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RP [NSS Highlander Side Story] Enter: Arete

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Inactive Member
RP Date
Late YE 41
RP Location
Dawn Station
Late YE 41
Dawn Station

Even as the best of times, Dawn Station could be a hectic place, full of the energy and purpose of industry and trade. In the midst of the Kuvexian War, however, that energy had a new purpose, a new drive given by the exigencies of war and the booming piracy in the sector. Such as it was the orders that Arete Surinus had received had been odd: To await at a mid-scale restaurant onboard the space station for the captain of her new posting, who wished to interview her personally for the posting. The whole situation seemed odd, at the least, but here she was.

The restaurant was one of those 'pay as you go' places, serving a variety of simple and easy to make foods from across the sector and beyond. Obviously catering to spacers and the military, Arete's military uniform didn't stand out, nor did her wings. Looking around, she could see all manner of people, most of them in some form of uniform, sitting down and eating, flirting, or drinking. Nepleslians mingled with Nekovalkyrja mingled with Lorath mingled with Abwehrans. Even so, she had been here for 10 minutes already, and her new captain had yet to show.

Arete had already treated herself to a drink, just soda - nothing alcoholic, so far, even if she did hold her liquor to Sif once. ...Or maybe he was just faking it, sometimes it was hard to tell. The blonde shorty glanced around before pulling out her datapad. This had to be the right place, right? Right time?

It was another minute or so until Arete was finally joined by others. Well, a single person: A man in the blue uniform of the Nepleslian Navy, rank tabs indicating he was a captain. The man was clean shaven and looked to be in his mid 30's, roughly, with a serious and professional look about him. Looking around the restaurant with a single motion, his eyes locked onto the small Elysian, and he began to make his way over towards her. He was a large man, with quite the presence, and clearly didn't have any trouble making his way through the crowded dining floor over to her.

"Are you Arete Surinus?" He asked her, his accent clipped and precise, though not harsh. "I'm Captain Joe Franks, of the NSS Highlander, you were ordered to meet me here?"

"Yes, sir. Captain, sir." The birb stuttered for a moment before recomposing herself underneath the surface. "Captain. I am here, as ordered."

The man, Joe, sat down at the other side of the table, reaching his hand across it in offering to Arete. "I'm not a big fan of this cloak and dagger stuff, nor am I particularly fond of military discipline when off duty. For the matter of this meeting, don't worry about referring to me as 'Sir' or 'Captain'." He smiled. "Joe will do just fine."

"Okay... Joe. That's certainly quite a difference from the cats, let me tell ya," the smol woman said as she returned Joe's handshake surprisingly firmly for someone of her stature. Her whole composure seemed to melt into something more relaxed and casual, muchmore natural to talk to. She gave the man an appraising look, and asked, "Cloak and dagger? Do you mean the discretion?"

"There's certainly a fair share of individuals in high places who don't like a mixed crew." The man shrugged in a 'what can you do about it' expression. "Miss Surinus, I'd like to have you as part of my ship's Hazard Team- A mixture of infantry, technicians, and other experts who can do special, high risk tasks, and who report directly to myself and my executive officer." He studied her for a second, blue eyes gazing at and studying her to judge her reaction.

"I also expect you to share a nice steak dinner with me, on the IPG's tab, since we're here."

"Hard to turn down steak, for sure," the emerald-eyed Elysian replied in an almost... Joking way? It was a bit hard to tell. "Hazard team, you say? Sounds interesting. I'm guessing that cats aren't your style?"

"Personally? I've got no problems with the cats, I even dated one briefly. I'm not a fan of their government, or their nobility, but I have respect for their people. I'm no hardliner at the end of the day, but I'm not a Red either." The captain shrugged, but before he could speak further, a serving droid floated up to take their order. The captain ordered a simple porterhouse with a side of mashed potatoes and asparagus, but only after Arete had ordered.

Arete had a salisbury with mashed potatoes as well, but instead of asperagus she'd opted to eat celery. A rather uninteresting choice, really...

"Fair enough."

"I think that's enough political talk. Will you accept my proposition- to join my crew?" Joe Franks asked calmly, as he took careful, measured bites of the steak. Neither of their steaks were particularly great, only good, and out fast.

"We're liable to fight Kuvexians out there, and hopefully show that Nepleslia can pull its weight for once instead of having Yamatai's heroes do most of the work."

The birbgirl took a moment to chew through the meat, before responding. "Seems interesting, and getting out of Yamatai seems like a nice idea, a breath of fresh air... proverbially, anyways. You said 'Hazard Team', how many people should I expect?"

"Not that many. 10, 12 tops? Probably less." He gave a definite, near definite answer, before spearing a stalk of green and pulling it into his mouth to chew. He thought on his, looking up as he worked on the fibrous vegetable, before swallowing.

"The problem is finding qualified people. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Never really made many connections in Yamatai. I can send a message over to Sif - my significant other - to see if he'd like to stretch his legs for real again. Aside from him, though, not certain about anybody." A remaining morsel of pulverized starch went into the plump woman's belly, and she finished, "Pretty sure he'd be in."

"Yes, our intelligence branch did have eyes on him as a candidate? If you would vouch for him, I believe he would be a good candidate as well." There was another pause from him.

"Do you have any other questions?"

A shake of the blondie's head preceded her speech, "Aside from when you want me to be ready, no."

He grinned at her. "Immediately- the Highlander is still being refitted, but we're getting everyone on it ready to go as soon as possible. There's a risk that we'll need to launch before the refit is finished, in which case I want the Hazard Team ready to go."

"Hm. I'm not packed, but that's never stopped me in the past. Good to know! I'll see you on board, then?"

"There'll be a shuttle ready for you and Sif in a week's time. Until then, I Wish you the best of luck."
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