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RP: NSS Sledge Mama [NSS Sledge Mama] Ep. 3 - Into Steel

Mark lept off the dropship and fired his thrusters to roll to the side to while firing a BOLT missile. "This is bullshit, I thought the plan involved stealth." He muttered angrily, landing roughly on his feet and stumbling to get behind cover. "Hang onto your helmets, this is going to be one hell of a time." He said laying down suppressive fire.
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Max was pumped to finally be shooting at things again. It was the marine way, while a training exercise it would be nice to test out the new cannon to see if it was an upgrade to the HPAR. He had always loved Nep firepower and it seemed like Ylfa was giving them a rather free hand at their gear choices. Maybe next mission he'd try out that beast of a machine in the Aggressor. Max waited impatiently as the landing bay door opened, he was almost immediately greeted with enemy fire lancing off his shields. Jumping out of the dropship following Ylfa's lead, he hit the ground running. Noticing his targets they appeared to be more murder-bots.

"Oh lovely, Kelly look its your brothers!" he said sarcastically as he leveled his cannon and let out a short stream of plasma at his targets. "HAHAHA EAT PLASMA TIN CANS!" Max shouted enthustically before hearing Mark's comment about stealth. "HA Mark if you wanted stealth, you shoulda joined the IPG not the Marines. Here we go loud all the way!!!" Max chuckled as he fired another stream from his weapon as he moved to position himself out of the enemy fire.
Richard was sitting in the drop ship psyching himself up and getting ready for the training exercise. He was rather surprised that Emi was taking part in the exercise to, not to mention Mayumi, command or not, the fact that she'd step into a grease stained Nepleslian machine was just a shock. He would've taken the time to make a few jokes to bother her but since they were arriving at their destination he only had time for one. "Don't worry Mayumi, the smell of oil comes out after the third shower."

He was standing getting ready to file out when shots from the Militants surged into the craft, forcing him back into his seat in a moment of surprise. He took the time to shake off the shock and get is bearings. "That's just dirty, a blitz right at the start." He soon got up and followed the other's out of the ship, diving from the doorway. The longer they were in the air the more danger they were in though, so he decided to give a quick spurt with this thrusters to send him down faster. While he readied his AS4GS he kept his eyes on the robots, picking up locks on them as he fell, once he hit the ground he was going to fire a small volley of ARROW missiles at the front troops.
Rachael was standing in the dropship eyes closed, and body tense. She was ready to get some combat going, and she was eager to become that killing machine that she was trained to be. She watched the others get pumped up or psyched up or whatever they were doing while they did it. The horrors of war were something that she felt she could handle so she had no reason to go crazy with nervousness, instead while she was tense she was surprisingly calm.

Then, a ton of enemy fire erupted in and missed their bodies by inches, she opened her eyes and turned jumping out landing on the ground with a light thud, she brought her weapon around and got in position kneeling behind cover and aiming over said cover to fire into the enemy, staying deathly silent as she did, focus and survival being her main objective.
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Sawyer dropped from the dropship and slammed into the deck with a thud before spinning up his AMP and beginning to unleash a withering hail of fire from his main gun and both shoulder mounted plasma chainguns. Superior firepower would be their friend in this situation and applying that firepower as soon as possible would be the best possible plan.
"Hmph! I'm no slob - I made sure my armor was clean!" Mayumi shot back at Richard.

"Did you take a darklight to it?" Emi asked, her voice dead serious as always.

"S-shut up!"

Charging from the frying pan and into the fire, the Marines slammed into the ground down below the dropship. The metal flooring crumpled under their weight when they landed, instantly dashing forward to take cover and open fire. Though they were all taking hits from the massed autocannons, an energy barrier came to life as Lisa deployed her drones, her shoulder mounted mortars firing only moments after. The guided shells arched over and exploded amongst the swarms of enemy machines, melting and throwing their broken frames about, scattering the maze of neatly ordered shipping containers into a proper mess. Adding to the chaos, streams of ARROW mini-missiles streaked out of Richard's launchers as he descended. Rapidly seeking out enemies, limbs were lost as their concussive blasts washed over the Militants trying to fight back. Terrance, Mark and Rachael came in right after her, each of the marines taking cover before opening fire, suppressing the already shock and awed enemy.

