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RP: NSS Alliance [NSS Alliance] Planet X marks the spot


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Wazu was standing in front of a group of marines, planted firmly on an elevated stage above the recreation area. More marines came in and filled the room as they responded to the computer's message to assemble for the training simulation. He waited until ten minutes after the message had been broadcast before starting up his introduction. "TEN-HUT!" He yelled out, and the room quickly fell hushed and turned their attention towards the small stage. Wazu stood silent for a moment, scanning his eyes over the marines before starting again. "For the next several hours all of you will be involved in practice combat within your own squads. Your squad leaders will separate you into two teams and you will take turns defending the surface of Planet X against your squad mates."

Wazu waited a moment before continuing. "The Alpha Team will be planetside, protecting the facility in the center of the tunnels below ground from destruction. The Omega Team will be vaulted onto the surface via space-to-planet drop, and will attempt to destroy the underground facility. You are free to use any tactics necessary to accomplish your goals, and you are also free to choose your PA units before entering the simulation. Your squad leaders will be dividing teams in a few moments. There will be more than one of these simulations, and teams will change each round." Wazu finished with a slight sigh, and remained silently on stage for questions, wobbling steadily on his cane.

Gran stood up bolt-straight as Wazu addressed them. He listened and frowned slightly at the mention of the field being Planet X. He had heard that some bad things happened there. Man, I hope none of these guys still have attachments... He shifted weight a little considering who he might be teamed with. "Sir! One question."

"Yes marine." Wazu replied as he looked down at Gran.

Gran sweated a little, hoping he wasn't stepping on toes here. "Sir! I had heard that we lost a few marines on Planet X, is it possible that VR training in the same environment could bring up memories that would hinder functioning?"

Upon hearing Gran's question, Wazu cleared his throat and returned a stern expression. "That is possible, marine; however this should not be a problem. I expect all of you to perform at the best of your abilities, no matter where, when or who you are engaging. You will perform at your best, correct marine?" Wazu returned the question, his serious face glaring down at Gran, who quickly stamped his foot on the floor and saluted. "Yes sir!"

"Good!" Wazu said, his face relaxing as he straightened his body again, shifting his weight on the cane. "Everyone put on a headset and choose your PA unit. Once you are all ready, your team will be assigned to you and the simulation will start. Good luck marines." With that, Wazu limped slowly to the end of the stage to observe the simulations on the view-screen behind him.

"Shi~t yeah! And I thought this was gonna be just a buncha shootin’ at damn AIs!" Rico chuckled to himself as Wazu finished on stage. He slapped a free hand on the back of the nearest marine, a grin spreading profusely across his face. "Hey guys, no hard feelings when I fuckin’ blow you away, alright?"

Gran proceeded to a headset not too far away, slowly putting it on as he took a deep breath. This was the first time he had gone against actual people. This is going to be WAY different than computers... He selected the NAM AIR armor, although he knew he wasn't trained well for the front lines.

Rico raced past the other in securing a good seat in the center of the room. After quickly removing his beret, he fixated the virtual helmet tightly onto his head, and allowed his brain impulses to do the rest. Rico was quick to choose his power armor, as well...he had been studying what the choices beforehand while waiting for the rest of the marines to arrive. As multiple view screens whizzed past his eyes, Rico's smile widened as he made his decision: the newest AIR2 model, courtesy of NAM itself. He chose this particular armor mostly out of intrigue…the Push/Pull system of the AIR wasn’t included in the old basic training…but Rico was fairly sure he could handle it. He slowly relaxed in his chair, stretching his legs before letting them settle.

Benji being already comfortable and tapped into the ship's system got to the PA selection first. He tagged the WATER 2 since it sounded like it would work well for melee. He picked it out and then let himself get adjusted to the feel of the VR. He knew he'd feel more of it than the others because of being jacked into the system.

>>>>>After a few minutes…

After all of the marines were resting in the meticulously placed chairs and seats, all clad in the awkward, cumbersome virtual headsets, a small screen appeared in front of whatever each marine was viewing. On the screen was a list of names, divided into two sections...

Alpha Team (Planetside Defense)
Benji Storm...
Adrian Decane...
John Hawkings...
Gran Keats...
...among many other names of other marines. As for the opposing side;

Omega Team (Space-to-Planetside Offense)
Rico Sanroma...
Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th...
Fian Vel Steyr...
Istavan Michealovitch Yuttreberg...
...as well as a list of several other names.

As the list raised and was read by the marines, the room was filled with the mixed reactions; groans of disappointment and displeasure, as well as shouts of acceptance and anticipation, to name a few.


Gran silently nodded to himself. Adrian was the only other person on his team that he had met so far. He smirked, Great way to meet new people eh? He adjusted the tightness of the helmet, making sure it all fit right. He stretched his neck and leaned back in his chair a little waiting for the excitement to start.

Benji looked over the lists, noticed Rico's name and then smiled. He waited when the screen went black. Benji wasn't nervous; everything but his mind and senses was asleep, numb…all the sensory needs coming from his uplink to the ship computer.

Rico was one of those who shouted out happily as he read the list of assigned teams. Not only because he knew a good few of his squadmates, but simply because this signified the simulation was nearing its start. Oooohhh shit...Adrian, Gran and that Benji guy…too easy. Time for a little fun... As the screen went black, Rico took a deep breath. He held it for a few moments before letting the air release slowly through his sly smile. “Hey Alpha Team, don’t cry when Omega comes bringin’ the pain, okay baby?!” Rico boasted loudly, to nobody in particular.

After a minute or two, the view-screen disappeared, and each marine's headset went black...
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 09:40 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Fian stopped right outside the VR Room gasping. Bad enough that he had to run back to the Power Armor bay to pick up the manual he left on the AIR2's shoulder, he had to take the wrong turning and ended up near Soreta's room (But she was not in anyway, luckly).

Crap, too deep in thought. Must... Not... Think while running.

The Vel Steyr opened the door and was agast, the marines are already jacked in. He quickly selected an AIR2 with both the FMD and Type 1 at the main terminal and crashed at the nearest free VR Simulator, hoping that he was not too late.

Last edited by Unyuu on Wed Feb 21, 07 02:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 11:14 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian glared the list. Gran was a nice guy, but as far as Adrian knew he had never fought. As for the other two, Benji seemed too sketchy to rely on, and Adrian didn't really know John. Damn. Luckily, we can still use whatever armor we want, right?
The medic flipped through his choices until he came to the Super Phalanx. While all these guys swooned about how fast the AIR2 was, the Phalanx outclassed them by close to .4 cc. He picked out some pretty weapons, and watched as the screen blanked.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 13:17 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Valo stood by watching the different monitors. He was curious to see how the marines responded to combat against each other.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 07 18:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten looked through the list, he recognized three names on the list, Rico seemed like a inspiring confident kind of guy, so that was good. Fian, from his previous experience, seemed like a pretty level headed sort. Istavan seemed like a good bullet sponge, the way he was hooked on stimulants, he probably wouldn't mind taking 4 or 38 bullets.

"Well, I'm pretty much ready to drag some virtual ass." Kokuten grinned.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 07 00:24 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Standing within the ranks of the Omega team, clad in an AIR 2, was Soreta, trying very hard to stay quiet and out of sight until the combat situation began, and thus escape the notice of the marines around her. It seemed ridiculous to her to participate in this exercise, much less as part of the offensive, but what the hell. It could be fun.

Though much slower than the Super PHALANX armors Soreta had used before in simulators (having been given bits and pieces of armor operations training through her career), and lacking the raw power that was Yamatai's trademark, the weapons loadout on the armor suited her needs nicely, and she had created virtual copies of her more familiar rifle and daisho blades, choosing to also take the wicked Sword-Long and to replace the FMD with the LFR. She awaited her orders, as a song blasted through her helmet, to get herself in the proper mindset.

Last edited by FM on Wed Feb 21, 07 00:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 07 00:24 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan read the list, his mind racing. Rico was overconfident... Istvan was sure he would be the first one down in any unexpected situations. Kokuten... Istvan pondered the medic... He looked strong, tough and somewhat flexible. The medic might, MIGHT not be as hopless as all his kind, though his lack of training in power armour did not bode well. Istvan did not know how good a medic he was, but decided to take a gamble and keep a close eye on him during the simulation, in case he got attacked.

The other names he did not know, so he had to assume the worst about them...

After some debate regarding the situations he would most likely run up against, and some reasoning, he selected a Water 2 because of it is tactical flexibility. They were assulting a planet, not fighting a space-dual, and the Air would not be all that effective if it got to hallway to hallway. He selected it with the type 1 rifle, and the longer sword.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 10:40 am Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Omega Team:

The Omega Team’s view screens gently came online, filling their wearer’s eyes with the image of the NSS Alliance’s launch bay. The entire team was standing in a row, their power armors unresponsive as a conveyer belt moved them forward.


The large launch tubes fired another marine out of the ship, bringing the everyone closer to the firing chamber.


Another marine was shot out, bringing Rico into the chamber. Once inside the VR sim displayed the words “START” in red across his field of vision. Just as they faded away his power armor became responsive and he was sent flying through the launch tube until the ship’s floor gave way to the sky’s of planet X. One by one they were all fired out, each getting to see the Alliance speed off in front of them as they were slowed down by the atmosphere. Kokuten, Fian, Istavan, and the rest all had their armors come online in the same way, giving them control of their descent to the green dirt ball that was still miles below them.

Alpha Team:

Alpha team’s screens came online, showing them all a view of the caves below planet X. The gray, roughly hewn walls were dimly lit by support beams with inset illumination rods. The large central chamber they all shared had a large machine in it. Its arms were clawing at the ground, scooping up raw resources into its furnace like mouth below it and melting them into raw materials that were being taken away by a conveyer belt which led into a nearby Tunnel. Several tunnels led out to various points on and under the planet, a large network was at their disposal and Alpha team had the advantage of a map.

Bleeps started coming from screens nailed to the wall. They showed a radar image of the falling Omega team. At this point ‘start’ was displayed in red on their screens briefly. Their defensive operation had begun.
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 11:09 am Post subject: Reply with quote
As the power comes on line, Istvan deploys his observation probe, then he watches the screen looking for hidden defences. His mecha may not be as manuverable as the AIRs, but he keeps it moving as he falls, jigging to avoid any weapons-lock. If any defences fire he will attempt to track the fire to it is source, and fire back with his LBR. He also keeps a small portion of his attention on his squad mates. This took a lot of attention, and left him little time to ponder effects. His stimulent enhanced mind raced, however, and he was alert and ready for almost anything that could happen next.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 11:45 am Post subject: Reply with quote
The sensation Fian felt as he dropped to the surface felt familliar. He expected that the enemy would require time to organize and deploy thus Omega would also have the time to do so. Thus, so far there were no incomming fire or radar pings sounding in his ears. Which made the free fall somewhat peacefull and quiet.

Albiet too quiet. The Vel Steyr noticed that there is absolutely no noise comming from his side of the team. Everybody seems to be expecting orders or instructions but there was none at all. He quickly pulled up a team roster on his HUD to inspect. To his horror, most of the team were greenies. It seemed that the Alliance had also lost many marines due to transfers and discharges on top of those dead in the last mission. Even that of Sargeant Ran was missing from both teams.

Fian recodnized the feeling. It was the same feeling he felt during the start of the Planet X battle. During that time they were caught unawares of the enemy's guerrila tactics. Many lives were lost and the Vel Steyr remembers it firsthand. Bringing up the roster again, he noticed that although the opposing force was also mostly composed out of greenies, they also had a few veterans that could attest to the Red's effectiveness. Fian slowly activated his reverse thrusters to slown his re-entry, he needed some time to think.

We were disorganized, we were inexperienced, we were caught unawares... We will not allow it to happen again.

"Halt!" He shouted, raising his armored hand in a stop signal. The Ion Drives blasted at full speed to stop his decent completely. He waited stationary as all the other armors obeyed the command at the lack of effective orders. As soon as the last armor stopped moving, he cleared his throat and continued.

"At the lack of an effective chain of command and leadership. I, P3C Fian Vel Steyr who has experience in an operation similar to this, shall take command of Omega Team for the remainder of this simulation." Fian closed the commlink momentarily to clear his throat again to shake off any hints of uncertainty in his voice. "Anyone who has an objection to this can nominate himself now. Otherwise I will take it that it is decided." He continued, sternly.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 12:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico's eyes widened and focused once more as the images quickly materialized into his headset. He watched as the conveyer belt continued moving the line of armors towards the launch tubes, his smile growing larger with every inch forward he moved, until finally Rico found himself staring at the illuminated surface of Planet X below him.

Rico figured the descent would take a minute or two to reach a good potential height to start the assault, and quickly looked at the marine lists to spot some potential candidates for a small squad. He was a bit surprised that nobody else had said a word during launch. Before he had the chance too, however, a broad transmission broke the silence wafting through the Omega Team communication lines.


Rico recognized the voice. Uncertain what exactly Fian was playing at, he activated his reverse thrusters until he came to an abrupt stop, with the other marines of Omega Team following suit. The Nepleslian kept silent, a quizzical look upon his face, as Fian attempted to take command of Omega Team. Rico followed up the speech by checking the marine listings of Omega Team, and sure enough, the former sergeant Ran Rui was not among the list. And as much as Rico wanted to just rush in and start shooting, Fian's intervention proved to be the wiser of alternatives.

Rico took on his smile again as the message sank into the other marines of Omega Team. If Fian had done this during a real combat situation, Rico would've elected against it. However, previous to this moment, Rico had also always figured Fian to be very quiet, somewhat spineless and not leadership material at all. Pleasantly surprised that he was wrong about Fian, Rico kept his previous comment to himself, instead choosing a different one.

"Man's got a point! We need a plan, and Fian's got experience on this planet...I say we listen to what he's got to say!"
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 14:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Catapults were fickle things; hard on a person's nerves, especially someone unused to it. But the freedom of 0G was soon felt, and Soreta tested the new armor's capability out for a brief moment, what would look to others as her doing several loops. High acceleration...slower than PHALANX, but more agile. Weapons are secure...this'll do. The other soldiers around her, for the most part rough and unpracticed in their movements, amused the diplomat to no end.

