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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

@Morbius - Well, if it helps, he just broke through a Mishhu line and found himself with a few good backshots into some of them that are attacking other Marines. And before that, the ship was practically overgrown with gore as well, which is pretty unusual considering that the Squids were previously keeping their ships clean for this latest war, which has winded down.
Ok everyone, since we're just about to wrap up this chapter, I've decided to have some fun with that post. I hope you guys have fun too!

And yes. He's tripping hard.


@ShotJon - you may want to do a small edit in your post. And just to be clear to everyone, only Mark is seeing Ylfa in a suit covered with Bling of War. Everyone else just sees her bullet ridden Hostile.
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It's not everyday you get to see a god in front of you. @CadetNewb This is so much better than LSD; all I ever got from that, was a giant dragon that wouldn't let me in the fridge.
Well, things are bad enough for Mark already, so he's still a guy - his lungs are cybernetic and are on an enclosed system right now anyways. And they have filters, so he's good. So long as he doesn't inhale it, he's fine.
We got a psycologically scared marine with anger issues that has a gun and is tripping balls. This in no way could be bad for anyone involved.
Whew, sorry for taking so long to post in here. What should be my first port of call?

...Also, I can't remember, but Sigma is fine with us 4th Fleet Guys temporarily (?) being in here, right?
@Brett M

I can't speak on Sigma's behalf, but if you need a place to chat and figure things out, you're welcome here. Right now, Nepleslia's pretty much having a GM shortage - Sledge Mama is the only Nepleslian plot around at this time. We've got room in Sledge Mama if you're interested as well. Hell, at this rate, I might open up a second plot or something.
The plot has kinda slowed down again. Anyone know where Rizzo is? He kept me entertained in the ooc when nothing was going on.
Sorry Compouds - that's my fault. Things got a little crazy IRL, and I wasn't able to post sooner. I'll get to work on it. Though, one thing has me wondering; why the hell does everyone and their mother keep trying to melee a Mishhu? It's like trying to smack a plasma sword wielding elite with your assault rifle. That's honestly how good the Mishhu are when it comes to CqB.
Rich is only half meleeing it. I just didn't want to post *shoulder ram* *shoot* *retreat* all in one post without giving him a chance to do anything.
I think a body check still counts as a melee. I'm pretty sure the Gold Elite with the sword would nod to that too.
Well I said half cause he doesn't plan on continuing melee if he can help it, he just wanted to make sure it was in there. And pressure made him default to his sports training.
@Wes - can you move Sledge Mama into its own forum? The first real mission is wrapping up very nicely and player interest is pretty rock solid.

@ShotJon , @Centurion0507 , @Warriorx1 , @Syaoran , @Compouds117 , @Morbius , @Foxtrot 813

Alright guys, feel free to keep posting as a social bit in the current thread. It's ended, but the new one will start up shortly today. I should have asked for it sooner, but I'd like to have the new forum before I open it up! As aways, if you're busy and can't post, or the plot isn't going to your taste, please tell me immediately so that I know and can at least keep it in mind. Reasonable or NOT!

Also, you're free to choose what Mark is seeing at this point.
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