Star Army

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RP: NSS Alliance [NSS Alliance] The calm before the storm


Well-Known Member
ON> Star base United

Star base United was one of the most well defended points in the universe at the present moment in time and one need only to look at the displays showing a picture of the outside in order to see why. A fleet of freshly build DD4 class destroyers were patrolling the area along with a compliment of stealth ships.

The base was filled with people discussing the latest speeches broadcast over the communication system. The infighting between the factions of Nepleslia had reached an all time high and once again had broken out into ship to ship engagements. The wreckage of ships littered the shipyards over Nepleslia and the Red’s fleet was retreating back to Kenewes. The mood amongst the Greens was that this could very well be the end of the Red faction, Marines were eager to get on the ground and bust some heads after being cooped up inside of a star base preparing for the attack.

A small flash of light came as the NSS Alliance appeared near the star base and arranged to dock to load additional supplies and equipment. It was then that a sergeant walked into the Marine barracks and started shouting, “LISTEN UP NUGGETS,” He yelled, quickly silencing those still talking with his force of presence. The Sergeant straitened the green and silver uniform-body armor that he was wearing before continuing, “YOU LOT ARE TRANSFERRING TO THE ALLIANCE FOR THE KENEWES OFFENSIVE.” Now that a few eyes were on him the sergeant lowered his voice to less ear splitting levels, “Load up your stuff and head to docking port 23.”

Meanwhile, on board the Alliance, the ship’s AI activated the PA system. “Attention. We are about to dock at Star base United. All crew except the engineering staff may disembark until notified that the Alliance is leaving port.

Istvan sat in the med-bay, head spinning. That painkiller was good shit.... "Hey ally" He called "How ya feeling? I'm afraid that Rico can't make it to the dinner he promised.... I think that might be my fault..." The man was slightly delusional from the pain-killers, and from the prior pain....

It took a few moments for the message to sink into the marines aboard. As the seconds ticked by, one of the marines seated in the mess hall stood up and threw off his beret, a look of pure joy spreading across his grizzled face. "SHOOORE LEAVE!" The soldier shouted at the top of his lungs, the multitude of other marines in the mess hall adding their own woops and hollers of joy shortly after.

Eis was sitting near the back. When the Sargent came in packed up the few things that he had out, sheathed his knife that he had been fiddling with and walked towards port 23 without talking to anybody.

Ally responded to Istvan, however her voice was drowned out by the sounds of a group of cheering marines running down the hallways. The circular door in front of port 23 was open and coming out of it were a series of 8 men, 2 for each body bag on a stretcher that they were holding. Standing near them was a man wearing a uniform bottoms and a green tank top. He had brown hair, gray eyes, and a lean build that seemed out of place amongst the overly muscled Nepleslians. He was conferring with what looked to be a medical officer, literally signing over the bodies like a delivery boy.

"I'm sorry... I didn't catch that Ally..." Istvan says, still spinning... "I... think I shot him down though.... I was clearing the area of bogies.... I warned him..." Istvan starts to cry "Never killed a squad mate before...." he mutters, oblivious to the surroundings at this point.

Ally then responded saying, "You should rest. Your body needs time to absorb the drugs in its system.

Istvan blinks blearily "Right..... rest....." he murmured, eyes drifting shut. Within a short period of time the large man was snoring. His snores caused the deck-plating to rattle.

Eis watched the bodies carried by and dropped his head in respect thinking that within the next few hours that could be him.

The man who signed over the bodies made his way toward the small group of fresh marines. He was forced to limp over to the group with the help of a smooth black cane. He checked his data pad once before addressing the group, "So, you are the new marines?" He asked rather rhetorically before saying, "I'll have someone out here to show you around the ship." He then looked back down at the data pad in his hand.

Cadet Willis stomped into the room, his perfect posture making his already intimidating frame even more fearsome looking. He stood behind the much shorter man addressing the marines, his face locked into a rigid frown as his eyes scanned the group. "Lieutenant Wazu, sir! You requested my presence?"

Wazu nodded, clipping his data pad to his belt before addressing Willis. "I'm assigning people to personally show the new marines around the ship. You will be in charge of this one." Wazu quickly pulled his data pad on his belt up so he could see the name displayed on it before finishing, "Private Third Class Eis."

Eis stepped forwards and stood at attention.

Willis stepped forward, right in front of the smaller soldier. "WHERE IS MY SALUTE, SOLDIER?!"

quickly salutes and says "Sorry sir. It wont happen again, sir." beads of sweat forming on Eis's forehead.

Wazu moved about, handing out assignments to the various other babysitter marines while Willis chewed up his new recruit.


Eis immediately dropped into push up position and started counting "one... two..."

Meanwhile, John was taking up space in the mess hall, chomping down on a freshly made sandwich. Well at least we can get fresh food now that we’re at port.

Fay was leaning against a bulkhead just outside of the medbay when he heard Ally's announcement about shore leave. He sighed thankfully. No more tagging bodies for bags for me... for right now, at least. he thought to himself. He slowly strolled back into the medbay to see how Istvan was doing. He seemed to be snoring happily. At least the snoring part was right. It was like a fog horn going off in there. Fay's headache was returning...

As marines were off loading for shore leave work crews from the station, dressed in bulky yellow work suits, were carrying variously shaped containers of equipment onto the ship. Outside of the Alliance, the station’s production systems had begun cutting into the ship’s hull, mechanical arms swarming over the hull of the ship and starting the process of adding additional armor and upgrading the forward storage bay to act as an ordinance dropping unit. This would express itself as a dull hum resonating through the ship.

Fian awoke to the sounds of many footsteps around the dormitory. Laying still with his eyes open he could hear them fighting the bunk arrangements. Bunks that was still filled just hours ago.Greenhorns. He thought. Lying his head to the side, he saw the the Datapad with the battle reports near the edge of the bunk. The battle was long over, but half the screen was still covered in red 'X'es.

What is the hurry getting yourself killed? The Vel Steyr thought, the noise was preventing him from going back to sleep.

Dragging himself out of bed, Fian nicely folded the flight suit he left on the floor and laid it aside. Not even casting a glance to the new arrivals, he opened his footlocker and took out a new change of clothes. One of them noticed the last name on the tag of his bed and politely asked him a question, something about the 'Head of NAMs' or something like that but he simply shrugged it off and closed the shower door as he entered.

His morale did not affect the efficiency of his shower method but he came out feeling still dirty for some reason. After he dressed up, he left the block through the other exit, bypassing the dorms. He took a seat at one of the more deserted coridoors, checked the news and methodically finished the report he had put off.

An icon signifiying new message appeared on the top right corner of his datapad. Tapping it twice, Fian wondered who left (Is left to leave?) it there.

Rob was elated. Finally, a ship assignment. The trip from Funky city to Star Base United had been uneventful, but was exciting to the new soldier all the same. In the city, the stars were always blotted out by the night lights, and really seeing them for the first time on the flight up was an experience. It was exciting to know that one day, he might see those stars up close.
SC3 Cain hummed softly to himself while he packed what little gear he had into his dufflebag and exited the cramped barracks, making his way to docking port 23, where the Alliance was moored. Rob tried his best to conceal his grin when he fell in with the other new marines onboard. The Kennewes offensive.... Ah, to be a cell in the hand that strikes a death blow to the Reds..... Rob's grin fell as he made a grim realization; it'd be Nepleslians he'd be killing on Kennewes, his own countrymen. The greenhorn walked with a smart step, back straight, eyes forward, and stood at attention where they were addressed by a man with a black cane.

"You're the new marines, eh? I'll have someone out here to show you around the ship."

Rob barely heard him. He stood at attention, waiting for a crew member to address him, while he pondered his future at Kennewes. It has to be done. For democracy, for the people.....
Rob's blue eyes scanned the bustling crowd from above his crooked nose. Marines going out, marines coming in, it seemed no one took time to examine the bodies being transferred to the station. The men in the body bags were once sons, or brothers, or husbands. The sooner the Reds were stopped, the less of those body bags there'd have to be. Rob absentmindedly rested his left hand on the butt of the well maintained .45 at his hip. If it meant saving the lives and freedoms of the Nepleslian people, he wouldn't hesitate to become one of the boys beneath the sheets.

Ally’s form materialized in front of Fay, just outside of the med bay. The ship’s Avatar was decked out in her usual tight fitting uniform and red fingernail polish, carrying a data pad tucked under her arm more for show than for functionality. “Private Third Class Fay.” She said with a friendly smile, “Before you relax for shore leave the XO has an assignment for you. He wants you to give one of the new recruits a tour of the ship and to get him familiar with how things are done.” She paused for a moment before saying, “Your charge will be waiting at the airlock. He is designated Private Third Class Rob Cane”

Fay was hardly surprised by Ally's appearance. After she had given him the XO's orders, he replied, "Alright. I don't really have much to do on my shore leave anyways." He sighed slightly as he walked towards the airlock to meet this new marine. He's probably going to just end up dead like all the other new recruits, he told himself. A little voice in his head responded, Well, you didn't die, did you? He slowly placed a hand on his forehead.

A stressed looking young man with blonde hair approached the group of new marines, appearantly looking for someone. Well, better get to him before someone else does... Rob approached the man and saluted sharply, "Evenin' Marine. Name's Private third class Rob Cain. Not to trouble you out of shore leave or anything, but would you mind pointing me in the direction of the bunks?" Rob was pretty sure he could secure a place to sleep for himself, and find the mess hall pretty easily, so he tried to be as unimposing as possible on the more experienced marine. Getting a reputation as a needy little greenhorn on the first day onship was not a good idea. Maintaining eye contact with the other marine, Rob waited for a reply.

Fay looked over at the smartly saluting greenhorn. "Hello. My designation is P3C Fay Saelus. I was told by the XO through Ally, the Alliance's AI, to give you a tour of the ship. I guess if you want to head to the bunks straight away, then I don't mind. I have nothing really important to do on shore leave anyways." He shrugged as the platinum blonde Geshrin medic waited for Rob to acknowledge. Well, this one is a little chippy, eh? the little voice said again. Fay just ignored it this time.

Istvan continues to snore.... and snore.... and snore
"Well, if it isn't another boot fuckin' shit! Comin' aboard to get killed or kill, son?!" Ran took on a grave voice tone, hopefully convincing enough to scare the new guy, but also hopefully elaborate enough to play it off as just him fucking with the kid. Ran put his beret back on and looked to the side at Fay, who had just offered to take Rob on a tour of the ship. "Make sure you give him a tour of the wounded quarters, medic. Maybe that'll motivate him enough for anything. See you fucks later!"

Ran ran out of the Alliance's door, desperately avoiding colliding into oncoming personnel and replacement Marines. Landing onto the pad, he ran off screaming "SHOOOOORE LEEEAAAVEEEE!!!!!", to the annoyance of other Marines just about to leave their comfort on the base.

Downloading... 1%... 2%... 3%... 3.5%!?!?!?

Fian raised an eyebrow at the slowness of the message download progress. He hung the Datapad on one of his belt hoops and streched. There were a few things he still needed to check on before he could 'enjoy' his shore leave. The Vel Steyr re-tied his bootlaces and started walking towards the hangar bay.

Sidewinding past the numerous resupply crates recently placed there by the station personnel, Fian climbed up his white AIR2 and whispered his personal username and password (He took the liberty to change it earlier). On cue the top of the armor opened up and he reached down to pull Elsae from the slot and tucked her in his shirt pocket.

"Thanks for taking care of things when I was not around, Elsae." Fian said. The Savtech did not reply. Thats odd, did something happen to her? But then again, everybody is not in the best of moods right now.

A low beep resounded from his belt as the Datapad downloaded a message. Pulling it out, Fian tapped it open.
Melchoir Vel Steyr said:
Topic:Fun times

Hey, thanks for NOT visiting me the last time you came back, but I would still like you to come over if you are not dead yet. We are still alive, just in case you were wondering. Yes yes Elsa is fine, I'm fine, Karl is probably keeping himself busy somewhere. The Reds messed up the place and smashed my shipyards. Get back at them for me, could you? Oh and, Elise says "hi".


Fian whipped out his stylus and penned in a reply.

Fian Vel Steyr said:
Topic: Re>Fun Times

You just worry about your side of things, Mel, I'll do the asskicking. I've been given another shore leave near Delsauria, I'll see if its long enough for me to catch a shuttle back. Tell Karl to keep an eye on Elsa, things are going to get pretty hot very soon.


Fian allowed himself a small smile. Not everything is lost. Reattaching the Datapad to his belt, he asked the mechanics about the latest mantaninence check on his AIR2. An asshole was shouting "SHHOORE LEEEAAVEE" very loudly somewhere nearby but Fian did not really look to see who. It was pretty good to know that some people are not adversely affected by the deaths of people near them.

With all that done, the Vel Steyr made his way to the Caffeteria, he had not had a proper meal in days...


Rob raised an eyebrow at the rapidly departing marine and cracked a sarcastic grin. "Glad to see I'm serving with Nepleslia's best and brightest. Pleased to meet you, Fay. If you're sure it's no trouble, yeah, a better tour of the ship would be great."
This guy ain't so bad... At least I can face death with a crew that's at least tolerable... I wonder what this guy does? He seems calmer than most of the other marines..
"What's your position on ship? You gonna be pounding the ground with me, or patching my sorry ass up if the occasion arises?"

Adrian walked out of the Alliance, a dour expression on his face and his hands in his pockets. He had left his berret inside, allowing his longish green and white hair to hang around his head freely, with a decent amount covering his face.

Striding past Fay and Rob, he counted out his options, finding none of them too appealing... until he saw a shitty, hand-drawn flyer with several strange band names (The Sketchy Sketchy Fuckers and Remaining Heroin most notable), a couple crude drawings, and the address of some most likely shitty nightclub. And, the most important words on there: "EYES CLAMPED SHUT TOUR: THE BEST FUCKIN SKA TO EVER GRACE THE FASCISTS."

The medic smiled a bit for the first time in several hours. A bit of booze and a gigantic mosh-pit full of psychopaths and drunks just might help jack him out of the shit. With a slightly murderous new purpose, the tall marine set out.

Fay smirked and replied casually, "Well, I'm more of the one that drags you bleeding from the battlefield to the real doctors and probably will be putting you in your bodybag if you aren't careful." His casual grin and manner may have made him seem psychotic to this new marine, but Fay didn't care. He has seen death and agony too many times to be affected by it very much.

Rob chuckled, Fay was an alright guy. "Heh, well, it's good to know someone's gonna be out there to drag this bullet sponge back in. But, if I stick to my training, and don't make any dumbass moves on the field, we should be fine as far as the bodybag arrangement goes." Rob's stomach grumbled; in the excitement of ship assignment, he'd forgotten to eat. "Hey, when is chow served around here? Matter of fact, where is chow served around here?"

Fay shrugged. He replied, "Yeah, that'd be the mess hall. Follow me. We'll make that the first place to stop. I haven't eaten, or slept for that matter, in several hours." He stretched a bit before turning towards the direction of the mess hall. As he lead the way, he noticed that he was still wearing his blood-stained boots. He turned back to Rob and said, "After the mess hall, I'll show you the bunks. I need to... ah... clean up a bit after a rough session in the medbay." He continued towards the mess hall.

Fian accepted the portions given out by the Caffeteria workers without question, but raised the tray to eye level to figure out if he needed to eat somewhere else later to compensate for any specific nutrients that may be lacking in the serving. Satisfied, he took a seat near the back where he usually sat. Most of the marines had already left the ship, allowing him to be picky about his seating.

The first few spoonfulls were tasteless, but the next ones gradually returned the sense of taste to him... And there was still something odd about the food that he still has not pinned down yet. After he was done, he set aside the tray and propped his head on his hands, wondering if there was anything left to be done before he took full advantage of his shore leave.

Benji strode out of the PA bay and then down the hall and made straight for the exit to get off this piece of.... heh... and well. He strode past Adrian and was immediately overtaken by tall woman who threw her arms around Benji and kissed him. Benji paused and then gently pried the woman off of him. "What are you doing here?" Benji demanded to his sister whom besides lacking muscle and a goatee looked almost identical to her brother. "Mich had business to do. When I heard the Alliance was coming in for a landing I came to look for you..."

Benji looked thoughtful and then realized the both of them were effectively blocking the exit from the alliance. Benji turned and almost ran into Adrian. "Eh..." He said taking a step back. After a split decision he reached out and put a hand on Adrian's shoulder. "Melissa this is Adrian... Adrian my sister..." Benji flashed his fellow - even if they weren't exactly on "fellowish" terms - marine a grin and drew his sister out of the way and led her back onto the Alliance. Forgetting all about shore leave the two chatted as Benji traversed the ship.

"After the mess hall, I'll show you the bunks. I need to... ah... clean up a bit after a rough session in the medbay."

"Alright," Rob replied, following Fay's gaze down to his bloodstained boots. This is tt, then. The real deal.... It's hard to believe I'm going into a combat zone soon... "So, how's the chow onboard?" The question was nothing but an excuse not to be silent. Rob's mind raced a thousand questios about the Reds, but from Fay's weary demeanor and stressed manner, talking about the war was the last thing he wanted to do.
Fay shrugged lightly as he replied, "Well, it's better than nothing. Though, I do warn you to not eat too quickly. You'll have to visit the latreen about two or three times before you'll recover." He smiled slightly as they entered the mess hall.

Several hours later, Ran felt the scalding hot water hit his chest in the showers in his bunk room, filling the six empty bottles of lager that he placed rather neatly on the shower floor. Hearing a noise outside his shower, he pulled the curtain down slightly, trying to grab it with one bottle of lager in that hand was rather hard. A hilarious photo op for anyone; the drunken, angry face of Sergeant Ran, poking out of the shower, ready to defend to the last drop his new stash.

"Who the fusks out there?!" He shouted in slurred speech, not exactly ready to kill anyone who came in, but ready to kick ass. "....That's right! Thats fuckin right, you don't come into my house without an invitation from the host!!" He shouted, which to many a new Marine in the NSS Alliance could be heard somewhat further down in the halls. Ran sighed, leaning against the shower wall and sliding down, knocking the bottles of lager to the side, taking another sip of his current bottle. "....Wonder if any of the other guys want a drink..."

A smile crossed his lips, and he finished the bottle. Half-naked, he desperately hid the three six packs and a bottle of cheap Schnapps under his bunk, in a gun-case that he'd normally keep his rifle in.

After showing her around the ship the siblings showed up in the Mess Hall, Benji eyes the other marines in there warily and then led Melissa over to a less crowded space in the room and then took her hand and simpily asked Shall we dance?" and he made sure to say it loudly enough for the other marines to hear.

Melissa smiled and silently they danced, flying across the floor gracefully. Most people would have never known that Benji was a marine if he hadn't been dressed as one. Their dance circled the mess hall and ended up at the entrance, with a fast bow they both slid out the doors grinning. Benji led his sister back to the entrance of the ship and watched her go and then he turned and rubbed the back of his leg tenderly and then limped off towards the med bay.

"Whoa." Fian exclaimed as he watched the two siblings prancing around and then later out of the Mess Hall. He was one the first few marines that clapped at the end of it. Some of the other marines were seething with jelousy at Benji's fortune but they probably did not know that they were just brother and sister, the Vel Steyr knew, he could see the family resemblance.

Another 'beep' rang out from the datapad clipped to his belt as it downloaded another message. Thinking that it was another casual message from Melchoir, Fian ignored it for the moment as he stood up and made his way to the medibay to check on a few more things.

Istvan woke up in a bad mood in medbay, but he felt better. The medics had done a fairly good job. He was hungry, always a good sign. His mother had always told him that if you were hungry, you knew you weren't dead yet. After a surreptitious glance around revealing that he was not being watched too carefully, he got up, wincing on the still tender freshly healed injuries. After changing into his uniform he limped to the mess hall to get some food; if there was any at least. He hoped there was.

Ran sat in the middle of the mess hall, begging the room to stop it's gentle, yet disorienting, spinning and praying that the scent of Schnapps on his breath couldn't be detected over the smell of whatever the cooks were dishing out today. "Hey, Sar-" "Piss off, kid." Ran replied immediately, not wanting to deal with any particular person at the moment. In fact, he wondered even why he was in the mess hall when he would get a nice, hangover-introducing sleep.

He had lifted a small cup of water up to his mouth before being momentarily distracted by the dancing duo, who was now busy sliding out of the mess hall, possibly to the med-bay, unless those two had shin guards or metallic legs. "Well. Isn't that wonderful." He said, his voice dripping in a sarcastic tone, which was drowned out by the cool sensation of water filling his mouth.

Fian absentmindedly waved the Medibay door open even though stepping through would have sufficed. After wincing from the automatic gust of disinfectant all over him, he scanned the room for any familiar faces. There were a few former squad members soundly asleep in the beds and a few others he had not met before. Istvan, one of the reasons he came over seems to have recovered sufficiently to wander off elsewhere. Adrian is not around to answer the Vel Steyr's questions, but the medical assistant was still in.
Zaku? No, Suku. I... Think that’s her name. Fian thought as he approached the Geshrin with a friendly wave. "Hey, Suku."

Suku sat bent over in one of the various chairs strewn throughout the bay, her head in her hands, one of which holding a lit cigarette. The diminutive Geshrin grunted in reply to Fian. "The fuck's up, Vel Steyr?" She looked up briefly at him, took a drag of her cigarette, and stared back at the ground.

Fian narrowed his eyes at the Geshrin's blatant disregard for proper Medical environments by filling her corner with smoke. But hell, at least this place still has 3 times better air quality than the streets of Funky City. "I would like to inquire about the status of P2C Rico Sanroma. I left his head here yesterday."

Shit... The head… Suku stood, staring the taller marine in the eye. "Uh... hey... was that guy a friend of yours?"

"Yes he is. Him being just a head, I am very concerned about his current status. I would like to confirm if they have moved him off to the regeneration facilities on this station and if possible, which station." Fian said frankly.

Suku clenched her teeth and felt a cold sweat grow on the back of her neck. "Uh... Heh heh, yeah..." She shifted her eyes towards the now-misshapen lump of metal that was being used to hold a semi-broken cot up. She gulped slightly, noting the fact a small bit of liquid had been leaking from said object for quite a while now and was starting to take on a red hue. "Oh, uh, well... what did you say his name was again?" She gave a wide, very nervous grin.

"P2C Rico Sanroma." Fian responded. He sensed that there was something up with this previously confident Geshrin. The Vel Steyr slowly averted his eyes from Suku to take a look at the general direction where she was flashing looks at to spot the broken MEC. Turning back towards the medical assistant, he gritted his teeth, hoping that it was not what he thought it is. "Is there any paperwork?"

Suku blinked and nearly shit herself when the PC2 took a look towards the severed head. When he asked about paperwork, she coughed lightly and ran for the cot being held up by the formerly mighty mind of some war casualty. She reached under and yanked the head from under the bed, much to the protest of an injured marine who soon found himself sloped at a very uncomfortable angle. Suku turned and held the head out for a moment before closing her eyes and popping open the helmet. "This him?"

Fian bent down to look at the MEC, it was broken in some places due to a containment failure probably thanks to another disregard of proper medical procedures, it had to be that reason because the Vel Steyr remembered that he brought it back unharmed. Placing both hands on the lid, Fian slowly pulled it open...

