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RP: Lorath Nyli or Bust


Well-Known Member
Nyli System Inbound

The steady shine of the brilliant white of the star of the Nyli system washed over the planets, moons, and other bodies within the Nyli system. Each planet was a mere dot in the black space. However, aboard an inbound Starchaser II, the people aboard were treated to a far more interesting sight as they took a sort of 'tourist's' route into the system.

Cruising alongside the Starchaser was a Lorath made 'Zahl', the crecent-shaped ship seemed to glide as it moved about, and over the comm-line came a Lorath communication officer's voice. "Attention Starchaser passengers, if you'd direct your attention to the left, you will be treated to a view of our Wh'Ki shipyard complex."

Outside, there were fifteen massive box-shaped bays, and each housed a ship in the making.

Yuriko blinked several times from her seat, her new communicator's volumetric projector activated, a display in front of her. The Commodore sighed slightly as she looked from her work, out towards what the Lorath called a "Wh 'Ki" Shipyard.

Kessah tilted her head at the view for a moment, looking marginally impressed. Although only marginally. She then shook her head gently and leaned back on her hand.

"Bleh ships are sooooo boring! Show me those new power armors I heard about!" Datenshi yawned and reclined back in her chair, putting her hands behind her head.

Saito leaned back in his seat, his eyes closed with his arms crossed, giving the body language of being rather displeased about something. "..."

Eve sat quietly in her seat, sometimes prodding at the arm. She had curled her tail around herself to not be conspicuous just in case. Since they had left the ship she had hardly spoken a word, and looked angry at varying degrees no matter the time of day or what she'd been doing. The only diverting thought was what she hoped would be a quick trip to get a new home.

"You've not even seen the new warship I'm designing Tenshi." Yuriko said in a reproachful tone as she went back to her current work. On the screen were what looked like molecular structures as she began tapping away on the volumetric keyboard, re-arranging them. She did briefly nudge Saito however.

Kessah spoke softly, loud enough for Yuriko to hear, in a semi-monotone voice of semi-sleepy boredom, "You should design non-warships, they are more effective."

"Dear, I'm also designing a multi-kilometer agricultural ship/station. This is merely my side project." Yuriko said from her seat.

"Hmm?" Saito perked an eye open at her. "Something up?" he asked.

"Ships. Are. Boring!" Datenshi said again with the roll of her eyes as she stuck her tongue out at Yuriko.

Outside of the ship, one of the bays opened and a cheerful exclamation came from the Zahl's communications officer. "You're in luck Starchaser passengers, a new ship has just been born... what is the name?..." The comm-officer asked to someone over his shoulder before speaking again. "A Broadsides-Class, we have dubbed her Peaceblood."

The gaping bay of the Wh'ki did indeed seem to give birth to the ship as the form of a Broadsides-Class cruiser slipped out from the bay and made it's first passage into space.

"Our ETA for Nyli III is five minutes, accelerating to proper travel speeds, thank you for taking time to enjoy the tour." The comm-line sounded before it closed for the time being.

"You've been awfully quiet as of late brother mine." Yuriko said affectionately to her new adopted sibling as she gazed out at the Broadsides... She knew it was an old, yet effective design made by the Qel'Norans... Thinking about them also made her think briefly of Kenichi.

Kessah rolled her eyes, although at what would be unknown. Once again, though, she spoke in direction to Yuriko, "Don't forget smaller ships. Not a lot of planetary craft being made these days, either." She then shrugged gently to herself.

"Oh I've just been thinking about that body reclamation thing Yui still insists on doing. I like my body as it is and would rather flip her the bird and keep it than have to surrender it." Saito admitted. "That and I can't figure which one to eventually transfer into."

"I'm only one person Kess, I can only do so much." Yuriko countered as she rested a hand on her brother's in a comforting way. "I'm loathe to give mine up as well..."

"Ehhh A body is a body, who gives a fuck? It's the mind that matters. I think Imma get one of them big hulking Fyunnen bodies if they do that!" Datenshi grinned, rubbing her hands together. "I wanna get into one of their barracks...All women all the time oh MAN!"

"Psh." Kess responded to Yuriko's first statement, before answering both Saito and Yuriko at the same time, "Just go Yamataian or something. Same damn thing as Neko in the end, just slightly lesser to make people feel human when they aren't."

I wonder if I'm supposed to thank her.. Eve thought of her mother, and sighed. It never felt like she had one but thanks to the modifications she wasn't registered back home, a home that she calculated would execute her if she went back. The Asamoya's former pilot began running through a few different channels on her communicator, the streams that had been saved in them anyway.

"Yeah it's hard to part with a body when it's what you know and are comfortable with." Saito said, squeezing Yuriko's hand lightly and looked over at Tenshi. "Yeah that's almost what I'd expect from you!" he teased by sticking out his tongue out her in a childish way.

Yuriko's communicator would give a steady chime, and the identification would indicate that the message was being sent by one of the royal siblings.

"And Kessie, I don't like Yamataian bodies for just that reason. They simply aren't strong enough in my mind." Saito pointed out to her.

Yuriko shifted the volumetric screen off to one side and opened the message being sent to her. "Now children, don't make me turn this ferry around." She said to her crew.

Kessah didn't comment on Saito, nor did she make a comment on the lovable 'Tenshi, too, as one might notice. No, for the moment she kept quiet.

Datenshi tossed her can at Kessah's head, frowning a little. "You ok up there kessie?"

Kessah didn't respond to the minor physical abuse, at least with a physical motion, and just grunted in a dull, semi-sleepy way.

Yuriko happened to open the channel just as she was issuing her scolding...

"You have no idea..." Came the voice of the Lorath High Priest. He looked exhausted, yet cheerful oddly enough, then his gaze shifted aside. "Greetings... uh... Yuriko is it? I hear word that the Helashio here are to be surveyed?"

"Kessie needs a direct injection of coffee or caffeine I think." Saito said to Tenshi telepathically as to avoid distracting Yuriko from her communication.

"Eh?" Yuriko blinked as she returned her attention to the screen. "Oh my...High Priest Tomoe, I am surprised you know my name! Considering we only met once a long time ago." She gave a nod of her head at the mention of the Helashio. "Yes sir, I've been sent to survey them."

Datenshi just rolled her eyes at Kessah before nodding a little to Yuriko. At hearing Velor's voice, Tenshi's ears perked up and her eyes went wide. With a grin she unbuckled herself and slid up next to Yuriko. "Hey! Remember me?" Tenshi gave Velor a grin and a wink. She wasn't part of any grand star army or anything of the like, she could be herself now!

Saito kept quiet and to himself, staying out of the communications visual display; being too wrapped up in his own thoughts presently.

Yuriko rolled her eyes as she felt Tenshi sneak up behind her, remembering her tryst with the man.

"Ah... well. I'll try to fit you--- Ri'del! Leave the maid alone! She just wants to give your sister a bath!" The High Priest gave a huff before he returned his attention to Yuriko. "Ah, well then. I will make sure you are received by the Lmanel leader which will be able to guide you, along with a field-representative which will have comprehensive information available. Also, I do have to ask as a formality... Do you wish to fore go the usual visitor welcoming, or would you like to have some formality to your visit? I would not blame you if you skipped such, most visitors do."

This is weird.. Eve thought, reviewing the files she had on the two races that inhabited the system she was going with. The soldier was a little worried she'd be mistaken for one, but didn't want to ask Yuriko who was busy with her conversation.

"High Priest, I would not wish to offend your people, so I will undergo whatever formality is required for my visiting." Yuriko said politely as she smiled. "Being a parent is a hand full High Priest, but well worth it." She winked.

"Oh, they bring me far more joy than I ever imagined... at least when their mother is around. As for the formality, I will make the proper arrangements. Select one of your better combatants for the contest. We'll forego the more in-depth formality, but my do the Fyunnen enjoy a good competition."

Kessah called out lightly, having heard the conversation, although not by much, "Not it."

"Well, if it is alright, I would prefer to do so. I'm fairly adept." Yuriko replied.

Saito perked a brow at that and sighed. "Well at least it'll be interesting to watch." he quipped. "I've had thoughts to try it myself but never got the time not to mention how I fight would be unfair to them."

"Ah... it is part of our custom to have someone of an equal rank take part in such a contest. What is your rank since you left that Star Army?" Velor asked as he tapped at a data-pad.

"Oh you would Yuriko. Ass..." Datenshi grumbled and rolled her eyes a little.

Midori in the mean time simply remained quiet, remembering her last visit to Lor. She was sure she wasn't on the best of terms with the high pries, so she decided to remain quiet.

"Upon leaving I was a Taii, but in the Peacekeepers I am a Commodore now." Yuriko replied before she stroked Tenshi's cheek in a sensual way and smiled. "I do so enjoy stealing your fun my dear." She said sarcastically. "Besides, you bedded the High Priest! Let me have some fun too."

"Mmm... and what is your field of expertise in regard to wartime capabilities?" The High Priest's fingers continued to tap at the pad, narrowing down candidates for the event.

Eve swallowed hard, staring into her lap. Fun..? Her thoughts drifted away from her again, as she eavesdropped on everyone she could hear.

"I was a combat arms, and power armor pilot prior to taking command of a ship at The Battle of Nataria. If you require, I can send you a copy of my credentials." Yuriko responded.

"But I lost my collarrrrrr! I want anotherrrr!" Datenshi gave Yuriko a pouty look before looking back to the screen. "High priest, I lost my collar on my last ship, well, wasn't lost, it was destroyed. Point being, can I please have anotherrrr?" Datenshi gave him a really pouty look.

Kessah, in her little spot away from the conversation, chuckled gently.

The High Priest's brow raised slightly. Too many Sakura crew members in one place... A small voice in his head warned slightly, but he ignored it as he spoke. "Datenshi, I'll be sure to provide you a new one when I get a chance... as for you Yuriko. We'll forego the powerarmor due to the sheer demand such an event would require. I will however send along someone competent in one on one melee combat, since I do recall a majority of Mindy engagements involved close-range engagements."

Yuriko simply nodded at this. "Thank you, High Priest. I will be sure not to use any abilities beyond my own two hands, and feet. And whatever weapon if there is one associated with this. You have my word."

"Mmm... use your fullest extent. It will only be fair. After all, you're going to be facing someone of an approximately equal rank." The High Priest stated before he decided to be fun about the matter. "You've been cleared for landing at palace landing pad three. You'll be greeted by Rain Lmanel, a Lmanel representative, and the challenger which you'll contend against."

Maybe I should have volunteered to show off my Kung-fu mastah-ness... Kessah mentally joked to herself, making her shake her head. "If you get incapacitated I am not going to grab you around."

"Are you sure about this combat initiation Yuriko?" Saito asked or wanted to but instead put a hand on her shoulder for a moment. "Just be careful with it ok?"

"Oh come on Saito, our lil Yuriko can handle herself! Right?" Datenshi grinned and pinched Yuriko's cheeks, wiggling them a little.

"Of course she can, I suppose I feel a bit antsy because I haven't had a good fight in a while." Saito chuckled to Tenshi and flicked Tenshi's ear playfully.

"Thank you High Priest." Yuriko said before ending the comm. "Saito...I will be fine. After all, I've tangled with Midori while only half trained, now I could beat her record of one minute. She said before her cheeks felt pain at being pinched and she let out a childish whine. "Remind me to leave you at home next time babysitting." She groused.

"Hah! You even whine like a kid!" Datenshi grinned and smirked a little. "Sure you wanna do that? I hear Tai and Rikun are getting big, never know what a bad influence like me could do on such impressionable minds!" Datenshi flicked Saito's hand away playfully.

Midori snerked lightly back in her seat and simple rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't leave you for an instant with Kanako..." Saito said to Tenshi. "For just that reason."

Kessah spoke lightly, "I fear what they'll do to auntie Kessie when they grow up..."

"Oh come on now Saito-kun! Afraid of lil ole me?" Datenshi asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Tai would be fine with you Tenshi, considering she'd be the ADULT there." Yuriko retorted.

"I'm not, but Kanako's too innocent for you to corrupt." Saito said and countered with his own puppy dog eyes.

"You see Saito, wrong time to use the puppy dog eyes." Datenshi rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Yuriko. "I suppose she is, isn't she? Makes her fair game now eh?"

"Maybe." Saito said. "Or I can simply remove the body part coming within 25 ft of her." He smiled at Tenshi evilly.