She smirked as the young soldier asserted himself, taking charge of a bad situation; her engines performed a similar manouver to his, knowing that he had the skills to back up his words. He'll go far in this universe. To inspire confidence in this 'Fian Vel Steyr', Soreta flew next to him, stopped, and gave a clear and powerful salute; saying in no words at all, 'I'll follow you to Hell and back'.

Now, don't fight too well. People will start to get suspicious. With those thoughts, Soreta looked to the surface of the planet below. I hope they have a leader like him, or they'll fall in seconds.
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 14:14 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Halt!" Istvan was ready for many things. This was not one of them. Reflex drove his reaction, slowing the power amour until it hovered with the others. He felt antsy sitting there like a duck for the defenders to being up their defenses.

The man however had a point Istvan could see this. For all he had derided Rico's overconfidence and impulsiveness in his own head, it pained him far worse to see himself falling victim to it. When Rico agreed it rose his evaluation of the man slightly.

He spoke up. "I suggest we get a move on, and make plans as we drop. I do not want to be picked off by anti-insertion weapons. I further suggest we get some sort of assignment of roles. That way we can work together better."

(OOC: Yeah, I know, my posts are fairly short.)
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 17:31 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten flinched as the Armor shot outward into space. His decent towards the planet.

"Damn!" He grunted as he regained himself the air. The Medic was unused to the Power Armors. He figured the decent to the planet would be less of a problem until he heard the command from Fian.

"Hugh!" Kokuten found himself comedically spinning as he attempted to kick in the reverse thrusters. He eventually gained a stable equillibrium as he began to get a knack at controlling the output.

"I'm... er..." The Cyborg adjusted himself.

"I'm alright." He finished.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 17:45 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Soreta looked to Kokuten. "That's a NAM armor, right? Keep reseting the control module. It should self-calibrate after a while." Her voice was disguised as a male's; she didn't exactly want the marines flipping out about her being in the simulators in a time of crisis.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 07 21:21 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten looked in Soreta's direction, and put up a hand signifying he understood. It took him some time, but he was able to reset the control module. The armor seemed to lose itself for a moment, but eventually settled, though it still wasn't set right.

"Thanks Man, I appreciate it." He said to Soreta mistaking her for her voice mask. "I'll be sure to watch your back for that one."
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 16:49 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
As his screens came on he looked over them and then around himself. He took a good look at the other guys on his team and then snorted softly to himself. For all he knew they were going to dismiss the fact he knew what he was doing and call him a Greenhorn. He shifted, eager for some action with a grumble to himself he said. "Dunno about you guys, but I'm gona go see what they're up to... don't worry... I won't get caught..." With a meaningful look in Adrian's direction he snarled out "I'm just greenhorn cannon fodder after all..."

He turned and quietly crept off down one of the tunnels his map said would bring him to the surface. Once he spotted the entrance to the furface he poked his head over the rip and peered out, using his equipment to scan the skies. There they were. "Found em... Sitting ducks..." Benji reported to his team mates. "How about we pull em in and pull a Napoleon on them?" He said, allready shifting and then slipping out of the entrance and into cover. He moved cautiously, keeping and eye on him. Benji was smart enough not to give away his location at the moment.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 17:01 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Other soldiers started following Benji, fanning out from the entrance to the tunnel and crouching down. It was difficult to find cover from an enemy that was falling right down on top of you.

In total five other soldiers had joined Benji on the surface, following his lead and holding their fire for the moment.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 22:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran breatged a sigh of relief as someone other than him took control f the situation. He smiled as he spoke. "We are all cannon fodder right now." He followed Benji out, trying to encourage others to come with him. He hoped he could get into a sniping position before they landed so he could hide well. He moved into cover on the opposite side of the tunnel from Benji. There was a reasonable size cropping of rocks that would supply a great hiding spot, and Gran moved quickly towards it as he watched and scanned the sky. He thought for a second and as he neared the rocks he spoke to Benji. "Who's this Napoleon guy?"

Last edited by Davis on Fri Feb 23, 07 23:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 22:57 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan watches his scanners. "Contact!" he shouts as his battle drone notices something. He doesn't get a good look, but he knows the enemy is out there now. "We're sitting ducks, Move, move, move!" He slams down, dropping quickly, trying to get aground where he will have cover, as his drone scowers the area bringing in more and more data. He thinks it strange that they dissapeared so fast, and wonders if they noticed his drone.... They would certainly notice his plumet though.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 23:43 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Benji noticed Istavan dropping and pointed to the nearest man. [npc] "Fire!" He barked and the man opened fire on Istivan. "You two get ready to flank them" he said with a smile, pointing at some other fool[nother npc?] "Gran stick to sniping... I'll take Adrian and we'll circle around behind them. When I say, open fire..." And then he motioned for Adrian to follow him.

He crawled out og the cave and started off along the ground, he stuck to tromping along under his own power, saving the higer capabilities for later.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 07 23:51 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico glanced quickly down towards the surface of the planet...however, it was too far for scanners to pick up anything other than garbled and faint signals. Perhaps Istvan had seen them through normal vision. Rico heard the clamoring of Istvan a few seconds too late, and as he plummeted down planetside, two other marines took the sudden action as a signal to attack, and quickly followed suit. They all passed Rico before he had a chance to stop them.

"Hey, whoa, slow the fuck down! it is fine, we're too far outta range-" Rico started to explain with a slight smirk. However, as another marine began thrusting past Rico to join the others, Rico decided three marines lost to overreacting was enough...four would just be plain silly.

Almost instantly after the marine passed him, Rico lifted his AIR's FMD, quickly loaded a white tungsten charge, and fired in the marine's direction without hesitation. However, as the shell left the barrel of his weapon, Rico attempted to pull back the front end of it with his AIR's tractor fields. As a result the charge reduced it is velocity, as well as sent itself into a violent spin. To Rico's mild and amused surprise the shell did exactly what he wanted it to do; the spinning charge struck the flying marine squarley in the center of his shield, the reduced yet still potent force of the shot knocking him forward. The white shell itself bounced off harmlessly, continuing to spin violently as it fell down towards the surface. The shaken marine quickly canceled his boosting and turned around towards Rico, giving a shout of surprise.

"CHILL THE FUCK OUT!!" Rico yelled at the top of his lungs at the marine.

As the marine sauntered back to the ground, Rico shot a long glance at the other marines, trying to decide whether to attempt to 'get their attention' as well...however, they were already too far away to attempt another harmless shot. It also appeared they were being engaged by a few opposing Alpha Team marines. Rico shrugged it off, and quickly turned back to the other marines still floating above him, leaning his FMD casually across his shoulder as if he had NOT just shot a potentially lethal round at a teammate to simply get his attention.

"Well Fian, if you got a plan, let's hear it. Time's a wastin' baby."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 00:38 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten, finally getting a little calibration going on his suit, noticed the current fray and friendly fire session below. The Medic would've gone down to follow Istavan if it wasn't for the fact that he had recieved a direct order. He figured himself that kind of person, a 'point-and-off-we-go' type of man. Istavan, however, reminded him of those soldiers on that movie he had seen with his brother. He wasn't sure what it was, 'War of 40,000' or 'The 40,000th War' something like that, he just remembered it had a lot of soldiers and a great deal of death.


The word hung in his mind for some reason, then he looked down at the marines currently engaging combat with Alpha team. A thought just struck his head like a pebble thrown by a thrashball player.

[Marines + Enemy fire)VR Sim] + Medic = x

Solve for x...

"Er, sir, since this a VR Mission, is there any need for to tend to Marines if they do get hit in simulation?" Kokuten asked not only to Fian, but anyone willing to answer for him.
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 01:05 am Post subject: Reply with quote
As Istvan plumets he jigs and dodges. This pays off when the shot fired at him misses, but only just. Istvan notes the position it came from, and returns fire with his LBR. "Reciving fire" he says into the com, sending the position that the shot had come from. He hits the ground. with a jarring impact, going a bit on the fast side. "scan the perimiter" he says "Eyes open. If you see anything tell me. I'm point, you're left, your right." he says pointing to the marines that went down. "Keep your eyes open. We're doing this slow, and careful."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 01:49 am Post subject: Reply with quote
"We are still out of range!" Fian shouted as he saw Istvan dropping past him. "The tunnels and the area immediately above them is their home ground, it would be suicidal to barge right in!" The Vel Steyr quickly grouped up the names on the roster.

"All right listen up! All those NDI Armors: Phalanxes and Golems. Land in the area surrounding the tunnels. Form a perimeter and tighten it, don't bunch up, I don't want whole groups to be ambushed at the same time. If you see any tunnels entrances, seal it with explosives. You are now designated as Gamma Squad. P3C Istvan, you are leading."

"Those in the WATER2s: Lay an electromagnetic smokescreen between our current location and the tunnels. This will provide some cover to those falling. When you are done, you are to cover Gamma's advance as well. Your designation is Charlie. P2C Scott Lewis, you are to lead."

"Those in AIR2s, half of you are to follow Gamma down. You are to patrol the perimeter to serve as a quick response squad should the enemy attempt to breakout or flank Gamma Squad. You are now designated as Squad Epsilon One with P3C Rico leading."

"The other half will remain here as a reserve with the designation Epslion Two with me." Fian closed the holographic roster window that was taking up his whole screen. "I expect regular status reports from all squad leaders. This whole mission hinges on how quickly we can react to their tactics. Godspeed, soldiers!"

Last edited by Unyuu on Sat Feb 24, 07 09:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 02:21 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran decided to take a little control and make a bit of organization. He pointed at a marine near him that was also carrying a FMD. "You, you're on sniping with me." He waved the marine over to the outcropping where he was. "Load EMP shells." He commanded as loaded the black slugs into his own FMD. The marine beside him grunted, slightly displeased, but he loaded his gun. Gran scanned the area where Omega was supposed to land and detected two marines that seemed to have charged a little early for their own good. "There are two coming in from 1 o'clock, fire at the one on the right first then immediately the left." Gran drew a bead on the attacker on the right and waited for his companion to fire.

As the marine beside him shot, Gran followed with his own round a split second later. The EMP round hit and vaporized the marine's shield, and Gran's smashed through the armor dead center before the victim even realized his shield was gone. The other marine saw his teammate downed and quickly turned, but the marine beside Gran had already aimed and fired his second round, smashing into the off-balance marine. Gran was slightly slower with his second shot, this one smashed into the attacker's shoulder and back, tearing through the armor and flattening him against the ground. "Damn." Gran cursed. Split seconds count. he reminded himself, not sure if the last round was lethal. "Alright we are changing positions, follow me and reload you weapon." Gran quickly moved from the cropping, heading for a tunnel near their position, trying to stay behind cover, and the other marine followed him.

(O.C.C.- Is this too much and did I screw anything up? I am willing to change anything.)

Last edited by Davis on Sat Feb 24, 07 17:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 02:32 am Post subject: Reply with quote
I like him already. Most of the marines were as Soreta suspected all along; untrained, unskilled, with little potential or grace. They all floundered about, their armor simple hunks of metal propelling them; where they should have been extentions of their body.

Some of them, however, were different. Fian, for example, showed the kind of natural talent that the best of soldiers all shared. Some of the others, too, showed talent, or at least potential; still others simply had the kind of resolve that kept even the least skilled soldiers alive. It was interesting to see.

Joining the Epsilon Two squad in congregating around their leader, Soreta shifted to Fian's left flank. "This is PC1 'Valkyrie', respectfully requesting to assist Epsilon Squad Two, sir. You look like you could use someone on your wing; mind if I join the party? And if I may say so, we could use a better callsign."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 08:04 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico laughed a bit as Kokuten asked his question. "Nope! Heh, you lucked out baby, no savin' lives today. Just-" Before he could finish, however, Fian started giving his orders.

As Fian assigned him to lead the Epsilon squad, Rico immediately had a strong urge to reject the position. He had not planned on being serious with this simulation; he would've much rather spent his time pulling stupid worthless stunts like his earlier shot, or perhaps sneaking up behind an unaware marine and sawing his head off with the vibro-chain knife. 'it is a fuckin' simulation. Jeez...' However, as Fian asserted himself, Rico slowly decided to drop those thoughts for now...mostly because he was a bit off-put by how Fian was showing him up, even though he probably did so unknowingly.

Finally, Rico gave in and heaved a quick sigh before pulling his trademark confidence back on. "Alright, you heard the guy!" Rico looked around the group; there were six other AIR 2 units, not including his own, floating among the group. Rico pointed a free hand at each of them quickly in succession as he singled them out, waving his hand towards himself to signify that they were coming with him. "You, you, you, you..." Rico's hand pointed lastly at Soreta, "...and you! Let's get to work." However, as soon as Rico finished, Soreta's armor rose next to Fian and it is pilot asked to remain on the reserve squad.

Rico glanced back down planet-side just soon enough to witness one of the Omega Team marines get torn apart by shots from a hidden assailant. Rico didn't really want to argue and waste time debating that he could use all the AIR's, however, and quickly activated his thrusters towards the surface, his squad following pursuit closely.

"Alright boys, you're followin' Rico now! Keep it tight, use the Mass Meshers. You and you, EMP shells, you and you, Tungsten; I'll follow up with some Explosives. Keep up the movement, don't EVER slow down! Use each other as tractor and repulsion anchors if ya have to." Rico skillfully barked orders as they neared the surface, each one of his squadmates returning a solid 'Yes sir!'. It reminded him about how he used to order his little gang around back when he was still a little punk, thinking he owned the Funky City streets. Rico smiled venomously as he spotted a small group of enemies upon hitting the surface, and quickly changed course to intercept them.

"Let's get busy!"
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 13:04 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan scowled as the men to his right and left fell, throwing himself flat to make as little as a target as possible. He wondered how they had missed him in the cover. The one to the left was still listed as active. He wondered how they had missed him, but did not particularly care. He hears Fian's orders and nods to himself. This man knew what he was doing. Istvan uses triangulation of the shots to figure out where they came from "Snipers," he sends to fian and the others "at this location". He begins to slowly crawl forwards, keeping as much under-cover as he can, his weapons ready.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 14:32 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Fian Vel Steyr was pleased that Omega took to his plan without objections. Rico especially, he may not have been friends with him for long but the both of them must have broken a treshold in friendship where mutual understanding appears. With this degree of trust Fian has determined that Rico would be best suited for the fast reacting Epsilon One.