... It was a rock. A tomato sauce smeared rock that was carved in a grotesque likeness to Rico's head. Adrian you piece of shite, resorting to vodoo now? Fian gently closed the lid and handed it back to Suku. "Nope, not him. Put it back under the bed before Adrian misses it." The Vel Steyr then walked over to one of the basins and rinsed his hands.

Benji soon ran into Istivan. Seeing how the marine was going, Benji felt sorry for him. His poor calves could wait, He turned around and then then on sudden impulse he reached over and scooped Istvan off his feet, grining. "There has allways been something In you I liked Istvan..." Benji said and then put Istvan back on his feet. "I'll give you a ride up to the mess hall, no doubt you're hungry."

He had Istvan get on his back. Grabbing the Marine's legs, Benji piggy backed Istvan up to the mess hall. When they got there he set Istvan down at a table and scurried off to get them both somethign ot eat, claves forgotten for the moment. He brought Istvan food and then his datapad beeped. He pulled it out and grinned. "Message from Melissa..." and with some odd looks at him he added "My dancing partner and dear sister..."

And then his grinned widened. "And she says she'll be back later ofr some fun..." He gave a wink to Ran and then stalked off, scribbling out a reply to his sister, eager to make the other marines jealous.

"Thank you" Istvan said "I do hope they have borscht". He rode in silence, slightly tipsy from the pain-medication he had been administered. "You have a sister?" he asked after Benji mentioned the sister "Huh. Me too... she's young... She wants to be an performer when she grows up." He smiles "She's a good kid..." he sighed. He seemed rather introspective "First time I killed someone by mistake, you know? Usually I'm trying to kill the people I kill..." Istvan seemed to be rambling to no one in particular. The pain drugs had not yet entirely worn off.
Elsewhere, on Unity Starbase...

Unity base was much like a shopping mall on Nepleslia… the good parts of Nepleslia anyways. The hallways were filled with marines and ship staff on leave from their respective ships browsing what the station had to offer as well as the ambient music and pleasant smells provided by the station’s restaurants, bars, shops, strip clubs, and PA system.

Despite the general feel-good nature of facility, most people were choosing to avoid the medical ward. The smell of sanitation chemicals coming from the open bulkhead to the triage area seemed too much of a reminder that despite the advances made by the greens during the past year, Nepleslia was still at war.

The station had no shortage of establishments for those who were looking for a drink and each had its own way of luring in patrons. Green catered to those looking for the club atmosphere, advertising its dance floor and free drinks for women. Blaze’s went a different route, not necessarily advertising with signs but instead trying to lure in customers with the smell of a burning plants drifting out of its doors. Three storefronts down from that was a place called Dawn’s that sought to bring in the kind of crowd whom would make good use of cheap drinks and live shows that involved go-go poles.

Of course, no establishment would be complete without a Neppies, home of the three pound stim burger. The Neon N above its door was probably the most recognizable symbol amongst all the small time stores. Its combination fast food/bar type establishment had franchises in every city on and above Nepleslia as well as most of the planets in the empire.

Kokuten scratched his head as he left the medical ward, he stopped outside the bulkhead and breathed deeply. The Nepleslian enjoyed the crisp, clean, artificial air of the station to the sanitation chemicals. Yet, even though he had left the medical ward, the chemicals had left a smell on him. His metal arms were still flushing out any of the water and soap he had used to clean his hands. Click! Whiiiirrr. Went his pinky finger as it dropped a little bit of water. He shook his hands, just as he tried to shake off the hard strain of work. Kokuten scratched his ear thinking...

Kokuten took a look at Green, and observed their advertisement. Yet, he turned his head as soon as he saw the phrase "Dance Floor". This Nepleslian was an accomplished musician, not a dancer. He took a look at Blazes, and turned his head as soon as he smelled a familiar sent. He turned his head, not taking any chances. He took a look at Dawns, cheap drinks seemed to ward him. Yet, with a Neppies down the lane, and the other ones, it seemed to be a better choice. Well... Drinks and Show are nice. He grinned to himself at that thought, and entered Dawn's.

Dawns had a conventional bar setup against the walls, with barstools and a female bartended in a skirt and tank top that had a large rack of beverages to choose from behind her. Two waitresses in similarly tight fitting white tank tops and green skirts were taking orders to and from a series of U shaped rows of seats around a catwalk that had a dancer’s pole on one end. At the moment there were no dancers on that pole, but a sign was assuring patrons that the live entertainment would be starting soon.


Fian returned to the medical assistant as he wiped his hands with a towel. The suspense earlier returned the jitters to his fingers. "Well?"

Suku quickly put the helmet back, not daring to look inside. She turned back to her superior and sighed. "Well, honestly, you guys need to chill the fuck on out for a while. I know Adrian is freaking out, and you don't look so calm either."

"Yeah." Fian stowed the towel away and sat down on the nearest stool and leaned back. "But going out for a drink isn’t the same without that guy."

Suku sat down on one of the cots, pulled out a cigarette and lighter, and lit up again. "That sucks. Uh... sorry for your loss?" The medical assistant spoke in a rather insincere manner. She looked around a bit, and then directed her gaze to her nails. Suku gave one of her looks at Fian, she looked at her nails, and back at Fian. "You know, my brother went to place he liked many, called it, "Dawn's". You might like it, being a guy and all." The Nurse finished, not being much for words.

"Yes." Fian said as he raised a finger into the air. "Life goes on, you are right. We cant be moaning forever." The Vel Steyr then took out his datapad and keyed in a message to more or less every marine he knew on a first name basis.
To the collective testicles on the NSS Alliance. You are to report at Dawn's to hang the fuck out. Drunkage will begin at 1800 sharp.
Fian closed the datapad without reading the previous message left for him.

What he wrote earlier was not in his writing style, but the Vel Steyr wanted to be as informal as possible. "Well then Suku, do inform me if you know about his whereabouts." He said to the Geshrin with a wave as he walked out of the Medibay.


Adrian pushed open the door to the shoddy clothing store not far from the ship docks. He drew a couple stares from the more anti-military punks and such. He walked in, giving the place a quick look-around before heading into the aisles intent to find something a little more fitting to wear skanking than a military uniform.

The shoddy clothing store that Adrian entered was tended by a similarly shoddy skinny kid that looked to be not much older than 16. It was filled with all manner of ‘trendy’ clothing and T-shirts with attempted wit written on them as well as all the accessories needed for one to


Gran just turned over in bed, staring at the wall. He had thought he felt like crying for the past hour, but couldn't. It was like something was broken inside of him, something that attached him to the outside world. He felt confused, and didn't know if he should or shouldn't be. He felt empty; he needed to find something to do.

Gran sat up on his bed for a few minutes, staring at the floor. He put on a working shirt and a pair of already wrinkled pants. He slowly walked down to the Power Armor bay and found the AIR2 he had piloted earlier and had it moved to an open spot. It still looked well beaten, and in need of some work.

This is what I do, this is this me right?

Gran moved some tools near him, buckets and palettes ranging from simple screws to fresh armor plates with the tags still on them. Gran positioned the armor at attention, locking the joints. He pulled out his small pad and plugged it into the armor, running a diagnostics on the internals. He clicked his tongue as the damage and wear looked pretty extensive.

He quickly got to work on unscrewing the damaged and dirty armor plates. The whir and clang of the drill and plates seemed dim in lieu of the general noise already present in bay.


Kokuten pulled off his beret as he entered Dawn's, he observed his surroundings and took a seat at the stool. He leaned over, his chin on his fist, and his elbow on the table. He looked around at the choices on the rack. The Medic pointed with his free hand at a clear blue bottle, its label was an eye that was half closed, in the shape of a half moon. It was a Blue Moonie, not a strong drink, but it had a 'relaxing' flavor that would probably make your eyes the same as the eye on the label. Best part, not too expensive either.

"Blue Moonie, please." The Medic grinned, trying to be suave.

The bartender pulled off two bottles from the rack, one that was light blue and one that was dark green. With the grace of a professional she twirled both bottles upside down and poured the liquids into a glass before flipping the bottles right side up and placing them back on the rack. She then went to get a slice of blue fruit, sliding it into the drink as the green liquid settled on top of the blue. “Here you go sir,” She said with a smile as her offhand pressed a button under the bar, starting a tally of Kokuten’s tab.

Kokuten grinned as he took the glass and a sip. He looked around, not much happening; they must waiting for a bigger crowd. His eyes made whirring sounds as the shifted around, observing the bar. He tapped a metal finger on the table to a halftime beat of an Aethersperm tune as the actual thing played in his head by memory.

The bartender leaned forward, her arms gently pressing the assets on her chest together as they supported her weight against the bar itself, “Is there anything else I can get you soldier?”

The Nep put a thumb to his chin, rubbing the hair on it. His eyes met the Bartenders for a second, but then his pad beeped. A message? Guess they need me back the Ward... He pulled the pad up and looked at it.
To the collective testicles on the NSS Alliance. You are to report at Dawn's to hang the fuck out. Drunkage will begin at 1800 sharp.
The Nepleslian grinned, or... Maybe not. He looked at the waitress across the table. "Yeah, be ready for a big bunch coming in at 7 o' Clock." The Medic grinned.


Gran had finished pulling the ruined, half-blackened armor plates off his armor and was planning out his work on the internals; the plates laying in a pile awaited a re-manufacturing. He had different schematics and layouts on his pad when he received a message. He opened it, thinking to get it out of the way he could focus on his repairs. He grunted slightly, reluctant to remove himself from his work half-way. He sent a message back, "Busy: Go ahead, will catch up." stored the message and flipped on a pair of magnification goggles, wielding a small multi-tool as he leaned close to an arm of his armor. They won't miss me for a bit.

The beep of a new message caused Wazu to drop what he was doing. As he was installing a special filter in the ceiling of the bridge to help accommodate the new atmospheric systems, dropping what he was doing involved a substantial weight in metal falling on his face. While he was recovering from this by laying on the floor he picked up the datapad to examine the message sent to him. His eyes darted around the warship that he was on and he decided, “I guess I do need a drink right now…”

Wazu would eventually limp his way to Dawn's, his uniform top exchanged for a green tank top. He looked around the establishment once inside, taking a glance at the short skirt of one of the waitresses as she bent over to set a drink down beside one of the patrons. "…well, I can see why they chose this place..." He commented to himself as he went to take a seat at the bar.

Istvan moaned then stood up, labouringly from the bench. He stumbled out of the messhall. "Alcohol... Yes... that will help..." He murmured to himself. He preferred stimulants, of course, but right now he needed to forget... forget how he killed an ally... He lurched, and labored, unsteady on his feet, and still under the influence of pain medication, though that was slowly wearing off.....

He teetered out of the ship, muttering foul Russian curses under his breath, and banged into... something... He looked at it, and it came into focus... some sort of delicate repair equipment left outside the hatch. With a grunt he kicked it out of the way, causing untold damage to it, then marched determinedly towards the bar. He barely opened the door, stomping in, and sitting down, then squinting at the menu "Fucking lots of drinks" he says "What kinda bar is this? On my last rest stop there were only three drinks..."

Fian went back to his foot locker to change into his casual clothes, he has been wearing the military uniform (or a some variant of it) for weeks on end. It consisted of a green long sleeved cotton jacked, a white shirt, straight black pants and black shoes. For accessories he left the .45 in the box and only carried with him his wallet. "There I go." He thought as he walked out of the ship.


Istvan looked at Kokuten. "Hey... you're a medic, right? I wanted... wanted to thank you boys for patching me up...." he said "I'm buying this man a..." he looks at the menu "Ahh, just give him that shit there" he points to a random bottle.

The waitress followed Istvan's pointing gesture and stared for a few moments before turning back to the soldier with a slightly amused expression as she poured the contents of the bottle into a newly produced glass...a very small one. "Well, I guess you technically can drink this stuff. That's what I hear, anyway."

Istvan happily hands it to Kokuten "Here ya go mate!" he says "Cheers! Now give me the stuff in that little tiny bottle..."

It wasn't long before Wazu, obviously uninterested in the happenings around the bar, put his datapad down on the bar, resting his head on his left hand while his right hand pecked at the electronic device in front of him.

Again, the bartender had to take a moment or two to figure out exactly what the soldier was pointing at. It took her a moment before she turned around with a raised eyebrow. "...I don't think you want that, soldier."

"Ahh? What's in it?" Istvan asks, eyes sparkling "I'll take it"

Fian paused for a moment outside the door of the bar. He was never a regular bar go'er until he was posted to the Alliance. But I'm a marine now and besides, this feels so right for some reason. A few minutes later the Vel Steyr was spotted seated to the right of Kokuten with a cloudy blue liquid in a glass while eyeing the Medic's drink.
Kokuten gave an odd look at Istvan, as the Marine tried to order him a drink. He recognized the guy from the Alliance, and realized what bottle he was pointing at. The Medic began to chuckle, setting his drink down. He put a hand on his knee and grinned.

"Let him have it." The Medic said the waitress, "I'd like to see what happens next."

The waitress merely shrugged, and quickly snatched the bottle from its position, poured the marine a small glass, and quickly replaced it. She then stood in front of the soldier, watching him closely to see if he would actually drink it, despite her warning.

Fian waved at Kokuten. "Don’t mind me, I'm just looking. Heh."

Kokuten turned his head, and saw Fian sitting next to him. He recognized Fian's little cracker jack face, and put the name with it. Though he looked at his drink, and grinned back the higher ranking individual, "Blue Moonie, good drink, great taste, even greater feeling." He waved the glass.

Istvan frowned at the drink, then took a sniff.... then downed it in one gulp. It barely touched the sides. He made exaggerated smacking noises then said "Shit, it tastes better then the rocket juice the boys once distilled out of... well rocket fuel last ship I was on." He actually thought it was disgusting, but the bravado was kind of necessary at the moment...

"Well yeah, that's because I use that bottle you pointed at to catch the dripping coming out of that ventilation shaft," the bartender said with an amused smirk as she threw a thumb towards the bottle. As if on cue, a large drip of brackish liquid plopped into the rim of the bottle from the vent on the ceiling above it. "I won't charge ya for that one."

Istvan blinked. "Right then," he said, "Well... gimme some of that stuff in the blue bottle with the worms in it then? Or... Better idea... you got anything with Caffeine in it?"

The waitress rolled her eyes a bit as she whirled around once again, scanning the shelves for Istvan's preferred choice of beverage. After she found it, he quickly produced another larger glass and poured the liquid into it before setting it in front of him. "There ya go, soldier. Tastes better than the last one, I promise."


The Aethersperm song being played in the bar changed, the lighting dimming slightly as the trac lighting recessed into the ceiling highlighted the catwalk. Walking out into the light was Green haired girl, dressed in what could be called a green uniform. The uniform wasn't officially by any length of the imagination. The short uniform jacket left her midriff exposed and her legs which were barely covered by the tan short shorts.

"Congrats, Istvan." Fian shouted down the bar to the Russian. "It won’t be a problem feeding you anymore." Looking back at the Medic, Fian raised his own glass. "Same here, I like it in a cocktail." He then nodded at the smaller glass next to Kokuten. "But that one is difficult."

Istvan nodded to Fain, draining the drink quickly before then looked at the woman walking into the light. "Huh?" he said, "Oh, shit. First person to make a lewd comment gets thrown out the door. You'll be lucky if it's open first."

One of the Medics eyes veered off at the Green glass, but then it veered up at the scantly dressed woman that came out. "Yeah, I'm not to sure what this stuff is exactly." He put down his Moonie, and put both eyes back on the Green Glass.


Gran had been replacing the actuators for the FMD, and had gotten a reasonable bit of grim on himself, climbing all over the armor. His mind was definitely elsewhere, jumping from Rico’s death to his future in the army, especially Rico. He thought about everything except repairing his armor. He tightened a bolt with a largish wrench, too tight, the threading stripped and a bar popped out, scratching his cheek as a spring dislodging it from its seat. “damn it!!” Gran yelled as he clubbed the assembly with the tool, bending several small rods. He yelled again as he threw the wrench as hard as he could, it clattered and skidded along the ground coming to rest at another tech’s feet. Gran sobbed softly once or twice, pressing his forehead against the open shoulder of the armor. He felt completely broken. The other techie had picked up the wrench and was about to verbally erupt at Gran, but frowned softly and looked at the wrench, he decided to say softly, “Careful where you throw these, they hurt a lot.”

Gran kicked the leg on the armor and set his back against it, sliding down, sitting against it’s feet. He sat silent, his head between his knees for a minute or so before he picked himself up and took a wide look at the armor. He put a small note on it, politely asking people not to touch it. He walked out, not changing his greased shirt and wrinkled pants.

He entered the bar shortly and sat in a stool with few people around, putting his head in his arms as he rested his elbows on the counter.


The waitress smiled slyly as she watched the growing group of marines converse at her bar. She took particular interest in Istvan's comment about 'lewd comments', as she smirked again and leaned closer to the group, her eyes glancing at the stripper. "Yeeeah, she's got some nice tits. Too bad they're fake," she joked loudly to the few customers around the bar.

The girl on the catwalk put her back up against the gogo pole and started unbuttoning her uniform top, the fabric eventually falling off her body to expose the D cup chest tightly constrained under a Green bikini top, much to the enjoyment of the patrons sitting in the chairs by the catwalk.

Fian did not turn around to look at the stripper; he refuses to be desensitized to a woman's assets. Back at Kokuten, the Vel Steyr knew what was in the glass, but he didn’t want to ruin the surprise for the medic. "Looks like you have to share it with that guy over there." He said, referring to Gran who was seated next to the medic.

Istvan's beefy hand went for the arms of the maker of the comment, in a sort of autopilot, he attempted to pick her up, and lob her out the door "And be glad my mother isn't here. I got the super-soldier from HER side of the family. Next gets worse."

The waitress leapt backwards to avoid Istvan's grasp, a look of slight surprise strewn on her face. After a moment, she scowled and muttered a few curses at him under her breath before turning to serve another one of the bar patrons.

By this point the stripper had unfastened the clasp on her shorts, while pressing herself against the gogo pole, giving it a sensual lick before giving a wink toward the patrons at the bar. Her hands then went down, her thumbs going into the waist of her shorts and starting to slide it down her legs. This caused her to bend over and expose the tight green thong she was wearing that left her with a bit of a camel toe. At this point very little of her body was left to the imagination from the smile on her head down past her ample bust line, curvy waist, and tight stomach.

Fian signaled the waitress over. "Give that guy over there a green bottle." He said, referring to Gran. The Vel Steyr then pulled out his DA card and paid for all drinks so far plus a 15% tip for all the trouble. "I apologize, we just lost one of our own."

The bartender did as Fian requested, but not before grabbing his DA card and sliding it smoothly past the reader under the bar. After a few seconds of preparing the drink, she strolled over to where Gran was seated and placed it gently in front of him. "Here ya go hon.”

Gran looked at the bottle for a second, confusedly at first. He then looked down the counter at the other marines and back to the waitress. "Thank you." He gave a small smile, trying to look like he was alright. He pulled the bottle closer to himself and set his head down on the counter, looking through the bottle and its contents and its distorted view. He didn't open it yet, he didn't like drinking, and if he started now, he would have a hard time stopping.

At the end of his last sentence, Fian's mood took a dive as he was reminded of the loss. You were not there when he needed you. Fian shook his head violently to erase the thought. Shut up, I can’t take care of everything... Yet. The Vel Steyr downed his glass in one gulp and then called out to the waiter again, this time with a bit of hostility. "Waitress! Green bottles for everybody without one on this table!"

The bartender did as requested, quickly rolling a few more small glasses from underneath the bar and filling them while simultaneously swiping Fian's DA card. It was fairly obvious that she was well experienced at this maneuver, and accomplished passing out the drinks in short order before slipping Fian back his DA card.

A few minutes of drinking tomfoolery later…

Another waitress came up to the bar, bending over it at a nearly 90 degree angle right next to Kokuten and asking for, "Three more Black Specials and one Big Neppy drink." The girl had a smile on her face and laughed slightly, "I swear they always get thirstier when someone is dancing."

The waitress laughed a bit as she passed the order to her coworker on a small plate, taking another glance at the stripper as she handed it off. "Yeah, that's because they're all fuckin' horndogs. What can ya do?" she said with a smile, flitting a glance at the marines sitting at the bar before moving back to the back shelves.

The waitress chuckled, "Well, we can always offer to book her for more private dances. Remember the time she put on a show for a squad of ID-SOLs? She didn't come back to work for a week!" The waitress picked up the drinks and began to pass them out amongst the patrons watching the stripper was in the process of wrapping her legs around the go-go pole and leaning backwards, arching her back and holding herself up with her hands.

One of Kokutens eyes looked over at the waitress as he took another drink of his glass, yet he almost spit his drink out when she listed off the drinks. "Whoa, hold on, that's not going on my tab is it?" He asked the waitress.

"NO!" Fian nearly shouted at the Medic. The Nepleslian's eyes were already at half mast and an overall hazy air was around him, one of his hands was propping up his head, the other was holding out his DA card should the waitress need it.

"Oh, heh... Yeah, this drink kinda dulls the senses..." Kokuten scratched his head.

"YES!" Fian nearly shouted his reply back to Kokuten. "Go back to your drink."

"Wow," Istvan said, shooting a sideways glance at Fian. "No need to get angry. Just let it out, tell me about it..."

"I'll tell you about it when this bottle is half empty." Fian mumbled as he shook the green bottle he had in his other hand. "Everybody has something to say about Rico this, Rico that. Just go back to your drink and we will conduct the funeral soonish!" The Vel Steyr had not even sipped the Industrial Alcohol, but the minute amounts of the previous drink was already going to his head. "Go back to your seat!"

Istvan nodded, sitting back down, and reading the glass

"... And you!" Fian pointed to Wazu further down the bar. "You didn’t come here to be all quiet. Drink or I'll have you court marshaled... Sir."

Wazu raised his head and looked around, eventually finding Fian and giving him a confused look. His eyes went to the drink in his hand and then to the green bottle on the bar next to his datapad. "Oh." He opened the bottle and took a swig, holding the bottle upside down and quickly going through half the bottle.

Wazu put the bottle back down on the bar and coughed, leaning forward and putting his head on the bar. He coughed loudly again, "Well... At least I know I'm not a drinker now..."

Fay had somehow lost the new marine in the messhall. Fortunately, he had also somehow found his way to his bunk. He just took off his boots and crawled into the bunk. He was so tired that he didn't even hear his datapad beep after receiving a message. Fay soon fell asleep. The past 28 hours had been a real nightmare...

When a Nepleslian's pride is damaged, he tends to respond in a simple manner. Should the source of the man's chagrin be within striking range, a series of violent punches to the face normally sufficed. However, barring the availability of said ass to kick, drinking served as a worthy substitute.

Captain Miller was going to be doing a lot of that tonight.

He had received the message. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a black button-down shirt, the top two buttons undone to reveal a white undershirt and gold necklace, Miller stepped into the "classy" establishment.

His eyes scanned the area. It was difficult identifying members of the crew with the lighting and other people...

...but there was Wazu.

Only a former scientist brought a datapad to a strip club. Oh, and there was Fian nearby. And Kokuten. And Gran. And Istvan... and a whole slew of others.

Cracking a smile, he turned to the bar, put his card on the table and nodded to the bartender.

"Get some good shit for those guys over there," he said, pointing over to the general area of his crew. "And 300 DA for that fine dancer to give that man over there some special treatment."