The Starchaser made it's approach to Nyli III. The outside of the ship was aglow with atmospheric gases, and in the distance behind the orange glow... there was a rather unusual sight. Humanoid mechanical Goliaths, easily twenty-five meters in height stood vigil over the landing route. They were little known outside of the LSDF, but they were designated as 'Whirlwind' standing tanks.

"We're making our landing approach, please prepare to disembark from the ship." The pilot announced as they descended.

Miya whistled as she looked over the giant machines. 'Those weren't in the briefing!' she said. 'What are they?'

Yuriko yawned delicately as she shut off her communicator, and stretched slightly. "Well, time to get ready I suppose."

Midori sighed a little, watching Yuriko as she rubbed her stomach a little. She looked over to Reiko, to see how she was doing.

Datenshi hopped up off of Yuriko's lap to let her do her thing.

"This'll be interesting." Saito said as he shifted a bit waiting.

Reiko was sitting in her seat quietly, watching Yuriko now, seeing the woman stretch and ready herself made her fidget slightly.

I want the ship back.. Eve thought, sounding indifferent even to herself. The pilot placed her hand on the bulkhead and stared at it, waiting for the feeling of the ship setting down.

Kessah groaned lightly for the usual reasons she groaned about concerning planets and the likes, although she didn't do anything other then that.

Yuriko rolled her shoulders once before moving over to Eve and laying a hand softly on her shoulder. She didn't really know how to comfort the seemingly angry girl beyond what she intended to do. Yuriko wrapped her up in a big hug, and patted her on the back, smiling a little. "You'll be ok dear, I promise."

The visitors were lucky enough to be arriving at mid-day. The sky was a brilliant blue with a lightest tinge of green. Clouds in the sky looked like some sort of whipped topping. The weather was marvelous... and soon the transport set down upon the landing pad which was near the palace, which was essentially the mating of a mountain-side and Byakko carrier, with a hefty sum of decoration and stone carving. A true merging of function and form.

Eve's knee jerk reaction had to be suppressed, the surprise had settled by the time Yuriko had stolen her into her arms, though the size difference made it look a little strange. "How?" She asked, taking her time to reach and touch the woman's wrists. "I don't understand how you can say that.."

"Because dear, I think you are a strong girl, and will get through this." Yuriko said simply.

"Will they have someplace I can practice?" Eve asked, dodging Yuriko's assertion. She vaguely understood that the Commodore didn't mean her combat prowess.

"If not, we'll make a place Eve." Datenshi said with a shrug. "If I don't get to fight somethin soon Imma go batshit."

"Me too, I think...what does batshit mean?" Eve asked.

Kessah spoke playfully over to Datenshi, "You're already batshit." ... And then she murmured softly to herself, "Whatever a bat is."

"Well," Miya said, holding her hands out for punctuation. "You think of a rat or a squirrel, right? And then you give it wings. And then you make it really, really cute. I donno what its shit has to do with anything, though."

Yuriko ruffled the girl's hair and nodded. "Yes, anytime you like." She responded before rolling her eyes at Tenshi. "No corrupting remember Tenshi." Yuriko said sternly as the hatch for the transport opened. "Well then! Time to go I suppose, no?"

Tenshi looked between Eve, Kessah and Miya, shaking her head. "You people need help...." She said before leaving the back hatch.

Midori stood now, holding out her hand for Reiko to take as she waited to leave.

Kessah rolled her eyes at 'Tenshi's words before following the 'wench'.

Waiting for them on the landing was a tall man with a thick mane of green hair with amber colored eyes wearing furs like a barbarian. Behind him, a long canine-like tail swishes idly with a trio of small puppies yipping and chasing after it, hopping up to tryand catch it. Yuriko would recognize Rain from their meeting back on the Hotaru station before the secession of the UOC.

Eve wrinkled her nose, and didn't bother fixing her hair. "No really, what does it mean?" She asked again, following after Tenshi and Kessah for the answer.

"It means to go crazy." Yuriko said before swatting Eve on the rump and pointing to the hatch. "Time to go dear, let's get a move on." She smiled before she made her own way to the hatch.

Miya hopped to her feet and cheerily walked down the ramp along with the others.

Eve jumped a bit but didn't look back, just rubbed her behind a touch to ensure she'd look even less presentable to the waiting entourage. Batshit..yes maybe I will go batshit.

Beside Rain stood a towering woman by any standard. Hitting close to seven feet in height, the tank of a woman stood in a relaxed military pose, her hands clasped behind her back. She was in a leather outfit, plates of metal sewn in under the layers of leather as she watched the others. Atop her head rested a circlet with a large ruby centered just in the middle, smaller diamonds off to the side. Her eyes locked on each person as they exited the ship, her gaze rather caculating. In the light breeze that crossed through the landing pad, her braids were picked up and tossed around. Obelisk stood silent as the stone towers she was named after.

Yuriko stepped down the ramp of the transport also wearing leather. Though her's was her standard Peacekeeper Uniform. She wore no circlet, but a choker about her neck done in black and gold, and at her thighs rested a gun on each side. One was smaller, which was the Peacekeeper's standard firearm, the E1, the other a large revolver from Nepleslia called a HHG. Her violet and blue hair hung free behind her back save for the bangs framing her face, and violet eyes. At once spotting Rain, Yuriko smiled and waved to him before looking to Obelisk curiously.

Rain nodded to Yuriko, the tail still swishing as the puppies continued to play after it. "I'ts good to see you in good health once again Ms Yuriko." He said to her as she came in close enough to hear it. "This is Obelisk, one of our best warriors...besides fate herself." He said, introducing the massive woman who was taller than he by a good amount next to him.

"It is good to see you in good health too Rain. I'm glad we get to meet again." Yuriko smiled as she turned her attention to Obelisk.

Obelisk's face was as blank as stone, her crimson red eyes watching Yuriko in her calculating gaze. After a moment, Obelisk bowed at the waist. "Greetings Lady Yuriko, Thank you for visiting Nyll. I hope to be a worthy opponent." There was little question if she would or not, the woman was massive in all aspects.

Datenshi whistled a little as she eyed Obelisk up and down. "Grow em big here huh?" Datenshi send to Yuriko, eyeing Obelisk.

Midori let out a simple sigh, looking over both Rain and Obelisk as she pulled up the rear.

Kessah simply tweaked a brow up at Obelisk, feeling shorter then usual. Which wasn't saying much, true.

Miya furrowed her brow a little, shrinking to the back of the group.

Reiko fidgeted again as she followed Midori like a puppy.

"Greetings to you too Lady Obelisk, it is I who hopes will be a worthy opponent." Yuriko returned the bow.

Eve wore a simple black tanktop, and long black pants that had a bit of white lining. She had found a pair of sandals to go with it, but still felt the flair to the pants was a bit distracting when she walked. Do we have to watch her fight first..? I need to soon.. She thought to 'Tenshi, keeping her tail as still as possible in front of the dignitaries. It didn't stop her from staring quite openly, though. She wasn't yet a diplomat.

"Now that that's said and finished with, please follow us. We'll show you to the formal ritual combat grounds before we do anything else." Rain said to them and chuckled a bit and dipped down and picked up one of the Risana puppies. "Do you feel like you're ready for this?" he queried Yuriko and the others. The puppies had long since given up trying to get attention from Obelisk, it was like trying to get a statue to pet them, one of the breaking away and rushing at Tenshi and pouncing on her foot and yipping, wagging his little tail happily.

"Hah! See even animals love me!" Datenshi grinned and leaned over, petting the little pup playfully before picking it up in her arms with a smile.

Obelisk watched the others for a moment, before turning and leading the others twoards the battleground. As per custom, Obelisk would not warm up to the others until the battle was over with.

"I've fought Mishhu and Rippers, head on without fear Rain. I'm ready." Yuriko responded.

Midori simply rolled her eyes and hugged her arm around Reiko with a smile. "Calm down dear."

"Animals do attract one another~..." Kessah said playfully from behind Datenshi. She was wearing simply Khaki cargo pants and a grey t-shirt. Where she got them was a mystery in itself. "Don't go for the legs, Yuriko. They always expect that."

Reiko just eyed Obelisk as they walked before looking to Midori then to Yuriko as if in question.

He shook his head at that and shrugged and turned to lead them as well, the last puppy still frolicking after Rain's wolf-style tail. "Not necessarily Ms. they tend to go after the color red or moving objects." he said to Kessie, glancing over his shoulder as his black feathered vestigal wings fluttered lightly.

"She'll be fine. I think she could even beat me now. Remember it is not always size that matters...." Midori shrugged a little.

Eve looked over to Rain, her tail flicking subconciously when she looked at the others all chatting quietly. She would just do her best to keep with the party, even her telepathic messages seemed unwanted but the planet would be an interesting place to see. The indifferent pilot had something to look forward to, at least.

Reiko just bit her lip a moment before shuddering as she walked.

"Oh...Well still it loves me!" Datenshi grinned and flipped her hair over her shoulder to let the little guy play with. "Hey Eve? C'mere! Pet the lil guy, he's fuzzy."

In a moment, the little puppy had seen eve's sudden motion and ran over and tried to pounce on her tail, trying to catch it playfully.

Eve spun around, trying to distract the animal from it's target. In doing so, it unwound from her waist as she stepped backwards twice, and looked over to Tenshi, "These are..canine right?" She asked, wondering what to do about the spastic little assailant.

Rain laughed, hearing Eve. "yes they are, they're called 'Risana' here." He informed them. "They're quite harmless as puppies."

Kessah chuckled a little, and shook her head, "Meant that more to Yuriko." The thought came to mind that -she- was a redhead, too (Which became decreasingly less rare when one can change their own hair on the fly and such)... She wasn't so much a dog person.

Miya had both her leather-gloved hands clamped firmly over her mouth, her eyes locked on the puppies as she went along. She tried her best to maintain a dignified posture, but it wasn't going well.

Datenshi nodded a little, before looking to Miya. Holding the puppy up so it was pointed at Miya, she grinned. "Puppppppyyyyyyy!" Datenshi grinned widely.

Midori blinked a little "Are you ok?" Midori asked.

Reiko nodded slowly as she rested a hand on Midori's belly affectionately stroking it a moment.

The little one tenshi held just yipped, squirmed and wagged it's little tail adorably while the other tried hard to catch Eve's tail, tripping on itself in the process but would keep trying.

Miya's eyes perfectly followed the animal as 'Tenshi picked it up. 'It's a puppy!' she said, softly, and she quickly pulled off her glove to run her hand over said puppy's head.

"S-so-hey! Help!" Eve called in distress at Datenshi, spinning around in circles. Just giving it more and more to chase as she tried to keep the sensitive violet appendage away from the thing. She had to fix her problem before trying the docile one her companion had. Stopping in place, the soldier moved her tail around still and reached her arms down to try and pick it up like she had seen moments before.

"Wanna holddddd it?" Datenshi grinned a little and stuck her tounge out at Miya.

Midori smiled and cuddled up next to her lover. "Just a short while more, they are almost here..."

The little thing was persistently going after poor Eve as the one tenshi head licked at Miya's hands. When Eve went to pick the female puppy up, she just wagged and yipped at her, squirming as puppies did.

"Why won't she let anyone else take her place?" Reiko asked Midori dully as she continued to stroke her lover's stomach.

"Because it's a point of her personal honor." Saito said from behind Reiko, where he'd been practically the whole time.

"Because I guess she wants to prove to herself her training is not for nothing, or possibly she feels she needs to, since she is the head of our group?" Midori said.

Kessah glanced over and tweaked a brow upwards, "Or because she is bored, or wants to be a little showy. Yuriko isn't some saintly character or anything."

Reiko just nodded glumly.

"More like I wish to get off on the right foot with the Lorath, and not insult them. First Impressions." Yuriko chided Kessah.

"She's the alpha!" Eve blurted out, guessing about the puppy more than Yuriko. She hadn't been paying attention. She was trying to figure out what to do with the squirming thing in her arms, and took most of her cues from Datenshi. Trying to keep up with the others, she continued to pet it though forgot about the target her tail was making.

Miya made a high-pitched noise, stifling it by biting her lip, as she gently accepted the puppy from Datenshi. 'Hellooooo!' she said, cradling it in her arms and scratching it beneath the chin. 'How are you today? Besides adorable? 'Cause you're adorable!'

"Well, theres that nonsense, too." Kessah grinned over in Yuriko's direction.

