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NSS Alliance Modifications


Inactive Member
NSS Alliance Modifications (Designed to be carried out sometime during or after the Elysia plot arc)

Alliance Class Aggressive Armor:
  • This aggressive armor package was designed specifically for the NSS Alliance during its mission to Elysia. The Alliance already sported a large array of point defense weapons, limiting the effective use of the aggressive mode of the armor. Modifications were made to beef up the active capabilities of the armor to provide more synergy benefits with the already thick layers of xentronium.

    The entire system is contained on the exterior of the hull and is comparatively lightweight, adding negligible mass when compared to the mass of the ship.

    The fractal pattern of semi-permeable containment tubes are designed to allow a set of special electro-magnetic field controls to wrap a flowing layer of heated plasma around the ship. This flowing plasma acts as both reactive armor that causes penetrating weapons to be deflected at an angle, forcing them to cut through more of the ship's armor in the event of an impact, and a shock absorber, dispersing the impact of weapon hits. Anti-matter will be forced to interact with the plasma before the armor, helping guard against the ship's vulnerability to direct anti-matter hits. The armor also maintains its aggressive mode, allowing it to expand to destroy incoming targets.

    The Active mode of the armor that covers the ship in plasma is specially designed to absorb subspace and conventional radar waves to reduce the overall sensor image that the ship gives off.


    DR: 6
    SR: 6

Asymmetrical Sensor Adaptors:
  • Electronically controlled material placed around the active sensors allows them to transmit sensor pings through the material faster on one side than the other. The result is an asymmetrical transmission pattern. Because the transmissions are not spherical in shape accurate triangulation of their source with normal methods is impossible.

Bomb Bay:
  • A small container on the underside of the ship holds four ship to surface bunker buster bombs. The bomb is launched by jettisoning it and its covering panel from the ship using small explosive charges.

Designer Atmosphere:
  • On decks one, three, and four, the traditional atmosphere systems have been replaced with a designer atmosphere system. Instead of the traditional oxygen/inert gas mixture the computer system controls and monitors a mixture of oxygen, inert gasses, armodafinil, special bacteria cultures and other chemicals designed to keep the crew awake, alert, healthy and functioning for up to a 22 hour work day. The computer system also monitors pressure, temperature, and smell to facilitate the working process and keep the air clean of harmful bacteria. It also provides the same functions as a traditional atmosphere recycler, scrubbing CO2 from the air and maintaining oxygen levels.

  • The Lounge of the NSS Alliance was sparingly used during the operations around planet X. It has sinse been modified to have more chairs, a round table that rises up from the carpeted floor, and nearly twice as many view screens and holographic screen projectors all designed to allow the Lounge to function as a meeting room for the senior staff or as a receiving area for guests.

    The lounge has also been set to constantly display images on the ceiling and walls. These virtual windows are designed to make the room feel more open than it really is.

VR Simulator Bay:
  • The aft storage area of the Alliance has been replaced with a power armor simulation bay. The center of the room contains a raised platform with numerous holographic displays and physical screens which display details about the sim to viewers. The raised walls of the viewing area block off direct view of the screens inside of the viewing area from outside.

    The rest of the storage area holds 70 simulators. Each is built around a scalable in size power armor suit which has been reconfigured as a simulator. The inside will automatically change its internal displays to mimic other types of power armor and provides physical feedback to the wearer. Each simulator is arranged in one of 5 rows stretching across the room and is suspended from the ceiling by cables. Each sim suit opens in the back, allowing the marine to step inside.

    The ship's computer is automatically set to record each session as well as the vitals of everyone participating in the simulation.
I still don't understand why you made bunker busters that can be released by a SPACE ship. I mean, they're dumb weapons (They have tracking but no propultion save falling inerta) isn't that kinda, I don't know, useless when the ship's far enough from a planet where it's gravity's too weak to pull the bomb?

...wait, so, your beef with bunker busters is that they can be released from space? Honestly, if a ship wanted to use these things, they would probably get into the gravitational field of the target.
Moonman said:
...wait, so, your beef with bunker busters is that they can be released from space? Honestly, if a ship wanted to use these things, they would probably get into the gravitational field of the target.

No, my beef is making a Dumb weapon in the age of self teleporting torpedos, and armor piercing lazers, why use a weapons that, for all sense and purposes, is just dropped like a waterballoon, when it can also be easily short down since it's a BIG DUMB TARGET THAT FALLS IN A STRAIGHT LINE.

The fact they drop it is the primary question, I know these ships are armored and shielded to an Nth degree, but still, lowering and slowing into hostile airspace to drop a bomb is probably the single dumbest thing I've ever heard.
From what I could gather, the idea for the bunker buster came about during the NSS Alliance plotline. In this instance, there was a large underground network of caves and mining tunnels full of enemy units, and the NSS Alliance could not simply just blow the shit out of it, since it was kind of an objective to keep the earth as undamaged and unradiated as possible.

Seeing as how any cannon on the Alliance that would not horribly radiate the ground would be useless against the lower levels of the caverns, these bombs would've saved us a lot of trouble. It would destroy the caverns, leave no lingering damage, and the area of destruction would be relatively small. Our NSS Alliance marines had the upper crust under control, but going into the caves was a larger problem. This bomb would've landed without a hitch, and ended the fight with less casualties.

They are circumstance-based weapons, but we certainly could've used them back during that mission. And seeing as how Nepleslia is attempting to bring more planets into it's empire, I can see these bombs being used.
It utilizes fold out wings and a communication system to guide itself using the assistance of either a ship or power armors to a target underground.

Cora, you don't know what you are talking about. You did not read the discriptions of the tech in question. Do not post here again until you have.
Actually, Uso, he wasn't even arguing about the tech in question. So I think you're okay.

Let's keep stuff on topic, folks. Thanks.
Why the hell would you need a bunker buster when you have tactical aircraft like the XF-14 onboard that can carry munitions that do the same thing?
Redundency is always nice to have. Besides XF-14s might have to return to the ship to change loadouts if they have already been deployed for support when the marines find a tunnel-fort.
This part is approved. Also, change "sense" to "since" in the lounge description.
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