He pointed to Wazu as the recipient of the implied lapdance.

Fay awoke after an hour or so nap. He barely remembered his datapad beeping. He took it out and read the message from Fian. Heh, he thought, I guess I'd better get ready. Being late is better than being courtmarshalled by the P2C for not attending. He changed out of his sweaty medic uniform and put on some casual clothes, though it was nothing more than a white T-shirt and green slacks.

After thinking for a moment, he then spit-washed the blood off of his deathblack boots and put them on. He grabbed his DA card and a green beret. Before he put the beret on, however, he undid his ponytail and let his hair fall into a messy, unkept state. He was now ready. Fay went straight to the airlock and exited the Alliance for the first time since shore leave was announced. He received directions from some of the locals to the bar called the Dawn's.

Wazu looked up from his drink to check out just who Miller was buying a lap dance for. “OH HEY, WAIT.” He coughed, as he tried to get the remaining alcohol in his mouth down the right part of his throat, his right hand going to his neck for a moment as he recovered. His words then came out hurriedly as he tried to explain what was on his mind. “There have got to be, I mean Fian has… and that other guy …”

Finding himself on an almost abandon ship when his datapad woke him was strange. He read over the message and sighed, calling up his sister and sending a message to her. Benji slipped out of his uniform and into pure black and his trenchcoat. He stalked off the ship and headed for Dawn's. Upon arrival, he scanned the strip club and then slipped off away from the door, going towards a corner where he could watch the dancer but not bee seen by the rest of the crew.

However when his sister walked in in tight jeans and a tubetop, she paused to Kiss Istvan's cheek, giggle and stalk off towards Benji. Benji stood and was immediately bearhuged by his sister. After prying her off they both waded over to the bar, Benji taking a seat and Melissa abrubtly taking a seat in his lap. With a sigh Benji ordered his favorite, Yarran Beer.

A former Epsilon marine was sitting down at the bar enjoying a drink when another Epsilon pulled a chair next to him. They both exchanged glances and a "Yo".

The new arrivee rapped his fingers on the counter to call the waiter. "Rick, whats de big occasion?" He asked his friend as he looked around, there were more people than he expected in this party.

"Dude Louie." Rick replied while laying down his shot glass for a refill. "Even big Miller and the Wazu is here. I thought this was a grunt-grunt party too, you know." The Nepleslian stopped his friend of French decent from fishing out a DA Card to pay for the drink. "Its cool, its cool. The Captain and Fian is paying."

Louie looked over Rick's shoulder to spot a fellow marine from the diplomatic envoy comming through the doors, the Vel Steyr's list had a bias to people he served with. "Yo!" The frenchman shouted as he waved the soldier over. "Rick, thats awfully generous of de squad leader. I think I'm going to go with de YE20 vintage champange." On cue, the waitress put a glass of the expensive liquor on the table as she made a beeline to casher with Fian's DA card on tow.

Rick "Yo"ed the youngish newcomer and returned to facing Louise. "Ahaha, you know that guy has connections, NAM itself yo. That bill is nothing." The Nepleslian then turned to look at the tipsy Vel Steyr. "That guy cant hold his drink for shite, but hell he can hold his battle. I say we stick to him if we wanna live some, no?"

"Ohy shit, guys!" Marty (The newcomer) butted in excitedly before Louise could reply. "Captain Miller is buying the XO a lapdance!"

Louise straigthened up his back to get a better view. "Oh really?"

The barely seventeen year old marine shouted out towards to the general direction of the XO. "GO WAZU!"

Rick stood up from his stool and started clapping in a steady tempo as he chanted. "Wazu - Wazu - Wazu - Wazu ...!" He was then joined in by his two companions and then a few moments later a few other marines from the Alliance that were scattered around the bar, all of them cheering and edging on the belugered XO.

Wazu put his back up against the bar as the crowd grew around him. His hand was now holding his data pad down by his side and his mouth was moving, though his words were lost amongst the crowd that was chanting his name.

The bartender, on the other hand, did not need to use words to communicate with her staff. She raised Davis’s cash card up above her head long enough for the dancer to notice it, then swiped it through the reader under the bar. Afterwards she began to mix up drinks as fast as they were being ordered, ensuring that during her mixing act she was continuously keeping onlookers entertained with expert handling of her drinks and ample view of her low cut tank top.

To a burst of fanfare came a Geshrin woman out from the back room where the entertainers waited before being called to stage. Her name was Selena, as the mostly-drunken group of men chanted it as she skipped off the stage and onto the general floor.

She had black, wavy hair that ran past her shoulders. She was fairly tall, about 6 feet 3 inches, which, combined with her curvaceous figure, made her the wet dream of many a man. And she knew it.

Her commanding yet provocative gait, where she slowly creeped towards her prey, one foot ahead of the other, letting her hips sway gently to the whistle of the crowd, came from experience and confidence. Selena was not some back alley whore. She was no one-night stand.

She was the woman of your sexual dreams, a woman some men would kill for (which the staff knew quite well actually, the reason she had a ID-SOL bouncer following closely behind.)

She found her prey, a rather meek man sitting at the bar holding a datapad. Let's see if she could make a man out of the mouse...

"Hey darlin'," she called to Wazu as she crept closer. "How about I show you a good time?"

She wore a tight, leather tanktop that added to the hefty view of her breasts, as if they were just waiting to burst out from under her clothing.

The woman’s sexuality would went unnoticed by Wazu until she had made it through the parting crowd to where he sat, “This really isn’t necessary,” He started to explain, looking downward away from her face only to find his nearly buried in that tightly stretched leather tank top of the girl in front of him.

It was at that point that the one of the ID-Sol marines crowding around the XO gave him a firm pat on the back and a shout, “GO FOR IT!” sending the smaller XO face first into the leather tank top.
Unlike the rest of the crew, the ship's computer specialist had spent the past few hours locked away in a dark room checking and rechecking the Alliance's mainframe. This also happened to involve a complete systems check on Ally as well as the addition of a few 'safehouses' inside the mainframe she could retreat to just in case anything happened, like the damage in Elysian territory. But with that mess out of the way, Matthew couldn't help but feel the urge to have a drink, a strong drink.

His attire was simple really. A black t-shirt and dark green cargo pants let him blend in somewhat as his boots clunked against the floor. He had managed to catch the message some of the marines had sent or been sent, even if he they wanted him to see it or not, it was a bit hard to keep anything away from the ships only Computer Specialist.

"Welp, this is the place," he muttered as he walked on into the scene that was beginning. Various chants of "Wazu" and "Selena" were heard as the Techie looked up to see the back of his XO's head....unable to see his face due to the face to breast position he was in. Matthew couldn't help but be reminded of the time his father and uncle had taken him to a strip club...they practically did the same thing. Only Matthew's face had ended up in the strippers crotch and the Lionheart men had been thrown out for disrupting the 'reputation' of the establishment.

Matthew only snorted as he walked up to the bar, since the crowd was around Wazu. "Whiskey," he called out over the noise to the barkeeper, gaining his shot only moments later. Sitting down at the bar, the cadet sighed loudly as he turned to watch the scene unfold.

Selena purred as Wazu’s face was buried in between her breasts.

“Thanks boys,” she said with a playful smirk. “I think my man here will change his mind after I’m done with him.”

The Geshrin leaned into him until she made enough space to sit on the hapless XO’s lap.

“Ohhh,” she half-moaned into Wazu’s ear, straddling him while she rocked her pelvis ever-so-slightly back and forth, making her presence known through her tight cut jeans. “You’re a handsome one.”

She finally relented her frontal assault on Wazu’s face, draping her hair over his head, drowning them both under a black river. She stared seductively into his eyes, pursing her lips into a secret kiss.

“Mmmm, that was nice,” she whispered after a quick nibble on Wazu’s lower lip. “Let me help take your eyes off that datapad…”

With one violent jerk, light and sound returned to Wazu’s senses, Selena rocking back and forth on Wazu’s crotch with a smile as she undid the lace to her top.

The marines roared. Captain Miller stared through the bottom of his glass with a sly grin.

Wazu tried to tell the dancer that this wasn’t necessary, though his words were cut off by a kiss that the XO was willing to return.

Afterwards, Wazu allowed himself a slight laugh, desperately wanting to comment on the absurdity of the situation, that he had work to do, that the last time he had picked up a girl in a bar it ended quite badly.

“Yeah, that was nice,” Wazu replied quite coherently, dropping his datapad and reaching around the dancer in his lap, gently holding the back of her neck as he pulled her in for another kiss.

Meanwhile, his other hand went to her shoulder, sliding left to help liberate the constraining leather and lace over her chest.

Fay entered the bar to see many drunken marines and strippers. He sighed slightly as he made a bee-line through the crowd to the main counter. He ordered a Blue Moonie. He really didn't want to get too drunk tonight. The hangover the next day always disagreed with his Geshrin half. Fay doubted that the medbay would want a medic throwing up all over the patients... After receiving his drink, the Hybrid medic made his way back towards the entrance. If a bar fight started, then this Geshrin/Nepleslian wanted to get out in a hurry. Of course, he'd willingly patch up those wounded in the fight, but he would rather not patch himself up!

Fay had seemed tired, so Rob lost him in the crowd in the mess hall, letting the other Marine go get some rest. Rob sat down to his supper in the mess hall and began to eat. The chow wasn't half bad. Then, marines began to trickle out, slowly at first, then in groups, laughing about something. Rob finished his meal to find the mess hall quite deserted.
"Where the hell'd everyone go?"
The marine left the mess hall, and after almost becoming lost in the ship's corridors, found the bunks. Depositing his duffel bag on an uninhabited bunk, Rob decided to keep exploring the Alliance. The ship was nearly empty of inhabitants, a fact that set the new Marine on edge. "Where in the deepest, corpse ridden bowels of hell IS everyone?!?" That one got him a weird look from one of the kitchen staff.
Rob was hanging out near the entrance to the ship, when he saw a lone marine, appearantly newly awakened, look down at his data pad, grin widely, and leave. A clue, perhaps? Rob followed the marine (not too closely) to the commerce area of the station- to Dawn's. Of course! He'd never seen the place so packed. Staying near the entrance, Rob watched as another Marine, appearantly a higher ranking one, get a lapdance. He didn't order any drinks- he didn't want to spend the next morning- his first on the Alliance- hung over.

Adrian was chilling in an alley way about a block from the bar, immune to the troubles of the world thanks to the outrageously loud music ever-so-slowly devastating his hearing faculties. And as such, he simply sat, slumped against the wall, eyes closed. His hand rested on his green uniform jacket, which he had discarded in favor of a black, spike-covered garment.

And then his serene little world was sent straight to hell. The small datapad he had in his pocket began vibrating. The tall medic swore loudly and tore his headphones out before checking the electronic device.
Drinking? A request to booze it up was what had disturbed his first happiness in hours? Those insidious bastards!
Adrian chucked the machine against the opposite wall before whipping out a pistol he had kept on himself since Elysia and blasted it to hell with a well-placed bullet.
He sighed and stood, stretching his back. He might as well go. Nothing better was going to happen out here anyway. Adrian shoved the .45 into one of the large zippered pockets adorning the sides of his jacket and headed towards the bar.

Selena moaned at Wazu's assertiveness, pressing him harder into the bar, overbearing him just so much to move him a little bit ONTO the bar, knocking over and shattering an empty beer bottle.

A collective "oooooohhhhh" rose from the marines, followed by a stream of hooting and hollering.

That hardly mattered to Wazu right now, as he couldn't hear anything above Selena's husky moans. Selena didn't seem to mind either, judging by how Wazu's liberating pull of her laced top caused the garment to fall unnoticed to the floor.

Selena's kiss was deep, explorative... arousing. So were her hands that crept down Wazu's body.

"You got soft hands," she said, finally, after releasing Wazu from her lip lock.

"But," she added as her fingers slipped under the line of his pants, "not as soft as these..."

It didn't take an expert to know that Selena knew EXACTLY what to do with that hand.

The ID-SOL bodyguard tensed, completely ignoring what was going on behind him, but his stern frown revealed that he was all business should any fool cross him.

By the time Wazu’s back was laying against the bar, the word coherent could no longer be used to describe his thought process. However, any male in the room would have understood what was going through his mind.

His hands returned her explorations while his head lay back against the hard surface of the bar. They worked to obscure her chest and keep the floor show from fully reaching the NC-17 rating, at least as for a while as there was a lot of chest to cover.

By this point the crowd was starting to swell in size at Dawn’s bar and extra help was only now starting to arrive. A second bouncer, in a well tailored suit, was now standing in the doorway to regulate the flow of people in and out, of the establishment. To help facilitate his job his right hand held a black paddle shaped device which he was using to scan newcomers for weapons.

An additional waitress walked into the bar, saying something pleasant to the bouncer that was drowned out in the roar of the crowd. Also trying to enter was a growing crowd of men whom figured that the bar MUST be good if so many people were inside of it already. By this point the crowd wasn’t fully military either, many had ties to civilians working on the station or were in work clothes themselves. Others dressed more neutral, preferring to show of tattoos rather than clothing of their work environment.

ON>> Dawn's bar, Unity Base.

Gran fingered the top of the bottle, leaving his cheek against the counter. He ran a finger down the side, his face barren. He held his finger in front of his face, the cool condensation dripping off his finger.

Kokuten leaned against the bar on his stool, his mind feeling rather up in the air, thanks to the Blue Moonie. His half-closed eyes turned a light shade of blue. The Medic shifted himself as he turned to place his green drink on the table; he then shifted back to his original laid back self.

The first bartender, enjoying her short break as a second waitress took over the bartending, leaned against the back end of the counter as she lit a cigarette. She took a deep breath inward, holding it for a moment before slowly letting it rush in a wispy stream from her mouth. Her moment of peace, unfortunately, was interrupted as she caught sight of Gran's pitiful demeanor. The bartender continued to lean on her perch for another few moments, watching to see if the marine would do something else. Of course, he didn't, and when she realized this, the waitress gave another long sigh before speaking up to him. "Alright hon, what's the problem. You look like shit."

Though a few of the marines at the bar seemed rather laid back, the rest of the patrons at Dawns carried themselves with great vigor. Many were shouting or moving about in the crowd of people that had formed. The combination of live entertainment staring a dancer and the ship’s XO was had more than one man’s interest peaked while the rounds of drinks being bought for everyone by Captain Miller and other key officers had most of the room buzzed.

The bar had brought in extra security as the crowd grew. An additional, suit wearing, bouncer was at the open entry way into the bar. He busied himself with checking new patrons for weapons while the internal security kept a close eye on the girls ferrying drinks to patrons.

Gran lifted his head off the counter as he sat up and looked at the waitress for a second before looking back down at the counter, rolling his unopened bottle between his hands, before looking back up at the waitress. "I... I don't know. We are at war... These things are supposed to happen..."

After a short while and while the crowd grew Jet sighed, walking toward the bar with his hands in his pockets. He'd been out and about talking to a few old 'friends' and checking on a few things as well as talking to a man about air-bikes. "Well well, looks like the place is jumpin'" he said as he approached and shrugged past a few people, heading for the entrance. Heedless of the security and the bouncer he still bore at least 4 handguns on him, all set on safety mode.

The bartender shrugged. "Yeah, well, so are those guys," she threw a lazy pointing gesture towards the gaggle of hooting, hollering marines farther down the bar. "And they don't look half as bad as you."

Fian put his fingers to his temples. He stopped himself from drinking because he still had something important to do. Even then, the alcohol was already giving him a headache, which would probably make him do something un-Fianish, which was exactly what was going to happen.

The bouncer at the door stood nearly a foot taller than Jet and his broad shoulders nearly took up the entire entry as it was. He extended his left arm out to stop jet and then waved his right hand beside the man. The small black paddled beeped several times and then the guard looked at the inbuilt screen on the device through his sunglasses, “Sir, you are going to have to leave your weapons here with me until you leave.”

Jet perked a brow, looking up at him in a serious fashion and brushed the red trench coat behind him to adjust it for a moment. He was about to start a scene before reason caught up to him, it may not be a good idea to start something here and now. Not only would it make him look bad but it's make the rest of them look bad as well. "Fine." he said and removed the 4 handguns from various holsters and a Little Killer from a pocket in the inside of the coat. "Here." he sighed.

"All of your weapons," the bouncer said sternly, his arm still blocking Jet's entry into the bar while his other hand put down the paddle and began placing Jet's weapons in a lockbox nearby.

Gran stared intently at the bottle as he listened to the waitress. He looked up then back down to his bottle. "I don't drink, I hate it."

"You really are a buzz-kill you know that?" Jet said looking up at the bouncer with his arms crossed over his chest for a moment. He made a gesture that put two throwing daggers into his hands and then removed a knife from the boot/ankle sheath. "That's all of them."

The bouncer ran the scanner over Jet once more, searching for anything that could still be considered a weapon.

He'd find nothing on him as Jet sighed, looking bored. Just get out of my way dude. I'm sick of looking at you. He thought.

The bouncer handed Jet a redeeming ticket to get his weapons back when he left while waving the next person forward.

Adrian pushed a couple of scrawny losers out of the way and stood in the front of the line, staring at the bouncer. "Oi. Can I get through, Mate?"

Jet groaned and put the ticket into his pocket and walked on inside and looked around at the others and smirked at Wazu getting a lap dance. "Hey! Looks like you need that after all the shit you've been through." He called to the XO as he went to join the rest of the marines from the Alliance. "Hey guys."

Wazu might have replied, however his mouth was currently occupied with teasing the body of the geshrin woman on top of him.

The bouncer waved his scanner over Adrian as he approached, and once again it beeped. "You are going to have to leave your weapons here with me until you leave." He said simply.

Istivan desperately tried to ignore the interactions of Wazu and the greshin... it was none of his business what two consenting adults were doing

The bartender smirked as Gran made declared his distaste for alcohol. "Well hon," she said, taking a final drag from her smoke before flicking in onto an empty space of floor behind the counter, "I don't know your reasons, but I'd say now would be a good time to give it a try."

Adrian thought for a moment. And he came up with an idea. It was magnificent bullshit, but hey, it was an idea. He moved closer to the bouncer, glanced over his shoulder as if there was about to be some earth-shaking revelation. Adrian then leaned towards the bouncer and began to whisper, just loud enough for him to hear. "Sir, out in that crowd, somewhere, are four men. They - Don't look for them yet, wait. They're all terrorists plotting against the government. I'm Agent McCrumpet; I'm a member of the Emperor’s secret service. The men in that crowd are all armed with bombs built into their chest cavities. Their number one objective right now is to kill me and two of my colleagues in that bar." Adrian spoke with a severe seriousness about him that was so perfectly sincere it was ludicrous.

Gran smiled up at the waitress, appreciating her concern. He once again looked down at the sealed alcohol he held in his hand. "I can't... I hate it. It turns people into jokers, some into monsters. I want to be proud of who I am; alcohol could change that." He smiled at her again. "Thank you though."

Fian precariously balanced himself on the barstool’s footrests so that he could be a head higher than the marines standing up. He bent down to pick up his drink on the table and a spoon, which he proceeded to hit the glass with to attract the other marine’s attention. "Attentionz, people."

“OH! I’m so sorry Mr. McCrumpet. I had NO IDEA you were part of the secret service.” The bouncer said, leaving his arm where it was to block his path as he leaned in to whisper something to Adrian, “You better leave your weapons with me quickly so you can get in there and save the empire.”

Istvan's head rose, and he started paying attention as best as his alcohol muzzled mind could. He was unsure who was talking; the painkillers and alcohol together had really hit him hard

The crowd of men near the bar settled down just enough to allow Fian's voice to carry over the crowd.

Gran gave the waitress a smirk as he heard Fian's slurred speech. See?

Jet perked a brow, having hear a bit of Adrian's ludicrous explanation and stifled the urge to start laughing at him but blinked when Fian smashed the bottle on the table and turned to him. "What's all this about now...?" he wondered a bit and shook his head. "This should be good for a laugh...”

Even the XO seemed to pause long enough to try and listen to Fian, though the Geshrin had other ideas.

Fian put his clenched and bleeding fist to his mouth and 'Ahem'ed’. Looking to his other hand, he dropped the now useless spoon. "We are gathered here today to pay our last respects to a fallen testiclez. Rico Sanroma."

Adrian blinked, pulled out his gun and handed it to the agent, butt-first, muttering something about how annoying smart bouncers were and clenched his teeth.

Kokuten raised his head enough to let his eyes focus on Fian. Yet, his eyes showed a bit of realization, as if he suddenly remembered something. The Medic pulled out a cigar and lit it.

"It's about time..." Kokuten said, enjoying the taste, still focusing his eyes on Fian.

Istvan blinked. "Testiclez?" He asked, loudly, not quite sure if he had it right

Jet face-palmed at that one and chuckled just a bit, shaking his head. "Next time you want to do something like this Fian...sober up first.” he muttered, just sitting back and relaxing in the chair.

Fian then bent down again to pull up a green bottle; it was Rico's favorite drink. "Let us have a toast in his honor. He was a good soldier, a good womanizer." Fian paused for a moment. "And a good friendz." The Vel Steyr then proceeded to take a long gulp from the bottle.
"Nostrovigna!" Istvan shouted at the top of his drunken lungs, before drinking down the next drink in front of him.

Gran had turned so he could see Fian, but not away from the waitress. He looked back at her and smiled again. "I guess this is a special occasion. Would you like a sip with me?"

"Oh yeah..." The Medic puffed his cigar, setting aside his Blue Moonie. He then shifted around to grab his green drink and sat back in his position. Kokuten leaned back as he drunk down the small glass of green liquid. He put the glass back down, and coughed a little, trying to keep the drink down. He leaned back again, and put his cigar back in his mouth.

I wish I had known that fella better... Kokuten thought to himself.

Fian allowed the bottle to crash onto the floor below like the spoon before it. There was a voice in his head saying Is it grand admiral Davis time now? repeatedly. Taking a deep breath, the Vel Steyr burst out loudly with a bit of saliva. "But that’z it: enough moping around and mourning. No one bears the burden of his death alone, because everybody is at fault here!" He pointed to everybody he recognized in the bar with drunken rage.

“Yeah it's too bad that poor kid bit it like that." Jet said with a shrug. "But that's how this shit goes sometimes." he said offhand before catching Fian's aggressive pointing of the finger. "Kid, out that thing away before I break it."

"I swear that we were out positioned, outnumbered and outthought in every single encounter we had with the Redz." Fian retracted his finger, but not his anger. His previous statement frustrated him even in his sober state.

"Sure that we were never outgunned, but is this enough!?" Fian continued. "The only thing that has kept you alive up to this point is your superior Power Armors." He then paused here for dramatic effect. "Rico has been sacrificed to prove this point! Men!"

Istvan scowled "I am never outthought." He mutters angrily "I know how to ushe dishipline, and I know how to ushe formations. Every man for himself MUSH END"

"Do not let his death be in vain!" Fian emphasized as he raised one finger. "Do not let the Reds think they cow us with just one kill!"

“We will pull ourselves together! We will organize! We will fight together as a team!" The (Now) red-faced marine clenched his fist at eye level. "We of the NSSz Alliance will show the Reds what we are made of!"

Fian gathered his breath for his last line. "FOR SANROMA!" The Vel Steyr yelled as he punched the air.