Datenshi smirked a little as she let Miya take over, before heading over to Eve. "Here ya go!" She laughed a little as she flicked her hair infront of the pup to calm her down.

"Use my hair?" She studied what Datenshi did, meanwhile one of them swiping at her tail caused her to flinch, and raise it a little higher so they couldn't reach. The rest of them seemed to follow her quite happy to *try* to get it anyway. "Thank you..." The girl managed, a faint colour coming to her face. She and the puppies had helped to distract her anger, at least.

The group would soon enough come upon the fair grounds within a Fyunnen living area. The warrior caste ambling around the area in various states of dress, from full out armor as if ready for battle, to those dressed in little more then bathrobes, ready for a bath. In the middle of it all was a large stage, raised up just aboved Yuriko's head. The platform, roughly a hundred feet by a hundred, was all stone. There was no banners, no fanfare, no nothing. It was a simple bare bone assembly, though there were more and more Fyunnen gathering to see both the visitors, as well as their house princess. A staircase would lead up to the stage and would allow both to walk side by side.

The area surrounding the stage was rather spartan and simple, barracks, a community shower, and a few odd ends.

Such as courts for the Lorath sports of choice, a few areas for relaxtion, and a small orchard of what appeared to be apples, something some of the Fyunnen had picked up in their off time.

Yuriko stopped before the steps, and turned to Tenshi. "Dear could you hold my things?" She asked kindly.

"Course." Datenshi nodded, holding out her arms to take the items with a small smile. "Good luck."

Yuriko un-clipped the holsters holding her HHG and E1, passing them to Tenshi, and then her Vial. Once that was done she took her rank pin off and put it on the pile.

Yuriko also took off her communicator and handed it to Tenshi. "I believe that is everything."

"You sure?" Tenshi rolled her eyes at the girl before muttering something about to much, and placing the items on a nearby table. She didn't feel like carrying them after all.

Yuriko just snorted.

Obelisk in the mean time simply ascended the steps to the ring. More and more Fyunnen were gathering now as she took center stage. She didn't seem to remove any armor or weaponry.

Yuriko took in a deep breath and also ascended the steps to the ring. The Commodore still wearing her uniform as she walked up there, only to look about before eyeing Obelisk. "Could you please explain the rules?"

"No leaving the ring, no weapons outside of your hands, no killing. If either of us conceeds, the fight is to stop at that point. Other then that, no rules." Obelisk shrugged a little before taking a deep sigh and getting into her stance. Spreading her feet out a little, she turned herself to the side, presenting a rather slimmed veiw of her body. Letting both arms hang limp for a moment, she bent her elbows to a nintey degree angle, her palms opened. Her front foot was raised up on the balls of her feet as she waited.

I really must advise against this, Commodore... Eve thought impassively as she looked for a place to sit down. She still had the puppy in her arms, and didn't bother being more vocal about her concerns since she was still enthralled by the creature.

"Pain isn't new to me Eve, now please, I must concentrait" Yuriko said as she ended it. She also turned to the side, and raised her arms up, her fingers moving just so to appear as hooks.

Obelisk remained still, watching Yuriko closely. She was not one to attack, her style did not call for it.

Saito just watched, disapproving of the entire concept but this was their culture and you had to respect someone else's culture didn't ya? Rain on the other hand waited off to the side and watched before making a strange sound that made the puppies out among the people squirm and free themselves and return to him. This was a safety measure to make sure a little one didn't suddenly bolt into the ring during the excitment.

Yuriko just sighed as she saw Obelisk not going to make the first move. Changing stances, she tightend her muscles, and then began to move forward at a steady pace, eyeing the tall Fyuunen, her hands balled into fists.

Obelisk followed Yuriko's movements, watching her cloesly. Where as Yuriko was tight, Obelisk seemed very loose and ready, watching the woman in a relaxed stance. She made sure to watch her entire body, ready for any sudden movement or attack.

Eve followed the little alpha female of the puppies over, keeping enough attention to the fight so she could record it for later observation. She already had a picture of the right puppy, and looked up to him. "What are they for?" Her stare was blank, and the wide-eyed pilot seemed indifferent other than standing maybe a little too close to him to get her information casually.

A Lmanel female strolled up to the group. Her shoulders were clad in what appeared to be hides of various mammals, her clothing was a mix of dark browns and blacks of various leather. "Yes elder Rain, do tell them what we raise our canine companions for." She spoke with a smile which curled the corners of her green painted lips. "Sorry if I am intruding... I'm the Lmanel representative assigned to your fact finding mission... I take it that Yuriko is over there?" The short haired Lmanel woman pointed to the stage.

Rain glanced to Eve then to the Lmanel that had walked up and chuckled a little, his own attire similar to the other Lmanel's. "They're trained as messengers, companions and guards." He said to Eve, swishing the tail he still had, the red tip of it attracting their attention easily, making the little one's yip happily. "And you're not intruding, yes it is."

Eve examined the Lmanel curiously, then nodded her head slowly. "My name is Eve. That's her fighting, yes." The girl bowed, having turned away from Rain for the moment. A perfect target for the dogs below, if they were looking. Her tail took some getting used to.

Of course Obelisk would be able to watch Yuriko considering the near two foot height differential. Not to mention Yuriko was a slip of a thing in comparison. Yuriko took stock of the muscle mass of the Fyuunen, her stance, loosness of the muscles, her eyes watching Yuriko's every move. The Commodore was analyzing her opponent, big and being muscely was both a good and bad thing after all. Yuriko took a small string out of her pants pocket and quickly tied her hair in a ponytail before she came any closer, her muscle's tightness vanished as she charged, zig zagging back and forth in long strides.

"Oh Rain, why be so humble? Some of our companions can grow to be excellent war-time companions. In fact, we do have a number which the Lorath Self Defense Force are training to be utillized in ship security." The Lmanel woman explained as she knelt down and scratched behind the ear of one of the canines. "Oh, how rude of me..." She stood up and bowed her head. "My name is Lupe, a pleasure to meet you."

"This one is good." Eve pointed to the same one as before, nodding her head in understanding to Lupe. Her eyes went between the canines and the newer arrival, though the latter held her interest longer. "The pleasure is mine." The girl's tone strained to sound friendly. "How big do they grow, madame?"

Obelisk's trained eye followed Yuriko, making sure to turn herself and accomidate the now charging neko. Her back hand seemed to twist and turn downward, her fingers curled into a open palmed stance, her front hand doing the opposite rotation as she did the same with the fingers, her knuckles now pointed upwards.

"It depends on their conditions, some grow quickly others grow slowly. We've noted they tend to grow slower in companionship roles and faster in the wild." Rain said. "And they can grow quite large."

"Large enough to ride in some cases. It is unfortunate that the canines native to this planet are frail and not able to be trained easily... We need to continue to carry the genetic codes of those from Lor to really raise proper companions which would be useful." Lupe explained as she clasped her hands behind her back, the leather she wore creaked with the movement.

"They have battle applications too..." Eve echoed, letting her eyes drift down to one again. "How long on average do they take to grow that big when made companions?" Her eyes flicked between Lupe, and Rain for the answer.

"That largely depends what you're seeking in a companion Ms Eve." rain said.

"It also depends on if you're allowing for natural growth, or are utilizing artificial means of accelerating the process." Lupe explained as she watched the Fyunnen Princess and foreigner in combat.

Yuriko let her gaze drift down to one of Obelisk's legs as she closed in, she made to strike at it with her own, but pivoted at her hip the last second. Instead of attacking the leg, going for the lower area of where the ribs would be.

"What are the benifits of either methods?" Eve prompted, still saving the fight for her digestion later. She loved fighting, but at that moment found the conversation they were trading while playing spectators more interesting. Still, they didn't seem to be pets as she had them explained to her.

Obelisk showed no emotion as her hands wrapped around Yuriko's ankle. Easily able to wrap around Yuriko's leg and ankle, Obelisk gave the girl a sharp twist and jerked, launching her in the air. Obelisk used Yuriko's natural motion and momentum to toss her high into the air.

"The obvious benefit to the enhanced growth is the fact they grow faster than normal, but they tend to get somewhat lethargic when they're older due to dependency." Rain explained to Eve.

"That sounds straightforward, how long if they are unaltered by the chemical?" The young girl asked, lazily curling her tail in waves behind her. It was as if she had only one way to express her emotions without filter, and it was the violet furred appendage attached to her backside.

"A year to get past the puppy stages, but three years to reach a full functional maturity." Lupe explained as she smiled softly. "Longer than most of Yamatai's population has been alive."

"I'm the other way." Eve noted simply, watching her commanding officer get tossed around like she was a sack of grain. Something was tickling her a little bit, though she had no real way to manifest it as a word. She smiled back at Lupe, or tried her best anyway.

"Indeed, but it allows for them to bond with their new companion, once they do, they're extremely loyal." Rain said and watched the goings-on in the ring and winced a bit. "Looks like Yuriko learned to fly......the hard way." he chuckled.

Yuriko was like a ragdoll in the air until she steadied her limbs from flailing about. Once in free fall, the Commodore "plopped" on Obelisk's shoulders with about as much of an impact of a 93lbs neko on someone more then double her bodyweight. She then latched her legs about the Fyuunen's neck her elbow raised up into the air, intending to strike the larger woman atop her head.

Obelisk's movement was quick, much quicker then a woman her size should have mustered. Wrapping her hands around Yuriko's midsection, she began squeezing and compressing, pressing her thumbs and fingers as hard as possible into the middle of the bones, right where it would hurt the most. At the same time she began to pry the girl off her shoulders. It would look a little funny to the others.

Saito watched and chuckled a bit at the entire spectacle. "I had thought Yuriko would've had this in the bag but that Obelisk is pretty good." He said.

Yuriko grunted in pain, her bottom lip being bitten down upon as she slammed her elbow down on Obelisk's head, feeling her leg's grip loosening with the superior strength being brought to bear on her. She did this once, then twice before she let out a yelp of pain, and placed her hands on Obelisk's wrists, pressing into the underside of them with her fingers in a bid to have the grip to loosen.

Obelisk grunted when hit with both elbows, her body locking up for a moment before she shook her head. Yuriko's ploy did work somewhat, Obelisk's grip loosening somewhat. It wasn't really enough, but it was enough to let up on the pain that Yuriko would be feeling, enough to draw a full breath by now. With a grunt, Obelisk pulled up on Yuriko again, trying to pry her off still while at the same time, trying to regain the stregnth of her grip.

Yuriko took in her breath, and grunted again as she tightend her leg's grip about the woman's neck also trying to deprive her of air as well. Despite her leg's grip it wouldn't last, so she decided to do what damage she could, she raised her elbow high, and began to beat down upon Obelisk's head in rapid sucession with one elbow, the other arm being used to continually try and loosen the grip on oneside. Even if it were just one side, it'd help.

Deciding enough was enough, Obelisk opted to stop holding back. With a grunt, the Fyunnen princess jammed both heels of her palms into the sides of Yuriko's ribs with enough force to possibly break bones. With that done, Obelisk acted quickly, arching her back backwards so as to bring Yuriko down backwards. Between the vice grip Yuriko had, Obelisk's own grip on the girl's ribs, and the sudden movement, Yuriko would have little time to react. If she did nothing, Yuriko would land head, shoulder, or back first into the solid cement below her.

Meanwhile, in the palace throneroom. The High Priest watched the combat through various security monitors placed throughout the area. "Mmm, Ri'del, see that? Thats what hand-to-hand combat looks like." Tomoe told his son which he had in his lap. "Medical team to the Fyunnen stage grounds."

"Will I be learning that too?" Ri'del asked from his seat on his father's lap, eyes a little wide as he watched the large woman vs the smaller. He couldn't wrap his mind around why someone would try to take on one of those large Fyuunen women.

"I was wondering why she was letting that go on." Eve observed quietly, bending down to pet at her favourite puppy of all of them. Keeping her eye on the fight until they removed her comanding officer from the arena was a must though, of course.

"Of course, Lady Fate will show you how, so will Mommy and I." Tomoe explained as he rubbed the light growth of hair on his son's head. "Of course, you'll be matched according to size. I matched these two according to military rank."

