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While rushing through the decks and slicing through the enemy, 02 didn't feel more alive as he was now. It let like playing a tag game but for adults, in armor, with weapons and the goal is that when you are tagged you die. So was this a new form of tag game? Death Tag, it had a solid ring to it, 02 nodded to himself as he followed 00 to the shafts with his rifle forward and his knife in his other hand. Coming towards a halt as 03 gets the order to get the door breached with some fancy charges again, yet he blinked in his helm at the question from 00 about the current situation.

Hearing 01 talk, kept him quiet for a moment and spins his blade around in his left hand "I don't know, I got the idea that we are not even facing the real threat, sir. The people we cut down doesn't describe anything that intel showed us and is marching through space. I think we are just facing the lower ranks that are...as 01 said, ill-prepared and low experience. The real ones most likely know we are here already"
03 all too please to clear intersecting shafts with precise single shots of Kuvexian Engineers that were unlucky to catch a glimpse of them. When they came to a stop. He raised his eyebrow before he noticed what was stopping them. A wide grin came across his concealed fast as he got to do another of his favorite things, demolitions.

03 silently made his way past them as he reached for the storage apparatus containing his charges. He was no engineer, but he had a feeling he knew where this was leading. He silently kept his guesses to himself to not annoy 00 with his banter as he started to sync his charges to be used and place them at structural weak points so the grate simply falls inwards. No point in blowing out the other side.

"I concur, the Kuvexians seem to have bigger egos than the kitties judging by their reaction time and goals. But I would imagine as we get closer to their leadership, more of a proper fight will be had." 03 chimed in once his charges were set and armed.
Sorry for late reply. Daughter + sickness makes me hekkin late.


His answer was simple and his tone flat, saddling his large rifle in the crook of his arm. "The enemy's elite aren't here but even now, they are underestimating us. After we take the control room, their upper echelon will understand things are serious... but they will also be reacting slowly."

The commander's helmet slides the visor back over the red glare, the hardened black shell turning toward the grate. All of their mission timers stopped counting down and adjusted to a new cycle; fifteen minutes in the right corner and five minutes below it.

"Fifteen minutes is our maximum time until enemy forces wake up and close off any route of escape. Five minutes will be the first marker; after they pass, expect more than mere mercenaries and prepare for warrior caste Kuvexian to appear. Intel says they're big and tough like a malnourished ID-SOL with multiple broken bones. Avoid close combat unless you're going for execution shots. If death is imminent, take the pyscho-stims and remove your limiter. You might survive a hit if our armor holds."

The commander's comm line cut off and the main's mental link hummed back in their heads whilst he raised the HPAR. Although preserving ammunition was ideal, there was no telling exactly what Kuvexians kept in their control rooms aboard ships. It wasn't a bridge but rooms like this were vital to ensuring secondary commands and the like across the ship.

Breach. Kill everything.

Control Room

"Lunch break... and yet we're getting all these signals across the ship?"

The watch officer grumbled at the monitors, overseeing the countless crewmen handling the emergency logs. There were a total of ten on-staff crewmen and the obligatory two deck security members. All the mercenaries had been clogging their channels already so when the shift change came minutes ago it made things horrible. But with the last few minutes of destruction waged on one part of the ship's many decks, it had increased complications ten-fold.

"We probably had some moron in the game room try to make a cheat system." The technician at the CO's side stood with a tablet in hands, casting his gaze toward the watch head. "Most of our guests are from the gambling quadrant trying to flex their mercantile ventures. They likely lack any expertise in electronics and ended up blowing themselves up."

"Maybe. Or this is something else."

The Kuvexian looked at the many monitors, glaring at the countless cameras that still weren't fully functional. "After all... there are a lot of systems that failed at once. A mere explosion doing that would require a lot of ill-fortune. The Admiral did begin mobilizing our onboard forces, yet I am uncertain if the response is adequate. They are helping us contain the damage... but the direction of that assault bodes poorly for us."

All of the kuvexians in the room slowed their work and looked backwards over their consoles at the officer. The grate over his head kept humming filtration... until the charges popped. One-by-one, the maintenance grate's security system was blasted through; generators powering the shielding went offline and the grate itself was no longer more than anything beyond a metal guarding.

Harm's HPAR cracked three times and blew the grate outward, sending molten fragments downward over the room. Three of the ten crewmen were caught and sent falling to the floor dead or dying in plasmatic-alloy-induced melting. The watch officer looked up just in time to get flattened by the Raider suit falling from above, crushed into the floor just as 00 spun around and fired at one of the two power-armored guards. All the rounds cracked off his shields, his right arm raising an alloy shield just as they buckled away.

The other surged forward at the commander without any fear or hesitation. Unlike the guards from before, these two were exceptional soldiers.

The Hellion commander ducked under a powered spear, their shields buckling and cracking whilst the larger Kuvexian carried him through the consoles and toward the monitor-covered wall. Even getting slammed and pummeled with the honorguard's shield, the experimental suit's armor held up. And their leader's mental commands barked out without any faltering or fear, dropping the HPAR and grabbing the shield to avoid any further hits and lock the Kuvexian in a close-ranged struggle.