Kokuten felt moved by Fian's words, he didn't know Rico well, but he knew the things at stake. He knew that there were things to be done, and he knew the man to follow. So, following the yell, the Medic raised his blue bottle, joining in.

Adrian pushed past the big bouncer, flashing a one-finger salute over his shoulder. He got to the bar just in time to hear Fian's "FOR SANROMA" and gritted his teeth. "Fuck that," the tall medic muttered, hiding in his spiky jacket. He jumped onto a stool and waited for a bartender.

Jet didn't know Sanroma all that well either but the real message here was pretty obvious though, glancing around it seemed like everyone else was moved by the words but personally he wasn't. Things like that happened, that's life: what you do with it afterwards determines who and what you are. "Heh, if it gets you worked up enough...”

At that point a large ID-SOL towards the back of the crowd cupped his hands against his mouth and shouted, “BOOOOO!!!” at the top of his genetically engineered lungs.

Captain Miller, who had been listening carefully from the distance with a rather somber expression, glared at the ID-SOL. How dare he insult the honor of someone in HIS crew... someone who had died under his watch. The grip on the mug in his hand tightened. With a roar, he charged at the ID-SOL, shattering his glass on the bastard's head "GODDAMN RED-LOVING PIECE OF SHIT!" The obviously enraged Miller screamed.

This action, of course, caused the large fist of the huge ID-SOL to come crashing into Miller's face, sending him staggering a few feet backwards.

Adrian shot a sideways glance at the heckler, and Miller's subsequent charge. "Hey, bartender lady, get me a bottle of Absinthe and a couple limes, please."

"You son of a bitch!" Kokuten's blue LED eyes switched from blue to red as he threw his empty Blue Moonie bottle at the ID-SOL. He didn't enjoy the sight of his Captain sent staggering.

This caused more than one comment about the sexual orientation of the involve combatant's mothers to be yelled out as two more ID-Sol's joined into the fight, rolling up their sleeves to show ample tattoos. One waded through the crowd to reach Kokuten while the other started to come up behind Miller.

The waitress, who was chatting up Gran, leaned in to him. "Uh, honey, are you with them over there?"

"I got the fucker!" a voice came from behind Fian just half a second before he was violently tackled to the floor. The less drunk and dazed hostile marine turned the Vel Steyr over and socked him in the face. "Quiet, you!"

Slowly, Jet rose from where his chair was and grabbed a bottle on an adjacent table and hurled it at the ID-Sol coming up behind Miller, aiming at the guy's face and head. The bottle shattered on the guy's head, leaving a few shallow but painful scratches in the skin, hopefully taking out an eye. "Don't you even think about it you Yamataian loving Neanderthal," he growled.

The bartender laid out the medium-sized bottle of obscenely strong liquor and the citrus fruit. Adrian popped open the bottle, slammed it, and smashed it against the counter before stabbing the sharp glass into the lime, twisting the bottle around, ensuring a nice coat of the irritating liquid on the glass. Adrian stood, a slight buzz taking hold of his head. He spotted Miller fighting and strode quickly towards the brawl.

Kokuten raised his fists as the ID-SOL came for him, yet the Medic would not give him time. In his drunken haze, the Medic charged forward to the ID-Sol approaching him.

"I'M ABOUT TO SHOW YOU HOW WE CHIAKI'S LIVE TO PASS ON OUR NAMES" bellowed the drunken Medic as he tackled the ID-SOl.

At this point the bouncers started to move into the crowd, mainly seeking out the waitresses to get them out of harms way. One in particular even pulled the half dressed dancer off of the XO and began carrying her out of the crowd to 'safety.'

"Ohy, shit!" Marty shouted as he kicked Fian's assailant in the face, sending the Red sympathizer rolling away. "Guys!" The young marine shouted before he himself was punched in the face.

Gran looked down at his just opened, still full bottle and scowled slightly as he pushed it away. This is EXACTLY why. He looked back up at the waitress, trading the scowl for a slight smile. "I believe so." He was doing his best to actually ignore the mess brewing, but he knew someone was going to drag him in sometime.

The bottle thrown by Jet slammed into the ID-SOL's head, causing blood to trickle down it. It was good though, because that definitely redirected his attention. "Oh, YOU’RE DEAD! YOU’RE DEAD!" He rushed towards Jet.

"Men," Miller cried between another punch at the ID-SOL in front of him. "Show them how the greens ROLL!"

Louise stood up abruptly from the stool. "De yosh. Nobody messes with newbies on my watch." The Frenchman cracked his knuckles. "Rick, you help the captain."

Adrian watched as one of the ID-SOLs broke for Jet. Adrian rushed towards him in an attempt to push over the man and get a decent spot for a horrific stab-fest.

Jet smirked and watched him come, putting his foot on a stool and slinging it up toward his face, watching the big man's movements. Being lighter and more agile meant in close-quarters like this, Jet had the advantage. When he saw Adrian rushing in he lashed forward, quick as a whip and went to dropkick the guy's knee to make him not notice Adrian.

The ID-SOL charging Jet had been completely focused on his target, which meant that Adrian's attack from the side send him into the bar. As he was leaning against the bar, his movements staggered by his drunkenness, Jet's trained attack slammed into his knee, causing him to scream.

Adrian grinned, pushed the screaming ID-SOL against the bar, pulled back his bottle, and stabbed it towards the man's stomach.

Kokuten's bottle shattered on his ID-SOL target's chest, the hulking man wincing in pain. Because he was a bit too far from Kokuten--who was a good 30 feet away--instead, he motioned for the Nepleslian to come, cupping his fingers like he was calling a dog. "C'mere boy, and do that to my FUCK!" Miller's fist smashed into his cheek.

Jet rolled back and sprang back up to his feet, grabbing the splintered stool leg he'd used before and went to stab at the guy’s side, angling to get up under the ribs from an adjacent angle Adrian had attacked from.

Fian stayed on the floor for a moment with his bruised cheek. He was vaguely aware that there was a fight going on, and that looks like there are funeral offerings to make. Getting up while a Frenchman and a youngster were holding people off him, he reached behind the bar counter to pull out... A pair of forks.

"I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU UP!" The ID-Sol trying to attack Fian yelled out. He reached for the nearest thing he thought he would be able to throw which turned out to be a man sitting at the bar. Two huge hands went to grab Gran's shoulders and pick him up.

Kokuten dashed forward as Millers fist wrecked the ID-SOL's face. The Medic put his left forearm forward and put it to the giant's stomach.

"What was that? I didn't catch that last part!" Yelled the Medic.

"Oh, honey...!" the waitress talking to Gran cried.

"Uso da!" Fian cried in Japanese, it meant 'You gotta be kidding' as he saw Gran being lifted from his shoulders. Putting the forks back nicely on the bar counter, he bent and outstretched his hands to grab Gran if the techie was thrown at him.

Jet's stab met resistance with the huge forearm of the ID-SOL. Although the leg was sharp, it could only pierce a little ways into his flesh. Adrian's bottle, however, pierced the ID-SOL's stomach, drawing some blood. This, however, lit a fire within the ID-SOL, who, with a scream, pelted Jet in the stomach with enough force to bend him over.

"Help, guys!" Miller yelled.

Jet coughed, being sent backward and into a wall before getting up. "Well damn that gives a new meaning to the term force... glad I went with it instead of resisting it." he said. Grumbling, he wished he'd had one of his weapons on him as he shook the stun effect off. He grabbed one of the knives off a table nearby and rushed in to try and stab him in the pressure point in the underarm which should numb that arm. Staying low and avoiding being hit, he went for it.

Miller, whose nose was bleeding rather heavily, snirked at Kokuten's comment, "Hahaha, nice!" The medic's forearm charge caught the ID-SOL in the side, Kokuten's efforts rewarded with a grunt. However, this was not enough to prevent the ID-SOL from sending an elbow into Kokuten's chest.

Adrian watched as the ID-SOL smashed Jet. "Shit!" The medic pulled back his bottle, shot it into the man's stomach yet again before raising the impromptu stabbing weapon to the man's throat. With a loud yell, he thrust the bottle forward, giving his arm a rapid twist to make sure it made a big cut.

Gran was getting more and more perturbed with the fists and drink that flowed around him. He was about to say good-bye to the waitress and the others in the bar when he was grabbed. Gran could almost feel the alcohol seeping from the ID's fingers. Fucking drunkards watch how the 'stick-in-the-mud' will kick your ass. Gran knew that since he was probably the only one in a stable frame of mind, he was at an advantage. Gran stood up and picked up the stool, swinging it behind him.

Rick squeezed through the crowd to appear behind the ID-Sol engaging the captain and Kokuten. Raising a full green bottle above his head, he brought it down on the ID-Sol in a shower of glass splinters and pure ethanol. "Dude, how's that!" He smirked right before the massive soldier spun around and backhanded him so hard Rick flew back into the crowd.

Gran was unfortunate enough to miscalculate the strength of the ID-Sol whom picked up Gran and the attached stool, then threw them both toward Fian. The base of the stool smashed itself against the base of the ID-Sol's elbow in the process, drawing blood but not slowing him down at all as he began to wade through the crowd toward the speech giver.

Gran landed squarely into Fian's expecting arms, but the weight of the man and the stool against the Vel Steyr sent both of them crashing into the ground and sliding a fair distance. Rubbing his back and cursing, Fian picked himself up and wondered how he was going to get back to his forks.

Kokuten was sent back, staggering, almost in a 180 degree turn, as the ID-SOL's arm went in to his chest. The Medic coughed as he tried beating his chest with his left hand. His vision was set to a haze, he was drunk and in pain. Most people don't like having both at the same time, and neither did he. He noticed his opponent covered in ethanol, and he felt his hand over his lighter. The drunk thought for one second, and pulled out cigar, and lit it.
"Ey' man! Smokes on the house!" He babbled, throwing the cigar at the ID-SOL.

Unfortunately, the weapon Jet grabbed was a butter knife used to coat bread at the tables. While he was charging, the ID-SOL caught more glass in his stomach and whatever stub was left of Adrian's bottle broke into a million pieces on the bottom of his chin. The ID-SOL had sacrificed his jaw in an effort to protect his throat. He saw what the medic was going for, however, and this meant war. Between gasps of pain, the ID-SOL brought his full strength into a massive clothesline, which, from his half-kneeling position, connected square against Adrian's upper chest, sending the poor man to the ground like a pro wrestler.

At this point Wazu's pants had returned to their full upright and locked position. He made sure to grab his datapad and cane before trying to look through the crowd to assess what was going on. To his misfortune just as he stood up from his barstool, another barstool flew through the air and smashed into his face.

Jet groaned and tossed it away and instead went to dropkick the back of the guy's knee as hard as he could in an attempt to break the straining tendons and the joint. When dealing with big enemies, go for the joints after all. "This would be easier if we could get outside and regain our own weapons..." he groaned.

The ID-Sol attacking Fian pushed aside two people to reach the speech giver. His hand reached forward to try and grab the collar of Fian's outfit while the other pulled back to prepare for a hard Jab to his face. "Let’s see how well you can speak after this!"

"HO SHI-!" Was all Adrian managed to get out before he felt his back smash into a table. Adrian pushed himself back and pushed himself to his feet, struggling for breath. The ID-SOL's massive blow hurt like a bitch. The medic shot his eyes around, looking for a weapon, any weapon. He rested his eyes on a piece of wood with a couple big, rusty nails protruding from one end. He picked it up and lowered himself into charging position. "Jet! Go for his balls!"

Gran picked up another stool, moving along the side of the ID. He wore a violent expression as he stared the distracted ID-Sol for a moment before swinging his weapon full force into the ID's crotch.

Kokuten's cigar caught the back of the ID-sol's soaked jacket, lighting the leather on fire. With a scream, he tore it off and tossed it to the floor. Small bits of flame still leapt at his clothes, however, as he frantically tried to swat it out.

Miller simply laughed, backing away from this comical scene.

"HEY YOU'RE ON FIRE!" Someone yelled out, as they turned and threw their drink at the flaming man to try and put it out. Unfortunately for the ID-Sol, the drinks happened to be alcoholic. "GODDAMNIT STOP," the ID-SOL on fire screamed, quickly bolting for the door. Naturally, he bowled over quite a few hapless people on his way out the club.

While the ID-Sol was distracted, Fian walked over to the forks. Holding them in his usual stance, he walked over to the ID-Sol's back and did a long gash with the four points of the fork.

Kokuten laughed drunkenly at the ID-SOL, almost forgetting they were still in a fight. Normally, the Medic would've given some help to the man, but alcohol seemed to dull him.
"Yeah! Run like a bitch!" The Medic continued to laugh.

Jet's dropkick connected with the ID-SOL's already injured knee with enough force to bring the massive figure to the ground once again, on his ass. "YOU LITTLE FUCK!" With his knee screaming in pain, however, the ID-SOL couldn't get up. Instead, he grabbed Jet's ankle and yanked violently bringing the poor Nepleslian crashing backwards into a stool before hitting the ground.

The ID-Sol doubled over as the barstool impacted his crotch, causing him to clench his legs around the object as Fian raked his back with forks. He then reached for the stool between his legs to try and yank it away from Gran so he could swing it in a wide arc at everyone around him.

Adrian rushed forward, wood plus nails raised beside his head. "HEY FUCKNUTS!" He swung the wooden table leg towards the man's head, the collective range of his arms and the weapon's length putting him just out of range of retaliation.

As the ID-Sol stood up his chest exploded in a mess of bone, blood, and metal shrapnel which lifted him up off his feet and dropped him a few feet away on the ground. The blast came from the Bartender, who had produced a double barreled shotgun from underneath the bar during the commotion. She then gave Gran a warming smile, "You looked like you could use some help."

"Whoa...shit." Jet shouted as his foot got yanked out from under him and tried to twist enough to avoid a major hit and fell back and kicked hard at the guy's fingers holding his ankle and smirked, hearing a couple joints them snap and got away from him. "Damn that really hurt you fucking prick." He said and grabbed the stool he'd knocked over and got back up, steadying himself feeling dizzy from the smash into the wall from before. "Looks like you got yourself a keeper there Gran!" he shouted to his comrade, giving him a thumbs up.

Gran let go of the stool and backed off, moving out of range. He jumped on a chair and was about to jump at the ID's head, but froze as the gun was fired. He was horrified at the gore that lay before him. He knew it was mostly skin and muscle, not lethal minus blood-loss, but his clear mind took it all in. He hopped down and grabbed Fian, pulling him away from their shot assailant.

CRUNCH! Adrian's improvised weapon dug deep into the side of the ID-SOL's face, just in front of the temple, where the jaw connected with bone. In a sickening sight, the weapon lodged itself in his face so hard as to dislocate the jaw. Like some kind of gasping fish, the misaligned mouth of the ID-SOL opened and shut slowly a couple times before the poor man collapsed to the ground unmoving.

"Ew..." Jet said, perking a brow at the guy he'd just been fighting and looked over at everyone else.

It was at this time, with patrons screaming for a good five minutes and the sound of gunshot that sirens blared from outside the club. "MEN, *SNIRK* MOVE OUT," Miller yelled, bleeding profusely from his face, giving Kokuten a thumbs up as he started to run for the door.

Jet blinked and turned to run out, but not before grabbing the lockbox his weapons were in, they could break the lock later.

Adrian smiled. "Have fun in hell, bitch. Jet, let's go man." Adrian turned and slipped into the decent-sized crowd of spectators and then out of the bar. That was fun. Adrian grinned to himself as he walked casually down the sidewalk
"Oh shit..." Kokuten said aloud after the two ID-SOLs went down. The Medic caught Miller's order to run and his thumbs up. He began to run, but something caught his eye for a moment, the jacket the ID-SOL dropped earlier after it had lit on fire. It was heavily burnt, but even thought, still looked wearable. The Medic dashed over, grabbed the leather jacket, and ran out with the rest of the Marines.

"You're forgetting something ain't you Adrian?" Jet asked as he left, carrying the lockbox containing his weapons under his arm. He'd spent too much cash on these to just forget them, so once he got them out of the cabinet he hurried out and was walking casually beside his comrade.

Adrian grinned at Jet. "My good ol' .45. I was hoping that little guy wouldn't go missing on me. Wish I had had that in that little tussle."

"Well I suppose that happens sometimes huh? Nice move back there, a little gross but effective." Jet said with a chuckle.

Gran pulled Fian by the arm, crossing where the waitress with the gun was. He put his hand down on the counter, smiling at the waitress. "Thanks for the help, I'd love to stay, but my commander has ordered us to move out." His hand slid off the counter, leaving a small piece of paper, his e-mail address written hastily on it. He had actually written it when the waitress had started talking to him. He gave one more smile as he bolted towards and out the door, towing Fian along.

"You know, couple years living in Funky City and you learn how to smash some people down. You fought pretty well in there yourself. That bastard probably would have put an arm through me if you hadn't brought him down first." Adrian commented.

"Well then guys, that's one way to earn your stripes," Miller laughed as he ran back toward the docks. "HOOOHAAAA!"


Only having a couple of drinks, the young cadet merely turned around in his seat to watch the brawl occurring in front of him. Hot Damn... was the only thought that crossed the young man's mind as he nearly stood up on his stool and raised his shot glass. "Beat the red-loving fucker down," the normally quiet man shouted over the roar of the bar before downing his whiskey in a single swig and slamming it down on the bar.

Seeing the fight end, the computer specialist placed a few DA upon the bar. "Those are for my drinks," he told one of the bartenders. "And place all charges for damages on that guys tab," he said pointing to the downed ID-SOL before shoving his hands in his pockets and following the rest of the NSS Alliance crew out of the bar.

Well, I was following the advice of a more knowledgable sergeant, he thought in amusement as he followed behind the others silently. I'm the techie, I should leave the fighting to the marines. he paraphrased mentally.
Wazu groaned as he started getting himself up off of the floor. By this time station security had arrived at the scene and was detaining the remaining people for questioning.

Medical staff was also busying themselves with tending to the injured people, gathering up several of the more injured bodies and taking them to the station’s medical ward through use of stretchers.

One of the station’s security guards, decked out in green-grey body armored helped Wazu to his feet, “I think you have some explaining to do.”

Rob grinned from ear to ear as he exited Dawn's with the other Marines. He'd stayed out of the fight- not because he wanted to, but because the crowd had prevented him from getting to the action. He was actually dissapointed that he didnn't get to take part in the brawl. I can't believe it. They set an ID-SOL on fucking FIRE. Man, I hit the ship assignment jackpot...

P3C Robert Cain whistled happily on his way back to the ship.

Wazu’s eyes eventually focused in on the soldier’s rank. He then reached down to pull out his datapad, setting it to display his official rank information. “Are you in charge here?” He asked.

The soldier nodded, “Your going to go…”

Wazu cut him off and displayed his rank information. “I’ll handle this investigation. Send your report to this address and I’ll forward it to your superiors after my staff as finished with it.” He handed the man a small slip of paper printed out from the device and then walked away in an authoritative manner as possible.

And yet, there was one Marine...still missing and un accounted for all during the brawl. Of course, having drown out the fight with heavy metal and loud techno both Benji and his sister had wandered off, pausing in the hall to watch the begginings of the fight and then slipping off, un-noticed into an empty room and flicking the lock and privacy light on...


After the brawl was over and silence returned to the room Melissa poked her brother in the side. Benji rolled over and opened an eye. "I think they're all gone now..." Benji nodded and dragged his ass out of bed, sliding back into his civilian cloths and trench. "See you later?" She asked looking up at her brother. "Yes, maybe..." Benji was on full automatic as he slipped out of the room and out the back door. He paced down the service corridor and then out into the main halls and towards the NSS Alliance berth, melting in with the retreating group of Drunken marines on the way. Fourtunately for him, He wasn't the only sober one...

Fian looked like he was playing along, but in truth had no idea what the hell was going on. After being towed a safe distance away from the bar, the Vel Steyr let go of Gran's hand and dropped to his knees over a drainage grate cupping his mouth with one hand. Unable to bear the nausea welling up within him, Fian arched forward and vomited profousively.


The forks tipped over from his grasp and disappeared into the gutter below. The Vel Steyr was almost never drunk but was no stranger to it either. But somehow the sensation of disorientation and headaces were multiple times more than he had experienced before, it was fortunate that there was still enough alcohol in his blood to ease the pain a little. There was also this ringing and pain in his left ear...


Fian spat a few times to clear his throat and mouth of excess alcohol and stomach acid. Thankfully none of the vomit landed on his clothes. Touching the bruised area on his right cheek where the Red Symphatiser socked him, Fian asked Gran for assistance back to the Alliance but it came out in a whimper.

"Help me up."

Gran stopped running immediately after Fian let go of his hand. He scooted back a few feet as the Vel Steyr's stomach erupted, his mouth contorting in slight disgust. And they still ask me why I don't drink...

Gran got back beside Fian, smiling from the request. Guess I'm the designated driver? He hooked a hand under Fian's armpit and pulled up, hoping to get back to the ship as soon as possible. Gran probably wasn't as sore for the fight as others were, due to the 'assistance' he was given.

"You alright buddy?"

"Help me up"

Benji paused and looked over at Fian, "Shit Fian, what were you guys drinking?" He asked eyeing the gutter. Eyeing the marine he sighed and looked over at Gran and sighed again "Good thing you're not the only one Sober here." Benji said to Gran and then slid an arm around Fian and walked with them, taking some of Fian's weight off Gran's shoulder.

Istvan lay in the gutter, he had been involved in the fight, just barely, as he had been too drunk to throw more then one punch before toppling and knocking himself out. He slowly came too "Where am I?" He asks, then he pauses

"To hell with that who am I?"

He was STILL quite drunk.

Spotting Istvan in a gutter up ahead, Benji sighed and let go of Fian. "Gran, you take Fian back. I'll grab Istvan...." He walked over and bent down, patting Istvanon the head. "Nice and drunk eh?" He slid one arm under the marine's legs and une beneath his back and lifted the marine in his arms. Once everybody had left them behind - well at least for a bit - Benji gave Istvan a kiss and then hurried on his way, still holding his drunken comrade.

"damn it, I can't even fucking SEE straight," Miller said after some minutes of running back to the (relative) safety of the docks. "HEY, WHICH ONE OF YOU GUYS HAVE THE KEYS TO THE SHIP!?"

Thinking this was the funniest joke in the entire universe, the drunk and bleeding Captain busted out laughing, spraying bits of blood in a fine mist that floated to the ground in front of him.

"WOOOOOOOOH," he screamed. "IT'S BEEN TOO GODDAMN LONG SINCE I PUNCHED SOMETHING!" As if to reiterate the point, he smacked his fist into the side of a metal beam... a little too hard.


That seemed to sober him up a bit. The Nepleslian shook his stinging hand in the air, turning to lean against the same beam he had just punched.

"I think some of us *SNIRK* need a doctor."
Kokuten kept a swift pace, trying to quickly put distance between him and the bar. He began to slow down as he got to the docks. He breathed deeply, busting out in laughter in mid-breath. The Medic was drunk, due to his not-as-high-as-other-people's toleration for alcohol. The very fact that the he had ran out of the bar due to a bar-fight was hilarious. Normally, in his rather sober state, he would look down on it. Though, it was exetremely funny right now. He noticed the Captain ahead of him, leaning on a beam.

"Hey, mon'capi'tan." he chuckled through his teeth. He somewhat made a salute.

