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[Nyli III] The Settling

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Nyli System - Orbit of Nyli III - Byakko Carrier #62

Velor sat behind his desk, his eyes going over the data pad which he held in his hand. "Notan, I assume your people have completed the scouting for our prospective settlement? I would like to land our ships on schedule for our colonization today."

Notan sighed a bit, brushing a hand through his hair, having been stressed out recently with all this hustling around to get things done. "Yes they've completed most of the scouting except for the extreme environments of the planet." He said and pulled out a data pad and pulled the real time reports he was getting. "It seems like it's comparable to our home world with minor variations in atmosphere but nothing harmful. Similar geology and plant and animal life, most of it harmless within acceptable parameters." He said.

"Good then... I am glad I was able to consult with you prior to the colonization, I wanted to be sure we were not landing in a quagmire. According to your reports, it seems that an excellent colonization location has been picked along a shoreline... it seems suitable and comfortable, also quite tropical... I assume you've cleared your scouts from the area?"

Notan nodded and glanced at his data pad and send down orders to evacuate from the landing zones and prepare for the colony's descent. "They should be getting out of the way within 10 minutes at the very most." He said. "But I advise setting down about 10 kilometers from the actual shoreline, I just got a report in speaking of a large delta with a large estuary and bog around it. "It's rich in sea-life around there and should make procuring initial food supplies easy." he said

"It seems suitable, relay your data to the fleet, let them know the specifics of where you desire each ship to be landed. I'll leave you to your work." Velor stated in dismissal as he set aside the data pad and stood up from his desk. I need to prepare for the landing, we'll be carrying it out in six hours, I do not want to be late." Velor explained, then waited for Notan to depart.

Notan nodded to him and turned to head out to go handle that. "I'll have it ready for you by then." He said before departing and heading down the corridor to find a quiet place to relay the orders after some careful thought and study of the land.

Velor silently went about looking through the closet which was included in his office, hung inside of the closet was a robe which seemed far more plain than his usual, but he found it to be suitable for the occasion, a fresh start needed a plain beginning... as plain as thousands of carriers plummeting to the surface of a planet can be.

Three hours later, Byakko Carrier #62's bridge

"Sen’yhty, I assume the target data for our usage of weapons to terraform the area intended is computed and the phased plasma cannons are prepared for leveling and drilling procedures?" Velor asked as he strolled to the middle of the bridge, his gaze going to the captain's chair and the giant of a woman who sat in it.

"Yes they are High Priest," Sen'yhty replied as she turned to look at him.

Velor nodded softly as he looked at the forward view screen. "And have you issued the proper orders to the LSDF for the cover formation to ensure we're not ambushed during the colonization?"

"Yes, highness." She replied again.

"You don't seem very enthusiastic." Velor commented as he looked at the woman.

"It's fairly boring." She replied as she slid little in the chair. "Just sitting here."

"We'll be able to stretch or wings in three hours, and soon after we'll be neck deep in work to the point where boredom would be something we'd want a whole lot of again... as for work, are the two Antaeus Battleships which we've been working on while holding completed? I'd like to be able to get to working on rebuilding our economy as soon as possible." Velor could not help but to want to chuckle at his bodyguard's anxious body language.

Taking a moment to check a reading. Sen'yhty turned back. "Yes they are sir."

"Splendid... route the information of the dimensions of the battleship to Notan so he could set aside an area for it to be landed at, be sure to specify that the location around that ship will serve as an industrial area." Velor explained as he felt a bit happy at the news.

"Yes sir." Sen'yhty replied as she forwarded the information.

"Now, Sen'yhty, I assume that you're aware you're invited to the landing ceremony which is due in..." Velor made a quick check with his cybernetic implant. "Two hours and fifty minutes."

Notan, was sitting in a chair in a quiet room and blinked when the message came through and read over the dimensions and brought up the map his scouts had provided. He began to look for the best place to set it down. "Hmm..." he let out as he did. Soon he sent a message to the battleship about locations where he wanted to set them down on. A large clearing close to, but not too close to the main colonization area, Putting one Antaeus near a reported mineral deposit he felt could be useful and another upriver from the delta. With that he sent a message to Sen'yhty asking if there was anything else.

Velor carried the conversation with Sen'yhty for a short while longer before he strolled off of the bridge to conclude his preparations, the next portion would be the complicated part; getting his sister out of her room for the duration of the landing...

Carrier #62 - Thirty minutes later.