Two on four; ignore the rest, even if they hit the alarm.
Location: kuvexian ship,
Control room


As the Commander breached, initiating the hellstorm to follow.01 dropped from the grate, intime to see the two heavy kuvexian honor guard slam 00 into the console. Grabbing both blades from their maglocked sheaths, they hummed to life, as the Stealth Raider ejected forward blind siding the closest soldier. Aiming for the vitals in what could be closely correlated to the Thoracic cavity. The blades teeth glanced off of the thick armor. The kuvexian crew members clearing out of the way of the skirmish rushing to weapons and to the alarm system. Several meeting their end by the roar of 02's wrist mounted weapon system.

Pulling the attention of the Kuvexian, causing the other to also look back now seeing another opponent. The soldier thrusted repeatedly towards 02 as he danced between each strike, being knocked back with the shield of the Honor guard. Sending through mental comms was his initial data found on the soldiers." Attention squad, these two are kuvixian heavy honor guard. Their armor has several openings, one being at the neck or near the face of the helmet, their armor is impressively thick. Be on alert." His report cut short by another flurry of strikes by the soldier, their movements quicker that anticipated. With an unseen smirk, the stims could be felt kicking in as 02's muscles tightened with a sudden shock as his raider darted forward kicking with all his strength into the shield of the heavy trooper. Throwing him back into his companion and off of 00 giving a brief window of opertunity." Good to see we are all infallible sir. " 02 said with an audible smirk sheathing one blade as the Kuvexian stood and threw his dented shield down gripping the spear once more.
Location: Kuvexian ship,
Control room

03 remained at the newly formed hole to make sure his work doesn't have any unforeseen side effects and cover the rear. Once the other 3 were done murder/death/kill the room, he dropped down. He looked around for anything particularly interesting for intel related before getting himself read to continue the murdertrain.
Location: kuvexian ship,
Control room

The team went in gun blazing as the breach was done perfectly and in a control fashion. These soldiers were in constant sync with each other movement as they took out the enemy one by one without showing any mercy. 02 turned around and shot a Kuvexian that was trying to attack 03 from behind as he kept his focus to himself and continued the operation to clear out the area as soon as possible. While their commander wanted to ignore the alarm, 02 was still trying his best to take out anyone that was suspected to grab to any sort of alarm and was not afraid to take out civilians if there were any present, he couldn't make out which was which anyway.

Another force pushed forward as Royal Guards made themselves known "Fun..." 02 said with a grin on his face and noticed a third one that was trying to get him. He slides aside and slams right into its arms. Letting it walk unstable backward as he rose his weapon and opened fire and slowly walked fire. The shots reflected a few times on its armor and eventually it took damage and he got nailed with shots. 02 looked back at the team as the body fell down onto the ground.
Control Room

Everyone else's work had been smoother, yet 00 was still struggling in the close-range scuffle. The lack of ID-SOL genetics meant it was mostly their power armors in a physical bout. The honor guard's armor, however, had a glaring weakness.

00 pulled free his knife and drove it into the gap in the Kuvexian's elbow joint, driving it down until it cracked against the hard elbow padding.

The alien cursed in his tongue, vox'd over the comms as the translation software struggled to feed his words into Harm's ears. However, the Jiyuuian wasn't ready to give up; he headbutts the large alien and the two crashed into the nearby wall. One of the Kuvexians trying to flee the room was crushed between the large figure and the wall, denting the command room's interior mere seconds before Harm kicks the shield hard into his chest and jams it into his breastplate.

But the Kuvexian strikes out; his free hand slips out and cracks the Commander across his helmet, sending sparks and metal flying. The skull-guard holds even as the metal faceguard falls away revealing the Raider's eyes.

Harm turns and deploys his wrist-mounted cannon, pushing it flat to the Kuvexian's head and retaliating with a horrendous-sounding bark of the weapon directly through the energy shield, the helmet, through its skull, and into the wall behind him.

Harm steps back and lets the large body crash limp to the ground, turning to observe the room. He deftly tags the most central console where the smushed CO had been moments ago.

03, claim the console. Override all safety measures and vent atmospheric conditions in this part of the ship. It will cause more damage than their bridge is ready for. Once they ping the override, reverse-track the bridge's position.

Finish this up and let's hunt Mantis. Take every bit of info in their command console. Tactics briefs, mercenary charter deals, anything you see.

Control Room

03 gave a silent affirmation to the order as he made his way to the console. He simply picks up and threw a Kuvexian corpse across the room that was slumped over it, it was in the way. It was times like these that he was glad he had rudimentary hacking skills and it was likely all that was needed. "I just love finding overrides to kill more people by venting their oxygen..." He said as he pulled out an electronic tool to interface and translate the input/output of the computer system. He really couldn't be bothered to learn the language personally of the blue squids.

"Override... I'm going to find the little override... where are you!?" 03 starts to sing and attempts to snap with his armored hand as he completed the task to get the bridge to fall into their greater trap. He also copies anything that looks remotely interesting.
01 watched as his commander struggled with the vanguard, already moving, as the orders came to gather information. Checking consoles and uploading everything he could find, including checking the bodies of the slaughtered crew, looking for anything potentially useful."shall I eliminate any additional crew? It's hard to know we were here if there are no survivors." His cold expression clear as he carried on with his orders. Connecting to another console with a brief chuckle. As the screen lit up, rows and rows of what looked like names, ranks and numbers filled the screens. Quickly downloading everything he could find, 01 turned back to 00."sir I found a complete roster and crew list. Including pay. It is uploaded and set. Awaiting your orders."
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