While Max happily cut apart a Militant, streams of sparks and liquid metal falling to the floor as it torched apart its tungsten chassis, a massive shadow descended from above and smashed into the ground, the metal floor fluttering in its wake. Whirring up in an instant, a trio of chainguns let loose as Sawyer fired, the tracers forming up into blind streams of light that ripped and teared apart everything in its way as he swept them back and forward.

The simple, cheap automatons fell in droves to the squad.

"Ara, ara, they're just pushovers~" a lofty sounding womanspoke over the comms. "To keep things interesting, the team with the least kills has to pay for dinner," this ladylike voice suggested - a dozen girlish cheers instantly followed her, a laugh escaping her lips. "Then it's settled. Go get them girls!~" Silent up until now, Kelly's voice suddenly invaded their earpeaces.

"No way we're gonna lose to you Milk Drinkers!" Even as more Militants rushed into the hangar from the two entrances to the left, the Hostile clad Freespacer leaped forward. Arm outstretched, a Militant was plucked off of its feet by an invisible force as it collided face first with Kelly's opened hand. Crushing it like a can in her grip, the HPAR she held simultaneously roared into a second as it rounded the corner of a crate, sawing it apart across the chest from shoulder to hip, dark hydraulic fluid splashing across the armor. Red monoeye glowing through the muck, she charged.

"Ha, I like the sound of this - after her you dogs!" Ylfa cheered them on.

"W-wait, what team does my kills count for?!" Mayumi panicked.
Richard landed and fired his missiles smoothly watching them cause a bit more havoc. He had planned to take things slow, moving in from cover to cover and getting shots off, however he hears the radio chatter and chuckled a little. His options were to play it safe and coast through this or get gung-ho and just take things out, and with dinner bills at stake, and his salary, it was time to get cracking. Noticing Mayumi confused at the situation though he got up and made sure to rush past her on his way in, giving her a smack on the backside. "Which armor you wearin'?" He spoke as he made his way inside raising his AS4GS and firing both barrels at the same time as a cloud of metallic plasma surged from the barrel at the drones.
"I like the sound of that Sarge." He cheered." He fired his chaingun and a couple of bolts at the enemy. "Max, Stutter, let's go kick some robot ass." He said as he jokingly smacked Terrence in the back of the helmet as he vaulted over a crate and started to follow behind Kelly and to the left as he used his ppg to pull a militant to him and fired at it's chest.
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"I've got your back, dude!" Terrence replied as he fired a burst from a crouch at a Militant using a crate as an elevated position. There wasn't going to be any stuttering here. Now wasn't the time for nervousness. The young colonist stayed behind Max as they advanced, providing more precise and controlled fire on enemies that the chain-gun wielding marine in front of him suppressed or left over. He didn't know if this whole "advance and fire" thing was going to end well, but he had faith in the marine assault doctrine and his comrades, even if they were going a little Rambo right now.
Wulfe went about the process of destroying the militants with the grace of someone doing office work once he was down. The marine took a moment to assess his surroundings before enganging the automatons with his HPAR, firing in short, controlled bursts to save the most ammo in case something more dangerous showed up. Several targeting locks flickered and beeped, the red circles superimposed in the holographic HUD inside his helmet as the suit's AI locked onto as many Militants as it could. Target, target, target, target, and so on, not a single thing worthy of being called a threat.

As the rest of the squad moved on, Wulfe kept next to the Aggressor, providing what extra fire support he could.
At this point, the entire hangar had turned into a maze of debris thanks to the high explosives, but the fight raged on.

"But, but - oh forget it!" the Neko grumbled at Richard, the rifle in her hands hammering away at the metal horde. Though he was taking fire, his shields shrugged off the autocannon rounds as he fired off several mini-missiles, pelting the offending machines before he brought the double barreled railgun to bear. The shot-cannon's boom made the air flee from the violence of the blast as one Militant was completely dashed into pieces, while several more were heavily damaged by the spread. Before the next rounds could even be chambered, another pair of cannons boomed as large fist sized holes appeared in the chests of two others. The 'Rata-tat-tat' of a LASR quickly followed up, downing a third that Richard was about to finish off as giggling filled his ears.