Yuriko coughed slightly, a few flecks of blood leaving her lips, she also felt two of her ribs pop from the pressure the Fyuunen exerted on them. The Commodore growled a little, and balled her fist, swinging it back, and slammed it into the side of the woman's head before releasing her own grip on Obelisk's neck, and used the weakness in one side of the Fyuunen's grip to struggle free, but not without a price. The woman's fingers dug in as she slipped out, aggrivating the broken bones, and causing Yuriko to let out a small yelp of pain once more before she landed close by, clutching at her chest with an arm. Her automatic healing functions began to repair the internal damage, though it still hurt like hell, and would likely be slow going until the bones were properly set.

"I suppose that's the end of that." Rain said casually, as he watched the match finish up. Saito fidgetted, not liking to see and suffer through this but it was Yuriko's choice.

"Why did you match them by rank?" Ri'del asked as he frowned at his hair being messed with.

The High Priest laughed lightly as he continued rubbing his son's head. "Well, I'll respond to your question with one of my own. Would it be fair for me to match you against somone twice your age in a mathematics competition?"

Obelisk quickly rolled to her feet, her vision blurry for a moment. Shaking her head she growled a little as her vision finally came back into focus. Zoning in now on Yuriko, Obelisk came up into a crouch, arms out wide. Shaking her head again Obelisk began to close in on Yuriko her hands still out in a pose that almost resembled an old wrestling style.

Yuriko had been slightly hunched forward, but stood erect now, feeling pain lance up her chest. She winced, but used that pain to remind her she was alive, in her element, and above all else a reminder of just what this woman could do. She knew her bones were knitting back together, back into place, and took stock of the outstretched pose of Obelisk. She could squeeze the life out of me in a bear hug... The Commodore thought as she knew her sides were likely purple and black with brusing. It was good to know however her repeated hits to the Fyuunen's head had done something, likely not even a concussion, but a simple headache maybe.

The Commodore charged forward again, before giving the woman a chance to wrap her up in those crushing arms, Yuriko went into a baseball slide between the widend leged stance. She quickly got to her feet, eyeing the exposed behind of the kneecaps a moment before striking out at one from behind, intending to send the woman down into a kneeling stance.

"No..." Ri'del said in a put out voice. "But! I will study so I can be just as good!"

"Mmm, quite wise. Well, I matched these two because they're just as good as one another, despite their size differences. You could say, they've both done their studying... Ah, watch, the small one is trying to exercise a mobility advantage." The High Priest said to his son as he watched Yuriko attempt her kick.

Obelisk sprawled just then, kicking both feet out behind her, one to meet the attack of Yuriko and one to hopefully land at either the kneecap of the neko, or the ankle. The attack would have been easy enough to predict as she saw Yuriko slide underneath of her.

Yuriko felt her ankle burst into pain as she lurched backward and toppled over. Yuriko moved her good leg about, and grabbed hold of the Fyuunen's leg, pulling it into a heel hook, the foot was under her armpit, her legs being used to control Obelisk's body while her foot was being twisted by Yuriko's forearm, the Commodore grunted loudly, in a strained voice, feeling the applification of pain in her own ankle, and her ribs from what she was doing, but intent on the old creedo "an eye for an eye" Or in this case, " a foot for a foot".

In a second, Yuriko's bad ankle was in Obelisk's vice grip, growling loudly as she gritted her teeth. She had been through pain before, forced to work through broken bones in the wilderness or die, forced to push herself past her limits just to prove herself in the eyes of her house, to prove she was just as good as her sister. She could push past the pain now. She yanked Yurikp's bad ankle to the side before driving down with the heel of her free foot to try and drive it into Yuriko's face.

"Is this what is called a stalemate...?" Ri'del asked curiously as he leaned forward, interested now.

Yuriko ground at her teeth, feeling her bad ankle being further strained as she saw the Lorath woman's heel coming up through the haze of pain. Yuriko leaned back, her own grip maintained to some degree on the other woman's ankle. The movement however was too little too late as the heel connected with Yuriko's forehead, whipping her head back, releasing the grip on the Fyuunen's ankle, and sending Yuriko's back and head on the concrete, illiciting a moan from her.

"No son, that is what is called an exposed target. The off-worlder neglected to immobilize the Princess' other leg." The High Priest explained as he smiled softly, he was glad to see that the life of a princess had not dulled Obelisk's capabilities.

Just as Yuriko had let go of the ankle, a sick popping sound was heard. The popping sound was Obelisk's ankle, the foot now completely useless and with the tendon tears in her knee, her leg was just was useless. She saw her opening though, and fought through the pain. Taught to push it aside, Obelisk untangled herself and fought to climb ontop of Yuriko. If she could gain control, the fight would be over.

"But the off-worlder still managed to get her intended target father." Ri'del said, pointing as he shivered at hearing the pop. "It looks like she lost though...the big one is crawling on the smaller." He pointed out.

Yuriko's head just moved around a little, the edge of her vision black, the remainder hazy as she felt the bulk of the Fyuunen on top of her now, pressing down on her mending ribs. The Commodore moaned again, and balled her fist up, throwing a blind punch though it was entirely too weak to do much of anything given the circumstance, the bulk of Obelisk a blur now before Yuriko's eyes fluttered.

"Well, it would be wise if the offworlder yeilded." The High Priest said in a matter of fact tone as he watched the final motions of the contest. "I'd hate to have to actually tell them to call it quits, its so embarassing."

Obelisk was on top, her vision wavy. With a growl, she balled up a fist and slugged Yuriko once in the shoulder. "Conceed!" She demanded.

Yuriko felt the fist impact on her shoulder, jolting her eyes open a little wider now, hearing the yell. Yuriko balled up her fist again, and returned the blow, but to the woman's side, eyes defiant before she coughed again tasting that coppery tang in her mouth and knowing she shouldn't let simple pride be her better. The Commodore closed her eyes, and let out a shuddering breath, disliking this very much but she nodded. "I... conceed...." She said in a slurred voice, knowing her body would have a lot of healing to do from the punishment it was put under.

Obelisk let out a sigh before rolling onto her side, grunting from the impact that jarred her ankle and knee. Rolling to her side, she curled up on herself and gripped her knee, obviously in pain. She didn

She didn't let the others know through any noises though.

"Well..now it is done." Eve corrected, watching the aftermath with quite attention to her observations.

Yuriko meanwhile raised a hand up to her side, rubbing at her tender side. She let out a ragged breath as she squirmed on the floor a little, stiring slightly as her body began to do its job. She was starting to breathe easier in the very least, though it felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to her ankle.

Reiko had just watched it all, slightly wide eyed as she kept her hand on Midori's stomach. She didn't say anything but simply looked away.

Ri'del sunk into his father's chest as he crossed his arms. "Well, its over now." He said still frowning.

Midori simply shook her head, watching the two with a small smirk. "Seems she lost. It was a good fight though..." She said with a shrug.

Obelisk was on her side still, hiding her pain from the others as she waited for some of her sisters to come up and aid her. A few of the warriors did indeed come up to help her, gently lifting her to a standing position.

Datenshi was up at Yuriko's side after a moment, staring down at the girl. "Hey...hey Yuriko?"

Yuriko bit down on her bottom lip before speaking. "Just peachy, 'Tenshi. Help me up please?" She asked, knowing full well she'd be unable to stand on her own at the moment, and refusing to use her own gravity manipulation, wishing to remain equal.

Reiko just muttered something unintelligiable.

"You just got fucked up!" Datenshi laughed playfully as she knelt down to help the girl up with a grin.

"Mmmhmmm..." Midori agreed.

Yuriko thumped Tenshi on the nose and sniffed as she hobbled up on her good leg. "Considering the size, and weight difference I think I did fine."She said to both Tenshi and Midori, eyeing the two of them as she cleared her throat, and took in another cautious breath, feeling the pain lessen and lessen.

Nyli III - Palace Medical Facility

It had only been a matter of minutes since the contest between Yuriko and Obelisk, yet the pair had already been shown the way to a small infirmary which was smaller than even the medbays aboard Yamataian ships. The New Tur'lista doctor on duty had plugged both the combatants with neutrient injector devices, which were pumping in a steady stream of raw neutrients and reconstructive nanomachines which would have the pair fixed up within a matter of less than an hour.

Yuriko laid back on the medical bed, having had her ankle straightend out to allow it to heal properly. The Commodore sighed a moment as she eyed the injector...having a flash back to the ones found on a certain icy moon... Her mind wandered as she picked and chose her way down "memory lane" as it were as she lay there... She never liked being in the medbay, after all it ment she wasn't doing something productive with her time.

There was a soft knock upon the door to the infirmary before it slid open. The sound of footsteps and the voices of children could be heard when it did. "Commodore Yuriko, I saw the match, you did well." Came the voice of the High Priest, who had his children in tow at his sides.

Obelisk seemed to be zoned out, simply watching the ceiling for the time being. She was shutting out everything and going over the fight, atleast until the High priest entered the room. Sitting up as quick as she did, really didn't seem like the smartest thing in the world, pulling a sharp gasp from the girl. "Greetings High priest! Greetings Prince and Princess Tur'Lista." Her face went a scarlet color as she realized she really couldn't bow.

Ri'del peeked out curiously from behind his father's leg, wearing a small pensive look as he eyed the large Fyuunen woman, and then the smaller one with pointy cat ears.

"Thank you High Priest, I can safely say I enjoyed that very much to be perfectly honest." Yuriko said in return giving a bow of the head.

Tomoe's gaze then went to the other bed. "Princess Obelisk, you performed as expected. Well done, Lady Fate would be proud if she were here to watch."

"Sh-...Oh. Thank you High Priest." Obelisk bowed her head a little, seeming somewhat depressed just then as her ears seemed to twitch a little.
Eyana Are: Breeze stayed hidden quite contently behind her father's legs, holding lightly to his pants. She'd never been a fan of the medbay, and she always became shyer around strangers.

Yuriko just took in a deep breath and exhaled as she laid there, her head resting on a pillow. The Commodore flexed the fingers on the hand she'd used on Obelisk, and seemed satisfied they were in working order. "So High Priest, may I ask as to what pertains to this visit?"

"Of course, but first, I would like to introduce my children..." Tomoe reached down and placed his hand upon his son's head. "This is Stargazer..." He then placed his hand upon his daughter's head. "This is Breeze. They're both a little shy at the moment since their mother is not here."

Stargazer's eyes closed on reflex at feeling his father's hand on his head, but opened them again as he eyed Yuriko with his amber hued peepers.

"They are certainly cute children, there mother is currently with the Prime Minister in a meeting if I recall..."Yuriko pointed out.
Eyana Are: Breeze looked curiously up at her father before she stared, slack-jawed, at Obelisk. The sheer size of the woman perplexed her, but currently Breeze seemed most interested in the lady's ears. After a quiet moment Breeze said "Papa" and hugged herself to her father's leg.

Obelisk blinked a little at the young Princesses gaze. Silently she wondered just what was so odd about herself that would get such a reaction from the girl. She tried to smile warmly for Breeze, in hopes of cheering her up.

Tomoe gave a soft chuckle before he picked up his daughter into his arms and held her as he continued to talk to Yuriko. "Well, I did come to speak to you about that same matter... Also, I wanted to thank you for choosing to take part in our traditional welcoming."

Ri'del caught the smile and scowled at Obelisk, his little wings twitching.

"Well High Priest, I try to respect other culture's traditions and customs." Yuriko said with a smile and an inclination of her head. "My views and beliefs on adhering to such things made me somewhat of a blacksheep in some circles."

Obelisk jerked back a little at the scowl from Ri'Del, tilting her head a little to give him a confused look. Her wings at the same time began to cover herself a little.
Eyana Are: Breeze giggled when her father chuckled and hid her face in the nape of his neck. The smile had increased her fear, but she was happy with the security of being held. "...When's mama getting back?"

Yuriko at that moment turned her attention to Obelisk, maintaining her calm smile. "And how are you doing? I hope your injuries are not severe?"

"She'll be back soon." Tomoe whispered into his daughter's ear before he continued to talk with Yuriko. "Well, I hope that your being a 'black sheep' as you put it, rubs off on others that you may serve with. Since you decided to indulge us, I feel that I should return the favor and make your task here as easy to conduct as possible, and make you as comfortable as possible."

"A few torn tendons and a popped kneecap...Nothing I have not been through already." Obelisk shrugged a little and rubbed the back of her head, smiling back to Yuriko. "And you? I hope your ribs are feeling better?" She asked. With the initiation over with, Obelisk seemed much more open and warm.