Fian turned his AIR2 to look at 'Valkyrie'. Usually the pilot's real name and callsign would appear on his HUD, but in this case it simply said P1C Valkyrie. Fian shortly contemplated on if this was a software glitch or if the pilot didnt key in his particulars properly but whatever it was, it doesnt really matter anyway because it is painfully obvious that Valkyrie wasnt going to hurt him or something because he was on his team. Fian could not recodnise Valkyrie's voice, maybe he was a new arrival.

There were three AIR2 units not counting his at Fian's disposal, four was the bare minimum for Mass Meshing. Noting that Rico's group has a total of six units, the Vel Steyr figured that he could accept Valkyrie without provoking Rico's ire, after all, he said each group should only compose of half the total number of AIR2s.

"Permission granted, welcome to Epsilon Two!" Fian signaled an 'okay' to Valkyrie. "I thank you for your support earlier." he bowed slighly as he said this (The AIR2 cannot nod). He may had have enough of them newcomers, but he always has attention to the nicer ones. "I'll be consolidating Epsilon One and Two later if the plan goes properly so I need not assign them different names, besides, we'll be serving the same purpose as Epsilon One once we touch the ground."

The first reports had begun to stream in. Istvan has reported numerous enemy positions. Fian had entrusted him with Gamma because he seemed to have a strong will to survive. From his initial jiggling and reporting, he figured that Istvan can be depended upon to hold the line, besides, Istvan is already down there to begin with. Fian relayed this data to Rico and Scott. Rico can try for a surprise attack while Scott can fire as he decended.

Turning back to the members of his squad, Fian announced: "All right, we dont want them to know we are here. Our objective is to make the enemy give more than he should, and he wont do so if he knows we still have something in reserve. Activate your Mass Meshers, kill your monoeyes and have your Probes dive in and out of Charlie's smokescreen. Now."
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 14:46 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran paused for a moment before entering the cave, signaling his teammate in before him. He looked around, his sensors picking up a unit that he had missed noticing, Istvan. damn it, he cursed to himself again. He and his fellow had kept their monoeyes off to avoid detection, bunt in the meantime missed another target. He ducked into the entrance of the cave, hiding himself and pulled out a single red explosive charge for his FMD but instead of loading it into his gun, her pulled out his chain blade and nicked a few spots on the shell, arming it. He hid it under some rocks, using it as a makeshift mine. He smirked to himself, And they said studying the insides was dumb. He proceeded down the tunnel, catching up to his teammate and opening his com-link. "Benji, you seem to be in charge, we better get some tactics going, these guys are going to get serious." He was hoping that the other team didn't have the maps of the tunnels that they did, these passages could be a great asset. "Also, a small explosive is set in the mouth of tunnel 4-B."

Last edited by Davis on Sat Feb 24, 07 17:37 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 16:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian scrathed his head, trying to think of some strategem. He knew Gran had put some enemies down, but there were a lot more. Luckily, Adrian had an idea of how this would go down, provided they used similar tactics as they did at the real Planet X.

"Benji, get the fuck back in these caves. Those bloody communists will turn you to swiss cheese long before we're able to get good shots lined up." Adrian looked at a map of the tunnel system and clicked his tongue.
"Alright, if they pull this like they did in real life, they'll most likely start with an attempt to box us in. They'll probably be using heavier armors for a perimeter. I'm assuming the quicker buggers'll do some hit and run. My idea for this little deal is we use the NDI armors to dent up the AIR2s, and use our quicker armors, with yer pretty little cannons, to soften up the Golems and Phalanxes. After they're bloodied and broken, we pop en masse out of these here tunnels and fry what's left."

The marine nodded to himself and asked "Any questions? If not, split into groups, hopefully someone you work well with." Adrian switched his comm to a private channel directed to Benji. "Oi, I guess you're unofficial leader, so make any changes you need. But we seriously need to hurry. The boys up there won't wait to paste us."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 17:25 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Monoeye deactive, cloak online, probes active. Let's get moving." Soreta looked to the two others with the Epsilon Two squad - they seemed competent enough, if not amazing. This would be fairly simple, assuming that the enemy wasn't prepared - and they didn't seem to be.

"it is more quiet than I thought it would be. Think they're planning anything?"
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 18:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten was in a WATER2 for it is defensive and support preformance tech. He quickly looked through his weapons inventory through his helm, eventually coming on the Observation Probe.

This isn't it, but it will be useful.

He deployed the Violin Shaped probe and took a moment to try and set it to watch the battle. He then quickly circled through his inventory and found the Charged Paticle Dispenser. The Medic checked it is functionality and got his mind set to drop.

Okay, first time into a combat situation, try not to fuck it for everyone else.

His reverse thrusters let go and down he went, laying out smokescreen charges in a certain timing as he fell, it wasn't perfect, but good for a first try. He hit the thrusters with poor timing, causing him to loosely crash and roll over in the ground.

"Goddammit!" He grunted, a fellow Charlie grabbed his arm and picked him off the ground. The cyborg stopped for a moment and looked up and behind, he could notice Epsilon Two about to make their assault. The Marine crouched next to him could tell the apparent lack of Power Armor awareness, and tapped Kokuten's shoulder and pointed to his Rifles loose connector from his anti-matter storage.

This moment in time, his Kokuten's ally took a poor sniper shot in left forearm, luckily only bouncing on the shield. Kokuten ducked his head, and grabbed his buddy who had been taken back a bit. He and Kokuten took low cover and advanced along to try and cover Gamma's advance.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 18:22 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Benji considered Adrian's words and changed directions, watching his map. With a five second burst from his boosters he shot across the ground and then flicked his boosters off. Using his PA's abilities to his advantage he took a few long seconds to get his CPD going and then his Mass Mesher. He sent out his probe and as soon as he was ready he took off again on foot and then was down into another entrance, maked on his map. "Gran buddy? Keep up yor sniping. Bring down as many individual targets as possible. Adrian See if you can distract pretty boy and his sub-squad eh?"

"Follow Adrian's plan...." Benji sand and switched over so he was talking with only Adrian. "This wasn't intended... Well lets get our asses some what serious. I'll see if I can distract Rico and his buddies on the ground. see what you can do to defend the tunnels..." and then he turned to an open frequency and blasted "All for you Sophia" into it. He went to work, trying to think under pressure.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 21:48 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
The first pair of armors Rico had spotted quickly retreated into the caves before Epsilon could reach them. Rico knew better than to follow. "Fuckin' weak!" Rico laughed in disappointment, and quickly pushed off his course, turning around to look around for more potential targets. He spotted two of the slower-to-react attempting to retreat into another cave entrance, and immediately gave the signal to attack before they could reach the safety of the enclosure.

As his squad converged on them, the six AIRs swerved and dove in intricate patterns around each other. With six sets of various charges being fired in rapid succession, the two stray marines didn't last very long. After an EMP shell detonated, the solid white charges tore into one marines limbs, violently jerking them into awkward angles before he slumped down and layed motionless. The second marine didn't get much farther, as Rico himself caught the fleeing marine with an antimatter charge to center of his back just as he dove into the hole.

This small victory, however, did not leave Rico as satisfied as he would've wished. Rico took a moment to glance at his surroundings. There were no more enemy marines above ground. Rico quickly double-checked before opening a communication channel.

"Hey Fian, it is Rico. We got a clear surface down here. They pulled back...looks like they're startin' to get their act together."
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 07 22:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan sent his observation probe to the last recorded location of the snipers, then got Gamma together. They crept from cover to cover, moving like a shadow in the night. He had found an entrance to a cave, near where the snipers had been. "Found an entrance" he reported. "I would advise we seal as many tunnels as we can. This will prevent them from surrounding us, or from performing strike-and-fades. Then we colapse the tunnel network around them." He paused, and got an arrow ready to fire "Request permission to seal this entrance?" he asked, not wanting to screw any over-stratigy that may exist.

Last edited by Le Blue Dude on Sun Feb 25, 07 14:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 13:33 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Well if they are not, we have won the battle already." Fian said, responding to Valkyrie's question. "But yes, it seems so. They are getting more and more organized by the minute."

Fian's trigger finger itched, shooting from the atmosphere downwards is an interesting prospect. The acceleration from the planet's gravity would greatly boost the force of incomming shells but Fian restrained himself. Doing so would blow their cover and element of surpise. Besides, the Vel Steyr knows he only has enough blood to only operate either his brain or gun. As the team leader it was obvious which one was more needed now.

"it is much too hard to plan when you know your enemy is holding something back in reserve. I'm just going to tigthen the noose untill they play their hand, and when they do that they'll know who has the more cards up his sleeve." Fian said trying to concentrate on strategy. He then noticed a pair of wicked looking Daisho blades hung on Valkyrie's AIR2. He dismissed them, there are enough things running through his head already. Besides, Val is on his team, right?

It seemed that the enemy was not paying attention to the monoeye drones floating above the battle at all. Fian took the initiative to have them remain full time in the cloud instead of weaving in and out. Tactical data begain to pour in which is then relayed to the entire Omega Squad. Anybody leaving the tunnels is not safe anymore.

"As previously ordered, Istvan." Fian responded to the planetside request. "But leave the tunnels closer to the center open, we would like them to know that they are still welcome to play with us outside."

Fian switched the commlink to Rico. "Be extra vigilant." He didn't know what else to say. The only thing left to do now is to wait...
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 14:15 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OOC: mini-JP between me, Mola, and Davis


"Understood, we'll pick off whoever we can get." Gran remarked into his comm as he pulled up a map of the tunnels in his visor. He turned to the marine beside him. "Alright, follow me, this one will take us to a covered spot, we should be able to get a good view. Make sure you have your Mesher on when we get to the mouth."

"Good, turn your MM's on as well. There's enough rock around here to keep them confused and messed up." Benji's eyes scanned his HUD and he chewed on his lip and then murmured "I shouldn't have eaten before this..." and then took a deep breath. They'd have to come up with a better plan. For the minute, he was busy looking over the maps of the tunnels. Finally he found a common junction and then a brilliant plan snapped to mind. "I think I have an idea..." He said, backing into the tunnel entrance, so he would avoid getting shot. "Too bad we don't have better stealth capabilities..."

Adrian flipped on his comm and spoke to his unofficial CO. "Benji, down a little ways here is a big aether beam generator. It can cut through all this rock and blast the hell out of enemy armor. I can bring some kids down and secure it, if you want it for something."

"Yeah, I have a plan Adrian. Secure it and keep it safe till I get there..." he said and took off through the tunnels. It took a bit for him to get to Adrian. He walked over and then pretended to crack his knuckles. "Gran? you listening buddy?" Benji asked "Listen in on the plan I have and add anything you think will be useful..." He turned back to Adrian.

"Acknowledged. Spritzer! Hoster! With me! Let's get down to that aether beam and figure out how to get it running. Benji, if you can get me some sort of targeting data for the enemy, we can probably cut a couple of them down." Adrian bounded down the tunnel with the other two marines flanking him.

Gran reached the mouth of the cave and quickly went prone, signaling his teammate to do the same. "Alright Benji, sounds like this could get frantic." The marine beside him sighed slightly. "You got a problem?" Gran asked, slightly angry, switching to a secure link between himself and the marine. "Yeah, you," The marine replied. Gran scowled at him, "Well you can just run out there like an idiot and be turned into next year's fishnet stockings if you want. Or you can sit here with me and actually get a few kills you can gloat over." "Fine." The marine replied and sighted his rifle out the entrance of the cave. "Hey Adrian, any chance we would get caught in the blast?"

"Kish, Zaka you're on suicide duty... get out there and get us some relative coordinates!" Benji leveled his long sword at the marines and then at the tunnel entrance and the two reluctantly got going, sending out their probes and trying to stay hidden while relaying information to Benji. Benji in turn relayed the info to Adrian and his team. "Not from where you are..." Benji anwsered the question for Adrian. "It'll take a while to get running anyway... just keep up your killing..."

"Understood." Was all Gran said as he focused on the outside. "Any chance we could get some more sniping pairs up here? Could get lonely." Gran wondered how this would go down. He knew Fian and Rico were on Omega, and he was pretty sure Alpha was screwed. "So what can I call you if I need you to drag my ass outta trouble?" He said to the marine beside him, not wanting there to be uneccessary tension between them. "Reme." He replied curtly, scanning the outside perimeter. Gran smiled. "Alright Reme, let's get us some kills."

Adrian shook his head, even though Gran couldn't actually see it. "We're going to broadcast the trajectory of the beam before we fire. So you'll know before-hand." Adrian came out of the relatively narrow tunnel and into the large cavern with the massive cannon. Adrian moved forward quickly and started examining the device. "Spritzer, give me a hand here. You know this shit a little better than me."

Benji studied the map "Yeah, Gran I can spare another pair of snipers. Karo, Terance, get your asses over to Gran and his partner." The two moved off. "Your backup snipers are on the way Gran" Benji said and then pointed at four of the AIR PA's that were hanging around. "You four go and run recon on our buddies up top, do what you have to do to distract and confuse them." The four marines headed off.

"Thanks buddy." Gran said to Benji, then continued: "You think we have a good chance of at least holding 'em off?" He double-checked that his weapon was fully loaded. "Also, do you think we should booby trap as many entrances as possible?" He asked, thinking over how many more explosive charges he had in his ammo storage.

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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 14:53 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan smiled almost feraly, "Gamma" he said "Bring down the tunnel as deep inside as possible without entering it." He, and the other members of his group, fired a few blasts into the tunnel, sealing it with falling rubble. "Keep your eyes open, and move carefuly, spread out, but maintain visible distances between each other. Close any tunnel or bolt-hole you come across." Istvan ordered, sending his scour around looking for more holes and tunnels... Sealing any of the ones he found, by firing some shots into them. He and his men kept alert.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 15:24 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten and the fellow Marine(who he just found that his name was Loss) hooked up with the rest of Charlie, or at least as much as what was left. Lewis was still standing but had taken a shot or two in the legs, his buddy Loss had taken the shot in the fore arm. The rest of the squad, including Kokuten, seemed fairly unscathed.

"Alright, I havn't recieved anymore orders than what I got in the first place, the most I know is that Gamma has already made their advance on the tunnels." Lewis kneeled real quick to lay the pressure of the legs, and then pointed in Gammas direction, the squad looked and saw they were moving around the caves sealing them.