"Mine!~" a Daisy briefly appeared madly waving a hand at him before leaping away to push onward through the labyrinth of junk.

The constant roar of Mark's chaingun marked the death of another Militant as it was literally chewed apart by the gun's fun rate of fire before he let off a few missiles of his own. These exploded with shocking force as portions of their hapless victims were disintegrated, literally ceasing to exist as the reaction converted matter into pure white energy. Feeling the rush from the easy kills he just scored, the Marine followed Kelly's example and made to grab a fourth Militant. The moment it came at him, his sensors screamed - a High Energy Signature was coming in from behind him! Before he could turn, the Marine watched as a Mindy landed off to the side of his line of fire. A wristblade of pure white appeared as his pray was slashed midair, neatly bisecting it as it sailed by her, the parts clattering to his feet.

"Too slow boy," a smoky, smooth voice came from the figure. Blowing a kiss his way, the Mindy went onwards, leaping like a ballerina as she cleaved a second and third before pushing forward and out of view.

Something similar happened to Terrance as he moved to back up the others. Though his HPAR quickly gunned down one, a Daisy landed by his side and started firing as well. Without its forearm mounted hard-shield, she easily busted out some moves as she leaped about, wristguns firing to the tune of her dance. Moving from spot to spot, this one darted in and out of cover to go after the same exact targets that the young man tried to claim. This one either shot them in the head or blasted their legs out from under them so she could get the finishing blows as they fell away from his stream of fire. Actively denying him the kills, this one stylishly danced about before coming straight up to him, wordlessly tapping a finger against where his nose would be before back-flipping away.

Wulfe and Sawyer were having more luck - being close together, they easily focused firepower and wiped out units with speed, but their situation was entirely different from the rest. The Aggressor clad marine soon felt a weight on his shoulder - a Nekovalkyrja in nothing more than the Star Army's uniform appeared there, sitting on the heavy metal plates of his armor. Gently brushing away a few creases of her skirt, she remarked, "My, this is going quite well, wouldn't you say Sergeant Ylfa?" Though her tone was polite, nobody could help but feel there was condensation to her words. "We'll have the station clear in no time at all while your men soak up the attention." Pulling a comb out, she began to run it through her waist length purple hair as her ears perked up at another voice.

"Kay-Esser!" Kelly yelled at the woman, the Freespacer's finger accusingly pointed with fury as though the woman had just burned a holy scripture.

"Ara. Are they all so rude?" the Nekovalkyrja officer asked, golden eyes looking down at Ylfa as she mildly smiled.

"Only when someone takes things that aren't theres." Quickly addressing her own marines, her voice came across the comms as new orders went out. "Everyone, quickly push into the blast doors up ahead to the right - we'll clear them out room by room and up our kill count that way! Use a mini-missile or two to soften up each compartment and hose down the rest. If you got heavy arms, just open the door and frag everything inside! We're here to exterminate boys and girls!"

Dashing forward to lead the way, the blast doors opened to reveal a wide hallway with another dozen Militants standing between them and closed room after room of surprises - through the hull of the asteroid base, they could already feel their Star Army of Yamatai counterparts getting busy in the hallway opposite their own.

"This is quite amusing," the Star Army Officer mused to herself.
Max blasted away at the tin cans. He thought that this was supposed to be tactical training, if anything it was simply target practice. It was annoying when the cats show up and started stealing their kills. "Fucking kill stealing bitches! LETS GO MARINES!" Max shouted as he heard the Sarges new orders. "Sarge I'll take point on the next room. I wana see how this thing works" Max commented referring to his Autocannon. Charging forward Max made it a point to simply use his pull guard to smash through enemies with his heavy armor + thruster combo. As he pressed forward he began to charge his autocannon. Upon reaching the entrance of the next room he planned to let loose a full continuous stream, sweeping the area of those metal tin-cans.
"Crazy bitches just found an easy way to get me to shoot them." Mark grumbled as he fought his way to the blast doors with his guns blazing. He kicked on his thrusters to gain height and buried a foot and fist into the wall to attack from above before he started to fire a volley of bolts at anything that moved that wasn't the marines. "I brought somethin' that'll make a pretty big boom if I ever get the chance to use it." He said referring to the RX33 he had brought along.
"That's just dirty" Richard muttered to himself as the Neko sprang away. He was tempted to pull her back from her own kills and take them, but he would save that for a more crucial moment. "Didn't think Yams were so weak they couldn't get their own kills." He spoke rather openly before pushing forward with his thrusters active. He kept the shot gun in one hand and pulled his knife in the other, knifing down those that got too close and sweeping his PLA beam across the necks of the militants and for the large groups he's keep them off with a shot from the AS4GS. Normally he'd be trying to clear out this whole area, but in open space the freakishly agile Yamataian suits would just take more of the kills. Instead he focuses on making a path to the blast doors.