"Oh my yes, they are fine. I've suffered worse in my day, and pain is no stranger."The Commodore spoke to Obelisk before turning her attention back to Tomoe. "As it stands only two members of my crew remained behind, and the majority came with me...that act alone humbled me, and gave me hope that things will change. Albet right now my former name is being dragged through the mud within the Empire for..."treason"..." She said this feeling it to be distasteful.

Tomoe reached out with one hand as he held his daughter in the other. He placed his hand upon Yuriko's shoulder and clasped it in his grasp. "Commodore, that fact alone makes you and I friends. I hope that harlot Hanako is red faced and alone right now."

"I imagine she has not taken kindly to my..."hopping the fence" so to speak." Yuriko said as she patted the hand on her shoulder before placing them back on her lap. "My only worry now is that my former ship will be used for things I would never do..."
Eyana Are: Breeze held her father by the neck and looked around the room again. Again her eyes her eyes settled on Obelisk, but since she felt safe with her father she managed a smile this time. Having found the adults' discussion to be way over her head and therefore boring, Breeze was understandably bored by now.

Obelisk listened to the two in silence now, simply absorbing in the small bit of politics. She would have to begin understanding these things now...

"Mmm, understandable. Have you found a replacement yet?" The High Priest asked out of curiousity as he moved his hand from Yuriko's shoulder, and moved it to his daughter which he began to pat gently.

"I was offered my pick of the litter so to speak, along with an escort. Unfortunately as of yet I've not found one." Yuriko said with a gentle sigh. "Between my working on new products for my company and designing ships my time to do so has been constrained."

"A company? Which company is this?" Tomoe asked again, curious. He did love to be in the know, it was an esential part of his life, he also liked to know where his people could get goods from that did not involve bargaining with the devils over the border.

"Well, it is called Kakutama Heavy Industries although my surname has changed to Shichou. The Peacekeeper Jackets and Communicators are my work, also I hold the mining rights to the Yuukan system which I liberated." Yuriko explained. "We've been contracting with the UOC since before I left the YSE. I'm surprised I was not made a traitor for doing that." She chuckled before sighing. "Though what I am working on now presents a conundrum for me."

Tomoe nodded, he had heard of some of the technology in use by the UOC, it was rather straight forward stuff. "Ah... it seems like you've been keeping busy. What kind of 'conundrum' is posed by your current project?"

Yuriko had donned her communicator again and activated the volumetric window. The window popped up, and promptly cycled through a few files before finding the one it was searching for, and opened it. On the screen was now what appeared to be the molecular structures of three elements, one on each side, with one molecular cluster in the center. "I've been experimenting with creating an armor on the molecular scale...I had the idea after having a run in with...well something from another universe."

"Nerimium, Durandium, I recognize the materials." The High Priest stated as he looked at the display before him. "The molecular bonds are incompatible, they require some sort of bridge. Don't think you've been the only one working on the idea." The High Priest smiled a somewhat rogue-like grin. "We've been working on that kind of 'making something new out of the old' since we were snatched into the Empire."

"I've solved the problem actually I just need an effective medium to do the task. I've thought of nanomachines, but they would not survive the processing phase." Yuriko explained as she brought up a keyboard and began to input data. "By smelting the two materials down, we can effectively "pick and choose" the molecules and bind them. The only problem is the extreme heat involved during the smelting process prohibits the use of nanomachines I'm afraid. They would either prove ineffective or simply melt,and bind them while they are in such a state"

Saito would wait outside, having been told that there was not enough room for everyone in the room the others were in. He knew this would happen, but this was Yuriko's choice to make but if she'd asked, he'd have gladly taken her place as a proxy or representative. He shifted uncomfortably a bit and looked around. partially in awe of just how strong the fynnuen women were and couldn't help but feel curiosity in what it'd be like to have a male equivalent. "Yuriko-chan, how're you feeling? That was a pretty nasty beating you took..." He said telepathically, trying hard to veil his concern so she wouldn't worry.

"I've had far worse Saito-kun...I did find it refreshing however. Since becoming a commander I seldom get to do that sort of thing anymore." Yuriko replied kindly.

"Would you mind if I passed the problem over to my scientists? With your data, they should be able to make some more progress." Tomoe stated, he had come upon a subject which he enjoyed far more than politics, even if the politics involved the defiance of Yamatai.

Visibly, he relaxed a bit, hearing that she was alright was a relief. "True enough, and you're right; it can be a relief to do something like that. Please give the High Priest my regards." He shared with her.

"I do not mind. I need a place to transmit the data to since my other copy is on Jiyuu." Yuriko said as she spoke to Saito. "Of course I will." She said. "My brother and guard wishes to send his regards to you High Priest. However, I must admit...I did not expect such a warm welcome considering my ah...background."

"To be honest, I was not planning to give you a warm welcome. That is until you went about the traditional welcoming. The reason for the tradition is not only to measure strength, but to settle any existing conflicts between the visiting party and host. It is quite a productive means of preventing tension during the visitor's stay." The High Priest explained as he teasingly poked at the tip of his daughter's wing.

"Mmm...I would like to say though I did not approve of my former commander's methods when we were on Lor...but unfortunately at the time it was not my place to do so since I was rank and file." Yuriko explained as she sat up and rolled her shoulder. "Expecially after the incident at Nataria, that spurred me to strike out on my own."

"Mmm... well, I am glad that a person like you is not in the harlot's shadow anymore. As for your document on your research, you can utilize our network to make a copy remotely." Tomoe offered as he noticed his daughter falling asleep in his arms. "Mmm... looks like she got bored... Commodore, I feel it would be in our best interests to speak of these matters over a meal once you are done healing. Obelisk, you're welcome to join us."

"Thank you High Priest. When will the Xiaah return?" Obelisk asked, tilting her head a little as she tentively tested her knee with a slow bend.

"You know Yuriko, if I have to change my body. I'd like a Fynnuen one... can you ask the high priest if that would be allowed at all?" Saito tendatively asked, not knowing what they were talking about just quite, unable to hear through the door too well.

"She will return when she is done with her task." Tomoe explained vaguely, yet he was saying as much as he knew. "I suspect that it will take some time to convince the off-worlders of the sincerity of the Helashio's feelings about their pennance."

"Of course High Priest, I never did get to sample Lorath cuisine as of yet and am curious." Yuriko said politely as she began to remotely send a copy of her data along to the Lorath. "High Priest...a question?"

The High Priest looked to Yuriko again. "Yes?"

"My brother wishes to know if it'd be possible for him to obtain a Fyuunen body...with how Yamatai is recalling everything, including our bodies it has worried him until recently upon seeing Obelisk fight." Yuriko esplained.

Obelisk looked to Yuriko and blushed a little. Had she impressed an off-worlder that much?

Tomoe's brow raised sharply at the question. "I will have to invest a considerable amount of thought. We have not ever been propositioned to do such a task. I would also have to speak to my sister about the matter over subspace communications."

Yuriko nodded in understanding at this. "Of course, of course...I understand. If you wish it, I can provide you with some background info on him if this will help." She offered.

"Mmm, it may. I am more worried about the rammifications in regard to the sanctity of flesh. It is a complex matter which will require intense diliberation." Tomoe looked quite thoughtful as he spoke of the matter. "So, it seems I will be quite busy in the coming days. With the Helashio matter, technology, and now a debate of technology and faith."

"How's he reacting to it? wish I was in there to see it but the nurses won't let me." Saito said.

"I would love to have held onto the body I was born into, this body my parent's blood flows through these veins...but it would seem I cannot hold onto even this now. My name, my deeds, and now my body are all stripped of me for something so frivilous." Yuriko said in distaste."But, I believe karma is circular, and will return tenfold." She replied before speaking to Saito. "He will think about it."

"That is good, I was truly impressed by their prowess and overall skills. Lady Obelisk was quite the... beautiful example of strength and grit..." Saito said, giving the impression he was blushing a little at saying that. He couldn't help he liked stron gwomen...

"Mmm, this 'karma', explain the concept?" Tomoe, being a Lorath, did have some trouble still with grasping the finer details of alien concepts.

Yuriko coughed, and cleared her throat."Through the law of karma, the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to him/her and others. In otherwords, "You Reap what you sow." " She explained. "Your actions will result in the fruit that is born from them, good or bad. Good things happen to good people, bad things to the bad."

"A splendid concept. If this concept is true, then I can rest easy knowing that the harlot will be made to pay. However, I prefer to give this 'karma' a helping hand. It seems, that you may want to as well." Tomoe's grin returned again as he spoke.

"Mmm...I suppose in an accidential and indirect way I have, I have three former samurai who joined me as well. One of which was training to become one, but simply quit, leaving her sword behind on my ship High Priest. She elected to choose love over her Empire." Yuriko said as she closed down the volumetric window after the download was completed. "I am not proud of that, they chose to join me of their own accord which humbled me since I did not know I made such a long lasting impression."

"Samurai... the warriors of the Ketsurui if I am correct?" Tomoe asked, making sure to confirm what he had studied.

"Yes, one of them I have adopted as my own sibling, he was the former bodyguard of the then Empress Yui and Crown Princess Michiko. Another is Jo Midori her tenure as a samurai is now over, but she wished to join me. And the last is Reiko Inaba, she was the one training to become one. But yes, all were Ketsurui Samurai." Yuriko confirmed.

A laugh escaped the lips of the High Priest as he heard the news. "Oh my... by the Goddess, the Harlot must be furious!" Another laugh came from his lips as he thought of the repulsive Neko's face being a shade of red not much different than that of a cherry. "The Harlot's very own protector... oh my. Commodore, that news alone assures me that my days will be far happier now."

Midori's ears twitched a little as she heard the repeated insult of Hanako. She kept quiet though, opting instead to chew the inside of her lip bloody.

Yuriko blinked several times as she saw the man laugh, surprised by this. "I am glad you find this pleasing High Priest. I believe this is a part of karma... I could be wrong however." She shrugged meekly.

Reiko muttered as Hanako was mentioned, her hands clenching and un clenching.

"It just may be, but there is far more that the harlot must pay before she is atoned for the wrong she has done to me, my sister, and my people." With a sigh, the High Priest's smile faded slightly as he was reminded of the events of the past. "None the less, you bring a joy to me on this day. Other than the birth of my children, there have been few things to savor. Your news has changed that."

"In a way she has wronged me... and I suppose I can find solice that this is karmac retribution..." Yuriko sighed slightly. "I died at Nataria due to being ordered to charge into an obvious trap ... my ship was heavily damaged, and in the end destroyed, killing me, my crew, and the tiny life inside of me. I awoke...my mind having been restored to a previous backup from when I was still pregnant. I nearly went mad when I did not feel it within me... I always held her partly responsible... and myself as well for not taking the initiative for voicing my concerns."

Tomoe's face became quite intense as he heard Yuriko's story. When she finished speaking, he reached his hand out and placed his thumb upon her forehead. "I pray that you find peace, and I pray for the soul of the departed which you lost before you could hold."

"Thank you High Priest, it truely means a lot to me..." Yuriko nodded at the words. "In the end I also lost my father, but gained a mother from it, and it gave me reason to become a starship captain. But now I have four beautiful children that mean worlds to me, and are one of the main reasons I left."

"I pray that life in the UOC will treat them well. Since the Lorath may be part of the UOC quite soon, I would like to offer our services to make your life and theirs as comfortable as possible. With what you've gone through, you deserve it." Tomoe spoke as he looked upon Yuriko with an expression of sympathy.

"...." Saito didn't say anything with his eyes closes and arms crossed, looking around with the skin sight in his forearms and thought about it all. The Lorath were truly a tried and true race, having gone through what they have an still they strive to maintain their traditions and customs. Perhaps one day things will be even better.

"It is nice I can account the Lorath among my friends. But, as it stands I have a financial empire to build, and a clan to now get into order." Yuriko said as she moved her ankle experimentally, and smiled faintly at the progress. It was almost done healing. "I would like to hope we can remain as such."

Nyli III - Royal Palace - Primary Audience Dining Room

Outside of the place, the bright white sun of the Nyli system was on it's fast approach for hiding behind the horizon. Cooking fires roared throughout the Lorath settlement, the smell of cooking flesh hung heavy upon the air. It was time for the Lorath meal which would best be associated with 'dinner'.

The selected dining area which the Lorath royalty chose for the occasion was a well decorated yet modest room. It was decorated with various earth-tones such as wood panels, teracotta tiles, even the table had a sort of warmth to it's color considering it was crafted of a solid rose pink colored stone.