"Hey man, hook up your rifle." Silvern waved Kokuten's rifle connector in front of him.

"Oh, right! Sorry bout' that." Kokuten fumbled with it and eventually secured it to his arm, this act made Lewis sigh at Kokuten, seeing it as a lack of experience.

"Steyr, we have covered Gamma's advance, regrouped, and are awaiting further orders." Lewis communicated to Fian, standing once again.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 15:35 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"It is quiet, too quiet." Fian Vel Steyr sent back to Lewis. "You guys are carrying drones. Deploy them into the tunnels closer to the center, we need to see whats are they up to. If some snipers try to shoot it down, blow the shit out of him."

Fian then switched to the the Omega Team channel. "Everybody, turn up your Mass Meshers, NDI Armors should begin active jamming."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 16:34 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Yes sir." Lewis replied and quickly relayed the orders to the rest of the squad, who began to deploy their Probes and activate their Mass Meshers. Kokuten took a moment and looked into a small window on his viewscreen, the probe had been watching most of the action.

He fiddled with it a little bit, the drone veered left, then right. it is view the rested on Epsilon 2, the group of armors holding their command position in the sky. He then locked it on himself, the probe shoot forward toward it is controller. It slowed to a stop near his face.

"You forget that too?" Loss chuckled.

"Well, I'm doing pretty well for my first Virtual Sortie." Kokuten waved his hand in front of the probe.

"Cut the chatter, let's move up to the central enterance." Lewis said, walking well for his wounded legs.

Charlie squad advanced quickly in spread line formation, the soldiers meshed to their surrounding as they went. When they reached about a few 100 ft from the cave, they spread out and took cover behind some rocks and any object large enough to cover a Water. They sent their probes in, keeping them spread out from each other.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 16:56 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"NEW PLAN!" Banji barked into his com "Snipers blow the tunnels you're in and report to the central tunnel. dig yourself a hole and get your asses ready for war." He selected a big group of people "Take down the invading probes, do not let them reach the Ather Cannon!" and then he highlighted another group of people "Take out any approaching Omega team members that advance towards the central tunnel!" There was the sounds of bombs going off and smoke and dust filled the air as Aplha team blew the excess tunnels and everyone turned the MM's on and stayed grouped in mass numbers.

"AIRs concentrate on destroying the probes, WATERs concentrate on destroying the AIRs and eveyone else destory whatever moves!!!" Benji paused to punch a neat little cubby hole in the wall of the main cavern that housed the Ather Cannon. "Fight Offensive if you have to boys. This means war!!!"

[you people are going to be the end of me...]
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 17:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Things seemed very settled for a minute or two as Rico's squad continued to speed non-stop across the surface of the planet. The drones far above the battlefield, concealed by the smokescreens littering the sky, continued to relay information to everyone on the ground. However, whenever an enemy would pop up on the screens they would quickly duck back down as Epsilon neared them. It left Rico slightly frustrated, which in turn, caused him to unconsciously look around for a release to spend his tension on. He looked for something. Anything.

Unfortunately for Kokuten, he was the first thing Rico spotted. Rico's trademark sly grin slowly made its appearance as he quickly changed course, his five squad mates trailing quickly behind him.

Kokuten and his group were in the process of carefully scouting out a cavern. Kokuten himself was standing behind a mass of rocks a ways away from the cavern, apparently deep in concentration. As Rico quickly passed behind him, however, he quickly aimed a tractor field for Kokuten's feet. The resulting force jerked his feet backwards, and Kokuten fell forward, hitting the ground rather hard. Rico quickly turned around and stopped his booster array, putting his free hand on his hip as he floated in the open a few yards behind Kokuten. The rest of Epsilon passed him for but a moment, obviously surprised by the sudden stop. They quickly retreated back to Rico and floated behind him, watching the situation. Two of them let out a short laugh after they realized what had just happened.

"Wake up baby! Can't be sleepin' on the job now!" Rico said with a chuckle.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 17:17 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Kokuten grunted heavily as he hit the ground.

"The fuc-" The medic was interupted by his sudden stop. He was unsure of what just happened. His mind was focused on his Probe and nothing else, at the moment.

"Rico, what the Hell man!?" Loss said, helping Kokuten up again.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 17:20 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Understood!" Gran and the three others replied to Benji. They immediately withdrew from the mouth of the cave. When they were a safe distance back, one of Gran's squad mates fired and explosive round, collapsing the entrance. They quickly ran back to the center chamber. "Alright boys you heard him, dig in!" Gran boosted a few meters up and puched a large divet in the wall and used his push/pull to hold himself in. His teamates followed suit in random locations, each getting a good view of the tunnel from a relatively hidden spot.

"To everyone with EMP's loaded, make sure you fire first." Gran said as he trained his FMD on the mouth entrance, still loaded with sniper shells. "Are all the cave mouths closed? I don't want to get shot in the ass."
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 17:21 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico wave a hand casually in Kokuten's direction. He was still enjoying the moment, although Kokuten didn't exactly take the joke as well as Rico thought he would.

"Aww common baby, lighten up."
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 17:22 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
There was the rumbling of rock and something landed not far from Rico, Kokuten and Loss's feet...

Then it detonated, blowing the walls and celing and even the floor of the tunnel apart. The entrance before them was closed in by falling debris and dust was pushed out into their faces. "Take that Rico" Benji said to no one in particular as he double timed it back to the central cavern.

Blowing up the tunnel had been fun because he'd gotten away with it before his ass could be fried off.

"Yeah Gran I've sealed another tunnel off...." and then "How about the other tunnels guys?" He read over the reports and then nodded "Good, none left for the pesky omegas to get into. Everyone merge on the main cavern and the central tunnel ASAP..."
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 07 20:20 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran looked around a bit, trying to think of how many enemies they would have to face and when they would come. He had an idea. "Hey Will, is that cave that goes across the continent still open?" A moment passed. "Yeah" Was the curt reply. He smiled, "Alright guys, I'm going to get a straw for Sonita's 40 Oz. The guys who were with me earlier, follow me." He bounded off as quickly as he could, using his push/pull to propel himself faster along the tunnel.

Fian checked the strategy map again, it was totally clear. No sign of the enemy at all. He has got to give credit to Alpha squad, they were being much more chicken than the reds. "Well, they have no where to hide now." He brought up the group list and switched to Gamma and Charlie. "Right, it looks like we have to flush them out. Gamma and Charlie, advance cautiously." He then turned the channel to Rico. "Epsilon One, secure the perimeter."

As Rico received Fian's transmission, he quickly reactivated this thruster array, the rest of Epsilon One following suit. The squad moved quickly from one of the battlefield to the other, checking each cave entrance they came across. Rico quirked an eyebrow as he noticed a pattern between the cavern holes, and quickly relayed a message back to Fian. "Perimeter looks tight baby. But it looks like all the caves've been plugged."

"it is possible they have something up their sleeve..." Soreta commented as Fian doled out his orders. Her combat experience may have been limited, but even she knew that this was a lot easier that it should've been. "What are your thoughts on the situation?" She asked, turning to Fian.

"The same thing. We must force their hand first." Fian replied back to Soreta. He signaled to the rest of Epsilon Two. "Descend into the cloud, we'll be closer to the tunnels." The Vel Steyr then slowly turned on his re-entry thrusters and fell to the earth. Soreta followed Fian on his left wing, readying her weapons for combat as her engines roared, bringing her closer and closer to the planet below. "Our forces are probably more tightly organized...your doing, of course." A smile, but only to herself.

Lewis nodded as he received the transmission. "Charlie, rally up with Gamma." The squad replied with a quick 'yes sir'.

Istvan began to advance, as per orders, sweeping for snipers. He had everyone move in a careful formation so that they all cover each other. As they marched on, each one nervous and ever-alert, Istvan began to chant a slow marching song softly, just to his team. Perhaps to calm their nerves, but mostly to calm his own. Lewis responded to Gammas movements with his own set of orders. "Stay low; I want a loose column formation, right behind the Gammas." The squad complied silently and with a quick flow. Kokuten noticed Lewis limping, and stayed behind him in case he took another shot in the legs.


Gran and his small squad neared the exit of the long tunnel leading to the other side of the continent. "Alright boys, keep an eye out. Drop you drones boys." He and his team deployed their drones scattering the skies. "Look for something that resembles a command squad and give all your info to Benji."

"Oi Benji, we got a general idea of how this thing works," Adrian patted the large cannon next to him. "Just give us latitude/ longitude coordinates and we can get it. By the way, lots of shaking up there, we doing all right?"


The drone network that was hiding in the electromagnetic cloud relayed something to Fian. A group of monoeye emitting units has appeared at the edge of the map. He called up Charlie on the communication link. "FTL Weapons, Target Practice." Fian chose not to answer Soreta's complement, things were finally heating up. A single monoeye emitting unit can be a group of NAM Armors, but many at once just indicated a bunch of Drones. Fian quickly relayed a communication. "FTL Weapons, Enemy drones on the edge of the map, long-range target practice."

Rico perked up a bit as he heard about the drone sightings on the edge of the map. However, he was quickly disappointed by Fian assigning the other teams to investigate and dispatch them. Rico let out another frustrated sigh, continuing to rocket across his patrol routes.

Istvan walked carefully, his drone scouring the area... He continues to advance, noting Kokutan's squad forming a column behind his. He assigns a subordinate to keep up the chant...keeping his eyes open while he responded to Fian's orders. "FTL weapons?" he asks over the communication link. "Good move..." Lewis nodded as he received the transmission "We got marks on the edge of the area, Fian wants FTL weapons, looks like Gamma got the same message." Lewis relayed to the squad, they picked up their weapons and had them ready. "Alright, this is the part where I get to finally shoot this thing..." Lewis began to relay to Istvan, "Gamma, we'll open up on your first shot, Charlie out."

The drones flew scattered throughout the air, scanning and scoping. Gran pulled his team a little further back into the tunnel. "Alright two of you set your drones on auto, replay directly to Benji, and keep a watch of the outside; I don't want someone ripping us to shreds while we stare at aerial photos." Two of Gran's wing quickly went prone towards the mouth of the cave, scanning the horizon for anything suspicious. "Benji, you getting anything from the drones?"

Istvan orders his men to fire upon the drones. Lewis grunted as Gamma opened up, "Charlie, do you all have confirmation of the drones?" The squad responded with nods and 'yes sir's. "The FUCK EM UP!" Lewis yelled, Charlie popped up and began letting hell loose on the drones. "Think they can hear this?" Loss said to Kokuten. "They're deaf if they don't." Kokuten said, enjoying the firing session." Lewis looked in Loss's and Kokutens's direction. "Cut the damn chatter."


Benji looked at the sensor data coming from the Gran’s drones. He saw a bunch of little dots, indicating NDI armors, and... a big area of interference over the battlefield. "Adrian, I have an idea where the command team may be. Almost directly above you. Aim Sophia's 40 up and get ready to pull." Adrian grinned as he received Benji's orders. He rattled some coordinates off, and double-checked to make sure none of Alpha Team was within his cannon's trajectory. "ALL SQUADS, ZA WANDA!" Adrian shouted loudly as he hammered the fire key. After a few seconds of aetheric glow and a loud humming, the cannon fired, the beam sent blasting at the speed of light towards Fian, Soreta, and all the other marines unlucky enough to be sitting with them.

"Benji, Adrian, why do I have to stay out here? I'm worried about being found, I'm sure they see my dro--" He stopped as all his squad lost contact with the drones one by one. Gran ducked back, surprised a bit at the sudden loss. "Alright, all the drones are dead. I have a general idea of where the shots came from. Want me to pull back into the caves and collapse the tunnel?" He smiled as he heard Adrian's phrase and the rumbling of the beam cutting into the sky at the end of his sentence.

Fian's eyes slowly widened. The blood was flowing down to his trigger finger instead of remaining in his head, something was happening, and it was happening right now. An all too familiar Aether Beam shot out of the ground and ripped the AIR2 next to him a new one. Thankfully the interference and the presence of the other Monoeye Drones had messed up the targeting of the beam, if only but a few feet. Fian had only words left to say. After that, it would be all action. "They played their hand...we go now."

"An aether gun, huh? Since when did those guys have that?" But Soreta's objection was short-lived as she dove into the atmosphere at top speed; they still had the advantage, as their cards were still hidden. It would be entirely likely that the aether cannon was their one trick, and it could easily be dealt with.

Istvan was thrown to the ground as the Aether beam erupted out of the planet's surface in the distance "MOTHER FUCKER!" he shouted, and quickly nodded at Fian's command. He gave the order to begin digging through the cavern hole they had reached, and in a matter of moments, cleared the rubble with some quickly placed explosives "Men, assemble! We start moving in here, keep an eye on our backs!" Istvan pointed an armored hand into the dark cavern hole. The rest of Gamma responded by swifly diving into the cave, weapons at the ready.

"Charlie Team, they fired the pop gun! Let's go!" The Water 2's flowed into the cave after the Gammas like, well, water. Charlie kept close behind the Gammas. Istvan yells a battle cry as he charges through into the cave, he and his men were NOT throwing caution to the wind, but were rather covering each other even as they charged, firing at anything they say, especially anything that shot back. Istvan's blood pumped fiercely, his heart going a mile a minute.


Adrian quickly ordered his men away from the Aether cannon in case of quick retaliation. "Benji, in case you didn't see, WE FIRED. We need support in here NOW!" Benji nodded to himself and ordered a squad down to help Adrian. He also sent an order. "If you can, fire some more into that cloud and make sure you got them. Gran, get outside and get visuals on this."

"Men! They will be focused on the hole made by the aether beam! we poke out little heads out of the hole and take as many as we can! Will Frank! You are on EMP! Me and Dan are Tugsten. Move!" Gran dashed to entrance of the cave and grabbed a spot of cover, his men taking other positions near him. They were but seconds too late to catch Rico and his squad, however, and witnessed them diving straight into the freshly-cut cavern before they could fire a shot.


