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OOC NSS Sledge Mama

Where to begin?

Nekovalkyrja are always going to be sex objects, no ifs ands or buts. Even though all our marine are about 6 feet or taller, they're just five feet plus a few inches. That means we're all a head taller, if not a little more. At the same time, the short cute Half-Asian girl image? That's always going to be there. But the thing with them being essentially always being a 10/10 is going to give them certain problems. This one, we've never, ever touched that much on SARP at all. In passing, but that's usually about it. Though I like to toss fun and humor at you guys, I also do want to at least touch on some of the Elephants that everyone's ignored from time to time.

How will your characters react to this? And if it's too much, we'll get back to fun things - even that 'route' has some interesting bits in it as we get back to it. So I encourage you guys to choose what you feel most comfortable with.

Also. Bubba just Rekt Mark.
I'm going to point out that I think my character is somewhat shorter than that average, seeing as how he's only 5'9" and slender so he's a lot closer in size to the Nekos than to the rest of the Marines. Although he does have a cybernetic leg.
Hell even Lisa stands to around 6 feet. While fo neko having 6 feet is almost impossible, there are like two of those hanging around on Sarp. Most are about 5'5" up to 5'10"
Nope - believe it or not, she's far the softer one. Violence? That'd be Emi actually. I'll be posting sometime tomorrow morning to move us along - though I find it interesting where a coin flip has brought us, I'm certain that drama isn't enjoyable if there's no visible buildup to it.
@Centurion0507 Richard isn't talking about Sawyer, he's talking about everyone getting on what he said. Which Sawyer didn't do. Richard also isn't saying anything about picking and choosing whether or not you lose a limb. Also he just almost lost his leg anyway <.< so saying he "Doesn't have the balls" to do that when he just threw himself in the line of fire for a good few people on the mission they just finished is kinda messed up or just not paying attention at all to what he did.
I guess that part was misinterpreted. He doesn't have an attitude against them, it's just that the pro league he played in for 2 years, doesn't allow them, it's a non augment league. Makes sense that would be misunderstood since he hasn't spoke of his league much.
Will we be working with Wes during these war games?
I haven't been consulted and there's no planning thread in the GM workshop, so unless there's some change, the Star Army's not going to participate.
@Wes - I'll be opening up a thread in the GM Workshop shortly after this post.

I was planning to control the SAoY forces myself, with my players going off to see them in their prime now that the actual war's over and they've caught their breath. This means that it's going to be a very difficult battle if the wrong calls are made, which is why my GMPC is currently going over what they could be up against. This is also why your characters should go ahead and start asking questions! Even if they're some sort of incorrect misconception or something, it's something to RP and have fun with as well. Especially since we got two of them with us, right now.

But more importantly folks, we've got two new players; @Semjax and @Shadow - give them a warm welcome!
I'm not totally sure yet, that's why Cadet shouldn't gun her down. XD She helped Richard get his suit back online though
So Kelly needs some character development and the only other thing that needs to be settled is why were the other marines at mess so quiet during the fight?
It's Nepleslia. If anything they were getting popcorn ready. It ain't their squad so it don't matter to them, it's just another fight.
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