"So, how much do you miss your ship?" Tomoe asked Yuriko as the group spoke over wine at the dinner table. The High Priest was glad to have his sister home to assist in the audience, and he was glad that Yuriko did not decide to bring her whole crew... Datenshi would have been an awkward matter.

"I cried as I departed my vessel...and it seems she did too...for my sprites elected to join me as well." Yuriko replied quietly as she looked into her glass of wine a moment before sipping.

Destiny had still yet to arrive, in transit from her ship that had just moments ago landed. From the long ride home though, she had been given time to tinker and sew up some new plushies for herself, mostly driven to do so out of boredom.

Saito, sitting next to Yuriko quietly, nodded in agreement to that statement on how the ship seemed sad she was gone. "Which is a good thing, it's always best for a family like that to stay together." He chimed as he looked around the room, enthralled by the decor, it seemed warm and welcoming.

"There is a saying among my people... 'While a house can be destroyed, that does not mean a family is dead'. The meaning is; even though a place which is called home is lost, that does not mean that what matters has been lost. So long as you have eachother, I think you will prosper." Tomoe stated as he looked at the rosey pink which was the wine he had in his own glass. After looking at the liquid, he took a sip of it and smiled softly. "My people know the meaning quite well."

Yuriko nodded at this as she set her own cup down. "I've had to move twice now, each time was hard, but each time I've picked myself up." She nodded at this before continuing. "It was just a little hard to give up my first true command, but...It has made me a stronger and better person for it."

Tomoe gave a slow nod. "Be glad, some people do not ever get a chance to grow like you have in these last few days."

Saito grinned, listening to what was being said and going on as he tried a little of the rose-colored wine that had been proffered. It was a different taste than what he was used to but it wasn't bad at all, just new. "In each challenge, each difficulty is a chance for self-improvement afterall. She's done very well in making the best of the situations." He agreed with Velor

"I quite agree." Yuriko replied quietly. "Makes one feel older then they truly are in some ways, in others it does not." She shrugged gently.

While Yuriko and Saito spoke, one of the wood panels against the wall popped open and slid aside. A Helashio woman dressed in a light sort of white gown strode up to the table. She carried two baskets in her hands, each one was brimming with dinner rolls, pastries, even some sort of odd spherical balls which were clearly fried to a soft brown crisp.

Soon enough, the vehicle with Destiny inside came to a stop just outside the dinning hall area. As the Xiaah stepped out, her finely tuned nose sniffed and picked up the scent of meat, her mouth already watering. With a small grin, she made her way inside quickly, eager to eat and see her little ones. Hopefully they were not asleep, though secrectly she did hope they were. She was rather hungry, having not eaten in the few recent hours.

Saito perked a brow, this was his real first time seeing the Lorath Queen and bowed his head deeply to her in respect and couldn't help but whistle softly at her beauty. But his eyes caught teh sigt of the helashio woman bringing in the basket of goodies but wondered waht teh balls were. "Pardon me. But what are those?" he asked the High priest.

Yuriko's ears twitched slightly as she caught a wiff of the freshly baked, baked goods and smiled. "This will be my first time sampling Lorath Cuisine High Priest, are their any mannerisims I should know about before hand? I do not wish to offend."

The High Priest was wise enough to put the children to bed early. He gave them warmed up bottles of their mother's milk to put them to a sound sleep so they would not be a hinderance to their mother's homecoming and diner. After all, there was business to attend to which was privital to the future of the Matirarchy.

"Hm... well... since you are interested in customs, I would suggest we wait for my sister. She is almost here and I would like to have her present. As for what those are." Tomoe reached out and pointed to the rolls which looked like small loaves of bread. "These are made from a well crushed wheat, they're a but rough on the pallet, but they're very healthy and have a small taste of honey or plant nectar which they are sweetened with." Tomoe's finger shifted to the fried spheres. "These are a delicacy among my people... They are balls of flour bread which are first baked, then glazed with honey and sugar, then deep fried in animal fats..." Tomoe went on with explaining the other baked goods, which were esentially plain dinner rolls and muffins.

"Hm." The silver haired neko said and waited until it would be appropriate to take one to try out, not wanting to offend by rushing.

"Hmm...they somewhat remind me of a donut like confection I once read about from a book on NDI cuisine..." Yuriko murmured.

Destiny soon entered the dinning area and stopped just short at the doorway, taking in a deep breath to get the scent of all the delicious food. With a sigh she smiled and finished her entrace. "Greetings brother! I return with mixed news and presents for our guests!" In her arms were a group of plushies, a rather large group. It was a plushie of each of people that had followed Yuriko to Nyli and the UOC. "I know the others are not here, but I was rather bored on the ride home...I hope they like them." With the one that was modeled after Yuriko, it seemed she had a sad smile on her face, though everything else was a exact copy.

"Ah! Dear sister!" Tomoe stood up from his seat and went to his sister. Which he embraced in a hug, but not too excessive of one considering she was carrying a load of plushies. "You made it just in time for the blessing and the first course." He said as he moved to the table and pulled her chair out.

"And how are my little ones?" Destiny asked, eager to hear of her small brood. She took the seat and smiled to her brother, placing the plushies on the table just to her side. "What are we having? It smells delicious..."

Yuriko got to her feet, and went into a courtsey despite the fact she was not wearing a dress. "Xiaah, a pleasure to meet you...and oh my...is that us?" She asked looking at the plushies wearing that same smile her's was wearing.

"Please please sit, all the formalities can be such a bother, especially at dinner!" Destiny waved Yuriko down into her seat with a smile before nodding. "Mmm yes it is, like I said I was rather bored..."

"I decided to treat them to a traditional dinner. Alcohol, bread, meat, the usual. As for our children, they are sound asleep, I decided to put them to bed early so we can handle our affairs tonight." Tomoe explained as he sat down. "They were quite well behaved while you were out... and Yuriko, I take it you have not seen my sister's hobby. She is quite talented at producing small plush replicas of people and objects."

Saito stood as well and bowed to her deeper than Yuriko had as he was of lower level and blinked a bit at the plushies and smiled when she came in and let them re-take their seats. "They are very well-done." Saito said and tilted his head a bit, teh silver of his hair gleaming a little.

Yuriko seated herself, and fiddled with a sack attached to her uniform's belt. "I had heard High Priest...forgive me, I did a bit of research before coming along, but not enough it seems." She said, remembering the Ritual of Entrance. After finding the clas of the little sack she opened it up, and pulled out her own small plushie, it looked like an over stuffed round little bunny with a cute expression on its face, a red jewel dead center on its head and little earings in its bunny ears. It also had a scarf and a set of goggles on set at an equally cute angle. She held it up and towards Destiny. "I hope you approve." She said.

"Quite adorable." Tomoe commented as he waited for the exchange of greetings and gifts to conclude.

Destiny squeeled with an almost childish delight as she clapped her hands together. "It is absolutely cute! Where did you get it?

" Destiny asked, grinning from ear to ear now as she held her hands out to recieve the gift. It would be a wonderful present for her children.

"Actually my oldest daughter made it for the occasion." Yuriko said honestly. The Commodore leaned forward and placed the plushie in Destiny's waiting hands, it was furry, and quite soft to the touch. "She usually does not do such things as this...she is a bitof a tomboy and has a well...exterior like Zesuaium."

Saito just kept quiet and smirked at that a little.

"Mmmhrmmghmm...."Came a drowsey mumble from a doorway in front of the table, giving Destiny a view of Ri'del standing there, pawing at his eyes with a hand, and looking sleepy.

"My my she does sound like little Obelisk...So tough on the outside yet gentle on the inside. Why I ha-... Little one! Come to mommy!" Destiny smiled as she spotted her child, holding out her hands in a hugging gesture.

Ri'del's peepers shot open as he heard his mother's voice, and he immediately ran to her, stumbling once or twice only to be balanced by his small wings before he finally ran into his mother's arms. "Mommy!" He squealed.

Saito smiled at the scene and couldn't help but "aww" at it. "Reminds me of Kanako in a way.." He shared with Yuriko, trying hard not to blush at the mention of Obelisk.

Destiny let out a small umph as she grinned and scooped her child up into her arms. Hugging her youngling to herself tightly she smiled. "And just what are you doing up mister? Didn't your daddy put you to bed?" She asked.

"I wanted to be up when you came home." Ri'del said matter of factly as he snuggled himself into his mother.

"It reminds me of Yuichi too." The Commodore replied to Saito.

"I think that we should go see them when we can." Saito said to the commodore. "Cute child you have." He complimented both the royalty in an honest tone.

"Why thank you! I think he is the ugliest child I have ever seen...well besides his sister, but my brother seems to think otherwise..." Destiny shrugged before she mussed Ri'del's hair.

"Thank you Saito." Tomoe spoke as he reached to his son and gave him a rub upon the head. "Ri'del, you do realise your sister is all alone and sound asleep, right?"

Ri'del frowned a his mother for the mock insult, and ruffling his hair before "humphing". Before he blinked at his father, realizing he was being shrewed. "Yes..." He said before squirming in his mother's grasp to be let go.

"Ohhhh ready to leave so soon? Well thats ok, go watch over your sister then." Destiny patted him on the butt and let go with a smile.

"Rest well, your mother and I will be in shortly to check on you two." Tomoe spoke as he gave a small wave to his son.

"Heh... " Saito chuckled lightly and continued to watch the goings-on.

Ri'del scampered out of the dining room, and caused a Helashio to jump out of the way as the little boy ran back to his sister.

"Lively little boy...reminds me of my own son bless them both...too cute." Yuriko sighed as she sat there still.

"He'll grow up into a fine young man though." The samurai said. "I can tell alright." he said and turned to Yuriko. "I remember when you found Yuichi...and no I haven't told Rikun about you crawling through the ductwork..." He said telepathically.

"Well then, who is hungry?" Tomoe asked as he returned his attention to those seated at the table.

Yuriko nodded at Saito "And Rikun shall never find out if I have anything to do with it." She replied before smiling. "I'm quite famished...I tend to become hungry after a fight."

"It all looks so delicious, how can one not be hungry?" Saito said, his stomach rumbling audibly, making him rub the back of his head, his neko ears showing for once having been hidden by his hair the whole time.

"Sister, I waited for you before we started... Before we eat, it is customary to remember the things we're happy with, and what we wish we can change. We offer these thoughts to the Goddess... for your kind, you may do as you feel you should." Tomoe spoke as he smiled softly as he thought of his own things which he silently conveyed to the Lorath deity in thought. "We pause and think, so we can appreciate the meal which is to come. We also thank the Goddess for the nurishment so we may continue to enjoy what we have, and we can use the nurishment to drive us onward to change what we can."

Yuriko could only sigh internally...she had no one of worship after all. She'd never entirely bought into the Church of Chiharu, but knew the woman as a good commander, as well as friend. If she had anything to remember, it was her children and to offer, her happy feelings to them, and to her family and friends.

Saito closed his eyes, just praying for the good health and wishes of happeiness for his own family, reaching over and rubbing Yuriko's hand gently.

Destiny did much the same as the others, bowing her head for a moment as she thought about the peace her people had, the new friends she had made, but mostly her brother and her children. Her heart sang with joy for those three.

"When you feel you have conveyed what you desired to convey... you may begin to eat." Tomoe said as he smiled. "Goddess bless." With that, he reached out and snatched one of the fried delicacies from one of the bowls.

"Goddess Bless." Destiny mimiced her brother and smiled before gathering up some fried food as well, looking over to see what else there was

Yuriko also went for one of the fried baked goods, somewhat curious to try one.

Saito would also try one of the fried-baked good. "Mmm" He purred a bit, pleased by the taste after savoring it for a moment.

The taste of the animal fat used to fry the spheres was quite blatently apparent. It was more like eating a sweet lump of meat than eating bread.

"These are really good..." Saito said once finished with his, his mind going over a few things he wanted to ask about but would wait for right now.

"Hmm...this is good...is the taste ment to mimic meat?" Yuriko asked curiously as she ate another bite.

Again, the wooden wall panel popped open as a Helashio woman strode in again, this time with a tray of cups and a large glass pitcher filled with a white liquid. She placed the tray down and went about distributing cups and the liquid.