Meanwhile, a distance away from the first blast of the aether cannon, Fian ordered the remaining drones to make for the a bunch of previously sealed tunnels with a few hand signals. With the same hand he commanded Epsilon Two towards a sealed tunnel near the central area where a sniper was previously spotted. Fian did not see any sight of the previous assailant, however. "Double Green Shells!" Fian shouted. "Fire at tunnels A-2, B-2, B-4, C-6 and C-7! Clear us a path!" He loaded his own FMD and fired at the blocked entrance they were diving towards, the twin antimatter shells exited his gun and impacted upon the rock, vaporizing the obstructions in a bright white light and leaving the tunnel open. His squad moved through the tunnel quickly...attempting to find the location of the enemies aether weapon before they many more chances to use it.


Rico's squad continued rapidly bounding across the area. His men were beginning to share Rico's impatience, which was growing by the minute, as well as the slight feeling of nausea from the repeated use of the AIRs tractor field-driven movement. However, this was cut short when Rico witnessed the large aether blast tear through the earth a few kilometers away. Rico didn't need Fian's orders to know what to do next. In but a matter of seconds, Rico's squad of six AIRs flew straight into the freshly cut hole in the earth, the sides still hot from the previous aether blast. "SPEED IT UP!" Rico yelled to his fellow Epsilon members as they exploited the full speed capabilities of the tractor fields, constantly tugging at the solid walls ahead of them to careen themselves forward, reaching blinding speeds as they rocketed through the cavern.

Adrian saw the armors coming down the tunnel and mumbled a stream of profanities. "Hit that fucking fire button, take 'em out if you can." However, he knew that the cannon needed a few seconds to recharge...he whipped out his NDI carbine, leaped back, and fired rapidly at them. "Benji, we need that support real fuckin' fast if we're gonna live down here..."

Rico's monoeye sensors quickly materialized Adrian's small team of marines far ahead of them. Rico knew he didn't have much time to react to them, let alone slow down enough to make a clean shot with their FMDs. The solid, almost perfect tunnel the aether beam had carved left little in the ways of cover from the fire...it would be a gauntlet to reach them, with Rico and his men at a severe disadvantage. He stuttered quickly, trying to put words to the thoughts that raced through his mind. "Ah...ah shit, RETURN FIRE, BUT KEEP GOING!" Rico shouted his orders. The AIRs quickly began moving more sporadically in an attempt to dodge as many shots as possible, returning blind fire when they could. It wasn't looking good...Rico saw one of his men take a shot to the chest before disappearing behind the group, and Rico had taken a shot to the shoulder, his left monoeye system completely gone. Rico could start to make out the edges of the cavern mouth far below him.'Nearly...there...'

Adrian grinned as one of his shots took out an AIR armor, one of many screaming down the tunnel. Luckily, they weren't quite there... and the cooldown for the aether cannon had finished. Adrian reached for the fire key and punched it again. The beam fired up the same way it had before, only now with more things in it is path.

Rico watched in horror as the tip of the large object in the distance began to glow bright blue once more...the aether cannon had finished it is cool-down period, and they were firing it again. Rico's squad of battered AIRs were close...so very close to the end. '...Almost...there...!!!'

Many things happened at once at this point. Rico grinned maniacally as they reached the end of the tunnel, nanoseconds before the solid beam of aetheric energy burst forth from the cannon. Everything was a blur now...Rico and two other AIRs barely managed to escape the blast, while the last two AIRs of his squad were disintegrated in the blast as it tore through the hole once more. Time itself seemed to stand still to everyone in the large open cavern. Rico and his final remaining AIR 2 units suspended dangerously close to the bluish-white energy beam, Rico's left shoulder monoeye array charred black and useless, the arm growing sluggish from the simulated wound. He staring downwards at Adrian and the handful his marines as they stared up at them, everyone caught in a moment of disbelief, everyone illuminated in the ghostly glow of the aetheric energy. And then, it was gone.


Lewis kicked in the thrusters following in behind Gamma. "Deploy your shields, and keep your smokescreens ready, this'll be a tough slog." Charlie complied with good motion, Kokuten was becoming a rather good pilot by now. Loss flew next to him, the rest of the squad keeping on Gamma tail. Istvan was deeper inside now, with his scouting drones checking the area ahead. He shared all of his data with Charlie. Kokuten kept his shield forward, trying to focus on the data and the path at once. He was ready. It was time, time for war.

Istvan saw a small group of Alpha Marines coming and began to open fire onto them before they could react. The skirmish didn't last long...with both Gamma and Charlie and their combined firepower, the handful of enemy marines were lost under the flow of energy and metal. He kept moving, finding his way around the tunnels by drone, slowly gaining ground towards the large cavern that the main objective was being housed...


Benji heard reports streaming in over the comm links of teams going down, and didn't like them at all. "Someone get to that junction and get some bombs set up for traps. Get ready for them..." He said, and readied his weapon, keeping the caverns around the objective in sight.

Gran did not have enough time, or the numbers to attempt to give chase to Fian and his group, instead, he slowly advanced "Here we go guys! Monoeyes and...fire!" Gran shouted to his teammates as Epsilon 2 neared them. The eyes glowed red, and shots rained out, waves of EMP charges followed by tungsten shells. The charges were seconds too late, however, as Rico and his marines dove into the cavern hole.

"Fuck!" Gran shouted, waving his partners to advance onto the freshly-carved cavern. "Explosives! Explosives!" Gran and his team quickly loaded red shells and started to chase Rico down the newly-created cavern. However, he quickly retreated back out of the hole as Adrian announced another aether beam was being fired up the cavern to obliterate Rico before he could reach it. Gran would have to wait until the aether beam was gone before attempting to commence the chase...


Epsilon Two dove right into the hole at breakneck speed with their thrusters screaming, the overcharged repulsion field interacted with the curve of the tunnel and made sure they didn’t hit the wall but tore chunks of rock from the walls. Of the whole of Epsilon Two only Fian had his Monoeyes on, this was to confuse the enemy as there were Monoeye’d drones running down the other tunnels they previously freed. Due to the fact that they thought the tunnels were sealed for good, Epsilon Two only ran across a single Phalanx that was heading for the fight.

Soreta kept close to Fian as he worked; her time wasn't now. Using the unknown rifle, she fired needle rounds into the targets Fian was, and cursed herself for not choosing the FMD, which would've been of much more use in these cramped cavern tunnels. "damn it..."

Fian Vel Steyr locked his Monoeyes on the poor Alpha and transmitted it to the whole squad. As he flew past the marine he let loose an EMP round. The next Epsilon Two gave another EMP, the third one gave a White, fourth a drop kick and finally Soreta cut the poor soul in half with her twin daisho. Fian continued downwards into the cavern, moving on the readings Rico's monoeyes were giving. Rico had found the aether weapon...but things didn't look good for him. "Let's hurry."

[OOC: Everyone please see my map in the OOC thread, and give a detailed description of your characters current status and position in you're posts after this.]
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 07 19:44 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
As the blue glow of the aether subsided from the cavern, Adrian had a large adrenaline rush. In front of him, he saw three wounded AIR2's. Easy pickings for his 3 Super Phalanxes, plus the motley group that had just flown into the room.
"Let's end this, mates!"
Adrian yelled as he blasted upward at the highest speed he could manage, with a ball of super-charged plasma coating his fist, and was extremely intent on putting it through Rico's head. Adrian's friends pulled up their weapons and started pumping rounds up, and one of the AIR2's went down in a blaze of fire while the other one backed off. That left one psychotic medic with a ball of fire and one charismatic womanizer with broken armor getting much closer every nanosecond.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 07 20:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico's head was in a rush. In the last few minutes, he had completely forgotten this was just a simulation, and he was too caught up on the moment to care. As the aether beam's glow dissipated, however, Rico was snapped back to reality as the foes in front of him started to fire. "Fire your darts!" Rico commanded quickly, attempting to return fire as best as he could. After that, he flipped back to send a broad communication, to anyone. "Son of a bitch, I could use some help in here!"

The three AIRs repelled off of each other in attempts to dodge the incoming fire, and began to unleash their salvos of DART missiles, spraying them throughout the open cavern. Rico was not having much luck dodging the fire of seven or so marines...one stray shot struck the right part of his skirt armor, and Rico grimaced slightly as his HUD informed him the ammunition loading system for his FMD was gone. The marine to Rico's left, however, was not even able to unleash all of his dart missiles before he was shot down by the incoming fire, skidding to a crash against the cavern wall.

The hundred-or-so darts flitted and fluttered about like a swarm of hornets, scrambling shields and visual systems alike as they hit their marks. Many of the marines in the cavern started shooting blindly, giving shouts of surprise as their screens went fuzzy or dark. The dart effects wouldn't last long, however.

Rico caught sight of Adrian about mid-way through his lunge. Apparently too few darts were able to make direct hits onto him. Rico tried to act fast, and time seemed to slow down again. He didn't have enough time to reach for his CSS knife. As Adrian got into range, Rico's only option was to strike Adrian solidly with a swift blow of his now useless FMD. The force of the blow shattered the chamber and front end of his FMD, and it did little to no damage to Adrian's Phalanx...but it gave him enough time to draw his CSS knife from it is chamber on his chest. Rico assumed a melee stance, ready for a counter-attack. The vibro-knife revved on as Rico clutched it tightly.

"Alright then baby, COME ON!"
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 07 21:46 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
To the sound of an imaginary bugle call, Fian Vel Steyr's Epsilon Two Squad streamed out into the Aether Generator Room with an additional three hundred and sixty darts being released. This filled the room with so much smoke, radiation and interference that any form of sensors and along with reliable targeting was lost. Not wanting to accidentally damage the potentially useful Aether Generator, Epsilon Two had already withdrawn their melee weapons, both short and long, all whirring with sadistic delight.

No thought of monitoring the battle had crossed Fian's mind, the time for that was gone a long time ago and that of cautious restraint. Unbridled, the Vel Steyr flew right across the room and firmly planted his CCS into a struggling Alpha's back, erupting in a fountain of blood as the teeth of the Vibro Chainblade cut through the armor and into soft soft flesh.

A Phalanx unit nearby recovered and aimed its rifle at Fian. Nevermind the air was filled interference with judicious amounts grinding and screaming noises, at this range the rifle cannot miss even without its mechanically assisted targeting system. Fian paid no attention to him and held on to the knife smilingly, not wanting his victim's suffering to end prematurely. On cue, another AIR2 landed in front of the Phalanx and brought its Long Chainsword down through the NDI Armor's gun arm and then in another fluid moment he swung back and ended the arc pushing upwards between the Phalanx'es legs. Making its poor pilot's gonads contribute to the generous gibs on the floor.

More Alphas started streaming into the room. Pulling out his Chainknife, Fian proceeded to welcome them.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 07 22:19 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
And right on Fian's wing was Soreta, thouroghly enjoying the battle, simulated flesh rended and torn through the cold precision of her blades. She charged right into battle without concern for her own damage and simply lost herself in combat - the enemy had no chance, disorganized and demoralized as they were.

The environment worked to her advantage, allowing her dangerous charging, hit-and-run type tactics, and other various things to happen with little time to react. As soon as the enemy could shoot, it was already too late - Soreta had already taken them out, leaving them in strewn bits of armor and guts on the floor.

As the next wave stormed in, Soreta raised her rifle with a sadistic grin. "Far too easy, don't you think?"
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 07 23:06 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
(MiniJP between Moonman, Omega20)


Adrian laughed, and spoke through his suits loudspeakers so that Rico could hear him. "Come on, Rico. Think your little knife can stand up to me?" The marines below them were still fighting, although the single living Omega was sorely out-gunned by the Phalanx suited soldiers. He hovered about 4 meters from Rico, plasma ball still in hand. He pulled back his arm, as if he was about to throw, and then charged forward, putting the super-heated gas in front of him like a shield.

“More than enough, baby!” Rico smiled grimly, recognizing the voice bursting from the Phalanx armor ahead of him. Before he could respond, however, Adrian came back for a second rush. Rico raised his vibro-blade...but then realized that it would do little to no good, as Adrian's shields were still functioning. "...shit!" Rico gasped, and used his tractor field to attempt to dodge and move farther away.

Adrian saw Rico move and swore. He didn't want to waste his Plasma on nothing. He spun quickly in mid-air and hit the wall with his back. He bounced off and quickly got control of his suit. He flew to the other side of the room and once again stared Rico down. The plasma ball in his hand was growing quite large, especially with the extra maneuvering. "Hold still, damn it. I need you to eat this bloody thing." He floated and waited, hoping Rico would trip up. Meanwhile, the marines under his command were faced with a surprise visit from Fian.

"God damn it, it is about fuckin' time!" Rico yelled as he witnessed Fian's charge into the room. Once again, the room was filled with more dart missiles...however, Rico and Adrian were on the farthest side of the room, too far into the cloud of smoke and charged particles to be noticed...Rico realized he was still alone against Adrian. He shot a glance back at Adrian, an idea formulating in his head. Rico instantly changed course and charged at Adrian, raising his AIRs Push Pull Guard in front of him, while trying to sneak his right arm into the hole in his right armor skirt...

Adrian saw Rico's charge, and didn't like it. He saw an armored hand reaching for the ammo storage and swore. If Rico took down his shield, that knife might actually do him so harm. He flung himself sideways, stopped himself, and then flung the large plasma ball at his opponent. With any luck, it would devour Rico whole.

Rico cursed silently to himself as he watched Adrian unleash his plasma charge. Rico's charge was a half-bluff; he was planning to unleash a charged wave of repulsive force from his PPGuard, using the time it would buy him to pull a green antimatter charge from his ammo storage on his damage skirt armor secretly. If Adrian were to have remained there to meet Rico, it would've worked...but now, he didn't have enough time to reach the compartment storing the green shells. Rico took a chance with it, and his bluff was called.

Rico pulled up at the last minute, but was too late. The plasma ball caught both of his legs, just below the knees, vaporizing them instantly in a flash of molten metal. The resulting force threw Rico spiraling forward violently, hitting the cavern floor hard with his back, staring nearly straight up at Adrian's form. Rico laughed lowly and released a long sigh. "Heh...damn."

Adrian watched Rico's prone form as it skidded to a halt. "Come on, mate, that's all?" He came down quickly, smashing into the stone floor in front of him. He raised both his arms, charging relatively small plasma bolts in each. "Bad luck, Rico. Maybe next time." Adrian belted both bolts either of Rico's biceps.

