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Interest Check NSN: Battlegroup Warden

I'm more used to SPs, and it's probably more convenient for me since I'm pretty sure I'm an odd one out in terms of timezones (GMT +8). But basing it on Mountain Time, I'm usually awake around 8pm MT.
I'm glad that Nepleslia has some action happening and the plot idea is a good one. I do have one concern though:
a Nepleslian foothold in the new Kosuke Sector.
The Kosuke sector is Andrew's private GM sandbox (see: Open Sandboxes for the relevant policy on GM sandbox sectors). Does this have his blessing?
I reached out to Andrew about this but he hasn't been online since I did. Maybe he and I and even Gunhand can touch base in DMs?
ok, so I got the captain, the name, and the type of ship. Now to get all the details made and wikiflyed sometimes here soon™. And ya I know you're not worried about it but I am hehe.

New thread is up
Hey guys, I wanted your feedback on the plot so far. Is there anything you would like to do or see in the plot? Would you like some leisure episodes between missions or stay strictly combat? Finally, is there anything that you want me to improve on?
Enjoying it so far. I do want to see some ground action as well, since I believe all the ships are able to do some form of that kind of assistance.

As for leisure episodes, I wouldn't mind it, though there is the concern of "wouldn't the officers tend to stick around their own crews" unless there is an officer gathering. I should be able to work with it though.

You're doing pretty good. Can't find any bone to pick to be honest.
Dropped you a DM because I'm a lemon and forgot to check the interest forum...

Am interested in joining when there's a space/time to come in!
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