"Ah, good. Since wine is a poor beverage to wash down a heavy meal with, we will be having milk as well. Us Lorath require plenty of dairy to overcome some of our avian shortcomings... partially hollow bones and all." Tomoe explained as he smiled to the Helashio as she poured his glass.

"And yes, the taste is meant to be as meaty as possible."

"Avian bonestructure? That's surprising, but it makes sense. From what I've seen you're still quite strong and tough despite that." Saito said. "Do you have to train for long periods of time to get to that level or are some born that way or prone to it?" He asked politely.

Destiny was quiestly eating as she listened to her brother, taking a sip of her drink as it was poured. She knew of the years of genetic selection her race had gone through.

"I would think if I've read my history right not to mention based on the caste systems they've breed themselves for spacific tasks. Obelisk was large, strong, fast, and tough. Not to mention her head was quite tough to crack so I'd assume bone structure is not an issue." Yuriko said as she looked at the glass of milk placed before her. "From the data core of a ship we encountered I learned a lot of an alien race's culture, and even their language, they too based their race around selective breeding, ensuring only the best in their people."

Tomoe gave a nod as he sipped from his cup and swallowed, then he spoke. "We've undergone several thousand years of selective breeding to attempt to breed out the flaws in our gene pool. Its unfortunately one of the contributing factors to a majority of my people being unable to take flight anymore... that and not having the space to take flight for those same thousands of years. Bones are too heavy, and the wings have mostly become vestigial. As for individual training... yes, such activities are highly encouraged."

"Adapting to survive the conditions you were placed under..." Yuriko nodded at this as she picked up her own cup of milk. "Did genetic manipulation also play a role?"

Saito blushed at mention of Obelisk again and shook it off. "Well isn't it true the Lmanel caste can fly if properly bonded with the correctcompanion species?" He asked and nodded, smiling at the mention of training; it was always a good thing to do in his eyes. "I understand, I find it quite impressive myself to see how far you've come despite the troubles you've had. I'm honored greatly to be here, even if it is temporary." He took a sip of the milk before him as well, savoring it for a moment to let his enhanced sense of taste remember it. "I was also impressed by Ms Obelisk's skill, who taught her? It takes a lot to knock Yuriko-chan here silly like that."

Yuriko coughed delicately, and made herself busy with her milk.

"It was the Lady 'Fate', our personal guard and commander of the Fyunnen military forces who trained Princess Obelisk." Tomoe explained as he nodded softly. "And yes, we did utilize a bit of genetic manipulation in our growth. Not too much, but some. It was needed to deal with the challenges of being isolated below ground, also to improve our species' capabilities so we could win the war of reclaimation."

"She was my teacher as well, though a touch tougher on me then poor Obelisk. My mother commanded I be taught and to not be given slack, or Lady 'Fate' would lose her status and position." Destiny said aloud after a sip from her drink.

Saito laughed softly at that. "I can tell she must be truly great as you speak so highly of her. It is too bad she isn't here, I'd have liked to meet her or engage in a friendly spar with her. Though she'd probably flatten me." he laughed softly.

The wooden panel popped open again, this time it was two Helashio males which carried a massive slab of a steel plate between them, with what appeared to be a whole animal placed upon it. They placed the steel serving plate upon a vacant spot at the end of the table, then slid it between the royals and the guests before they left.

The animal, which was still whole, was a massive beast and appeared to be adolecant head of Lorath cattle. It's chubby body was cooked to a perfection, and it smelt rich and hearty. Placed beside the animal on both sides, there were a large variety of various metallic tools; knives, shears, forks, spoons, even something which looked like a hatchet.

"Oh my...that smells heavenly..." Yuriko said as she eyed the roasted animal and licked at her lips. "I do hope Obelisk is not mad at me due to our fight...I didn't come here to make enemies, but friends after all."

Saito blew an appreciative whistle at the meal and smirked in a noticeably predatory way. "That is one huge roast and you're right Yuriko, it does smell great." he said. "And I doubt she is, it was a fair fight afterall. Which reminds me..." he said. "I want to ask if I can get a fynnuen body but is it right to ask here.. I don't want to be rude with it." he said in a quiet telepathic tone. He glanced to the Xiaah and grinned slightly, the upcurve of the lip showing a little fang. "Are all roasts this large?" he asked her.

"There is nothing to be upset or mad over. It was a good fight." Came a reply from behind the others, as well as the clink clink of crutches. Obelisk came in the room with the aid of another Fyunnen to open the door. Her knee was wrapped heavily, her pants gone and replaced with loose fitting sweat pants. She made her way to sit down now at the table, her bad leg extended out before her.

"Oh my Obelisk are you ok? Your knee looks horrible..." Destiny seemed concerned for the woman before nodding a little to Saito. "Most of the Roasts are larger then this actually." She replied.

The Fyuunen in question just looked after Obelisk, and then to Yuriko, her violet and red eyes staring at the back of the petite woman before she saluted, and closed the door, leaving them to their dinner..

"I thought it was a good fight myself...I was just worried over hurt feelings." Yuriko smiled faintly as Obelisk seated herself. "I did not mean to be so rough with your leg...will it heal properly?"

Saito nodded politely to her just grinning a bit at that. But when Obelisk came in he watched her through his skin vision once again, watching how she hobbled on the bad knee. "That does look bad, but with time I'm sure you'll recover." he said to her, flushing slightly. "You really did impress me a lot despite being a spectator." he said to her.

Obelisk nodded lightly and smiled to Yuriko. "Yes, yes it will heal soon enough. My body for some odd reason does not respond so well to the healing agents my caste employs." She shrugged a little and sighed.

"Mostly because you don't go for the full treatment." Tomoe said in a whisper of a tone, it was an obvious mocking gesture. Even as he spoke, he picked up the hatchet from his side of the table as he stood up and brought it down brutally upon the joint which connected one of the animal's legs to the torso. There was an audible crack as the bone and cartlige gave way. The high priest then hefted the leg of meat onto his side of the table and began to rip at it with his fingers, tearing the flesh from the bone.

Obelisk flushed a little as she looked to the table. "The full treatments always leave me feeling odd..."

Destiny chuckled a little and rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Such a barbarian...And leave the poor girl alone." Destiny stood and cut out a large slice of meat from the side of the roast, opting instead to eat slowly so as to not make a mess of her outfit.

"Well, doctors have always kind of...put me off myself. I cannot sit idel when I have things to do." Yuriko said as she watched the display of the High Priest, finally understanding what to do. She looked to him a moment before she too picked up the hatchet, only to bring it down on another leg, the cracking of bone echoing the earlier sound as she brought her own leg of meat to herself.

Saito laughed a bit and shook his head and held up a finger and formed blade with his own silvery blood that would harden instantly into a sharp looking blade which he flicked and took off a leg in a clean slice and drew it back to him. "Why do they make you feel odd lady Obelisk?" he asked politely before taking a bite out of the leg he had.

"Quite a personal question." Tomoe stated, wedging his comment between Saito and Obelisk. After speaking, he took a lump of flesh into his mouth. The meat was ground down and swallowed in short order before the High Priest spoke again. "Mmm, many of our Fyunnen feel the same way about doctors and medical treatment... That is why we've tried to improve our medical technology to make treatment as swift and non-invasive as possible."

"Oh I see. Sorry, I was just curious if it was just her." Saito said after gulping down what he was eating, not having a problem with it.

"The treatment did not bother me overly much... just some slight tingling sensations in my ankle, nothing more." Yuriko said with a delicate shrug as she laid into her own leg of meat. "High Priest...forgive me if I am being offensive...but you spoke of business?"

"It's to invasive, and such a quick fix for something that we train and keep in shape from a day-to-day basis. Such an invasion is...Well it feels wrong." Obelisk shrugged a little as she stared at her plate still.

"But if you continue to train on an injury like that, it will cause problems in the future, it's better to just take the full treatment so you can be positive it'll heal correctly." Saito said. "At least that's my thoughts on it, I don't mean to be possibly rude with it." he amended quickly.

"Its either we sit you down forever and make you wait to heal normally, or we heal you too fast... Mmm, too confusing." Tomoe then looked to Yuriko. "Ah, you're right... First off, the orders that brought you here. What would you like to know about the Helashio?"

"Well...onething I've been curious about for sometime. Do they receive proper educations, or are they allowed to choose such for themselves?" Yuriko asked.

Obelisk opted to stay silent. How could these people, who's body could heal in little more then ten minutes, realize what it was like to have a more susceptable body?

Saito fell quiet as well, feeling like he'd touched a nerve and thought it might be best to back off a little. I suppose our natural regeneratory abilities sets us apart from races like this and makes it hard to understand what it has to feel like. It's just more proof it would be a good bit of education to become one of them if they'd allow it... He thought.

"Let me show you..." Tomoe quietly sent the proper messages to the Lmanel keepers which were several rooms away. Within moments, the wooden wall panel popped open again. A hand full of Helashio strode into the room. Some were clothed, others were completely nude. "Interview them as you please."

Yuriko merely blinked, but nodded as she looked to one of the clothed Helashio first. "Did you receive an education?" She asked the Helashio both politely, and kindly.

"As much as I felt I wanted to know." The Helashio woman spoke as she gave a soft bow. "When I felt I needed to know something, I simply asked the High Priest and he had the data placed into my brain through my collar."

"Mmm...I see." Yuriko nodded. "Can you read or write properly?" She also asked.

"Yes. I felt it would allow me to serve better if I was able to do so." The clothed Helashio said in reply to Yuriko's question.

"I have just one more question dear, what exactly do you do here in the palace? Your role?" Yuriko asked the woman respectfully.

"I organize the High Priest's non-classified documents, and help him write some of his speeches." She said in reply. "Oh, and sometimes I read things to other Helashio which have chosen not to be able to read."

"So you have the choose to learn...thank you dear." Yuriko replied smiling faintly. To one of the naked Helashio she smiled still respectfully. "And what is your job?"

The Helashio blinked a few times, her green eyes seemed to be somewhat saddened before she spoke. "I entertain guests." She was naked... all except for a scarf which had some rather unusual writing upon it which did not look Yamataian, Lorath, or even Nepleslian... it almost looked Elysian, almost.

Yuriko took a moment to compose her thoughts, already coming to the conclusion on how. "And do you wish to do this?"

"Mmm, It is my place in life. I have found that offworlders do not understand this... It has caused problems." She frowned visibly before she instinctively grabbed to the scarf around her neck.

Saito looked over at the helashio curiously as he ate, meat, fat, bones and all. "Poor girl" He said, sharing a sense of her sorrow and the tone she said her job with.

Yuriko did not look questioningly at Velor, nor Destiny. "Are you happy doing this?"

"I was happy, until someone from outside tried to interfere. I think about him too often to really be happy doing much anymore." She looked down with a frown. "Because of the harlot princess, the High Priest has not been able to allow me to forget him."

"Sih elin tunte in." Yuriko murmured and shook her head.

The High Priest quirked his brow as he looked to Yuriko. "Mmm, what does that mean?" He asked before he slipped a chunk of meat into his mouth.

"I might be presumptuous, but it means She feels empty inside..." Yuriko shook her head a moment and blinked. "Oh my...forgive me, I tend to sometimes do that with new languages...and this one is rather special...since no one besides myself within this universe knows it...and I suspect the race that once spoke it are no more now..." She sighed and smiled a little. "Thank you for bringing them here High Priest, I have no further questions at the moment."

"Well, I'll tell you her story..." Tomoe made a gesture, then the Helashio filed out of the room and back behind the wooden panel. "What happend, was that a crew member from the harlot's ship was exiled here some time ago. He taught her things she did not have a desire to know. He then tried to run away with her... He had the wrong idea of our practices, and this led him to panic and think of us as barbarians. Before we could bring him back to the palace for his own safety, he killed himself. She saw it happen, and it has been haunting her since." Tomoe explained. "The crew member was named Yosef, a Nepleslian man."

"That's what happens when one does not care to understand cultural practicies..." Saito said softly. "But I feel her sadness and lingering confusion. That poor girl..."

"I've only ever heard his name in passing..." Yuriko said faintly. "Why not let her forget such things, to move on?"

"We originally intended to, but by the time she made it clear she wanted to forget, the Occhestian revolt took place. After that, the Harlot Princess made it clear that she did not want any future memory manipulation, thus, for the safety of the Matriarchy we left her memory intact since she is one of the Palace staff and under our direct supervision." Tomoe explained before he took a drink of his milk.