Rico had one final ace up his sleeve. With one final pull of his AIRs still functioning tractor fields, Rico slid his body towards Adrian just as he let fired another round of plasma, the two balls colliding harmlessly against the rock. As he slid to a stop, Rico lifted his right arm, holding in it a blue EMP charge, the only one he was able to fish out of his skirt armor in the seconds Adrian used for his little speech. Rico was a bit disappointed it was just a blue charge...he would've preferred a green, or even a red. Without another word, he quickly smashed the container with his left hand, sending a wave of electro-magnetic pulse through both of them.

Adrian roared in fury as static shimmered across him displays and his shield glimmered. Luckily, it still worked, although slightly reduced. However, below him laid an almost dead power armor. Adrian shot his arm down and grabbed Rico by the right arm, still clutching the remains of the EMP shell. "You think you can try that shit again?!" He clamped one hand hard on the bicep, and the other on the wrist, and pulled with all his might. There was a metallic straining, and then a disgusting break of bone, and the tearing of flesh and muscle. Blood sprayed stone and metal alike, and yet Adrian still didn't feel satisfied.

Rico felt a bit uncomfortable as Adrian proceeded to rip his arm off. Since it was a simulation, Rico didn't feel the pain...although, it still left him feeling a bit odd. Odd enough to not make any comments, at least.

The medic threw the bloodied appendage away, and then focused on Rico's helmet. He grabbed the man's throat in his hand, and tore the metal off his head. Looking him straight in the eye through the one-way glass, He screamed at his friend. "YOU OMEGA COMMIES THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME?! ME?! I'M ADRIAN FUCKING DECANE! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!" With spittle sprayed all over his visor, he threw the triple amputee onto the floor and raised his foot over his head, panting with psychotic rage.

Rico's face mixed between a grin of amusement and a slight grimace. He thought Adrian was taking this way too personally. He watched the bottom of Adrian's armored boot hover over him, not able to move. "Shit. Game over baby."
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 01:50 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Itsvan swarmed the remains of Alpha with his men, heading towards the command-center... he was to the last junction before the center, "Men," he said. "We're not in this one to survive. Sometimes you must give your life for a cause. I don't know how far they have gotten with the Aether cannon, and I do not know... But the command center must be destroyed. Ignore casulties, and take it, and anyone in it, out. Use high explosives if you have to, I want a wave of fire! FOR VICTORY!" He shouted, leading a charge at the command center.

He dropped his bullet-gun, and now carried the sword, and the LBR. He was prepared for this to get messy. His group advanced on Benji like a wave...

...one he may, or may not, be prepared for.

Edited by Tom for past tense. PLEASE put your posts in past tense.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 12:48 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Rico's viewpoint pulled back, showing his dead corpse on the floor of the tunnel. The computer generated a red line, showing where he had been shot and from which direction. The top right hand corner of his view displayed Adrian's name and then the image of a close combat knife, signifying his style of death while an overlay faded into view showing the current scores of the other marines.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 18:36 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
With a heavy, somewhat aggravated sigh, Rico pulled off his VR helmet after viewing the score screens for a few more moments. He ran a hand quickly through his hair in an attempt to re-smooth the damage the clunky piece of equipment had done before standing up and stretching a bit. He smiled to himself, amused at the way things turned out.

The room looked less crowded than it really was, with most of the marines still sitting down in the organized rows of seats, still plugged into the simulation. A few of the marines who had been killed earlier in the mission were also up and about, talking and relaxing in small groups. Wazu was still up on the small stage, his eyes still fixated on the multiple screens of data being displayed. Ally was also up on the stage, keeping an eye on both the simulation and over everything else. Rico shot her a sly wink and smile when she looked at him. Other than that, the room was quite bare. And quite boring.

Rico caught sight of a few marines waving him down from an empty corner of the room. As he neared them, he recognized them as the men he had led in the simulation…the remnants of his Epsilon squad. One of them, a large Nepleslian man, stood up and shook his hand as Rico approached. “Name’s Mike. One of the guys who didn’t make it through the hole, heh,” the fellow announced with a deep chuckle. Rico laughed with him, and leaned his back against the wall. “Yeah, shit happens. You guys did good out there…can’t live forever though, huh baby?” Rico assured them…a few of them looked slightly ashamed as Rico’s eyes fell onto them, as if they had failed or something by dieing in this simulation. He slapped the one sitting next to him on the back reassuringly. “Don’t sweat it so much baby, you’ll get another shot.” Rico said with a smile, and started watching one of the many viewscreens monitoring the ongoing fight.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 18:44 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Lewis decided to put his own message forth before rushing into the central room. "Okay guys, Gamma is going to be our tank group, they're going in like madmen and they'll need us around the whole place to make sure they don't get completely wiped out." Lewis paused a moment to think of what next.

"When we arrive I want you guys to split into pairs, Loss you seem to be working well with Chiaki, you two will be paired." He continued pairing off the squad as the arrived.

Charlie flew out of the cave into the central rool with the digging machine, the pairs were quickly splitting off into their own directions. Kokuten and Loss headed right quickly, and kept their eyes on Gamma as they moved. Both of them began firing after they had made enough distance from the enterance, and the rest of Charlie followed suit, causing fire to come from multiple directions on the defending soldiers.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 19:01 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian lifted his foot from the simulated pile of mush that was once a face and stepped back. He was grinning manically, reveling in the rush of adrenaline, when a white tungsten shell blazed past him and blasted through the rock wall. He blinked and stumbled back.

An AIR2 stood, hurriedly bashing his gun, attempting to fix a jam. Adrian thanked a non-existant deity for the DARTs that took out the guy's targeting, and quickly raised his carbine, aimed for the head, and fired. The Omega squad marine yelped in surprise as his head disintigrated. Adrian suddenly came to the realization that there was a large-scale battle throughout the room.
I was too damn busy with Rico to even think of these guys...
He kneeled down to Rico's corpse, grabbed a knife and some objects from his belt, and headed towards the fight.

"Gran, hurry up and get down here. These guys are fucking nasty. Benji, I sure as hell hope you got that digger machine secure. We might need a fall-back zone."
He switched off his comm as he jammed Rico's blade into the back of an Omega trying to slice one of Adrian's squad mates in two with a longsword.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 19:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
benji had ringed his remaining soilders around the digging machine before Istavan and Lewis got there. Now they were firing at the Omega team, using all their ammo and letting all hell loose. "Um... Yeah you'd better fall back now... or start running 'cuse either way we got five minutes before 'ol diggers gona blow eveyone in this room to shit." Benji said calmly, whipped out his LBR and started taking percise, aimed shots at Istivan.

Sitting against the main body of the digger one for each main cardinal point were explosives, with big timers reading 4:55 on them and then dropping lower every second. If they couldn't defend the digger, no one would have the digger.

"Allright pick a pair and shoot the crap out of em boys!" Benji roared and fired his LBR again at Istavan, going for his heart and Benji staid on Istivan, and kept shooting. He manuvered his PA to keep moving, mirrioring Istivan's everymove. His men did the same. Firing every thing they had in order to defend the digger.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 19:41 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran's small squad had been trying to get a shot off from the mouth of the tunnel, but it became quickly apparent that the interference and smoke was too great even for an straight eyeballed shot. Hearing Adrian call out to him broke his tunnel vision. "damn it, I'm sorry. Alright then, let's go guys." They all hopped into the hole, barely slowing their descent with their boosters. One of Gran squad mates picked out an Air from Fian's squad below them. He charged his PPG and released a split second before he landed square on the Omega's head, resulting in a small crater with a twisted Omega member at the bottom.

"Fuck..." Gran said with a grin as he looked back at his teammate, who was smiling like a bandit as he hopped out of the crater. "Alright boys watch out for each other and crush every Omega you see. Adrian? Where do you need me?" He called out as his squad moved quickly through the smoke.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 22:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
The fights moving about on the screens quickly lost Rico’s interest, and as the numbers and symbols kept filling the screens like an overly complicated video-game, he quickly allowed his mind to wander to other things. Rico sighed loudly, getting up from the wall and tapping the toe of his boot against the floor. “Omega is at the objective now…I think we might win this.” One of the marines spoke, eyes fixated on the screen. “Izzat so…” Rico replied half-heartedly, his eyes lifting around the room as if searching for something. His face returned to a small devilish smile when he found it.

“Hey guys, check this out.” Rico mumbled, quietly slinking back into the crowd of seated marines, his former squad watching him silently.

He tried to walk as casually as he could, attempting to conceal the look of a man on a mission. Nobody in particular seemed to notice him. Rico’s slick grin grew wider as he reached his target…Adrian’s half-unconscious body, which Rico had spent the last few minutes looking around for. Adrian’s body was relaxed, his mind sharply focused on the events going on inside the simulation. The tall Nepleslian was slumped slightly in the seat, his legs spread a fair ways into the aisle…Rico felt almost giddy at the possibilities now laid before him. Such a golden opportunity…perhaps too golden.

For a moment, Rico considered heading back to the corner…Adrian may have bruised his pride, but perhaps he didn’t deserve what Rico was planning. However, just as he was about to run around, he recalled Adrian’s last words towards him…and decided they were rather harsh for such good friends. Rico slowly looked back at Adrian, a small whisper escaping his lips, “…Omega ‘commie’, huh?” Rico looked around for a last time…none of the marines in the room were looking at him, save for his Epsilon squad, and Wazu was far too absorbed in his monitoring on stage. Ally, however, had her eyes firmly planted on Rico. After a final moment of deciding, he smiled at her and raised an extended finger to his lips, giving his a silent ‘shhh’. As he finished, Rico quickly raised his right leg, aimed his foot ever-so-slightly, and swiftly planted the heel of his boot square into Adrian’s groin. Not too hard…but hard enough to get the job done.

Rico walked faster than he ever walked in his life at that moment, silently zooming his way back to his corner before Adrian or anyone else was the wiser. All of his squadmates were fighting to control fits of laughter, some of them slightly holding their privates, as if they also felt Rico’s form of cold justice. Rico himself took his previous place on the wall, a look of triumph spread across his face. “Common Rico. That was really petty,” the ID-SOL sitting next to him said with a chuckle.

“What can I say baby? I am petty.”

Last edited by Moonman on Tue Feb 27, 07 23:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 22:51 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan took a shot in the shoulder, blowing the shoulder, quite litteraly off, along with his sword. He snarled, and fired his LBR at Benji.... and empted all of his Arrows into the Digging Machine. "Men" He said "More fire! Focus on the machine!" His Gamma men fought hard, like devils more then men... not inspired by Istvan's speech as much as by the fact that their cautious leader had suddenly become incautions.... "Take at least one man down before you go... Preferably two!" Istvan shouted attempting to encorage them.

In the com to Charlie squad he spoke more calmly "We're covering you... we're distraction.... take them out."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 23:35 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian felt a twang of pain in his groin, like someone had put a round in it while he was under anethsia.


He felt his eyes tear up, and yelled in anger and pain. The vibro-blade in his hand started shaking viscously, and he tore it out of the poor bastard he had been eviscerating, and stumbled around a bit.
Seeing a moving, breathing Omega, he rushed him, screaming in rage. The bastard had time to nick his shoulder with a knife, which put a small wound in his flesh, but Adrian quickly had his revenge in the form of knocking the smaller marine to the ground, smashing his knee into his chest, and stabbing him repeatedly.
After several seconds of slasher movie-esque screams and bloodsprays, Adrian's now grotesque armor stood amidst the numerous corpses and gibs. However, there were still two more. Fian and another armor were engaged in combat with the several remaining Alpha armors, who were losing badly. Adrian, long past the point where the whole bit about "friendly fire" could have mattered to his broken mind, he moved quickly to the Aether Cannon.
With speed and grace, he moved the barrel parrellel to the ground, grinning the whole time. The medic positioned his hand over the firing key.
He switched his comm to external speakers. "Hey, Fian! Your team fights dirty!"
With that, he brought up his fist, and smashed it down hard enough to crush the control panel. Luckily, the command was still transmitted. The cavern glowed blue, and an instant later, the final aether beam of the day was fired.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 07 23:58 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Soreta was lucky...that's all that it could have been. Sheer luck, or maybe really good reflexes, that she fired verniers in just the right direction to narrowly avoid the aether blast. Hopefully the others had survived, but she had no time to check on them right now. There was work to be done.

Soon, her trap-like mind came up with a plan. The useless LFR on her arm wasn't so useless after all. "GET AWAY!" she yelled, more for the benefit of herself than anyone else, as removed the LFR from her wrist and threw it. With lightning speed and rather impressive aim, a pair of needles was shot through the device just as it reached the aether cannon...naturally, the antimatter stored inside was released, and quite violently, too.

You can guess what happened after that, I'm sure...
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 00:32 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian saw the blast but could barely comprehend it had happened. He felt his entire left side go numb and was thrown the the ground violently 20 feet away. His visor was spattered with blood and Adrian groaned. That Omega bastard had just put him out. He ran a quick system check and cringed. His left arm was gone, which wasn't cool, his shields were totally gone, and his left leg was severely wounded.

The broken marine moved slowly, standing shakily. Everything in his bloodied simulated body refused to work right. He stepped shakily forward, pain still shooting from his wounded groin, and grimaced at Valkyrie and the smoke and wreckage next to her.

"You scurvy shyster bastard. You fucking KILLED ME!" At the very least, he had one more trick. Kicking in the failing boosters in his armor, he flew in a broken line at Soreta, as his right hand reached behind his back and clutched a green-capped metal shell he had pulled from Rico's belt. The medic flew his armor into Soreta's chest, embraced her in a one armed bear hug. He activated the plasma generator in his hand, clutched tight, and closed his eyes, happy that the bloody battle was finally ending.

"Good luck Benji and Gran. Rip these fuckers a new one."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 03:20 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Fian was exceptionally good with twin knife figthing, it was the only way he knew how to fight hand to hand. Memories were rushing back to him, the backalley fights and the five on ones back home at Funky City. The Vel Steyr mantained a zigzag course around the room, not spending more than three seconds stationary lest he gets shot at. His next two targets ate blue shells before being torn apart. The two after that he did not even bother at all, he simply grabbed them from behind in high speed and used them as a shield as he grinded the energy barrier and metal away until he striked red oil.

