bunch of Streeters and act more like Ants. Especially you, bulletwelp. The Kuznyetski didn't raise you to chat, they raised you to fight."

Of course, that wasn't necessarily true... but the Nepleslian commander was one of a nearly decadent nature when it came to the culture he'd been born with. Pulling the commander's hatch down and vanishing within, the man's hand moved to push the neck-bound communication band into position. Once the tank roared to life, the crew would need such communication methods to even hear one another. It was a flaw of such powerful machines like this, but it also meant he could keep barking orders to the rest of the crew via the cargo module's intercom.

"Alright, I want everyone to string up and grab a handle. We're not getting dropped hard, but if the pod is put down and not level, it'll rock like hell." A quick finger press ensured the swap to the tank's personal channel and left everyone else to themselves. Traversing the inside ever so slightly, he'd lower into his command chair from where he'd operate and issue the commands with translated feed and, if it came to it, hand operate the gun above. The human hand moved up to run through his hair, just as the mechanical hand lifted a hat almost comically smaller in comparison to the larger hand. Pulling it into place, with a slight break of traditional uniforms with the sexually suggestive Neko-killing sentence boldly printed, he finally spoke up once more.

"Triggering the all-clear to the Hray bridge. I'm not going to see any of that Yamatai shit up here, am I Private? We're heading down with just three of us for now, so it was hard to miss that junk when I did my inspection."


Outside the tank, they'd hear the Hray's communication open, slight rumbling suggesting they were entering the atmosphere of their target world.

"All personnel involved in the ground deployment, standby. All assisting crew, return to the ship-proper. Clear the cargo module of anyone but NSMC personnel. We are nearing deployment zone, prepare accordingly. Anyone not in their positions will be reprimanded upon being returned."

A click-clack of the comms shutting out made it more clear than the giant tank beneath the infantry shaking. It was time to get moving... and they were drawing closer and closer.

[This thread, beyond this point, is fluff. The new thread will be starting soon, within the 18+ board. Hope everyone is ready for the nitty gritty.]
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