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Approved Character [NSV Furiken] Barbanov Depolanskaya, Healer

Fixed a spelling error, reformatted Family a little.

I don't believe the Nesh-nesh count years in YE - there should be some sort of conversion out there on the wiki.

Once you change that and Kyle gives his FM/GM look over I'll give official approval
I'm sorry if I am sounding dumb, but how does one convert anything prior to Ye 34/EE 001?

There is... some system... but I'm not seeing it because it's 3am > .<
Ethereal, I don't think you are a character mod? If you want to give official approval for a character that is not in your plot, become a character mod.
Only problem I saw was with the age. Remember that a Neshaten ages once every two real years, this means that if they had been born in YE20, they'd only be ten years old right now.

I could've sworn though that I added the age chart to the wiki? I'll have to hunt through it and see if perhaps it got moved or something. But anyway, this is how the conversion is:

They would've been born in ER 744, YE 2
Don't worry =D

I don't see anything else wrong with this, so you are good to go!


Awww what happened to nice bright green color we once had
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