Velor strolled into his sister's quarters, the dim lighting was a welcome comfort in contrast to the harsh lights which lit the rest of the ship during operating hours. "Sister, are you awake?"

Harr'Ikke stirred a little in her bed, sighing somewhat as she heard her brother. “Yes brother...painfully enough I am awake...”

"Sister, I know you're having some trouble with having to get out and about... considering you're near delivery time, but today is the landing day, remember?" Velor said as he walked a little closer to the mound of sheets and pillows which his sister had been resting on for the last week.

“Yes brother...I know...” Harr’Ikke said with a sigh, struggling a little to stand now. She was already dressed with the aid of her three assistants, all of which had been more helpful then usual. Holding her hand out to her brother for assistance, she continued to struggle. Thankfully she was clothed in the robe she had been wearing for sometime now, the simple white fabric with the neckline made of gems of each respective house.

Velor gladly took his sister's hand and aided her to her feet. "We'll take our time as we move to the topside and go above decks for the ceremony... we have another hour and a half, during then, we need to clear out the landing zones."

Harr’Ikke nodded lightly and sighed, pressing herself into her brother for support. “Yes brother, very well. Lead the way please...” She sounded a little pained.

"Another two weeks, isn't it?" Velor asked as he guided his sister from her quarters.

“The sooner the better brother.” Harr’Ikke said in reply, one hand clutching her distended stomach now.

"Of course, they'll be out before you even know it, then comes the long sit." Velor gently rubbed his sister's hand in his own as he smiled softly.

Byakko Carrier #62 - Bridge

The commander which was assigned to the #62 carrier reported before Sen'yhty with a salute. "Ma'am! We are ready to descend into the atmosphere and deploy the weapon pods." she stated as she stood at attention.

"Very good." She replied with a nod. "Please inform his Highness the High Priest we are ready to begin activities."

"Yes ma'am!" With that, the commander reached behind her neck and activated a cybernetic interface, which she used to send the short transmission. "Ma'am, they have been informed, the High Priest gives his permission to descend and fire the weapons."

"Very well then." She agreed. "Prepare for decent and ready for clear cutting."

"Yes ma'am." With that, the commander began to give orders to the various bridge positions, and soon the ship made it's steady decent into the atmosphere of Nyli III.

The Byakko's decent was slow and absent of turbulence as it easily descended into the stratosphere of the planet, where it then deployed its weapons pods which skimmed along the surface of the vessel. After they shifted to the belly of the carrier, they began to release short and precise bursts of plasma energy, scorching away the foliage in the areas designated by the Lmanel scouts. The plasma energy itself broke through the rock and gravel of the harder sites, creating trenches which the carriers would be able to settle into.

"Ma'am, the procedure has begun." The commander reported to Sen'yhty

Hour and a half later - Outside of the #62 Byakko - On top of the constructed artificial wooden deck.

Velor aided his sister up and out of the top hatch of the Byakko as it hovered a mile above the ground which was so recently cleared for the landing of their colony. "Come on sister... they already have the equipment and seats set up."
“Yes yes brother, I am doing my best.” Harr'Ikke said, her steps taking a little more then usual out of her as she made her way up to the deck.

It was not long before Velor had managed to aid his sister in getting to the chairs which were set behind the podium. Now it was simply a matter of waiting for the guests which were the heads of the houses, and their closest subordinates.

Thankful for the chance to sit down, Harr’Ikke sighed as she leaned back in the chair, stretching out her legs to let them rest.

Notan would arrive in a few moments after being informed of the ceremony, having been napping in the meantime once he had everything set up and organized for the colonization to begin. "Ngh. Man I was having such a good dream too.." he muttered as he headed up to where it would all happen. Within a matter of minutes he'd be approaching both of them with a covered yawn and shake of the head, making his thick mane of almost knee length green hair dance for a moment. He'd been so busy lately that he'd neglected to cut that mess but it seemed to fit on the Lmanel's form. Without a word he went to go join them but remained on his feet. "You two re looking well.."

“Greetings Notan, how good to see you.” Harr'Ikke said aloud, bowing her head from where she sat.

"Pleasure to see you looking so... rested." Velor commented as he assessed the groggy state of the Lmanel leader.

Sen'yhty was next to arrive, She was wearing her traditional red dress, that she normally wore when not armored, though her sword was not present. Bowing to the siblings, she quietly took a different empty seat.

Irnec'cdyn, dressed in her usual formal uniform, made her way to the platform just behind Sen'Ythy, her face impassive as she bowed to the two royal siblings. "Greetings Xiaah, High priest. I hope you are feeling well today Xiaah?"