"Ya look, kinda, yannow, messed up. Cause yannow, I'm a medic, and I know these things..." He grinned as his Red LEDs changed back to the normal Green. He pointed at his white armband as confirmation of his occupation.

Jet walked back to the ship with the rest of the crew, carryiing the lockbox on his shoulder until they managed to get back aboard it. "Looks like I gotta pick this lock and get my comrades back." he said to himself as he suddenly coughs and blinks, a splatter of blood on his hand. "Ngh....damn..." he said and put it down suddenly. Once he got to the lounge of the ship he sat down, holding his side for a moment as he tried to get the lock off the box, succeeding after a couple tries. "good" he muttered and hauled it back to his quarters and putting it down at the foot of the bunk and went to go find the medic.

Gran nodded to Benji in thanks for his help with Fian. Gran didn't even notice Istivan and stumbled slightly as Benji moved to help the other.

Istvan was being carried by Benji. He noticed the gentle kiss, but was too stoned to care at the moment. "Mmmm potato pancakes...." He murmured, half asleep

"See you on the ship, maybe around the station too." Gran pulled Fian's arms over his shoulders and backpack carried his back to the ship, setting him on one of the med bay tables, in case he needed to be tended to.

Benji had to grin at Istvan's dunked mumblings as he carried him back into the Alliance, putting him up in his bunk and pulling a blanket over him. "See you later" He turned and stalked out, time to go shopping!

Fian was already passed out when Gran laid him down. In his alcohol induced sleep, Gran could hear the Vel Steyr mumbling something along the lines of "Kaythaxbai."

Jet walked off the ship, a hand on his abs, wincing some. The shock of the hit from earlier settling in, the adrenaline rush of combat had suppressed it but now that shit hurt. Suspecting he had a broken rib and probably internal damage he went back to find either the ship's medic or another doctor. His red coat left behind, wearing the green jacket of the uniform instead but maintained the black pants and boots. His white hair dishelved and a bit of blood seeping from his lip.

Adrian strolled down the sidewalk, his headphones once again in his ears. He wasn't quite sure where he was, and his chest hurt a lot, but at least nobody needed anything from him, so it must be pretty good, right?

The station had died down a bit since station security had run by the storefronts to quell a bar fight. Stores were still open, but considerably fewer people occupied the hallways and walkways of the station.

Istvan stirred in the bunk, his hand reaching out and digging around.... It comes back with a small picture of his family, one of his few personal positions. "Aww feck..." he murmurs "I should be sleeping...." He stands up, stagers over to the sickbay, and picks up a quick hangover cure, then leaves the ship somewhat more alert

"damn it..." Jet cursed under his breath and sighed, continuing to look for either their normal med or again an open doctor. "Just when you need one they're never around, great."

Gran had stopped by his bunk, changing out his clothes for something a little more presentable. He pulled out his data pad and muddled around a bit, looking at what he had left to repair on his armor. He looked up. "Ally, you around?"

"Yes." Ally replied, manifesting herself as a hologram in front of Gran with perfectly maintained hair and nails as always. "Is there something you needed?"

Jet would eventually come to the entrance to what was labeled as the medical ward. The entire place smelled faintly of disinfectants and was staffed by numerous white robed people moving in and out of a combination office/waiting area that was just inside the entrance. A few people were sitting in blue padded chairs near a wooden rack filled with some of the more recent periodicals put out by the presses of Nepleslia. "Do you need assistance?" A young man asked as he walked up to Jet, adjusting the frameless glasses on his head to get a better look at the apparent injuries.

Gran smiled at Ally, he was fascinated by the mere existence of such an advanced AI. "Yes, I have some repairs to do on my armor, and I haven't ever been on this station. Can you help me find a place to get some replacement parts and maybe some raw metal?" Gran hit a keyed a few more buttons, opening the file to Ally; it was a list of hydraulics, servos and plates that needed to be replaced. He wasn't sure if he should turn the pad itself to face her, since she could read the file straight from his pad.

Perking up, the white haired, copper skin toned young sub-lieutenant looked at the entrance to the medical ward and smirked. "Finally at least a place that smells sterile...” he muttered to himself as he stepped inside and looked around for a moment and blinked when young man approached.”Well yeah...I got in a bit of a fight earlier and I think my ribs' broken and I might have some internal injuries, been coughing up blood for the last few minutes." he said. The only real sign of trouble was the arm over the chest and somewhat uneven rise and fall of the chest as well as the blood.

"The station has a military quartermaster to requisition supplies from. You can order all of the necessary parts from his office." Ally forwarded a map of the station with a highlighted section on it and continued, "There are also a few specialty shops where you can go to get these kinds of materials on the station." She updated his map with those locations as she spoke. "Though, the largest one here is the Armor Depot."

"Alright, I think I can fix that up right now." The doctor said, producing a small hand held scanner and waving it over Jet's body before examining the small display screen.

Istvan wandered the isles of the station, looking for any store that might catch his eye. He was short on personal supplies, and he needed some... He could feel the gallons of caffeine he had drunk slowly sobering him up... Anyways he had some back-pay, and he wanted to spend it

"Better not be that serious..." Jet muttered under his breath as the doc used a scanner then turned to a screen. "So what's the diagnosis?"

"This isn't too serious, I'll administer a targeted clotting agent to stop the bleeding and have someone apply a brace to your torso." He handed jet a small slip of paper printed out from the device. "Take this and head to treatment room 3. It’s in the back and over to your left." The man said, pointing down one of the white hallways.

The station was packed with various kinds of stores that aimed to cater especially to returning soldiers. These kinds of places generally included specialty gun stores, a few clothing outlets and electronics distributors. There was also certainly no lack of places where a marine would be able to observe the fairer sex for a reasonable price.

He coughed for a moment and accepted the printout and looked down the hall and nodded. "Sure." he said and headed down that same hallway, avoiding bumping into another patient as he did. Entering treatment room three he sighed at all the white. I hate this white color it's so...plain... He thought and sat down in one of the chairs.

The room was sparsely decorated, and had only 2 chairs, a bed, and a big number 3 on the door for furnishing. Almost as soon as he entered so did one of the facilities treatment staff, a male dressed in light blue scrubs that stood about four inches taller than jet. He immediately asked for, "Your paper?"

"Ahh thank you Ally." Gran smiled at her again, then looked back down to his pad, putting up a list of parts he needed for the FMD that he probably wouldn't be able to get at a civilian shop. "Can you forward this to the foreman for me?" He opened the file for Ally again and slowly stood up and shouldered a large, empty bag. He looked at Ally. "Would you like to accompany me and help me with selections?"

"here." he said and handed the guy the paper with the read out on it.

"Yes, however I'm afraid I can't leave the ship with you right now Gran. I'm somewhat attached to my work." She said with a grin, forwarding the file to its destination.

Istvan headed for an electronics store. He was curious, and didn't need more guns, but something to help him THINK.....

The nurse read the paper and then pressed his hand against the wall, causing a small panel to slide downward and expose an array of drugs and patches. He put the small piece of paper into a slot towards the bottom of the exposed panel then pulled out a small canister and a bandage with a large block attached to it. He pressed the canister against Jet's skin, shooting a specialized drug into his system then placed the bandage against Jet's abs, pulling up his shirt slightly to do so. Jet would feel an intense pull against his insides as the machine used various electrostatic fields to re-arrange his insides. Afterwards the nurse put the equipment away and closed up the panel again. "You should be completely healed in about an hour. Just stay away from any heavy activity until then."

"Oh, that's right, sorry." Gran smiled and pocketed his data pad. "I'll be off now, thanks again." Gran checked around one more time to check that he had everything and slowly headed out of the ship.

Ally waved her hand as Gran left, giving him a heartfelt, "Goodbye!" Before allowing her form to disappear.

"Ngh." Jet grunted as the nurse put the canister against his skin and then the intense pulling sensation as the damage was corrected. "I forgot how uncomfortable that treatment was..." he said and sighed.”It's okay, if I'm still good enough to walk around I'll be fine for a hour." he said. "Got places to go...”

The electronics’ stores on Nepleslian bases were just the kinds of places one would go to get something to help them out. Many did not merely carry various electronic components but also had numerous hypodermic needles, canisters, and prosthetics designed to replace or help augment the bodies systems. A few of the higher class joints even had a surgical area in the back of their stores for eager customers. The largest one of these kinds of establishments was the subspace communicator hut, a small retailer on Nepleslia which had expanded beyond its original consumer base to provide cheap and quality goods to all varieties of creatures.

Istvan browsed, he was looking for small, but powerful, computer systems... something he could hide in his military uniform... he didn't want the others to know he was "packing" and something on the level with an AI. Processed data was useless to him, he needed a mind capable of seeing the things he would were he faster, or on the drug.... or faster WHILE on the drug...

After a bit of wandering Benji finally made up his mind and started looking for, of all things, an electric guitar...

The subspace communicator hut did carry a large line of personal computer systems, some even equipped with an AI and all in a variety of sizes from card size, a thin 3x2 inch machine made out of ultra thin processors on a flexible screen, to larger artist tablet sized machines meant primarily to contain artistic endeavors.

Musical instruments were not a big seller here, and as such few stores actually carried them. However many marines were looking to follow in the footsteps of Aethersperm so automatic and manual electric guitars were available for purchase at the subspace communicator hut. A fully red, string less version, was displayed being held by a holographic image of the Aethersperm band out by the front of the store.

Gran checked the his data pad once more as he exited the ship, heading to Armor Depot, looking at a catalogue of their parts and trying to match up what he needed.

Istvan scans the products, scowling, then calls up a representative as best he can "Excuse me" he says, looming over the poor man "Do you have anything.... smarter?" he asks, gesturing at the computers "Something... describe too?"

Once he was fixed up, Jet rose from sitting down and winced a bit. "So I'm good to go now huh? Who do I talk to about the charge...though it really should go the military." he said to the nurse before starting for the door.

The Armor Depot, somewhat ironically, had none of the armor parts that Gran was looking for. However, it did carry all of the pieces of mechanical bits that were required to return the armor to fully functional status. For the armored panels he would have to wait on the requisition system of the Nepleslian Star Army.

Benji stared inside, what he found wasn't much. He took his time, rather disinterested by most of it. With a heavy sigh he turned and walked off to a different area, seeing what nifty little gadgets he could find.

"This is a military station," The nurse said, "They pick up the tab. The only civilians on here are those that run the stores and they rarely get things broken."

"Works for me." Jet smirked and headed out and left the medical ward to go take a look around the station to see what it had to offer in terms of entertainment or perhaps hobbies.

There was a small robot tending to the store. It was only about half as tall as Istvan and scooted about on treds. "Our inventory is up on the wall sir. Perhaps if you gave me details about the item you are interested in, I can find it or have it custom built to your specifications."

Gran walked in the store just as he finished on his data pad. He looked around for a rep or a station he could browse and order parts from.

Istvan blinked at the bot "I want something I can hide in my uniform, and something I can connect to a lot of add-ons. I want it to be as intelligent as possible, with a skilled AI capable of leaps of intuition. Can you do that?"

For the moment the 'entertainment' area of the station where one might find drinks and girls to dance with was closed down by station security. Though there were numerous locations where one could watch a girl dance through a bullet proof window for a modest price. Electronics stores were spread about the station and some of the smaller specialty stores catered to a variety of tastes.

The Armor Depot seemed devoid of staff. However just as Gran walked in the ceiling projected a floating animated face to assist him, "Is there anything I can help you with?" The floating, cartoonish face asked.

The small robot replied, "The products here would fit your needs. I would recommend the Smart Card 30. It carries a powerful microprocessor capable of using three pre-set personality patterns, has a wireless interface, and has a screen printed on a nearly indestructible and highly flexible plastic material that can bend all while only being a millimeter thick.

"Alright..." Istvan says "But I don't want to have to look at it to read the data.... and what add ons do you have?

"You can purchase a wireless vocal processing unit for the device which adds voice sensing capabilities." The robot offered.

Thinking he'd had enough of booze and fighting for the time being Jet went to go check out the Electronics stores and the specialty one's looking for something that would catch his eye or interest. Eventually finding a store specializing in robot, spotting Istvan inside he blinked a bit and walked in. "buying a robot?" he asked curiously. "Need a companion?"

Gran jerked back slightly from the floating face, very surprised. But it made sense; the complicated inventory would be better managed by a machine. He glanced down at his pad one more time and looked back up at the face. "I'm looking for replacement parts, some nanomuscle if you have it, and high performance servos, at this last part Gran pulled up the specs for an individual motor and turned the pad around for the face.

"No, I'm trying to buy the best AI I can...." Istvan says "For tactical assistance..." he turned back to the robot "O.K. one smart card, one vocal thingy... what other programs and add-ons you got, and how much will this cost?"

Benji finally found his way over to a section with handheld games that caught his interest. For the moment he window shopped, looking at all the different games, trying to decide which one he could hide in a pocket and not be overtly expensive.

As most of the rest of the crew went off looking for electronics, Adrian had a slightly different shopping list in mind. His was chiefly composed of powerful and less-than-legal drugs. However, he was new to the station and not quite aware of where he could come into possession of such things. Thus, he looked on, either for a dealer or just someone who looked like he could find one.

"One moment, please!" The face said with a smile, before swirling away and disappearing entirely. Lights activated towards the rear of the rows and rows of parts that were inside of the Armor Depot as robotic arms were ferried about on small anti-gravity platforms. The arms quickly pulled the items that Gran waited from the inventory, bagged them, and brought them over to the entrance. The face then rematerialized and asked, "Is there anything else I can interest you in?" It asked, "We have here a wide variety of parts and equipment that we can provide at higher quality, and lower cost at nearly twenty times the speed of the station's quartermaster!"

The robot began to list the various parts and services that the store could provide, including weather updates and subscriptions to the latest online games as well as implants to allow for full virtual immersion in those particular game worlds. The robot also listed the prices for the current load out at 784 DS.

Jet watched it all going on and nodded to Istvan. "Oh I see. Well it makes some sense; I'm just poking around myself looking for something interesting myself."

The majority of handheld games were variations of 'kill'the'man', a popular game which came in red, green, white, and black versions. Each involved playing as a particular side in the quest to take over Nepleslia though recently the black version had been entirely discontinued. All of these games came in the form of software downloads that could be integrated into a personal computer for play by screen or virtual immersion styles of play.

"Ahh?" Istvan says "yeah, lots of nice stuff here... I'll be going to a clothing shop next..." To the robot "Something to let it scan the area around me, and I guess a game service..."

The robot began to list the various types of scanners, visual, thermal, ultraviolet, radar, sonar, motion," and then went into the types of game worlds that were available.

Unfortunately for Adrian, most of the station's population was either in their stores or not his way to check out what had happened at Dawn's bar. This left the hallways virtually devoid of people.

"How much would it cost for as many passive scanner types as you have? And I'd like the most advanced tactical game, and strategy game you got... and a program to let it help me with tactics and strategy on the battlefield..."

Gran grinned at the face's programmed enthusiasm and salesmanship. He checked over the list, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything. He held up his DA card for the shop keeper and listened to the list of items. He stashed his data pad and scratched his chin slightly. "Do you have anything kind of old? I mean old and somewhat rare, military at that.”

"Hmm well, I dunno I might just go back to the ship..."Jet said with a sigh and shrugged, "I'm just looking for a good hobby really."

"Could you be more specific?" the face asked Gran.

"The total cost for all of the scanners would be 2,345 DS." The robot replied, "30ds monthly for a game subscription to shooter world."

"Oh?" Istvan laughs "Yeah, hobbies. Get a deck of cards. It's amazing what you can do with them" Istvan digs out his chip "Good bye backpay..."

Jet laughed again and nodded. "Cards...Yeah learn to play casino games and how to cheat at them too huh?" He joked and turned to leave the shop. "Thanks anyway." he said and started out to take a look for other types of shops.

Gran chuckled to himself, thinking about how broad a category 'old' was. "Something maybe, 'early space travel' era? Something along the line of largish personal weaponry?"

"We have nothing in our inventory from that time period." The floating face said, "Though could I interest you in some of the old Gp-1 rifles or the GP-4 grenade launcher?"

Gran thought some more. "Mind if I check out one of those rifles?"

"I couldn't... I'm too damn subborn..." Istvan says "Just light and sound sensors then... sounds a bit costly otherwise... I'll take it? Thanks..." he turned to Benji "So what chew doing out here?" he asks

Spotting a more modern weapons shop after a few minutes of walking around the shops, Jet smirked, this was always his type of place. Being a collector of firearms and the like he couldn't stay away from places like this. "Let's see what do we have in here..." he said, looking around with his hands in his pockets.

The floating face produced one of the rifles for Gran. It was made out of metal and had a few plastic coverings here and there. An electrified bayonet was attached to the front and an empty 10 round clip was provided with the highly conventional firearm.

Jet would end up finding numerous firearm stores; many sold highly customized or artistic weapons which weren’t intended to see serious use.

The floating face produced one of the rifles for Gran. It was made out of metal and had a few plastic coverings here and there. An electrified bayonet was attached to the front and an empty 10 round clip was provided with the highly conventional firearm. Jet would end up finding numerous firearm stores; many sold highly customized or artistic weapons which weren’t intended to see serious use.

Looking for something to play on my off time..." He gave a shrug "Whatca getting?" he asked, having heard the words 'expensive'

"... An AI" Istvan said "I'm gonna need one, I think, to help my survival odds, but don't spread it around, alright?"

Gran held the gun and hefted it slightly, looking it over. "Hmm, how much is this? Also, do you have any vehicles? Big or small, military if you have it."

Benji arched an eyebrow "Oh really?" Then he grinned "Fine, but don't expect me NOT to use it for blackmail later..."

"Ach, careful, I do remember that little kiss" Istvan jokes "I got blackmail material too..."

"While we don't have any entire vehicles to purchase, we have all the components you need to put together an old Yamatai Jeep." The face offered. "And the weapon will only cost you 30 DS."

"Damn..." Benji cursed softly and then grinned. "You have a point..." He turned to the little robot "Got any good virtual MMORPGs I can play on my data pad?"

Gran smiled. "I would two of these if you have them, ammo to go with it, and a nice case. Does the Yammi vehicle have treads?"

"Do you have a particular setting or fantasy you would like to play out in your MMO?" The robot asked Benji.

"Wheeled," The face responded, as the robotic arms pulled another rifle from the inventory along with several cases of ammo and an additional weapons case and storage foot locker to go with it all.

Benji thought and then nodded to himself "Got anything that involves flying?"

"Do you have anything with treds?" Gran watched the arms do their work. He thought he could have some fun with vehicle parts; he could get partition off a portion of the armor for it.

"Flight..." Istvan says "I once dreamed of flying, now we sore through space... “He laughs, heartily

Benji chuckled "I once played on online game. It was fun; you got to fly Jets around and murder things..."

Jet headed for one of the shops that looked like it was selling more modern Emry's styled weaponry and various other things and went inside, looking around. "Hello? Anyone here?" he chuckled slightly.

"We have a fighter sim developed by awesomesoft," The robot said, offering Benji a few screenshots of the atmospheric fighter sim.

"Sorry, but no," Said the floating face to Gran.

The entire store was filled with vending machines. For the right amount of KS one person could order a weapon off the racks behind the transparent plastic screens.

It was at this time, Kokuten had finally managed to go to the med bay, and put some stims into himself to pick up his mind. The Medic had made his way out of the Alliance and into the docks. He rubbed his forehead, the jacket he had was lying on his bunk. The Medic walked back out into the city. He pulled out his wallet, and looked into it. He figured he needed to make use of the DA in there eventually. He found his way to the almost-anything shop that most the Marines were in.

"Eh, I got no use for games anymore except as training..." Istavan said "I had to leave my childhood behind. If you had been through half the shit I have..."

Dangit. "Alright then, thanks a bunch." Gran eyed over the items he had bought. "Two more quick questions and I'm out of your hair... err circuits. How much for the jeep and do you have any aether equipment, new or old."

"Then could I interest you in a subscription to a power armor sim?" The robot asked Istavan.

"We have a few portable aether generators on hand and the Jeep will run you 300 ds," The floating face told Gran.

"Sure..." Istvan says "As I said before, good tactics and strategy..."

"Just make sure it's a GOOD one..."

"Or I'll track you down, and rip your circuits out"

Benji chuckled as he looked over the screen shots and then with a few nods he looked back to the robot. "Sure, I'll take it..."

The Medic walked up to the face and put a thumb on his chin. "Tell me, do you stock any sort of pistols that specifically launch fill-able darts?" The Medic asked the face.

The appropriate items were billed to their appropriate owners by the robotic shopkeepers.

Istvan nodded "Clothing next... been years since I wore non-mill issue... and for some reason I feel the need..."

Another floating face appeared by the medic to handle his questions as soon as he entered the Armor Depot. "No, but you could check some of the weapon stores. They are more likely to carry those kinds of items." The face said.

Benji grinned and nodded "yeah, wearing all black and an old trench doesn’t say much about me..."

“Hn nothing here that perks my interest…” Jet said with a groan of displeasure and exited and strolled around again for a few moments before finding one he liked the look of. A place without a name he could pronounce. Inside was a place stocked to the ceiling with arms and body armor along with a bunch of other things. Behind the counter was a cute little young woman with short black hair, apparently running this in her parents stead to earn money. After a short time of shopping, Jet would come into ownership of a Tiger's Tears revolver and a Zen Armaments Sniper Rifle as surprisingly good deals. Getting both for about 15% off each which was a good thing and he would accept them and bough a holster for the revolver and a blackstrap for the sniper rifle.

But the girl was sorting out the grenades on display when she accidentally dropped one, sending it bouncing toward Jet’s feet. Once it hit the ground hard enough it detonated, sending up a small concussive burst and sending up a cloud of gas. “What the hell…!” Jet coughed and sputtered, staggering against the counter, bracing on it. “I’m so sorry sir! I tripped!” the girl tried to apologize.

Istvan headed off with Benji in search of a clothing store

A little over 1000 ehh? Hell, why not. Gran gives a grin and a shrug. "Alright I'll take the jeep too, can it be delivered?" Gran pulled out his pad and poked it a few times, showing the location of the NSS Alliance, displaying it for the head. "Are the aether generators expensive?

"The aether generators will run considerably higher. They start at 5000ds." The floating face responded. "And yes we do deliver. I can have all of your order sent to that location if you'd like."

"Ah, my mistake, I must have not been paying attention. It's been quite a night..." The Medic walked out, and spotted the weapons shop. I don't know how I mixed that up... He walked into the weapons shop, and decided to make his request again. "Alright, do you stock any sort of pistols that specifically launch fill-able darts?" The Medic asked, waiting for a face to pop up.

There were plenty of stores spaced out amongst the others which catered to clothing and various garments. Though all of them sold green clothing and few even carried stuff in colors that weren't traditional to the green faction.

"You know... I'm going to go nuts if I see anymore green..." Benji commented to Istvan as they window shopped.

Within moments the effects, once doubted began to manifest in a painful moment that made him shudder in pain and sink to his knees for a few minutes. No it wasn’t the pain from before…suffice to say when Jet left the store with the weapons...he well looked rather different. Now bearing a distinctly female form with somewhat longer white hair and somewhat Coppertone tanned skin. She staggered out coughing still before dusting himself off and finding the changes and shouted...loudly. "OH FUCK NO!"