Once at the blast doors he'd open the door for Max and fire a few shots with his shot gun around Max's armor to empty his shot gun, and then going back around to quickly reload it.
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Sawyer continued to move forward, targeting a single militant at a time and unleashing a withering hail of fire to cut it down and then move on to the next target. He knew that he was the biggest target in the bay and considered that reducing the enemy to rubble was the single best way to limit the amount of damage that the squad would end up taking.
At first, Terrance was glad he was at least getting some support from the catwoman. After the second Militant, however, he remembered that this was a competitive joint exercise and got the impression he was being toyed with. He lowered his rifle when the Neko approached, not really knowing what to expect. He only got out an "Uh..." before the Neko fingered his helmet. He stood there for a moment with shivering confusion before shaking it off and running after the others, reloading as he went.

Noting Max was opening the doors to the next room, Terrance got an idea, if a bit risky of friendly fire. That should be mitigated by the fact Max is wearing heavier armor, so even if the projectile detonated near him, he should sustain minimal damage at worst. "Fire in the hole!" Terrance warned as the door was fully opened. He fired an ARROW mini-missile into the next room, hoping it at least disoriented the hostiles inside. "Finish 'em, Mark!" He yelled as he sprinted into position next to Richard. With the Yamataians in the area, he decided to switch tact, if requiring a bit more burned ammo. He would make a show of aiming at one Militant, then switching over to another one nearby, firing full-auto from one target to the other. Rock and roll, baby.
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Rachael followed the group in, she noticed the Yam's kill stealing and this annoyed her greatly, she kept quiet about it and a straight face choosing instead to follow Ylfa's orders. Rachael got in behind Terrance watching their backs for anyone that may sneak in on them, choosing to slaughter them mercilessly. The more she killed the more she began to feel more free, to get more eager, to get more active. She would even crack a smile and chuckle ever so slightly with every enemy she killed. Those who could hear her may infact think she's a little crazy, but she didn't care.
Wulfe's lips curled into a grimace as he fought the bile rising on his throat. How condescending of those Yamataians, how hypocritical; To stand high and mighty as others had to clean out their mess, time and time again. An idea started to form in his head between automatic bursts from his Moneymaker, the weapon's end glowing red hot from the repeated fire. Those rookies didn't know a thing about true insults, something that could really strike at one's pride, and he intended to show them. After having to endure the company of the other two nekos aboard the Mama, being able to say that at long last was a relief that he could only express beyond words.

The marine chuckled at the irony, not to himself but with his voice augmented by the sound broadcasters in his suit so that he was heard over the repeated gunfire, which only served to distort his voice further. "How typical," he started to say, firing another burst of his HPAR, "that you find war amusing while we once again were called to clean the mess of those Yamataians, and yet they try to act mighty while they have fight like beggars to earn a single scrap of glory out of this." The red-glowing monoeye on helmet slowly turned towards the neko sitting on the shoulder's of Sawyer's Aggressor to regard her, before he intoned the last barb of his insult.

"A fine display of Yamataian soldiery."
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Lisa hanged back, she watched the battle. Except this was not a battle. This was a chaos. Bunch of kids playing on the playgrounds. The woman, fired her HPAR at targets and recalled her drones, except her own shield, since no one bothered to use them anyway so she might as well save the juice. This was terrible, everyone was more interested in showing of the nekoes instead of actually being a soldier. This was a mockery of war. This joint op between cats and marines was terrible idea. And this was all cause all those greens were young and stupid.