He was so caught up in battle that he did not notice that there was hardly anybody left on his team. Worse, those that he assigned previously to commandeer the Aether Cannon had been eliminated prematurely, leaving Adrian the pleasure of operating it unhindered. As the Cannon charged up for its final shot, the Vel Steyr's Monoeyes picked up the overwhelming energy signature and engaged the Auto-Dodge. As the Armor tried to desperately swing itself out of the trajectory, Fian flung the person he was grappling with towards the beam, pushing himself out of the way while his opponent was reduced to bones by the sheer Aether blast. Later, he smiled as the Generator blew up.

He saw Adrian pull himself up from the burning wreckage. Fian contemplated what more can be done to a broken man, his twisted logic intended to make sure his victory was absolute up to a point where he could afford to be reckless. Fian's FMD was ripped out in an earlier melee while there were numerous holes in his armor, not that it mattered in extremely close ranged combat anyway. Come on, come here, come here to your hell. He twirled his chain knives, anticipating Adrian to performe one last desperate move.

What he did not anticipate however, was that Adrian chose to lunge towards a seemingly unsuspecting Valkyrie instead. The shock caused another scene to play out in his mind as used his Push/Pull System to hurl himself towards them.

Why Karl?

It was not known to him that Valkyrie was actually Soreta, whose level of skills and training could have meant that she might have actually been expecting Adrian's attack and chose to wait till he was closer. But in any case she was violently pushed aside and Adrian caught Fian instead, both of them slamming into the wall and exploding in an angry fireball as their reactors overloaded and ammo storage ignited. The force caused the cavern structure to shake, threatening to bury the people still inside under tons of rock.

But to Fian, it was over. The VR Simulator headband was lifted from his head but he remained seated, gasping.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 05:23 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Captain Miller opened a communications link with a holographic visual over to Wazu. Ally had been feeding him bits of information while he worked in his office, but the captain felt obligated to check on his XO.

"Lieutenant," he said through the visual. "How goes the training so far?"
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 08:59 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico gave a long, low whistle as the action on-screen started to heat up. From the explosive conclusion in the aether room to the onslaught of gunfire in the main cavern, Rico concluded that this round of the simulation was about to reach its end. By this time, everyone was watching the viewscreens, awaiting the final shot that would decide the match.

As Fian removed his VR helmet, Rico turned his head towards him, putting on another friendly smile. Fian looked a bit shaken, and Rico didn't really blame him. He gave him a few moments to catch his breath before letting loose a sharp whistle to get his attention. "Yo Fian! Over here." Rico said softly, motioning him forward with a free hand.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 10:53 am Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Wazu looked up from his data pad displaying the statistics of the simulation, placing it down beside his chair with his cane as he answered. “I believe the Sim is doing quite well as far as usable combat experience is concerned. I have two marines I will be recommending for a promotion when this iteration is over Sir.”

His eyes quickly glanced down at his data pad again before he added, “I would also like to note an odd reliance on the marine’s close combat weapons, knifes, and the like. I would like to send a recording of this to NAM along with a manifest of names for research purposes.”
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 11:36 am Post subject: Reply with quote
She should've died, right?

Soreta was sure she was going to die right then, and was resigned to it...after all, it was still only a VR simulation. The worst thing that could happen was her bumping her head when she got out of the simulator.

But still, there was a certain amount of humiliation involved - it was a move she shouldn't have done in the first place, allowing the enemy their last stand...she should've killed him before anything else. But then again, wasn't the antimatter supposed to kill him? Questions abounded in her mind.

Now, however, wasn't the time for them. Barely dodging some fallling rubble, Soreta opened the comm. "This is Valkyrie. Fian is dead; I'm taking over. Who's left?"
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 13:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

Benji and his men fought like the cornered animals they were, half beating down Istivan and his team and the rest focusing on Lewis and his team. And still more time ticked by as the count down continued dispite the darts thrown into the digger.


Benji roared and then switched targets going for Istivan again, firing every last ounce of Ani-matter towards the man. He wanted blood, lots and lots of blood. Few of his team mates had fallen, but they were still cornered and still fighting...


The bloodshed grew and Benji kept right on fighting, a risked glance at the time in his HUD and he grated his teeth. "Gran!!! Keep the command squad busy!!! I gota plan... Mike, Nemi, get your asses up to the mole and get it working, we have three minutes!!!"
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 13:33 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Fian wiped the sweat from his forehead and remained seated. Making a conscious effort stop hyperventilating and relax. It takes a while for things to sink in on him so he made no attemp to run a post mortem or analysis on his previous battle and performace. Sufficiently calmed, he stood up.

Hearing Rico's wistle, he turned his head to catch the leader of Epsilon One motioning him over. Waving the gesture away, he quietly exited the VR Room, ignoring the screens that showed what remained of the battle and the stares of the other marines that were out of it. From a slow walk he gradually accelerated to long hurried strides as he made his way down the corridoor. There was something welling up inside him and he urgently needed to get it out.

The truth was, he needed to piss, like fucking now.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 14:38 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Jet was sitting in an adjacent room, monitoring the marine's VR session and smirked a bit at all the action going on. "Man I need some popcorn, this is great." he chuckled to himself. "perhaps I should've gotten in on it before but oh well. Let's see if I can increase the stress factor in this any..." he said, looking over the information the VR was producing.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 15:08 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian tore the VR helmet off his head. Panting a little he leaned over in his chair and inhaled deeply. The pain in his genitals was rather extreme now, and he swore numerous times, most of them directed at Rico. He stood quickly and stretched, getting some feeling back in his muscles.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 15:30 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Understood!" Gran shouted as his squad moved tightly through the smoke, searching for the last of the command squad. "Spotted!" Came a quick signal from one of his squad mates. They saw the Valkyrie that housed Soreta. "Green buckshot!" Gran yelled, as they spread out and quickly and boxed her in, firing line style. They quickly loaded their shells as they took their footing, but Gran fumbled slightly, he was shaking lightly, but the suit compensated for that.

"Rip him up!" He shouted as the three of them squeezed their triggers.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 15:46 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

'God Speed to ya Gran' Benji thought as he continued to load all of his ammo towards Istivan.


It took them a bit but the two marines were all ready and set up. "What now?" Mike asked "You know what to do... the southern rock face, 'ol smokey's gona blow and we gotta get our lover outta danger..."

Benji tilted his PA so it was angled backwards. Soon, it would be soon that they would have to move or risk getting mauled by flying debris. He only hopped his plan would work.
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 17:08 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan watched as his squad drops in numbers... dwindling to two men, himself and one other. His face became a death's head rictus "We've softened them up!" He called in to Charlie, counting the enemy losses... Fewer of course, they had not been the target.... He took careful aim and discharged his LBR at Benji, only a half second before his left leg was anihalated. Down, but not out, he continued to try to hit benji with a good solid shot from the LBR.

Last edited by Le Blue Dude on Wed Feb 28, 07 17:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 17:17 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Soreta didn't get any answers to her call...either they were all dead, or they had their hands full.

Then again, so did she. The relatively inexperienced marines had poor aim, but she was still in danger...luckily, she remembered to read the manual, firing the pulse laser array, managing to intercept the shells before the hit and giving her chance to dodge the remainder. Evidently, she was quite good.

And in response, she charged her PPG and 'pushed' the leader at point blank, forcing him back and quite possibly killing him. And she drew her daisho, wicked grin coming onto her face as she charged the next soldier...
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 17:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote

Benji fired his thrusters too late, the shot from Istivan cleaving off his right leg from the kneecap down. He growled and then backed up more, moving to dodge the shots fired at him and pausing to return fire. The digger behind them started up and then began tunneling into the south wall fast as possible.


Benji and his team showered Istivan and Charlie with fire as they all backed up along with the digger. Two minutes left. Would it be enough?


Benji eventually had bits of his armor torn off by Istivan's fire. He knew he wasn't going to be around much later. "Is it done YET?!" He demanded. "Only a few more feet..." "WELL too bad! It can be repaired..." Benji snapped back. He paused and then faced Istivan and then the timer jumped to 10 seconds


Benji grinned. "Too bad Istivan... we're both loosers but hey... you did what you could..."

00:05 - Benji reached down into his shirt and drew out a grenade
00:04 - He started priming the grenade...
00:03 - He finished priming the grenade...
00:02 - Benji gave Istivan and slaute and chucked the grenade through the air and watched as it arched through the air.
00:01 - Benji and everyone else hit the floor. The grenade exploded against the celing.
00:01 - The timer on the Digger flashed thrice and then went dead as the celing exploded, sending down huge chunks of rocks to burry the men below. The empty shells on the body of the digger remained in their state as the digger was burried along with everyone esle.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 17:52 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
The explosives damaged large chunks of the machine, their concussive force confined within the cave system and quickly traveling outward. The armor protected the machine from the worst of the blasts and it remained moving, as did the caves which started to collapse on top of the machine. Being a digger it was designed to withstand such cave-ins…

…however the armor was already weakened from the enemy fire and friendly explosives. With a horrendous screeching sound a large rock fell through one of the machine’s legs, tearing it from its socket and pulling off slabs of connected metal from the recently unarmored appendage. Glowing hot liquid spilled from the torn socket as the machine attempted to right itself, only to fall down in the cave it had dug. It drowned in the superheated mass it had consumed previously as it bled out into the cave which had the honor of collapsing and burying the machine.

All VR headsets disengaged.

The dark caves were replaced with the light of the training area in the NSS Alliance. “THAT’S ENOUGH MARINES,” Wazu said loudly as he stood in front of the simulators, “All of you have ten minutes to shit, shower or shave if you need to, then you will be back here for the second iteration of the VR Sim. I encourage you to speak with your teammates about your choices in the Sim but remember they may not be on your team the second time around.”

Wazu turned to the side and gave renewed interest to the data collected during the Sim. When the marine’s time was up he would have new teams and new targets ready for them.
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 18:02 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan took off his hemet, "Ahh viking funerals, I love them.... We win!" He laughed happily, shaking the hands of everyone near him, no matter what team they were on.... then he froze, his face contorting. "Shit!" he says, hand shaking... he stumbled out of the VR sim room into the halls, desperately running for his gear... There was a bag of pills in there... He needed one, his head burned. The only thing on his mind were the pills now... He couldn't think.... the thoughts were flowing, and circling, coming back where they started without going anywhere.

He stumbled, half blind, into the crew quarters, and almost tore open his gear locker... he desperatly grabbed at the pill container, hastily shaking one into his hand... Gulping it down without water.
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Santô Juni
Santô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 18:06 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Benji carefuly disconected the wires from his arm and got up. He streched and then after Wazu was finished screaming at them he turned and walked off. "Well that was fun..." Benji murmured to himself. "This time I'm not going to play leader, that's too tough. I'll get out of it by being a bullet sponge..." He kept mumbling to himself as he walked down the hall.

He worked in a bathroom break and a shower. Then he raced down to his bunk and fetched his MP3 and a few more stims. He slid the stims into their fittings on his belt and then clipped the MP3 out of view on the inside of his shirt. He popped the headphones in and turned up the volume.

When he returned to the room he was quiet. He walked over to Arian and slapped the man on the back. "This next one's gona suck..."
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 19:06 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran had seen Soreta's charge and partially charged his PPG, counter-acting hers slightly, the force still crunched the front part of his armor, disabling most of his movement, he crashed against a wall, his simulated armor starting to shut down. "Shit!" He screamed to no one in particular, all his communication had been fried, as he keyed in overrides and forced the armor to lurch, if his teammates couldn't finish her off he intended to overload his generators, hoping to catch their enemy in the blast. As Soreta charged the second in the group, that teammate pulled up his chainsword, but chances were he wouldn't stand a chance. The third member had charged two full balls of plasma on his hands and was intent of flinging both straight through his teammate to eliminate the Valkyrie. But before anything could happen, excessive explosions rocked the cavern, the headsets suddenly going blank.

It took Gran a second to lift the headset off, his hands shaking. "Ugghhh..." He moaned to himself, rubbing his face with his hands. He always felt sick after these sims, he could be tough when he knew it wasn't real, but the adrenaline always made him shake afterwards. He took a few seconds to try to calm himself, his hands still quivering as they gripped his knees.

He stood up, feeling a little better and decided to approach Wazu for a question before taking a quick break. When he neared speaking distance with Wazu, he quickly saluted and held his stance. "Sir, may I request something?"
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 19:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Wazu looked up from his datapad to ask, "What are you requesting marine?"
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 19:19 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"damn it." Kokuten said, pulling off the VR helmet. He looked around seeing most of the guys who were in his Charlie squad. The other thing he noticed was a fairly angry Squad Leader sitting in the corner, Lewis the first, and only casualty of Charlie squad. Before the end of the combat, Kokuten tryed to rally the Charlies in an attempt form a more organized force after Lewis fell. He did his best, giving orders and directing fire, using what he had seen Lewis do. Though the Medic's leadership ended abruptly as the cave came crashing down.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead as Charlie squad began to congratulate eachother. They gave their thanks to Lewis for his leadership, and then to Kokuten for taking over after Lewis fell. Kokuten mainly replied with, "I was just doing what Lewis did."

The Cyborg sat in the corner, relaxing with a cigar and lighter in his hands. He observed the side of the cigar, it said Zunibabi, The Cigar to Live By. Zunibabis were Kokuten's favorite cigar, for not only the fact that they taste great and like organic tabacoo cigars, but for the fact that the smoke inside contained enzyme that kills harmful bacteria. These were your basic safe cigars, they had the ability to kill any harmful cellular organisms in the lungs(if you smoked enough), and even kill bacteria in your mouth(Leaving a nice non-stinking odor in the mouth.) Zunibabi even tops it off with the cigar's taste being close to normal organic cigars, unlike the taste, the smell is just like normal organic Cigars*. Being a Medic, he figured these were excellent for him, not only for his smoking habit purposes, but for medical purposes too.

Puff Puff

(*The drawback to most of this, makes the smoker have a fairly strong habit.)
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 19:32 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
The final moments of the simulation captured the attention of everyone in the room, including Rico. He found it kind of odd that Alpha would blow up the entire facility at first, but as he witnessed the destruction and noted the high casualty toll, on both sides of the board, he slowly realized that it might've been the best action in the long scheme of things.