"Eh, fair enough. I don't get bothered much by colors, but I don't get the whole 'team colors' thing... And I haven’t a clue what to buy, been so long since I owned civy clothing"

Shit, I kinda expected that though. "Yes, a storage area in the armor bay please. Any damaged generators waiting to go to the scrap heap?" Gran held up his DA card for the charges.

Benji chuckled "Well lets go see what my sister can scrounge up..." He put a hand on Istvan's shoulder and led him in a random direction.

The face automatically billed Gran and replied, "Not here, we don't carry damaged parts. The damaged aether generators are usually destroyed or reduced down to their components to be reused. It is rare to find one that is damaged unless a battle has recently occurred."

Jet groaned, still feeling woozy and leaned up against the wall nearby and shook her head. "I can't believe this..." she said in the typical growl the person bore before this happened.”damn it...” She swore, still getting bearings, the belts that held the holsters needed tightening now that got taken care of. "Fucking son of an elysian bitch...."

Istvan followed, bemused "Ahh, yes, sisters." he says, with a deep laugh

That random direction would lead Benji back to the bar, where the crowd was just starting to disperse after everyone had gotten a good look at what had been going on there.

Istvan scowled at the dispersing crowd "Gawkers..." he muttered in the same tone of voice one would say "scum"

Gran nodded. "Alright thanks again, you take tips?" Gran finished with a grin as he picked up one of the gun cases and slung it over his shoulder. "I'll take this one myself."

"No need to tip sir," the floating face responded, "Though, if you enjoy the sellbot program feels free to inform my programmers at awesomesoft."

Benji grinned and pushed Istvan through the dispersing crown to the rooms at the back, knocking on the door. A femmine head poked out, looking almost exactly like Benji. "Got bored that fast hmm brother?"

"Great...I'd better get back to the Alliance and see if Ally has a cure for this, if not I can adapt..." Jet said and adjusted the fit of the sniper rifle over her shoulder and started back through the shopping area back toward the ship. The figure hadn't changed much though; she still had the lean muscular build, just with changes...

Istvan bowed "My name is Istvan Michalovitch Yuttreburg. Greetings lady....?" He says, his ingrained politeness showing

Melissa grinned and stepped back, opening the door. "Come in..." Benji gently pushed Istvan in and hen closed the door. "We came looking for clothes.... nothing green mind you..."

Istvan nods "You would be Benji's sister... may I ask your name?" he says, calmly his voice steadier then one would expect

It took a while but the store owner, an older Nepleslian who looked to be in his late 40s, eventually produced a small pistol from under the table. "You place compressed gas cartridges in this end." He said, pointing to the handle, "And place the dart in this end."

"Ah, can you load these darts with certain... chemicals? Poisons? Medicines, even?" The Medic asked the much older Nepleslian, displaying the weapons to him.

Gran shrugged inside his mind. Why not? He pulled out his pad and wrote a short note, complimenting the salesmanship of the program, signed it and sent it to the sellbot for routing. "Have a nice day." Gran couldn't help it, even though he knew it was a robot. He walked out, situating the strap on the weapon's case on his shoulder, wondering whether he should waste some more money or just go back. Hell it could hurt to look. He joked to himself; he knew he would probably buy something. He left and wondered around, focusing on his data pad as he looked for another store to shop around in.

"Melissa" She said and then led them over to the bed and popped open a suitcase “take a look...."

"The darts..." the man explained, pulling out a separate case, "Come separately." The case itself was made out of a dark plastic and inside it contained several foam cushioned darts. "They work just like any medical hypodermic needle and syringe. They can hold a little more than 50 ml of just about any liquid or gas."

Istvan is... amazed by the variety of clothing "I... uhh... don't know the first thing about fashion.... any advice?" He asks the two of them

Looking around, Jet was being careful to avoid being spotted just yet by the crew; knowing full well it would not end too well. But she needed a place to sit down and began looking for such a place, like a lounge or hell just a couple of benches would be great.

The Medic's eyes lit up, seeing he may have come across exactly what he was looking for. He focused in on the darts, and then on the pistol. "How much?" The Medic said, with only one cybernetic eye leaving the weapon to look at the owner.

The station had all sorts of stores for the browsing. Most catered to the kinds of things marines generally looked for when they came back from operations. That generally included clothing, electronics, and weapon stores. Though, the needs for other things were generally kept in the numerous bars that were on the station. Those bars were now just starting to open again, and that information would be displayed on Gran's data pad.

"This one is custom made," The man explained, "Very high quality... but I can part with it for 200ds." The man said.

The Medic grinned widely, very wide. "And the darts?" Kokuten questioned the owner.

"Twenty DS each," The man said.

Kokuten did the math in his head... "Alright, I'll take the pistol, and 40 darts." The Medic grinned, pulling out 1000 DS.

Melissa pulled out a fancy black, silver and white striped shirt and black jeans to match. She handed them to Istvan and pointed to the bathroom. Benji grinned and sat down on the bed to wait...

The man grinned, "Thanks for doing business with me," He said, handing over the weapon and the darts.

Istvan took them to the bathroom, and then stared at them... He fumbled with them a little, but eventually got dressed. He stepped out of the bathroom "They.... feel different then military clothing...."

"Been a long, LONG time since I wore civvies"

The Medic took the items and almost turned away, but stopped, he put the case and the pistol back on the table. "Hey... You got a belt for this?" The Medic asked.

"Check one of the clothing stores." The man suggested, "I only carry guns."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." The Medic waved, putting the pistol under his belt and the darts next to it. It wasn't comfortable, but it would have to do until he found another belt for the Dart gun.

He left out, looking for a clothing store.

Gran wondered into the weapons shop where Kokuten just was. He passed by Kokuten and waved as he walked in the door. He scanned around the shop for a second before walking up to the counter with the 40-ish man.

There were numerous clothing stores onboard the station. All of them carried clothing in various shades of green but few carried anything in any other colors. However, considering Kokuten was looking for a holster, almost every store catered towards him. It would be rare to find a store which didn't carry a belt that had some sort of holster attachment on it and most had numerous styles and colors of belt to choose from.

They both grinned and Melissa walked over to him and made sure it fit correctly. Benji got up and ruffled Istvan's hair. "There you are..." She closed the suitcase and handed it to Benji. "Return what you don't like..." with a kiss to her brother's cheek she exited the room. Benji grinned. "Shall we head for the Alliance again?"

The man at the weapons store was just placing a new dart gun into his weapons case as Gran walked in. "Can I help you?" the man asked.

"Sure..." Istvan said. He felt slightly self-conscious in his civvies. "Yeah... It's been a long day

The Medic waved at Gran as he entered a nearby clothing store, looking for a vendor or salesperson.

Gran smiled at the man. "You have anything really old? Collectables?"

Standing up and shaking her head, Jet looked around before sighing and went to go look for some traditional clothing that could hide her body better. "Let's see is there any traditional clothing shops here." She muttered, just kind of wandering off idly, inevitably toward where the others were.

Benji grinned and led Istvan back out into the street and towards the docking bay where the Alliance was...

Istvan entered the alliance with Benji

The clothing stores were generally unoccupied, aside from a cashier whom didn't seem too interested in helping Kokuten pick out the right belt to wear.

"Well, I have a custom made dart launcher..." The man offered Gran, producing the weapon from out of the storage case. "It was hand made on Nepleslia and can fire a dart loaded with about 50 ml of any kind of liquid or gas."

Gran looked at the gun for a second. "Nah, I'm looking for handguns, something big."

"Excuse me, would you happen to have a holster that would fit for a Casting weapon like this?" The Medic put the dart pistol on the table.

The man put away the dart guns and produced a revolver from out of the weapons case. "Well, how about this one. Its one of the prototype guns that the Qel'norans were messing around with prior to their exile." He said, holding the weapon out for Gran to see. The weapon was rather large for a pistol and he was just about to explain why, "The gun only holds four rounds, but it is made entirely out of smart metal so heat will heal any dings or warping plus it fires 8 gauge shells."

The guy at the counter took a break from reading his magazine to look at the weapon, "Yeah, go check by that stand over there." He pointed to a place towards the front of the store, a rack with numerous belts draped over it. "That’s where we keep the holsters n such,"

"Thanks." The Medic walked over to the rack, and began to put the gun into the different holsters, fitting them. He found and tried it on; it was brown with silver thread. "Looks good..." He grinned, and walked over to the Cashier, "What's the cost for this one?"

Gran smiled widely at the large pistol. "How much for the gun and ammo?"

"Well this gun is one of a kind, I'm afraid I can part with it for no less than 200DS" The man said, "But I'll throw in 20 rounds for free."

The cashier at the clothing store looked at the tag on the belt and used a handheld scanner on it. "24DS," He replied.

Slipping past the large crowd, Jet made for the clothing shop in the back where the other had come from to find some traditional garments to at least conceal all this accident. Keeping the weapons on safety for the time being, she walked casually into the shop. "Hello...wouldn't happen to have traditional yamataian garments would you?" she sighed.

The man dealing with Kokuten turned away for a moment to address jet, "We don't carry that kinda thing here." He said, "And I thought they all went around nude anyways." He then turned back to Kokuten, "Is that all?"

The Medic put 24 DS on the table, and strapped the holster to opposite to his .45 holster. He placed the Dart Pistol into the holster and kept the case on his belt. "Naw, thanks man, I’ll-." The Medic stopped for a moment, looking at Jet.

She gave him a harsh, red eyed glare. "Fine, Got anything else that's liken to a trench coat or something? Jet grumbled and looked at Kokuten. "And that the hell are you looking at."

"Alright," The cashier said to Kokuten before looking back at his magazine. "Yeah, check on that wall," Without looking he pointed off towards one of the side walls of the room.

Kokuten raised a hand, as if trying to defend himself. "Sorry, it's just... Have we met before? You look sort of... Familiar." Kokuten said, squinting.

"Maybe... kinda much." Gran looked around to the side and behind the shop keep. "Any semi-automatics? A real hand-cannon, something you'd have to hang on a wall."

"Thanks." Jet said and turned away with a brisk manner and went to go check out the wall indicated to her. Being quite shapely and well figured, as a result of the gas, she went over and began looking through the dusters and light things like that. "Let's see here..." She said, shifting through them looking for a good one.

"well I can lower the price down to 180," The man offered, "Or are you more interested in something like a machine pistol or are we talking about something rifle sized?"

Jet looked over her shoulder, the white hair falling over her forehead, concealing the trademark scar on the forehead. "Yeah we have met before. What of it."

The medic scratched his head. "Hrm, well, where have we met? I don't seem to remember it that well." He replied to her.

"I'm your commanding officer pal." She said in a crisp tone to him and moved the collar to show the rank insignia.

Kokuten's jaw dropped, it all hit him at one moment. The white hair, and the rank, that was all he needed. "L-Lieutenant Endurian!?" Kokuten stammered in surprise.

"Damn right." Jet said. "There was an accident." he sighed and brushed her hair out of her face. "Besides. who else carries around sniper rifles and pistols?" She grinned, it'd be cute if it wasn't so sinister looking.

Gran scratched his chin. "Something with a clip, bullets as big as you thumbs." Gran grinned as he held out a thumbs up for emphasis." Gran loved old stuff, even if it was obsolete and only fit for glass cases, he loved having it.

Kokuten's eye twitched, he half-hoped that he wasn't right. That women looked fairly attractive to him, yet now that had just screwed up his reality for a moment. "I... I need some air..." Kokuten scooted outside.

"Yeah I would too.." Jet said as she went back to the dusters and found a red

The owner of the weapon store told Gran to, "wait just a moment," As he went into the back store room and came back with a modified GP-4. "This thing has a 20 round clip and has been modified to fire in full auto." He said as he put the item down on the glass case between himself and Gran. "It isn't exactly a pistol but it fires most grenade rounds still and those are bigger than your thumbs."

"Hmmm grenades are fun and all... But a little too messy for me." Gran thought for a second. He thought he might need to head back to the Alliance to get the crap he bought situated.

"Well I can sell you a few non-grenade rounds." The man offered Gran. "Sabot rounds and the like can give you the kick you want with less... mess."

The cashier used the scanner he had on the tag positioned inside of the coat that Jet got. "68DS," He replied without looking away from his magazine.

"Clever." Jet said and produced the necessary DS and handed it to the man. "Thanks." she said and went to head out and return to the Alliance, it would probably be best. in the end. Outside she's bump into Koku again and sighed "you okay?"

Kokuten breathed deeply, trying to shake his previous thoughts from his head. He jumped as Jet came from behind. "Uh... Uh... Yeah..." Kokuten tried to look away from the woman.

Gran patted the counter a few times then sighed, leaning up straight, evening out the strap he had on his shoulder. "Maybe later, but thanks for the selection."

"Is there anything else you might be interested in?" the man at the counter of the gun store asked Gran.

"Oh and get any dirty thoughts out of your head if you're getting them. Anything like that's gonna be met with a bullet." Jet said and continued past him, heading for the ship. But he kept his eye out for other crewmembers, wondering who else would figure this out.

Kokuten grimaced hard, his mind fighting a civil war of conscience. He really wished he hadn't even seen that woman...

The Medic took off for another place in town, he walked off, hoping to drown his stims with alcohol. Conveniently though, he walked right into the area in front of Dawn's bar.

At the moment Dawn's bar was unoccupied aside from a new bartender and bouncer at the door. "Sir, you'll have to leave your weapons with me," The bouncer said as Kokuten stepped inside.

Kokuten handed the bouncer is .45, and began to pull out the Dart Pistol. "Hey, try not to lose this, I just bought it." Kokuten asked, as he put the pistol into the bouncer's hands. He walked into the bar, looking around at a bit of the still showing destruction from the fight. He walked back up to the stool, and sat down.

Gran shrugged. I guess I' "I was looking for somewhat of a display gun, something big and shiny. Ballistic rounds, slide action, semi-automatic."

Gran shrugged. I need to be specific. ' "I was looking for somewhat of a display gun, something big and shiny. Ballistic rounds, slide action, semi-automatic."

The bouncer nodded, putting the gun away in a cabnent and handing kokuten a claim slip to get the guns back later. There was a new bartender behind the bar and once Kokuten sat down she asked, "Is there anything special that you'd like me to make for you?"

"A blue moonie, in a bottle, no glass. I just saw something that's going to haunt me for the rest of my life..." Kokuten grimaced.

The weapon's dealer nodded, "What about this one then?" He asked, pulling out a large rifle that had been chromed and decked out with a scope, grenade launcher, laser sight, and computer system. "It is essentially the same thing as a CF-01 but decorated."

Jet paused, spotting Gran in the gunship and sighed and continued on, slipping the green duster on to further conceal the figure more. The constraining uniform was getting a bit much but she knew much better than unbutton it any. "This is going to be such a huge pain in my ass..." She muttered and continued on, avoiding Dawn's for the moment and went the straightest route there.

"I'm sorry to hear that," the bartender said as she picked up a bottle off the shelf and placed it down on the bar in front of Kokuten. She bent over the bar, allowing Kokuten a glimpse down her green tank top to where her C cups resided. Her short black hair falling slightly in front of her face. "Whats bothering you hun?"

The medic leaned back, downing some of the bottle, but it back down. His eyes ere showing a bit of tiredness, but he rested his chin on his hand. He figured he could earn some pity. "We medics see some horrible things... I saw two fella's missing legs, another with part of his torso ripped out. Those god damn head jars!? They do nothing! The last fella I saw use it, that jar looked like it was filled with strawberry jelly... Oh, and have you ever heard of Kasserine grenades?" He moved his face into his palm.

"Yeah, I heard the Yamatains are big fans of those things. Mostly all girl ships and the like try new things every now and then. I can't say I know any Nepleslians that use the things." The bartender said. "And loosing your legs isn't so bad... you can just like... get new ones right?"

The Medic put a metal hand down on the table, he gave a hard look into the girls eyes. "Attaching cybernetics has the chance of disabling some of the nerves your connecting them to, causing a surgeon having to cut further than what damage is there. Likely, if you lost your entire leg, you would lose a little further up too. It's not about the fact they can get new ones. Have you ever seen a guy walk in with a bleeding nub? Twisted metal?." The medic looked at a shaking hand. "You can never wash off the ones you lose..."

"And you can't drownd it in alcohol," she said with a smile, "Though, I'm not going to stop you from trying."

"Of course you won't, no one does..." He took another swig of the Blue Moonie. "You know what's worse, you can't drown these sorrows to anyone! You're stuck on a ship that's primarily garrisoned with men. You know how much that sucks?"

"Well. I don't know how much sucking goes on, onboard a ship of all men." The bartender said with a laugh, "But hey, thats what a bar is for, especally an empty one... present company excluded of course."

"Of course... Say, you know what happened in here, anyway?" The Medic sort of grinned while asking the question.

"Some kinda barfight... reds and greens going at it again." She said, looking around a bit before moving in closer to Kokuten, "I heard it was because of some big wigs in the green faction showing up here to get a drink."
Gran smiled at the gun, it was nice. "It is beautiful, but I've probably over done my limit on guns right now, maybe next time."

"Alright," The gunstore owner said with a nod.

He raised a brow, and placed his chin on the table. "What sort of big wigs? Like... Admirals?" He said, with fake interest.

"Nah, I heard it was a captain." She said.

"A captain, I bet he brought a bunch of his boys too." He replied.

"Must have, they tore up the bar... good thing we got a great repair staff." she said with a smile.

"Have a nice day." Gran waved slightly as he turned, lugging his gun case out. He wandered the streets some, wondering if he should go back or not.

Kokuten sniffed a little, "Does it smell like... Burning in here?" He took another swig.

"Yeah..." she said turning her head to the side and taking a look towards the door, "I heard someone got set on fire... and the cleaning crew to get the smell out won't be here for a while. I tried to get dawn to spring for that new car smell... I'm hoping she'll go for it."

"Well, what kind of guys do you get at this time of night?" He looked around.

"Normally the bar is full... but I think the station registry still has us listed as closed becuase of the fight here earlier." The bartender said .

"Hah, ain't that a shame. You must be bored as hell." The nep took another swig of his blue moonie.

"Yeah, but at least I have someone to talk to," She said with a sigh, looking over the rows of drinks, "I can't even have a drink while I'm working. Can you belive that?"

"Well, damn, that's a shame. I bet they could let you drink if they knew you could hold your alcohol, right?" He said, with a 'how about this?' sort of face.

"Oh I can hold my alcohol..." She said, picking up a bottle off the shelf and holding it out in front of her. She then tossed it in the air, caught it, threw it under her arm back up into the air, then started juggling it. "I can hold my own against an ID-Sol and I know more than a few tricks when it comes to this kind of thing."

Kokuten clapped his hands, "That's impressive!" The Medic grinned. "I don't where they find such talented girls, the girls I knew at the Medical Academy would've probably landed a syrette in their heads." He chuckled.

"Yeah, well you learn a few things when you bartend," She said as she sat the bottle back down on the rack.

Kokuten put a thumb on his chin, "But this so-called 'tolerence', do you have proff to back this up?" He asked.

"Of course!" She said matter of factly

He placed his Blue Moonie on the table, "Show me." He said.

"I'd love to," She said, "But... I'm working right now."

Kokuten busted out into laughter, "Does it look like your working?"

"Hey! I do have..." she looked around, "One customer."

"Well, you've served me my drink, so technically, you're not working." He winked a green eye.

"Well, I would... but there is always the chance that you will order something else." She nodded, "Yeah, or someone else could come in."

"Well, what if they don't? You'd be wasting such a night." He put his chin on top of the bottle.

"Geez your persistant." She said, reaching over and taking a swig from his blue moonie.

He chuckled, "Bah, I just hate to see such a nice girl wasting away her time. Now, let's see if you can really stay over the table."

"Well it is your turn to drink, and like I said I am working." She said with a smile. "If you want to have a drinking contest you'd have to wait till I get off duty.

The Marine took a deep swig from the drink. "Technically, if we were having a contest, you would need to drink a few more to balance it out. Also, I thought we cleared up this working thing." He shrugged with a grin.

"Ah, but we aren't having a contest... we are having a... Well you are making orders and I am filling them." She said.

"See? Now, another Blue Moonie!" He raised a finger, shaking the empty bottle.

Jet had long since returned to the Alliance and made her way to her quarters and locked it from the inside to make sure nobody else came in. With that she hung the duster off the side of the bunk she had to herself and groaned, poking at her new C cup breasts. "This is entirely too weird..." She groaned. "Hey Ally? Is there any cure for the affects of Kaserine gas?" She asked. "With all that's going on there should be..."

Ally replied by saying, "Additional exposure to the gas after the initial transformation reverses the effects."

The waitress turned around and stood on her tip toes to reach for a blue bottle on top of the racks of drinks that Dawn's bar had. "Here you are," She said as she put the bottle down in front of him. She then grabbed his empty bottle and stashed it under the bar for removal later.

Kokuten leaned on the bar and took a swig and put the bottle back down. "Tell me, and trust me on this, I'm curious. What do you do after such a late night shift?"

"Actually, this isn't really my shift. I normally work during the day but I was the only one willing to come after the fight. The bartender that was supposed to be working is down in the security office giving a statement." She took his bottle and had a small drink from it, "Normally I'm asleep by now,"

"Seriously? No late night fun?" He chuckled.

She put the bottle back down on the bar, "Are you kidding? Its impossible to find a guy on this station."

She sighed. "Great. Thanks Ally... but it's a bit late to go out, that shop's closed now. I suppose I'd either go back tomorrow or perhaps I can stay like this for a while and learn about just what women actually go through for a better understanding." Jet said as she laid back on the bed, legs bent up and crossed at the knee. "what would you suggest?"

"What? Out of the thousands of marines that transfer through here, you don't see one you like?" He raised a brow once more.

"OH yeah you make it sound easy." She said, taking another quick swig before putting down the bottle again. "Every time a ship comes in there are 300 or so marines that come here for a good time, each looking for a good time with a girl and each looking to make sure they get one of the few girls and not any of the other guys. Its like being in a room full of cockblocks."

"Well, some can't help they are a bunch a shit heads." He took a swig of the bottles

"Yeah," She replied, "..BUNCH.."

"Well, there's one Marine in here, is it now a room with only a cockblock in it?" He grinned.

"It is interesting to say the least," She replied, "Normally I don't get to talk this much with only one person."

He pointed to his armband as he took another swig. "It's thanks to this, I do many of talking. Truthfully, it's good to do so with someone other than a screaming guy on a table, or some brass fella' asking how someone got sick, or whatever."

She chuckled, "It sounds like you've been here before."

He grinned widely to the bartender, "You'd be surprised."

"try me," She said, "I've heard all sorts of things during this job."

"I don't know if I should, you probably wouldn't like it." He turned around, and leaned on the bar.

"Probably not... how about ordering another drink?" She offered.

The Medic pointed at a green bottle without looking.

"You sure you want that one?" She asked, getting the green bottle for him.

"Why not? It's a good drink." He turned his head towards her direction, grinning.

"You have been here before," She said with a grin, upcaping the bottle for him.

"Only once, I'll tell you that much." He grined, take a swig, but coughing as he put the bottle down. "Rough stuff." He rasped.

"Yeah, I never bothered trying it," She said.

He turned around on that, and pushed bottle to her direction. "You said you could hold your alcohol, right? You havn't held it until you drank this." He felt the stims not barring off the drunkeness as much as they did before.