"Well once I got things taken care of I really just needed a quick doze." Notan said with a shrug. "And it's nice to see the next generation of Tur'Lista so well developed. We all pray for a safe delivery." He said in a seemingly customary fashion to Xiaah.

Harr’Ikke simply nodded and smiled to the girl, “Agreed, They will be fine I am sure.” Harr’Ikke again bowed her head to Notan, giving a smile to Sen’Ythy as she passed and sat down.

Irnec'cdyn soon took a seat as well, off to the side of her mistress as she placed her hands in her lap.

After a hand full of individuals made their arrival on the deck, a LSDF engineer set up a camera device which was then fixed on the podium. The green haired engineer gave a signal to the royals that the equipment was ready to broadcast to the fleet and beyond.

"Sister, its time." Velor said softly as he stood to help his sister from her seat.

Harr’Ikke nodded lightly and stood with the aid of her brother, making her way to the podium. Her heart was racing somewhat, but outside no one would think she was nervous. Peering around somewhat to take everything in, she let out a sigh before she began. “Greetings to all, from the Lorath watching, to those within the fifth fleet, and even those from other fleets that may be watching. Today is a day for history for the Lorath. Again we have been exiled, but again we have made a new home. Thanks to the Fifth fleet and their tireless efforts, the we have survived our exodus, and we have arrived at our new home. “ Harr’Ikke seemed a little winded as she spoke, leaning on the podium now. “For this, we have Taisho Katsuko to thank, along with her advisors who stood behind her in her decision.”

She gave the crowd a sweep of her eyes, she assessed them before moving on. “Already we have begun our operation to begin to transform this planet into a new home, a new Lor for us. With their continued aid, we will begin to shape and form this planet to remind us of home, yet at the same time we will make sure to forge ahead, not only in our own self interest, but in working together with the fifth fleet and the Star Army as well. To this end more and more Yamatians will work beside us, as well as more and more Lorath working beside them. We are in the present now, not the past, we must look to forge our friendship with our allies even stronger if we are to get stronger ourselves.” Again she paused, allowing the words to sink in before she continued onward. “But for now, we focus on what is in front of us, which is a new planet ready to be settled. For a while yes, things may be tough. We must work like never before to secure our new home well enough to become comfortable. But for this, we will need effort from every single person, from the youngest Fyunnen, to the oldest Helashio. We must secure ourselves before we can secure others.” Destiny took a moment to sigh and look down at her stomach, placing a hand over the bulge. It was a few more moments before she spoke again. “Many of you know that I am with child, but fewer know how soon they are due. It is my hope that when they are due, I shall have my nest here, on our new home, so that their first sight will not be the confines of a space ship, but the wide open beautifully blue skies of our new home.
“Had I the strength, I would be beside you all, aiding our efforts to bring about our new home faster, but for now I am weighed with our new generation, my children which will carry on my name and my position, but more importantly, who will carry on m-...who will carry on our dreams.”

Destiny smiled as she ended her speech, looking around to see how it would be received.

The individuals which sat behind the two house leaders made a steady and heartfelt applause, metal gauntlet clad gloves of attending Fyunnen rang out, as the soft applause of the bare handed New-Tur'lista accompanied them.

The few Lmanel that had managed to make it there also rang out with the applause, if tuned out by the Fyunnen gauntlets.

“As such, to begin settling in as soon as possible, I hereby order the landing of all ships, and to begin in full force the building of our new planet.” Harr’Ikke said aloud.

With the Xiaah's words, 100,000 Kyoto-Class carriers, thousands of various Lorath ships of various design, sixty one Byakko carriers, and one Antaeus Battleship prepared to, or began their decent to the surface of Nyli III, where they would make their new home.

Going along with the LSDF's promotional plans, a Kyoto-Class and a Byakko made their decent near the #62 Byakko where the speech was being transmitted from. The resulting fly-by was caught by the broadcast camera for dramatic effect.

Harr’Ikke watched the display with a smile. “I bid us all good luck, now and in the future. May we once again become settled in, and once again soar the skies as we were meant to.” With that, Harr’Ikke gave the crowd a bow before looking to her brother for aid.

Velor quickly stood and gave his hand to his sister to aid her to a nearby seat. The podium was left open for additional speeches, but the broadcast networking was reduced to the Matriarchy Associated Network which provided the news to the Lorath. The big presentation was over, and now the house leaders would speak... but for now, the Lorath were out of the spotlight.
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