As a new window opened on the viewscreen flashed a confirmation of Omega Victory, all of the Omega marines rose and cheered in celebration, Rico himself raising his fist the highest and his voice the loudest. He was enjoying himself more than he thought, and figured he would try a little bit harder come next simulation. As Wazu gave the marines a short leave to do some business, Rico chose to stick around in the rec room, congratulating his fellow Omegas and 'comforting' the remaining Alphas.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
He continued to hold his hand in a salute, but it still shook slightly. "Sir, I would like to request that the assigned teams be given time for some sort of meeting before the sim starts."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:01 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian glared at the room as the Omega marines cheered and laughed at the losers. Adrian felt Benji's hand hit his back and heard yes question.
"Yeah, another round will suck. One second, though."

He spotted Rico and stalked off towards him. He was met by jeers and snickers which he quickly silenced with extremely hateful looks. Most of the marines had seen Adrian's little fight in the aether room. He came up behind the cheering Rico, raised his right leg, and sent it flying quickly into the back of Rico's knee, knocking the man to into a kneeling position.
Adrian leaned forward and whispered into Rico's ear.

"Real fucking funny, asshole. Real funny." He stood straight, spun around, and walked briskly from the crowd. As he walked he looked at the marines who still had their helmets on. And noticed something.
A woman? What the hell?
He stode closer to her and kicked the seat hard.
"Oi, who the hell are you?"
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Le Blue Dude

Nitô Juni
Nitô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:06 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Istvan stared at his reflection in the mirror in a bathroom. He looked like hell. The addiction was getting to him, and he knew it, but the stimmies gave him the edge he needed in, well, EVERYTHING. He splashes his face with cold water, and towled it dry... There, he looked a little more presentable now... He sighed, and began humming a tune softly. He walked down the halls slowly, allowing the pill time to start hitting his system, though most effects at this point would be psycosomatic... He carefuly entered the noisy simulation room again.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:32 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Soreta lifted her helmet when her seat was kicked...she had intended to not reveal herself quite yet, simply sit there and watch the results, but this was just the same. A perfect shock to everyone in the room, right?

She stood up, strode out into the middle of the room, and smirked at the man who had disturbed him. And she spoke loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear, "I'm the Valkyrie, of course."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:48 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
damn it, it is that bitch diplomat...
Adrian groaned. The day seemed to be vaulting antagonism at him.
"Aren't you a diplomat? Why are you in our combat sims?"
He crossed his arms and glared at her, not willing to stand take any more of her pissy attitude.
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 20:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"I was invited to participate," was all that Soreta said in response...though with an egotistical smirk attatched to it.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 21:02 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Wait... you're valkyrie?" Adrian grinned at her malevolently.
"I almost smeared you all over that cave. Bet you're happy Fian showed up, hmm?"
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 21:05 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Before you performed that last-resort move, I destroyed your aether generator and killed many of your comrades along with the rest of Epsilon Two." Soreta's smirk never wavered. "I wouldn't brag about trying to sacrifice yourself like that, if I were you."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 21:05 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico had been going around the room, shooting smiles and high-fives at those who would accept them. Although many of the other marines had taken to jeering the losers of Alpha team, Rico did not take to it at the extent the others were...he though it to be all in good fun, after all.

Rico had also been anticipating Adrian's arrival...but he was still caught off-guard as Adrian delivered his message at the end of his boot. Unfortunately, Adrian stormed off in the other direction before Rico could give his own retort. As he stood up and wiggled his leg to ease the pain of the kick, he looked back at Adrian, somewhat surprised at the turn of events. Mostly, he was surprised Adrian was taking this so seriously...Rico had figured him to be more like himself when it came to jokes. After a moment more of thinking about it, Rico became a bit miffed by Adrian's attitude, and started walking after him.

"Hey man! Lighten up some, it was just..."

Rico wasn't able to finish, however, as he watched the turn of events leading to the mystery woman introducing herself, rather loudly, in front of the room. She looked very confident for a woman standing in the midst of a room full of hardened marines. The rest of the room fell very quiet, everyone's attention focused on the woman in the center of the room. A few of them had looks of shock on their face, others look of slight disgust. Rico himself bore a smile of approval.

There was an awkward silence for the few moments it took Rico to slither through the crowd to get a better posistion. Rico slicked his hand through his hair once more when he reached a good spot, and let out a loud whistle. "Hooo yeah! I want her on my team next round!" Rico stated loudly, following it up with a short laugh.

Last edited by Moonman on Wed Feb 28, 07 21:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 21:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian narrowed his eyes.
"My team needed me to help them win. Sacrificing one's self for the good of the unit is a quality all soldiers should share. Of course, with your cushy job, I doubt you know all that much about soldiering."

Rico's yell from behind him broke the rather angry mood prevalent between the two and Adrian turned chuckling slightly.
"Mate, she was on your team the entire time."
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 21:18 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
The Medic saw Soreta sat up from the chair when Adrian kicked it. Truthfully he was very impressed, he always heard from his from his father that the people of Yamat. Though if he could remember correctly, Valkyrie was the one who gave him the direction(even if it was small direction) that was probably what kept him alive through the operation.

He stood up and strolled over to Adrian and Soreta, standing with the rest of the Marines baffled by the fact that Soreta was Valkyrie.

"C'mon Decane, what's wrong with the Diplomat brushing up on a few Power Armor skills, eh? What, did you feel handicap'd because we had her on our team?" Kokuten shrugged with his cigar in one hand.

Istvan saw what happenws, and scittered through the group, putting himself inbetween Adrian and Soreta. "You don't disrespect women." he said firmly to Adrain. He turned to Soreta "I am truely sorry about the behavior of my comrade in arms. Not every Nepplisian is well cultured, and not every Nepplisian understands chivilrey." He spoke with little tone, a somewhat russian accent underpinning his words.... He turned back to Adrian. "Your blood lust controls you too much, I saw what you did in the sims. Make the rage work for you, do not work your rage."
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 22:11 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Yeah Adrian, don't be sore that you got your ass done in by a lady." Rico laughed, turning his head back to Soreta as he finished. He crossed his arms and looked her over, sizing her up with a smirk as he gazed at her behind Istvan's back. He decided she looked rather plain for a Geshrin, and began questioning all of the scornful remarks Adrian and the others had made. Rico came to the conclusion that they must have been over-exaggerating.

Rico blinked back up at Istvan as he finished, waving a free hand nonchalantly in his direction. "Hey baby, don't get so tight-assed...we're just havin' some fun. I think she did pretty well in there, for a woman like her." Rico said with a friendly smile.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 22:39 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Adrian clicked his tongue and glared at the three marines.
"Whatever. Nuts to you guys. Have fun with your Ice queen."
He turned and walked away towards several other marines discussing the battle.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 22:55 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Ice Queen? Don't tell me your going to start getting poetic like Istvan." Kokuten said after Adrian as he walked off, Kokuten puffed his cigar and turned over to Rico.

"Hey pal, you doing okay? Adrian gave you a pretty swift kick." Kokuten said, looking down at Rico's leg.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 07 23:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Wazu nodded, "The sim is intended to help the marines form leadership structures even in the event that the chain of command has been destroyed or suddenly removed by suprising means. Like the last time there will be a brief pause before the teams are actively shooting at eachother. By then each time should have established their own chain of command. If this can't be done then I suggest you learn how to do it quickly."
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 00:01 am Post subject: Reply with quote
"Yes sir." He though about how he had reacted so slowly in leading the few people he had consciously taken control of. He would have to make sure he didn't put himself or others in danger. "May I be dismissed?" He asked stiffly, trying to be as respectful as possible.
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 00:02 am Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
"You may. DIS-MISSED MARINE." Wazu said, quickly returning to his datapad.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 01:30 am Post subject: Reply with quote
The Vel Steyr washed his hands with soap and blew it dry. There was a nagging doubt in his head that Omega could have lost and he would go back to cursing himself like the last mission but all that disappeared when Ally announced Omega's victory over the speakers. "Heh." was all he said.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he convinced himself that what he did was right. He could not control the rage that was inbuilt into all male Nepleslians but at least he allocated for it. In an unrelated note, his hair has grown past his eyes. He liked it that way, it gave him a low profile. In the center a bundle of hair was not parted. Using both hands, Fian searched the strands for something... To his horror, the single white hair was missing, it must have fallen off some time ago.

Cursing (At the hair), Fian left the Washroom to go back to the VR Room. Oddly, no one noticed him entering, he expected atleast to be congratulated or something. Most of the marines seem to be congregating towards the center of the room. "What happened?" Fian asked a fellow Omega.

The man was standing on his toes trying to get a closer look. "Valkyrie is in trouble."

"What!?" Although the battle was over and he no longer held any sway over the men here, Valkyrie was his subordinate and he previously suspected that he was new here. Squeezing through the mass of soldiers with his remaining authorothy as Omega Squad leader, he made it to the front to be hit by another surprise.

"A... a girl!?"
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 01:34 am Post subject: Reply with quote
When Fian Vel Steyr appeared in the room, pushing his way past soldiers to get a look at the 'Valkyrie' who seemed to be the subject of much conversation, Soreta met him with a very large grin on her face. "Vel Steyr, I presume?" The way she stood was rather defiant, but she had a clear respect for the soldier in her voice - in fact, quite possibly the first instance of such respect she had shown since she arrived on board.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 01:43 am Post subject: Reply with quote
"Thank you sir." Gran finished his salute and turned curtly and walked away, heading back to his room. He stumbled slightly, his body still felt funny. He ignored every wave and holler from the marines around him, he needed to wash his face.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 01:48 am Post subject: Reply with quote
Fian narrowed his eyes to no avail, Valkyrie's cyan hair was covering her eyes. It was a habit the Vel Steyr siblings learned from their father, as though to see the person's true intentions by the mirror of their souls. He regained his soldierly composure and allowed himself four seconds to think. Cant tell, probably that new diplomat... Soreta?. Time up, Fian simply spoke from what he had experienced firsthand of her instead of what he had heard.

"Yes, Fian Vel Steyr." He held out his hand. "You must be Soreta, excellent performance back there."
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 01:54 am Post subject: Reply with quote
"Glad you could figure it out so quickly...you didn't do too badly yourself." Soreta's smile softened as she shook his hand, for a brief moment, before she let go and went a little louder for the others in the room to hear. "I won't be joining you next battle - after all, I'd probably be a distracting presence." It seemed a little amusing that Fian struggled so hard to see into Soreta's eyes - she hadn't met anyone who made that much effort to see what was behind her hair. Perhaps, she thought, this man had a potential that others did not.

I don't really have to, anyway...and I don't want that first officer looking too closely at my technique. Soreta's thoughts, however, were worlds away from her current state of being...
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 02:16 am Post subject: Reply with quote
"I am sure you have your own reasons." Fian replied, giving a firm shake and then withdrawing. "But in my opinion, you are always welcome here to train with or against us." Various murmurs (From Alpha) and some cheers (From Omega) rang out after that statement. "We may be an ass around ladies sometimes but I'm sure we can notice real skill when we see it."
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Uso Tasuki


PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 12:55 pm Post subject: Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post
Wazu set his datapad down beside his chair and pulled himself to standing with the help of his cane. “Alright Marines, iteration two is starting in one minute!” His gaze moved across the room as marines started scrambling to get into their simulators. He then turned to Ally’s form which was sitting down on the side of a nearby simulator, “Ally, would you mind informing any marines who currently aren’t here?”

The ship’s PA turned on and ally’s soft voice came through the speakers, “The next simulation will be starting in one minute. If you are a marine please come to the simulation room.”
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 13:51 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
"Send any recommendations or reports you have to my electronic mail or give them to me in person. I may swing by there before you're finished. Miller out."

The captain let his XO continue running the VR training as Wazu seemed to have his hands full. However, Miller couldn't help but crack a smile at the hooting and hollering that some of the marines were giving out just at the moment he closed the communications link. It reminded him of his own days as a grunt on the field of battle, a time where camaraderie was forged with alcohol, violence and blood.

A sigh escaped the Nepleslian's lips as he sipped a mug of coffee at his desk. He had gotten the signal some minutes ago from the engineering team telling him that the medical bay was completed and operational. Having already completed his report on Planet X hours ago and just seen to the new crew manifest, the captain found himself in a rare spot of dead time.

He could have spent the time writing a speech for the briefing, but he was no writer. What needed to be said came from the heart.

Instead, he reached into his drawer, pulled out a small metal flask, and poured some more of its liquor into his coffee cup.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 14:16 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
As the attention of the room turned to Fian and Soreta's conversation, Rico took the moment to slink through the crowd once more, popping up beside Fian with a friendly smirk. Rico then quickly put his forearm onto Fian's shoulder, leaning slightly on him as he spoke again in between the two.

"Yeah, stick around for another sim baby. I'm sure Fian would absolutely love the company. I know I would." Rico joked, shaking Fian a bit with his elbow as he spoke with a sly grin. It was almost immediately afterwards that Wazu gave the orders to begin assembling for round two. Rico jumped to attention, wanting to hurry back to his original seat, but decided to stick around for a moment to hear Soreta's retort.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 14:18 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
And for once, Soreta gave a response that could be thought of as something the typical Geshrin would say: "I'd rather have him than you."

She winked at Fian, though she knew he wouldn't be able to see it, and went to the upper level to join the officers supervising the exercise.
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Jôtô Heisho
Jôtô Heisho

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 14:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Gran had been walking aimlessly until Ally's vioce informed the ship that the next Vr sim was goinbg to happen. Let's see how this next one goes. He trotted back to the rec room, feeling quite normal again. He smiled and waved to the others already in the room as he took his seat again.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 14:38 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Rico kept silent as Soreta made her comment and walked off, and odd smile still lingering across his face. He was a little aggitated that he could not read her face...something he somewhat prided himself on when it came to women. Rico's gaze continued to follow her as she approached the stage. 'Good. I love a challenge.'

Rico quickly whirled around back to Fian, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a 'you lucky bastard' kind of look. "Oh ho, you sly sonuva bitch!" Rico said with a chuckle. "Tell ya what baby; if ya make it to the end of this round without bitin' it, I'll give ya a few of my finer tips in the art of love. Sound like a plan baby?" Rico slapped a palm on Fian's back before quickly moving around back to his seat, not waiting for Fian's reply.
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Ittô Juni
Ittô Juni

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 07 17:02 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
John let out a disappointed sigh at the actions of his fellow marines and leaned back against a wall of the simulator. "So, what's up next Sarge?"
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