She waited for a moment, and eventually reached down and took a sniff. She pulled away quickly. Then after a moment she took a swing of the drink and put it down on the bar, "Uhk! ... I don't see how you drink that."

"It's like the Nepleslian Marine's own drink. To some, it's their will-to-fight fuel. To me, it's a little somthing to get drunk off of." He smiled, he held up the bottle. "You want some more?"

"Thats a bit much... and I've already drank more than I should." She said.

"Suit yourself." He took a large swig, almost dropping the bottle on the bar when he put it down. He started coughing, putting his hands on his knees. "Damn! If that doesn't clear your sinuses I don't know what will..."

"Well, the mess hall here serves a spicy taco that will clear out more than just your sinuses." The bartender said, "But come to think of it... eating at the station mess hall is never a good idea. I get the distinct impression that it does more harm than good."

"They probably use this stuff to cook it!" He laughed, waving the bottle.

"If they used more alcohol then their foods might be more eatable." She said, "I know that some of the cafe's on the upper levels have figured that out."

The Medic snerked as he took another swig of the bottle. "Tch, who ever bothers to eat out anywhere other than a Neppies?"

"Someone who has a girlfriend," She replied, "Can I get you something else to drink?"

The Medic put his chin on the table, and squinted at the selection, and then to the bartender. He pointed to a Red bottle on the shelf. "What's that one?" He asked.

"You might like that one," She said, picking up the bottle and setting it down in front of him before backing off slightly. "Its a drink that the reds like. Something like 60% alcohol 40% hot sauce."

He grabbed the drink, looked over it. The Medic shrugged, figuring it was worth a try. He took a swig, and almost choked mid-swig. He slammed the bottle on the table, and grasped his throat. "Hol-Holy shit." He hissed.

The rough liquid would burn on the way down and sting his nose. The bartender winced a bit as she watched him take a drink, "Well?" She asked, curiously.

ON> Medical Ward, Unity Base.

"HE'S ALIVE!!! ALIVE!!!!!" Came the voice of an eccentric scientist as a certain marine awoke on a metal slab with numerous mechanical appendages suspended above him on a spider like contraption. "Hey, don't celebrate yet. We don't even know if it worked until we talk to him. Are you awake? And do you know who you are?" The second voice asked. "Oh, and would you mind getting him a uniform? we can't have him walking around in that sheet all day." He said to an assistant out of the marine’s line of sight whom could be heard walking away.

Rico Sanroma's eyes suddenly shot open, blinking a few times as they adjusted in the bright lights hanging above him. His mind was muddled and fuzzy for a few moments, as if his thoughts were rapidly trying to assemble themselves after being roughly scrambled, but eventually Rico realized that he was being spoken to. He turned his head towards the general direction of the voice, still squinting his eyes in the well-lit room.

"Uh...yeah? Where the hell am I?" Rico said, attempting to prop himself up with his arms.

"Oh good he remembers how to speak," One of the voices said with a loud sigh of relief. "You’re onboard Unity Station. Your body has just been rebuilt and your memories re-integrated." A man in a white lab coat with a crew cut came up beside him to help him sit up while another in blue scrubs was standing nearby. The nurse in blue scrubs said, "You might be experiencing some discomfort. The rebuilding process could have caused some brain damage." The doctor in the lab coat nodded, "But you shouldn't have to worry about that. Tell me, how do you feel?"

How do I feel? Body rebuilt? Memory whatchamajig? Honestly, Rico felt pretty good...he didn't feel anything that would be deemed painful, although the metal slab he was propped upon did feel slightly uncomfortable. Rico lifted an arm and ran the hand through his hair, throwing a raised eyebrow and smirk at the doctor asking the questions. "Shit baby, I'm feelin' great. What, am I dead? Is this supposed to be that 'afterlife' shit those spiritual nuts talk about on the late-night broadcasts?" Rico said as he scanned the room with a swivel of his head. "...'cause I gotta say, it ain't that impressive."

"Well, looks like he still has a sense of humor." The nurse said, imputing something on a data pad as the doctor looked Rico over. "Nah, you were dead. But I fixed that. I left the details of the process with your medic. Koko-ten." At that point another person in blue scrubs walked in, holding a typical green uniform with sergeant rank pins. "Hey, I've got like thirty more of these procedures to perform so we're going to release you now instead of doing the typical checkups. I'll have one of the staff give you a data pad. I'd like you to use it to report any weirdness or pain you might be experiencing after the procedure.

"Huh?" Rico's joking demeanor suddenly turned somewhat grim as he listened to the nurse explain the situation. As she spoke, a few fragmented memories appeared to match her words. The last thing Rico remembered was getting hit during the skirmish on Nepleslia Prime. After another moment, a look of enlightenment crossed Rico's face as he pulled the sheet up to survey the damage to his body.

"Hey, don't worry you're still all natural down there." The doctor said reassuringly as the other two assistants left the room.

"We even got your old arm and re-attached it. We had to have the engineers do some repairs but they should work like new."

Sure enough, Rico's old cybernetic arm was still attached to his body, although once again the synthetic flesh had been stripped off. However, as Rico followed the arm to the shoulder, he caught sight of a few new additions; his left arm, as well as a large portion of he upper left chest were also laden with cybernetic enhancement, also uncovered. Rico slowly flexed the new arm, not exactly sad to no longer see a fleshy arm there, but glad to have one at all as the memories of his death continued to swirl in his noggin. Before long he sat up completely and slid his legs off of the table and onto the floor.

"Right. Okay." Rico said as he stood up. "I really don't know how the shit you guys got me back up an' runnin'...and although I'm sure you're just itchin' to tell me, I honestly don't give a damn," Rico said with another smirk, motioning for the doctor to hand him his new set of clothes. "I wouldn't understand all that technical shit anyways."

The doctor tossed the clothing over, "Yeah, we all have things to do and I'm sure you are anxious to get back to your ship. The NSS Alliance is still in dock by the way, shore leave even. So poke around the station a bit and enjoy yourself, Oh, and be sure to send in a report or two later about how you feel. This is a new procedure." The doctor said, half turning for the door. "Just let someone know that you're leaving. I've got more procedures to perform."

"Whatever you say, baby," Rico said as he pulled on his new duds. Before placing the beret on his head, Rico took a moment to groom himself on the reflective surface of the machinery hanging above the table he was recently laying on. After he was satisfied, he placed the beret, straightened his rank bars and walked casually for the exit, his smile equally casual and aloof. Truthfully, Rico really didn't care how he was still alive; he figured that if it was important enough for him to know, they would've told him. In fact, the only thing on his mind as the left the medical station was that he was thirsty, he was alone, and that he was currently on a shore leave...and that was all he needed.


Further down the ward from Rico, Fian Vel Steyr opened his eyes to meet a dull white ceiling. His other senses were registering equally unexciting stimuli, there was no taste in his mouth, the air was sterilized and he could feel the hospital mattress under him.

The chaos seems to have left his head, but boy, they moved to his ears. It sounded like everybody in the room was talking to him at once. There was a patient in the other side of the room asking for some water, a nurse is mumbling to herself near his bed. The Vel Steyr also awoke in sufficient time to catch Rico’s last words before he started walking out.

Shit, could it be?! Fian tried to raise himself up from the bed with one arm while the other put a finger to his ear to see if he was hearing things correctly. Accidentally, his nails struck a metallic surface where his ear should have been and a loud ‘DUSH’ reverberated through his head. Shocked, he lost his grip and allowed himself to collapse back onto the bed while the Sanroma exited through the door just a few meters away from him.

What the…Hell? Ignoring his previous concern, Fian caressed the foreign object now attached to the left side of his head. He could feel another ‘heavy’ sensation on his left ear so he believed that there could be a similar device attached there too. It felt like a flat dome that covered his entire ear, like a really thin headphone speaker. It was completely smooth with no buttons, edges or holes. Shaking it a little, Fian could feel that it was rooted into his ear canal, tapping it produced small dush-es like the last time.

A nurse noticed the Nepleslian moving so she moved over to attend to him. “Don’t worry, your new implants will self calibrate over a while so it will reduce any loud noises that would deafen you or increase any soft ones that you would like to hear.”

Implants?! Fian looked at the nurse while trying to hide his surprise. “What happened? What was the extent of the damage?”

“You probably don’t remember much due to the anesthetics. You had a ruptured eardrum in one ear. When the medics brought you here, you specifically requested to have cybernetic replacements in BOTH ears. As the ones you requested are of higher grade than what the military would pay for you, the excess charges will be billed to your account.” The nurse replied in a matter of fact way.

“So I’m fine now?” Fian asked. I’ve heard of people getting tattoos while drunk, but this is ridiculous.

“Remember to take this box out with you.” The nurse replied while tapping a small case on the bedside table next to Fian. That said, she walked off to attend to a thirsty marine while Fian shot a good look at her well shaped ass hiding underneath her modest uniform.

Pulling out the IV needle lodged in his forearm, Fian stepped out of bed and dusted his clothes. They were still fine looking so Fian thought that he should continue wearing them as he continued his shore leave. Opening the box, it contained both his earlobes in a clear plastic bag (Damm.), some wires, maintenance tools, different colored panels for additional customization and his DA card. Freshening himself up over the sink, he noticed that the color of the panels he was wearing now were dark blue (Well if I were to get cybernetic parts, I should atleast look cool in it.).

Pressing a button on the card, Fian noticed that he had about 4,000 DA left to mess around with. Hmm, my guess is that I’m going to be in the military for a long time. Why not enjoy every moment of it? Pushing open the doors of the Medical facility, the Vel Steyr walked down the streets of the station before gravitating towards a weapon shop.

"It’s a drink that the reds like. Something like 60% alcohol 40% hotsauce." The Bartender explained to Kokuten.

He grabbed the drink, looked over it. The Medic shrugged, figuring it was worth a try. He took a swig, and almost choked mid-swig. He slammed the bottle on the table, and grasped his throat. "Hol-Holy shit." He hissed.

The rough liquid would burn on the way down and sting his nose. The bartender winced a bit as she watched him take a drink, "Well?" She asked, curiously.

Kokuten breathed heavily as he tried to fan air into his mouth. "FUCKING... HOT..." He replied to the Bartender. "How..." He gasped for some air, "Do those god damned reds..." He gasped again, "Drink this shit?"

The bar was still generally unoccupied after the fight there. The catwalk and the chairs around it were empty and the bar only had two people, the bartender and the marine Kokuten from the NSS Alliance. The only other person in the bar was a bouncer at the entrance, holding a small scanner to check people for weapons. He had on a nice suit over his large body, much unlike the bartender whom had on a tanktop that covered the only part of her that could be considered large.

The bartender again leaned over the bar, crossing her arms below her as she spoke up, "Well, the reds have different tastes than the greens. I kinda find them weird."

"Weird? They're an entire different kind of people." He looked at the bottle. "A better use for this shit would be to bust it on their heads, and hand them a cigar."

"I take it you aren't a big fan of the reds," The bartender said, staying away from the red bottle, as the fumes from the top were enough to open one's nose up.

"You kidding? They killed a good member of our crew, blew him to pieces. He was a good guy, I didn't know 'em, but he was good enough to get a speech for." Kokuten said feeling the effects of his drinks a little more now. He said this, knowing that Rico was going to come out better anyway.

"And I'm sure that you've killed a good number of them too, but that doesn’t make you a bad guy. Does it?" The bartender asked.

Kokuten gave the girl a hard stare. "I've never killed a man in my life." He grunted.


Rico's aimless wandering for a good watering hole brought him to the front of Dawn's Bar. Rico decided on this particular pub for a few particular reasons...previously, Rico had heard a few good things about this particular bar. Also, at the moment, Rico didn't feel up to handling a huge crowd of people and this bar seemed to be the first moderately quiet local he had passed...Rico figured the place must have roughly ten or so patrons, and a small group was right up his alley. Rico took a quick breath before sauntering up to the bouncer at the door, his ever-present smile shining up at the tall ID-SOL.

The ID-Sol waved the small black paddle over Rico, "Go ahead," He said emotionlessly as he went back to just standing beside the entrance, allowing Rico to see inside of the mostly empty bar.

The bartender then said, "Ah, but you're a marine right? You came in with the thingies..." she placed her hands on her hips and moved them around, trying to indicate the holsters that he had on before coming into the bar.

He laughed hard for a moment, "One's for a dart gun, and another is for a pistol that I've only shot at bulls-eye targets." He chuckled out.

"Yeah, but they give those guns to all the marines right?" She asked.

"Just the .45s, but it's most for show." He replied.

To Rico's slight dismay, a quick glance around the bar turned up a total of two people. He furrowed his brow as he realized this, and considered leaving to find a more crowded pub. After he got a better look at the bartender, however, he decided that he wanted a good strong drink sooner than later. Thus, the Nepleslian walked casually towards the bar. He didn't recognize Kokuten as he took a stool a seat or two farther down the bar, and he wasn't exactly there to make small talk with another marine either.

"Hold on a second," The bartender said as she walked down the bar towards Rico. She leaned over the bar and folded her hands under herself, lightly pressing her breasts together as she spoke, "Is there something I can get you?"

Kokuten laid his head on the table, facing away from Rico, not bothering to notice him.

Rico gave the bartender a sly smile, allowing a short moment of silence before answering as he gave her a good looking over. "Well sweetheart, truth be told, this is my first time here. Care to give me a recommendation?"

Kokuten raised a hand and a finger, still lying on the table. "Anything, but that Red shit..." He trailed off.

"Well, the gentleman over there just tried a 'Red Afterburner' but you look like you could use something a bit smoother. Perhaps a blue moonie?" The bartender offered with a smile.

"I see..." Rico replied, removing his beret and placing it on the bar off to the side and running a free hand through his hair again. "Well, what do you like?"

"A nice dinner in one of the upper cafes." She said with a slight laugh, "Though, I usually drink blue moonies on the rocks."

"Sounds nice, gorgeous." Rico said in a lower voice. "I'll have one of those...big glass." He finished, giving a small gesture with his hand as a sort of measurement for how tall he wanted to glass to be.

The bartender walked away, going down to the far end of the bar past Kokuten to get a glass, then back towards Rico, picking up a bottle along the way and putting in a few ice cubes before filling the glass with the liquid in the bottle and placing it in front of Rico. "There you are, anything else I can get for you?"

He took the glass gratefully, giving the waitress a smile and nod as he received it. "Nah, I'm good for now baby, thanks." Rico said, taking a quick sip from the glass as he kept his eyes set on her.

She turned away from him and walked back towards Kokuten, her hips swaying slightly as she walked, "See? I told you I shouldn't be drinking."

Kokuten lifted his head off the table, his beret covering his eyes. "Yeah, but didn't you enjoy cutting loose a little during such a dull night. I mean, nobody shows up after a bigass bar fight anyway. Like I said, why waste the evening?" He grinned.

"I haven't had enough to drink yet," She said with a slight laugh.

"Haw, then how about I buy you a..." The Medic put a thumb to his lower lip. "A... Blue Moonie... On the rocks? Yeah, that's it." He said, trying to remember. "I'll just have another bottle."

She laughed again, "Alright then," she turned around and fixed herself a blue moonie and picked up a blue bottle, bringing both over by Kokuten.

The Medic moved his hands around, blinded by his beret. He eventually found the bottle, and took a swig. "This makes... 3?" He guessed.

"I haven't been counting," The bartender admitted.

"And I just can't remember, heh." The Medic laughed.

Rico continued to quietly sip his drink farther away from the two. Although he kept his eyes averted from them, the rest of his attention was focused on them, enjoying the fact that he had a little competition. As the bartender finished serving the drink to other marine, Rico quickly finished off his glass, waited a few seconds, then tapped the counter lightly to grab the her attention.

The waitress hustled over to where Rico was, "Can I get you something else?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I could use somethin' a bit stronger, if you have it," Rico replied in a quiet voice, eyes flashing slightly.

Kokuten looked in Rico's direction, still blinded by his Beret. "That one." He pointed at the green bottle, again, without looking.

"Try this one," She said, picking up another red bottle and handing it to Rico. "Or you can try the green one if you'd like. It has a higher alcohol content but isn't as... stinging."

Rico shrugged slightly as he decided between the two bottles. "Whichever one you suggest honey, I could use a surprise or two."

She chuckled, "Go ahead and try the red bottle." After she sat it down she took a step back to let him choose to try the drink himself.

"Well, you could help me with somethin' else..." Rico said as he took the glass from her and set it down on the bar. "See, I'm getting a bit hungry, too, and I don't know a thing about this station," he continued, placing an elbow on the table and leaning forward a tad. "Got any suggestions for me?"

NSS Alliance in station

It had been some time since Jet decided to return to the ship to try and conceal herself from the rest of the crew until she figured out the best way to reveal it without causing too much fuss. About an hour or so into it, signs of hunger began to show up in the form of grumbling sounds coming from the stomach. "I guess I do need to get something to eat..." She muttered and sprung up off the bunk and grabbed the green duster she'd gotten earlier, usually it'd be red but considering the situation it wouldn't be the best idea in the world. Unlocking the door by providing security clearance, the white haired woman stepped out of the quarters and started for the messhall. Hmm it feels weird..having a female form when I'm used toa male one...

Benji walked right past Jet without looking up from the MMO he was currently involved in, the big black feathered coyboy hat on his head at an odd angle. He only caught a glimpse of Jet as he passed. It took a few more steps to realize there was a female on the ship. He stopped, logged out of the MMO and turned around. "Hey, you know it's not a good idea to be walking around on this particular ship right?"

"Hmm?" Jet paused in her step and turned to look at Benji for a moment, listening to what was said. Deciding to have a little fun with it she tilted her head a bit, making the spikey, mid length white hair fall over the forehead and right eye for a moment. "Why would you say that?" She asked with a small grin. "It's just a ship isn't it?"

"Full of mean, ugly bastards, who'd rape you without a few seconds pause..." Benji paused and then seemed to think something over. "Well... Namely one...The rest only if drunk...except maybe Gran, and whatever that security officer's name is, Istvan and me..." He nodded. "Any particular place you want to go?" he asked her

“Actually I'm heading for the mess hall." Jet said with a grin at the mention of the crews status. "But I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the layout of the ship, would you care to show me the way there?" She asked, smirking deviously in a mental fashion. It was interesting, how open some people were about opinions when they didn't know who you were. "but what do you mean about Gran, the security officer and Istvan?" she asked idly.

"Well Istvan's all chivalry, never seen the security officer go after a geshin like Rico, Gran's just too.... Nice, to do anything stupid..." He shrugged. "I got a sister however, so i get all the attention I need from her..." He said leading her through the ship towards the Mess Hall. He stowed the Data pad as he walked, thinking of how he was going to upgrade his Jet, after he was done with this rather attractive female.

"You know that sounds pretty incestuous...."Jet said when Benji mentioned the sister. "But isn't she on this station? I saw you earlier talking to a woman." She said with a grin. As they walked toward the mess hall, Jet was finding she was enjoying this just a bit. "Rico?" she asked as they did, gathering intel on Benji's opinions of them all was intriguing.

"Nut headed marine, likes to play jokes, seems like he likes to screw every female he wanders across... of course he got murderd by somebody when the bloody..and i mean that litterally...Red's decided tohave a tea party" He shrugged, showing her into the mess hall. "Have a seat i'll get you something to eat..."

With a chuckle Jet sat down and leaned up against the back of the chair. "Thank you." She said with a nod. "I've heard about that, it was pretty gruesome." She said and sighed a bit. "Oh and Benji....nice to see you again." Jet said with a cocky smirk. "You clearly dont' remember who I am really but I'm sub-lieutenant Endurain." Jet grinned

Benji paused and let his mind wander over this information. "Right..." He turned and stalked off He fetched the food and set a tray down in front of Jet. "So, if you're Endurain..." Benji paused to scarf down the fried chicken on his plate "...I'm in trouble?"

Jet laughed a bit and shook her head. "No no, nothing like that. But I think I'm going to be once everyone learns of my accident here." the white-haired woman said with a sigh and thanked him for the fried chicken and dug in, eating it slowly to start with. Having not eating in a day or two, one had to start off slow to avoid getting sick.

Benji nodded and munched on the rest of his food. After a bit he said "That’s cool..." and then he added, "How does it feel? Being a woman i mean...."

"It feels weird. Considering I've been a man for 21 years of my life until about and hour and a half ago." Jet said with a sigh. "I got exposed to a kaserine grenade by accident." She said as she ate a bit more and smiled a bit. "Can you suggest anything to help handle the situation i'm going to face? I really don't know..."

Benji thought it over and then grinned. "Well, you'll have to get a kaserine grenade to get back to yourself...or at least that’s what I've heard..." He paused "In the mean time you can either lock yourself in your room or have me follow you around..."

Jet laughed a bit. "Well I can't do anything by locking myself in my quarters until I can get a cure for it. Hell I might actually stay this way, I have a feeling it'd be rather enlightening into why women do what they do sometimes." She said. "But I would appreciate it if you could at least try to keep the rest of the crew off me if you know what I mean." Jet said and got up and walked over, getting a drink from the bar in the mess hall and sat back down. "I don't really plan to change how I dress or something like that, I don't really intend to stay like this long that necessary I think.."

Benji nodded "Alright then, though I'll still have to laugh at calling you Ma'am all the time..." He took a drink of his energy drink to hide his amused grin.

"This is still a military remember?" Jet said. "Gender doesn't really matter I believe it's still 'sir'." She said with a chuckled. "Besides what real harm is there?"

He nodded "Yea,,,siiiiirrr,,,," he grinned, holding back his laughter until he could take a drink again.

Jet just chuckled again, but not as wickedly as s/he really used to. Before this event Jet really wasn't the most pleasant person to be around for the most part but now it seemed somewhat different. But the white hair, light red eye made for a quite wicked deathglare when he chose to employ such a matter. "Well thanks. I'll be really useful in the days to come"

Benji reached out and ruffled Jet's hair. A thought wandered across his mind. "I'm taking you shopping..."

For once a small blush flushed across jet's face when he did, but she quickly swatted the hair off the hair. "Gah. Don't do that..." She smirked a bit. "Oh you are, are you? What'd you have in mind for that then?" she asked.

"High heels... and a dress,,, you're no proper woman without a dress..."

"Oh hell no..." Jet said, perking an eyebrow. "That would garner way too much attention than is comfortable at this moment." She said and sighed, swishing the soda around in the can for a moment, thinking. "I'll stick with uniforms and boots. I'm sure you could help me with that at least couldn't ya?"

"Ya... but with those" He looked pointedly at her breasts "you'll need a torture device my sister calls a bra..."

"Really now? I'm just lost on way I would though." Jet said with a sigh. "And why are they torture devices...?"

Benji turned bright red "Nevermind... Just don’t wear low cut shirts or you'll have every pair of eyes on one spot of your body until Rico decides to go after you..."

"And gets met with a gun to the forehead." Jet said with a groan. "But it might be best if we did at least try to find some fitting clothing. This shirt is kind of tight now."

Benji grinned "Then I'm still taking you shopping...'

"Yeah." Jet said and sighed before standing up, once finished with the food. "When did you have in mind to go do that?" she asked, stretching a bit.

"Now if you're okay with it?" He asked standing and returning the trays. After cracking his neck, back and knuckles almost all at the same time, he looked over to Jet.