"Goddarn it, half of this unit is bunch of idiots," Lisa muttered as she ran up to catch up with Sawyer. She fired her HPAR on the move, moving from cover to cover. "Fucking kids, instead of marines here."
Thrusters flared to life as Max pushed up in his Hostile, the enemy machines literally smashed or thrown aside as they ran into two tons of flying armor or the invisible force of his PPG. In a rush to up the ante, his power armor landed with a dull metallic ring at the threshold. At the same time, Richard was right on his tail. Holding the massive double barreled cannon in one hand, and pulling out his chainblade with another, the Marine rushed through the disorientated crowd in his wake, hacking and slashing limbs as they came in his way. Ignoring the stragglers behind them, the thick and heavy blast door in front of them slid open, only to reveal an even dozen of Militants, neatly lined up and marching right at them in formation, four by three deep.

Max's Plasma Autocannon spat out a blue-white lance of energy, the air distorting from the sheer amounts of heat bleeding off from the lethal beam. Like a giant, howling blowtorch, the fire was swept across the crowd of machines, tungsten alloy vaporizing and splattering to the ground as it boiled away. Melting together joints, the machines were bogged down by their own disfigurement as the blue paintbrush swept over them. At the same time, Richard's double barreled railcannon's cracking boom followed on the heels of the unending howl of the torch, the scatter-shot tearing apart the first two in the way and throwing their remains into the units behind them. But before either could continue firing, the ranks of single minded machines raised their autocannons and opened fire as they started to fan out. Under this massed fire, their shields were quickly pummeled down, the two barely retreating into cover in time as their armor shook from the shells that bounced off their plates. Their cover being rapidly chewed away by the high caliber weapons, missiles streaked in as Terrance did his best to catch up and gave them reprieve, the explosives blossoming over the ranks to knock some over and stun the bulk.

"Oh my!" Leaning back, the Nekovalkyrja on Sawyer's shoulder fell out of harm's way right as he took the bulk of fire from the seven remaining stragglers.

Though his shields were draining, he held fast in the massive Aggressor. Covering those that advanced by drawing attention, the marine's death-ray of hot lead outclassed Max's fiery plasma through sheer dakka, the first Militant he set eyes on literally melting into metallic giblets on the floor. Tearing apart the cargo containers as he brought the three blazing guns around, a second and then third met the same fate as the fiery lance swept over them. Lodged into the the wall up high, Mark's own hail of armor piercing rounds from the AMP in his single hand was unsteady and scattered as he clung to the wall. But the sheer volume of impacts made the machine he sighted in dance like a doll before it collapsed in a heap. Everything in view from his roost, the marine kept Sawyer's flanks clear, making a second jerk about with relaxed ease. Wulfe opened up beside Sawyer with his HPAR, taking his time to fire controlled bursts into a stray Militant as his disgust grew, the rounds working up the chest before blowing off the head of his target. In comparison, it was as though Lisa was furious; firing on the move as fast as her Hostile's legs could carry her, she gunned down two of the remaining enemies in the hangar, clearing the area.

"Sawyer, Lisa, Wulfe," Ylfa's voice addressed them in a clipped tone. "Back up the other three and set up a shield wall for them," she ordered them, the red monoeye of her Hostile turning to look at the purple haired woman that floated behind Sawyer's back. She was peeking past his head to see the action for herself.

"Oh, don't get so worked up over a little bit of play," the Nekovalkyrja replied to Wulfe from right behind the Aggressor's ear. "If it's bothering you so much that you're losing to my girls, try harder!" she playfully mocked him. Tossing back some of her hair with a casual wave, the woman added, "Besides, this is just my commanding officer trying to get a feel for the units these filthy terrorists have at their disposal."

"If your CO is so inexperienced with the Freespacers, let alone the angry ones, I suppose it's best she cut her teeth in a sim," Ylfa chimed in, her words cold. "But unless there's something more meaty for my marines to sink their teeth into, I doubt we'll be continuing this 'joint venture' of ours."

"Of course. Unless your marines think it will be too hard?"

The glint in the Nekovalkyrja's eyes and the wide, thin smile she gave told them plenty.
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