"Yeah, but it is kind of late I'd be surprised if anywhere was still open." Jet said and started for the door the mess hall, still obviously adjusting to the way the female form moved. "This is kind of embarrassing, are my hips really wiggling as much as I think they are?"

Benji rubbed his goatee with a hand. "Yeah.... they are..." He decided no to tell Jet exactly how 'tight' things were at the moment. He just kept trailing after her.... Uh.... him...

Jet sighed a bit, sensing the confusion radiating from Benji. "It's confusing I know isn't it? First being a male now a female, just go with female terminology for now.." she said.

"Sure..." he was still rubbing his goatee and stubble as he followed her through the ship and out into the station. He put a hand on Jet's shoulder and then pulled back. "I won't tell anyone, but i demand one thing from you..."

She sighed a bit and looked at her over her shoulder. "If it's something perverted, forget it. But what'd you have on mind?" she asked, brushing her fingers through her hair.

Benji didn't ask, he just did it. Leaning over and kissing Jet briefly.

Jet blushed darkly in a flash when Benji did that. "Ngh..." She said and kind of just suddenly pushed him away, still a bit red in the face. "okay what was up with that?" she asked, giving him a one eyed glare as her hair covered one of them.

Benji grinned "Only what you owe me for keeping your secret..." He said, putting his hands on Jet's shoulders and gently putting pressure on her shoulder blades to get her to move forward.

“Yeah well let's continue on." Jet groaned a bit and continued on toward the way to the station and after they'd departed she looked up and blinked. "Hmm they've lowered the light levels to mimic a Terran night..." She said and looked around. "At least there's no simulated moon.."

Benji had to chuckle at that, walking and keeping an eye out for an open store. When they finally had walked almost everywhere Benji grunted. "Guess you're right, most places seemed to have closed down for the night..."

"How about that one shop you went to earlier? The one with your sister?" Jet asked him as they walked, her hands in the pocket of the pants she was wearing.

Benji gave him an odd look. "How the hell did you know about that?"

"Because I was out and about today too ya know...." She said, holding a finger up and smirked. "That and I saw you with the rest of them. No big deal right? I'll keep it a secret."

He turned a light shade of pink and then turned, leading Jet to a familiar spot close to Dawn's. A small door led to a hall and then around the corner it opened up into a small 'women's' store specializing in rather fancy stuff. Benji stayed silent the entire time.

She perked a brow in amazement that this kind of place existed on a Nepleslian faction station. "Interesting..." Jet said as she looked around once they got into the store after following the hidden pathway. "Hard to believe I find myself in a place like this but it'll be alright." the white haired woman said and looked around, just poking at everything. She didn't know the measurements she had in body but had a feeling they'd find out.

A young female made her way over to them. "Can I help y’all?" She asked, looking Benji up and down once and turning her eyes to Jet. "Lookin’ for something specific hon?" The woman asked, eyeing the clothes racks in the immediate vicinity.

"Well yeah, just some basic essentials for myself." Jet said, turning to look over at the young woman and gave her a pleasant smile and nod. "I'm afraid I'm out of usable clothes." she admitted with a coy grin.

The woman looked Jet over and then nodded "come with me..." and started towards a back room.

Jet shrugged and walked with her toward the backroom. "Just have to get my measurements huh?" She asked with a tired yawn. "Sorry bout that, lack of sleep lately." she said.

“It's okay hon" The woman said, pulling out a flexible measuring tape and walking Jet through the entire measuring process. By the time they were done the woman knew what Jet needed and fetched it for her. "Here, try this on.. I'll wait outside with your date..."

"It's nota date, the guy's my subordinate officer." She said in quick defense. "Very funny." Jet said and blinked and looked at the outfit she'd brought her to try on.

Sighing a bit, Jet tried the new outfit on and blinked. " the hell am I suppose to get this on..." she said in an exasperated tone, having a slight bit of trouble with the bra provided. "Now I see why it was called torture, it's a pain to get on..."

Silently the woman slid back in and helped Jet into the Bra, obviously amused that she couldn't do it herself. Then she scurried back outside and struck up a one sided conversation with Benji over his sister.

Jet chuckled a bit and soon got used to it and came out wearing the outfit, though it was in blues and greens. The shirt at least fit but was left unbuttoned by a button at the top with the insignia fastened to the down turned collar. "At least fits." she said and walked out, carrying the clothing from before under an arm. "How do I look?"

Benji let out an appreciative whistle and the woman grinned. "You look great hon." then she turned to Benji and said "I'll just charge it to the ship" handed him a bag and then stalked off. Benji extended the bag to Jet. "Lets get going shall we?"

Jet just walked out with him and looked into the bag, still wearing the outfit she'd just gotten. "Thanks for this Benji." She said, still running hands down her body to smooth out the wrinkles in it. "Have anything else on mind?"

Benji chewed on his lower lip and then grinned "I know of an Ice cream shop that still open. Want desert?" He asked, acctually willing to be even nicer to jet.

Jet perked a brow and chuckled a bit. "Well I don't see why not really. But just bear in mind it doesn't count as a date or something like that alright?" She said, continuing to walk. "I do appreciate how nice you're being though, don't mean I owe ya anything really though." She said and looked over.

Benji grinned "My dad said I'd never get through life treating people with the respect they deserve..." He shrugged "I mean, if I get to help you out I'm in for it. Better than getting blown up..."
At that she laughed heartily. "That's true. One good turn deserves another to be repaid at a more opportune moment huh?" She said. Jet was still feeling pretty strange about being out and about like this, but at least numerous amorous marines that had less-then-honorable intentions weren’t stalking her.

After a brief stop for ice cream Benji walked with Jet back to the ship and saw to it that she was all settled in. "If you need me I've got my data pad with me..." and then he left Jet in his...errr...her room and returned to his bunk to play his MMO.

The first weapon’s shop that Fian came to was lined with vending machines, each holding numerous weapons behind clear, bulletproof armor. A simple number pad and card swipe delt with transactions though the machine also stated it accepted 1s, 5s, 10s, and 100s.

One machine catered specifically to pistols, carrying a variety of the weapons behind its armored panel. Though all of the weapons came unloaded, they came with a magazine already in the weapon. Under them, there were slots where one could purchase an additional clip.

Other machines specialized in assault weapons and shotguns while others merely contained accessories like laser sights or extra ammunition.
"Well there is a nice noodle place on the top level that overlooks the planet," The bartender offered, answering Rico’s question, "I'd show you where it is, but I don't get out of work for a few more hours."

'Ungh...noodles.' Rico thought to himself as he kept his face in relaxed smile. "You sure ya couldn't take a lunch break to show me where it is? I'm horrible with directions," Rico lied in his usual suave manner. "And although I'd hate to tear ya away, busy as you are..." Rico held out his arms widely, a spot of sarcasm in his voice, "you look like you could use a break, sweetheart."

"Exactly what I've been trying to tell her..." Kokuten's head was back on the table.

Rico jumped at the opportunity as Kokuten chirped in. "See! This guy here agrees...I'll bet he'd be willing to keep watch over the bar while you're out. Isn't that right chief? Care to help the young lady out?" Rico said with a grin, keeping his eyes on the waitress in front of him.

"Both of you are very persistent," The bartender said as she put her hands on her hips, "But my boss would kill me if I left so early."

Kokuten snirked, thinking of what her boss would do if her boss found out what group of Marines he was with.

"Come on, honey," Rico slide her the smoothest gaze he could muster. "It'll just be for a bit, nobody will be the wiser. Give me an hour and I'll give you your dream." Rico ended in a lower, more personal tone, trying one last attempt to persuade the young woman.

"…Alright... I can take off in an hour." she said, finally caving to the marine's demands.

"Ho Ho! I'll drink to that!" The Medic took a swig of his bottle, leaning back enough to make his beret fall off.

Rico didn't hesitate for a moment, quickly sliding his full glass of Red Afterburner in Kokuten’s direction and stepping back off his stool, gliding towards the end of the bar where the waitress would have to pass to get out. "You be good for us now," Rico chuckled as he addressed Kokuten...although Rico was still a tad too far to recognize his fellow marine. "Keep the drinks flowin', baby."

The bartender took the opportunity to charge both men for another blue moonie as she grabed to more bottles and placed one each in front of the marines.

Kokuten's eyes tried to stay on focus as he noticed something a little familiar about the other Marine. "Hey..." The Medic leaned forward, putting his bottle on the table. "Hey!" He shouted to the blurry Marine. "You look familiar." He said, leaning on the bar. "Are you... uh... What was the name..." The Medic thought for a moment. "Jon-Jon Rocketass?" He said with a confused looking expression, the alcohol seemed to finally get to him.

"Yeah baby, I remember you too," Rico fibbed as he attempted to keep ushering the bartender. He didn't even cast a glance to Kokuten as he made his guess, either. "That Aethersperm concert in Funky City. You owe me fifty DA's...though we can get back to that later, baby,” Rico said as he waved a hand in a ‘shoo’ fashion towards Kokuten.

"Hay... I don't remember that... Then again, I'm not remembering many right now..." Kokuten raised his head off the bar, swaying a little as he rose to a sitting up position. He turned to the bartender and fumbled with his wallet. "I think I should get movin'..." The drunk medic said, putting down a 100 DA tip.

"Thanks for coming by!" The waitress told Kokuten as she picked up the tip, "And feel free to come back whenever." The bouncer handed Kokuten his guns as he left, giving Rico and the bartender some private time together before their little dinner-date.

'Sheesh, ‘bout damn time…' Rico mused to himself as he half-heartedly waved goodbye to the drunk marine.

Kokuten nodded to the bartender, and then to the bouncer as he left. Giving one last drunk nod, to Jon-Jon Rocketass before he tripped out. The Medic loaded his weapons into their respective places, but his body didn't feel like carrying the tall Nepleslian home. He veered off into an alley, collapsing next to a wall, and eventually, falling asleep...

Ally forwarded a message to all of the marines on the NSS Alliance as well as the senior staff.

“Attention. The NSS Alliance has finished its repairs and refits. Shore leave will end in exactly three hours.

-Welcome back everyone!”

Aaron got dropped off at Unity Station where the NSS Alliance is docked. He walked towards the Alliance shouldering his bag. His hair had grown since the last haircut and Aaron felt the irritating feeling of hair in his eyes. I need a haircut soon.....I wonder if they invented things to stop hair growing yet. Aaron passed a shop along the way and stopped at it to browse through the game advertisements. Minshhu Invaders....Too predictable....Neko No Oden...another puzzle game. Ahh...Galaxy Adventure. Name just isn't right but oh well. Aaron got his datapad and went on the website given. He keyed in his KS account and it started downloading. Aaron was still holding it looking at reviews and previews about that game when he walked up the doors of NSS Alliance.

"I think I'll have a soda."

Fian was just about to remove his DA card when a loud beep signifying an urgent message rang out from his datapad and assailed his sensitive new ears. What the, how long does it take for this things to CALIBRATE!? He thought while holding on to his new cybernetics.

Ally said:
“Attention. The NSS Alliance has finished its repairs and refits. Shore leave will end in exactly three hours.

-Welcome back everyone!”

Ahh man... Fian thought to himself as he returned the datapad to his pocket. Looks like I'm not going home today... I wonder how everyone is doing. The Vel Steyr picked up his card which he dropped on the floor and swiped it, completing the transaction for a pair of silver knives and an ESG with an extra two clips.

Fian first picked up the knives, they were shaped and balanced just like an odinary combat knife but with a silver alloy hilt that made them stand out from the rest. Other than that, they just functioned like any other knife but the Vel Steyr wanted only something basic and slightly flashier to practice with.

The ESG was a lightweight and low caliber automatic pistol. Again, the Vel Steyr only wanted something basic and slightly flashier to carry around with him on the station, but now with the shore leave revoked, it would not be as useful as he thought.

Fian sighed. He felt that he was buying these things to cheer himself up, worse, he was buying weapons to substitute the family. Strapping the knives and ESG under his jacket, Fian made his way down the street under the dimming lights and closing shops. Perhaps I'll walk around to see if anything else is up for sale before I return to the ship.

Gran had returned to the ship after leaving the gun shop. He lugged his gun case up to the Alliance in a slight hurry, a little excited that he finally had something to play with. He went directly to the PA bay, finding that the jeep and armor parts had been delivered, packed relatively neatly in separate crates, the other rifle had already been sent to his bunk. Sorry babe, you're second on the list right now. He smirked at the disassembled jeep, turning and moving to his partially-repaired armor.

The parts he had sent for through the military office were wrapped neatly on a palette beside it, tagged with a name and number indicating Gran's armor. He pulled all the parts out; laying each out on the open floor sp he could get some organization. He thoroughly looked over the parts he had bought from the Armor Depo; he wanted to make sure they wouldn't break under military action: they were, after all, not military parts. Hmmm... these might be slightly more delicate, but a little easier to tweak.

Gran got to work in a hurry, knowing he needed to finish as soon as possible for optimizing his new parts. He started removing all the old motors and hydraulics piece by piece, putting them in a large metal bin to wait for re-processing. He looked over each part before installing, knowing it would be the last time he could look at it in a long while. He worked diligently, but it would take some time, as he was working alone. Another techie had offered Gran a helping hand, but Gran politely refused, "Thanks, but I broke it, and I intend to fix it." Gran had finished replacing the motor actuators and was about to start connecting the power when he stopped for a second. He pulled out his datapad and sent a call request to the quartermaster. Within a half a minute a torso occupied the screen.

"Quartermaster here, you need something?" He was wiping his hands casually.

"Yeah, you have plenty of spares of every part that goes into these armors, right?" Gran said with a slight smirk.

The face laughed. "Of course, tons."

"Could I get a spare generator from a FIRE... and its cooling system?" Gran asked, his eyes lighting up slightly.

"Well... Yes, but...” The face looked off-screen for a moment, slightly confused. "I'm seeing you pilot an AIR2, why do you need a FIRE's generator?"

"I want to... 'modify' my armor a bit." Gran smiled.

"Oh...." The face laughed, looking back off screen for a second. "Alright, I'll have one sent over." The face looked sternly back. "But remember, anything that happens is your fault."

"Yes sir!" Gran said happily, saluting the face on his datapad. "Oh also, can you get me one PFC from a FIRE?"

The face looked off again and sighed, a few small noises sounding as he hit in the orders. "Son... you’re gonna get yourself killed."

"Hopefully not before I rack up a score myself." Gran sent his position in the bay to the quartermaster.

"Alright, the parts will be sent over in about a half-hour."

The screen went blank with a few parting mumbles about 'whippersnappers'. Gran quickly stripped out the generator from the back, pulling every system on top of it out and carefully set them aside, keeping some of the larger items on hoists. He slowly removed the generator, not wanting to hurt the one piece that hadn't been damaged in the Red’s ambush, plus it was expensive. Gran had just finished detaching the generator when his requested parts were carted over. The man who had delivered the parts smiled and shook his head, laughing slightly, and wished Gran luck as he left.

Gran rubbed his hands together and thought for a second, making sure he was calm and collected before starting. His pad beeped innocently.

Ally said:
“Attention. The NSS Alliance has finished its repairs and refits. Shore leave will end in exactly three hours.
-Welcome back everyone!”

Great, a deadline. Gran sighed and hoisted the FIRE's much larger and powerful generator near the empty back of the AIR2 as he gauged how much space needed to be cleared. He picked up his pad and opened 3-d diagrams of his AIR2's body and the FIRE's generator and cooling system, noting the differences in the coolant and figuring what he would have to chop out or splice in. He hefted a small grinder and stood on a platform against the back of his armor's knees. Well, let's get to work. Gran put on a mask to protect his face from sparks and went to town on the colling system's brackets, slightly reshaping some while removing others that needed to be completely replaced. The bright bits of sheared metal danced around the cold metal as Gran toiled.

At this point in time the majority of the stores on the station’s merchant deck had been closed down. At the moment the dim lights of the merchant deck were only eclipsed by the golden N of the Neppies joint which was always open, serving hot 3 pound stim burgers and alcoholic Neppie Drinks to go. There was also the sign of the Armor Depot which didn’t require staffing anyways but really only catered to those people looking to repair or maintain larger machinery.

Fian was headed back towards the NSS Alliance holding a violin case, the store that was selling it was on the verge of closing before the Vel Steyr rushed in to buy this slightly more expensive than usual 500 DA model. He had not bothered to buy anything for his siblings because he would not be seeing them soon anyway.

As he neared an unlighted back alley just around the corner to Dawn's, his other hand cautiously crept towards the ESG under his jacket. There could still be Red sympathizers that were after him from his drunken speech. While trying to be careful, the Vel Steyr kept his eyes on the road as not to appear tensed or wary.

Kokuten groaned in the nearby ally, he cursed, and turned over on his stomach. "No... Don't want to..." He trailed off, slowly beginning to drift off. He moved his arms, as if he wanted to get up, but it just seemed he couldn't.

Fian froze as he heard a familiar voice coming from the right. Slowly turning his head, he was relived to see just the Medic lying down in a drunken haze. Gee, was not the party over hours ago?. The Vel Steyr walked up to Kokuten. "Yo, you don’t look too good." He asked, wondering how operational his comrade still is.

The Medic turned his head towards Fian, his green eyes dim. "Vel...Steyr?" Was most he could say.

Okay, he IS not too good. "Come on, lets get you back to the ship before you get mugged out here." Fian bent down to shoulder Kokuten with his free arm. Bloody hell, how heavy is this guy?!

"Ey, I can-..." The Medic tried to protest, but he burped loudly before he could finish. "Yeah, I can... move." Kokuten got up, with the help of the Vel Steyr. He almost lost his balance before catching the wall in front of him. "Uggh..." He groaned.

"Pull yourself together." Fian insisted. "The Alliance is leaving and I can’t get you back alone if you can’t walk, don’t pass out on me!" The Vel Steyr slung the violin case over his other shoulder so he had an extra free arm to hold the Medic steady. "Can you move?"

"Yeah man... I can... Move." Kokuten said. "I think the stimulants wore off me..." He began leaning on the Vel Steyr as he tried to keep his footing. "Thanks..." He said, one of his dim eyes looking in Fian's direction.

Oh dear, this guy can fall asleep any moment now. Gotta keep him awake. Fian quickly scanned around Kokuten's self. "Say, what do you have over there?" He asked, nodding towards Kokuten's pistol belt while urging the medic with a few steps forward. "I bought myself a new gun too."

"OH! That thing..." Kokuten whipped out the dart weapons. "S'a Dart Gun, man. Good deal." The Medic began to pull out a dart. "Check this, man." He pulled out a tube filled with a dark liquid. "Velserine, just... stick it in here." He dripped the tubes liquid into the dart. "Then... Here..." He cocked open the weapon, and loaded the dart. "Ready to go!" The Medic chuckled drunkly, swaying as he spoke.

Fian moved his head back away from the tip of the gun that Kokuten was pointing dangerously at him. "Ehh, nifty." Fian said. The Vel Steyr was about to talk about his own ESG when their path was blocked by a marine with a bottle.

The man had a bandage over his head and a dazed look around him. Fian recognized him as one of the sympathizers who jumped him at the bar, the marine also stopped and took a good look at Fian. Raising a finger, he spluttered. "Heey, arent you the...”

"Get out of here quietly if you know what is good for you." Fian threatened while whipping out his ESG. He was not a fan of deadly force but he was in no position to negotiate with a drunken medic leaning on him.

"Hey... You kinda look like one of the guys... Who I..." The Medic thought for second. "Set on fire, at the bar..."

The sympathizer first backtracked a little from Fian's threat, but then suddenly found some backbone from Kokuten's remark. "Youu thiink that miserable excuse of a gunn can hurt me?" He said, emboldened by the alcohol while staggering towards the pair aggressively.

"Oh... That's cool, cuz we got like... 1... 2..." He counted the guns on him. "Uh... yeah! 2 miserable... uh... guns. What about that?" He said, miscounting the guns and cutting up the reply.

"Whyy you!" He aggressor shouted as he procured a switchblade from his pocked and charged at Kokuten, his eyes had the intent of causing serious hurt.

"I will shoot you, I MEAN IT!" Fian shouted with his gun arm outstretched, but visibly shaking from the weight of the medic in the other arm and the thought of having to shoot someone at this personal range. Closing his eyes, a shot rang out.
It was a silent "Thwip!" sound as opposed to the expected "Blam!" of the ESG. Both Fian and the Red were surprised enough to halt what they were doing, except the Red had the extra incentive of a Velserine dart lodged in his tight.

"Oops... Shit man... Sorry." He looked at his dart gun with dismay. "I guess my... finger slipped." He looked down the open chamber. "Can I get that back? Those were like... 20 DS... each." He pointed the gun to the dart in the mans leg.

Fian turned off the safety of his ESG (How goddam silly I am) to produce a snapping noise as the gun armed itself. "You have just received a double dose of a potentially lethal poison. If you don’t want to die, I suggest you run to the hospital, that way." Fian said, while pointing his own gun towards the Medical Facility down the road.

"EAARG!" The Red groaned as he pulled out the dart from his tight and tossing it aside. "AAARG!" He groaned again when he tore apart the cloth in horror to see the blackish liquid traveling under his skin. "OAARG!" He groaned one more time as he limped towards the Hospital at an even slower speed than the pair as the poison shut down his muscles. "Iiiill get youu for thiss!"

"Good riddance!" Fian shouted as he resumed edging Kokuten on. "Come on now, he might have friends nearby."

"Whoa man... I need my dart." The Medic shuffled to the ground, slowly grabbing the dart and shaking it off of blood. Kokuten opened the case where the rest darts were, and put it in. "Okay, let's go." He stumbled to a stand.

"Okay." Fian nodded as he shouldered the Medic back to the Alliance. Kokuten was just about to pass out when they reached the ramp of the ship. Crying out for help, Fian was relived of his burden by a few marines that were hanging around nearby. With the teamwork of a few collective testicles, they managed to lay Kokuten down on one of the medibay beds.

"Hey Fian... Before you go... I want to let you know something... I thought I saw Rico... but... he turned out to be..." The Drunk yawned for second. “Jon-Jon Rocketass..." He drifted off on the end of that.

"Jon-Jon Roc-..." Fian thought for a moment before recalling it as the name of the Aethersperms vocalists. "Man, he must have out drunk you or something." He muttered has he closed the Medic's still open eyes and left the medibay.

Eventually, a young woman exited from the passageway to the NSS Alliance. She wore a tight fitting green uniform that tightly hugged her bust line and bore the rank pins of a Lieutenant Commander. She approached Aaron and extended her hand, showing off the glossy red nail polish as she spoke, “Welcome to the NSS Alliance,” She said, smiling.

“I am the ship’s Avatar, Ally.” She explained, “And I’ll be watching over you during your stay. I’ve assigned Sergeant Rico Sanroma to provide you with a tour of the ship. Until he reports to the ship you are free to roam around though I’m sure you would prefer to drop off your personal effects in the barracks first. If you’ll follow me I’ll show you to your bunk.”

Aaron barely looked up and shook the hand as he was focused on his datapad. He hoisted his bag and followed the Avatar through the ship towards the barracks. A character name....I'll use mine. Aaron just followed the Avatar and the sounds of the game 'Galaxy Adventure' echoed through the corridor. Aaron lowered the sound a bit and shook his hair out of his eyes. He just remembered about a hair cut.

"Errr...Can you recommend me a place to get a nice haircut?"