"Because of Hanako and the Yamataian restrictions on such acts." Destiny said with a touch of disdain in her voice.

"That's just cruel. Even when I was in her service, Hanako was a real stuck up ..harlot" Saito said politely. "I did not enjoy any time spent around her."

"You are no longer under Yamataian ruling." Yuriko pointed out.

"Mmm, but now we're being reviewed by the UOC... I'll be honest, we try to keep up a decent image." Tomoe said quite bluntly.

Yuriko nodded. "Have you considered therapy for her?"

Tomoe nodded as he swallowed a lump of meat. "Mmm, and she receives it. However, she is a vulnerable girl. Its quite difficult."

"She clings to her scarf, which is the source of the memories." Destiny replied.

"I see, if you remove it. It'll cause her to panic?" Saito asked.

"I would think so." Yuriko said.

Tomoe let out a sigh. "Mmm, yes. It is quite a problematic issue. However, it is a clear sign of what happens when outsiders meddle."

"Since we have been discovered...It seems thats all that has happened." Destiny sighed and shook her head a little.

"It is not my intention to meddle, so far I've tried very much so to observe your culture, mannerisms, and be respectful in those regards." Yuriko politely pointed out.

A smile spread across the High Priest's lips. "Mmm, I am aware. I'm very much glad that you have done this for us. As we were speaking however, I've received an update about my sister's visit to the Prime Minister. It seems that there are still concerns about the Helashio." Tomoe stated with a frown. "Even though the Helashio Elder told them everything they needed to know."

Saito sighed some. "It's because Yamatai is looking for any reason to scorn the UOC and is willing to take even the smallest thing and exagerrate it..." he said. "correct?" he asked Yuriko.

"That is a subject I do not wish to discuss." Yuriko muttered as she ripped a portion off her leg of meat and chewed.

"Sorry..." Saito said apologetically, feeling like he was doing nothing but messing up.

"Well... have any other questions about the Helashio?" Tomoe stated, trying to change the subject back to it's previous course.

Yuriko just patted Saito's hand reassuringly."Not at this time High Priest." The Commodore replied. "High Priest...I have been wondering however...you've asked me a few times about my ship, may I ask why?" She asked him curiously.

"I'm curious, I hear from the commanders under me that it is hard to lose a command. I was curious how your people took the same situation. Mmm, and to be honest... I'm a bit of a vulture when it comes to sales oppertunities. Or even just letting my technology become known to my allies to maybe generate interest."

Yuriko arched an eyebrow. "I wish I could've brought my ship with me, but we would likely have Yamatai clamoring for my blood right now, and would give an excuse for an attack." She replied before drinking some of her milk, noting it had become a little warm. "As for sales...I too share that interest, the armor concept for example." She winked before continuing. "I would not be opposed to listening to any propositions you may have."

Tomoe gave a small laugh. "If I am correct, you just transitioned from the Yamatai Empire... how do you propose to construct your product?"

They could make a lot if they sold those plushies, children everywhere would clamor for them... Saito thought, still eating and finishing up the meat and nearly done with the milk.

"Actually I've operated my company under the radar since Yuukan was liberated." Yuriko replied rather sweetly.

"Xiaah, I'm curious, how long does it take you to make a single plushie like those you made on the way here?"" Saito asked curiously but quietly.

"As it stands I have a number of industrial factories, as well as an entire star system I've the rights to mine in. Plus my revenue from any contractorial work with the United Outer Colonies." Yuriko added. "I've been a bit...shrewed haven't I?" She asked sheepishly, blushing a little pink as she looked down at her plate.

"Mmm, not at all... Not in the least." Tomoe smiled softly before he took a sip of his slightly ignored wine. "Mm, what is the condition of your factories? I wonder if maybe we could help eachother out some. Since you did provide such a lovely bit of insight regarding that material... Mind you, which my shipyard staff is currently researching as we speak."

"I've more raw material then I can process at the moment, I have three factories operation, another one at thirty percent." Yuriko replied smoothly as she poured herself more milk. "And my mother has spoken of a design from a Toshiro Yuki...I might be interested in aquiring, I believe she is known to you...or rather Obelisk." Yuriko smiled.

"The junk harvester? Yes, I recall reading the name in our regestry of salvagers. I'm curious as to how he is handling the UOC split from the Empire." Tomoe scratched his chin for a moment before moving on. "What kind of design is it that he has in his posession?"

Yuriko took a sip of her milk, licking at the excess on her upper lip. "According to my mother a mining vessel."

"Mm... maybe we can negotiate a sharing of design." Tomoe stated before he smiled a bit. "Of course, we'd have to hammer out a large number of details... but right now, I'm going to be honest, I'm looking for friends for the Matriarchy. Good friends which we can rely on."

"You could say I am as well actually." Yuriko chimed in before sitting her cup down. "I would however like to make a purchase for my mother if itis possible, she wishes to locate a...ah...certain ship she once encountered over Lor. And needs a means to do so." She arched an eye brow wondering if the man would get the reference to the Maras. "And also about something for myself."

"Your mother's name?" Tomoe asked out of curiousity.

"Remi Miyoshi." Yuriko said.

"Ah, a crew member aboard the Yggdrasil... she must be thinking of the Maras." Tomoe frowned lightly as he leaned back in his chair. "I have not heard from my man aboard that ship since Yamatai moved against the Freestate. Last I heard, they were going to attempt an experimental wormhole jump. The Nepleslian doctor aboard was able to get them past the Yamataian blockade... If I hear anything about the ship though, I will let you know."

Yuriko fidgeted at the words "Nepleslian, and Doctor" but calmed herself. "My mother is...a special case High Priest...she can find it on her own... She was the one who calmed Maras...and as a by product she can "listen" for it as she puts it...and shared with me a sensation that made me want to drop to my knees... She truely knows the scope of the universe, or rather, just how big it is..." Yuriko explained.

"All of this from simple telepathic contact...and now she wishes to find the ship, and ask the questions she's had bottled up since then, and to try and find out more." The Commodore added.

"Mmm, well. She will have to deal with the Sourcian aboard the Maras if she wants to find out more. The Maras is out of my hands for the most part, but I do have a full copy of it's data base in my possession... Quite large the universe is, isin't it?" The High Priest spoke as he put on a somewhat errie smile, which soon disappeared. "Either way... I would be glad to have you and your company as a friend, and I would be glad to help you and your mother find your way... Now about what you were seeking?"

"For my mother something fast, and armed...she is untrusting of space since the UOC is dealing with a credable pirate problem. As for myself... what would you suggest?" Yuriko asked.

"For your mother? I'm not sure what she is looking for exactly, and how many of what she is looking for. The crew requirements would be helpful to know. As for you... I take it you're looking for something to fill the void of what you lost when you left the Empire?".

"Very much so High Priest....my mother however spoke of something from what was his name..." Yuriko muttered as she screwed up her face in a look of complete thought. "Meram...Jeram...no no...that's not right....Heram! Yes yes, Heram Wazu... a what was it called...oh yes...A Wazu....oh my...that sounds kind of arrogant to name a ship after ones self...but...who am I to argue..." She shrugged.

"A Wazu-Class... Hm. We don't have the newer models available, she would have to speak to the Nepleslian government about a more up-to-date version. However, we can provide her with one. I'll even shave a fourth off the price." The High Priest stated. "As for you... what kind of ship was your old home?"

"Mmm...I appreciate the discount on the vessel High Priest and once things are concluded here...I could pay up front. But...my old ship?" Yuriko tapped her chin and smiled wistfully. "She was truely unique, literally the only one of her kind...in being a variant, but she was fast, well armed and armored, could handle her own with strength, speed, and grace, and take a beating before dealing it back... I also enjoyed her quirky personality...crew first, empire second."

"Mmm... Sounds like a fine ship..." The High Priest tilted his head in thought for a moment. "What kind of mission profile do you have now?"

"As of yet...none, but I will likely be aiding in combating the pirates that have been cropping up." Yuriko replied.

"Mmm, a mix of escorting and search and destroy?" The High Priest asked in thought before taking a strip of meat into his mouth.

"I would imagine so yes." Yuriko said in reply before sipping at her milk once more, and placing the cup down.

"Something fast then... reliable firepower... but not excessive to where it would make what you're escorting look like a war party?"

Yuriko nodded." Something I can work with, onething my old ship had was a small, but diverse arsenal...meaning I could combine it to bring enough force to bare on my enemies to either put them out of comission or think twice..."

A moment went by, and the wall panel popped open again. The clothed Helashio from before walked into the room with a data pad in hand, which she placed on the table before Yuriko before she left the room. The data pad sprung to life, displaying a holographic image of a crecent shaped ship, like one of the ones which was 'birthed' by the shipyards they had passed.

Yuriko blinked several times as she looked at the ship, and then up at the High Priest. "What sort of vessel is this High Priest?" She asked quizzically.

"Mmm... it is a 'Zahl' the Type 02 variant. Quite new, and updated to reflect the current capabilities of our shipyard facilities." Tomoe explained as he took the wine glass in hand in drunk from it. After swallowing, he spoke again. "Mmm, feel free to give it a look over. The pad has the specs, not the design exactly, but a listing of features."

Yuriko nodded at this as she began to go over the specs, looking at each one with a scrutienizing eye. "QnS derived technology?" She asked aloud before going back to it, and blinked several times as she found the Energy Conversion Field. The girl sighed, and fidgeted in her seat somewhat as she continued on for several long minutes. "It would be quite suitable...and is very well protected...very much so...forgive me for saying, but it is a beast as far as defense goes." She said wearing a soft smile. "Forgive me...I am a bit of a...ah "tech head" and I found the design very pleasing."

The High Priest quirked his brow as he looked at Yuriko for a bit before smiling. "Yes I designed her for the most part on my own... I wanted to make sure that she could stand up to the SMX and Yamatai... Especially with that... what is it called... 'Black Spiral' running about."

Yuriko's features took on a sterner look for a moment. "I've had previous dealings with them...all ended badly."

"Mmm, as have we. When a Mindy springs up in the middle of a supposedly secure underground complex, and is being piloted by what appears to be the Harlot Princess herself, there is a question of security which is raised. The Zahl Type 02 is designed to adress that matter if such things were to come up in the vastness of space." Tomoe gave a soft nod before he spoke again. "I also designed her to be able to bear her teeth, not just to take a beating."

"I've noticed Qel'Norian technology being used in an offensive role, particularly their 'White Beam Emitters'" Yuriko pointed out. "I've heard of them, but never seen an actual one up close.".

"They're an antiquated design, yet they maintain their capability. They're simmilar to aetheric weapons, yet not nearly as refined in regard to area-effect damages. However, I do have some aprehensions about utilizing white beam and aether technology, especially after the announcement made by the squid-woman at the international meeting... about aether using nations being the next Mishhu offensive's target. Thus, I made the white beam emitters easily ejectable from the Zahl at the push of a button." Tomoe gave a rogue-like grin.

"Ingenious use of plasma based weaponry...and you've a number of missile based weapon deployment systems I saw." Yuriko replied as she remembered what she read. "Sublight speed is quite fast...FTL, very much so...but what is an ARIA?"

Tomoe scratched his ear, kind of unsure how to explain the system since he had not designed it. "Mm, well... we have a scientist we have employed which has brought a new computer technology with him called the ARIA system. The ARIA system is a complex computing system which is contained in a sentient or semi-sentient humanoid package... The documentation about her capabilities is included in the data pad."

Yuriko activated the data pad again and began to re-read it, and found the section on ARIA. Delving into it, the Commodore wore an expression of concentration. She tapped her chin, 'hmmed' and nodded as she read it over before shutting it off. "And one of these systems would be installed within the Zahl? A...humanoid version?" She asked curiously.

"Mmm, if you desire. We could easily suppliment the ship with an alternate system. However, we have found that the ARIA proves to be an excellent system which is capable of growing and adapting to a number of possible situations. She also can grow to be attached to her crew that she serves with." Tomoe explained as he sipped his wine. "It truely is a marvelous system..." So long as the one issued does not have that...'flaw'...

Yuriko smiled faintly and nodded. "I would like a 'face' to my computer system...my old ship had one...although it was...well...more suited for all out warfare." She said sheepishly. "What is this about a 'Persogenic Keybond'...it seems to be a sort of system to ensure loyalty" She pointed out.

At about this time Breeze walks in, stumbling and sleepy-eyed. Obviously she'd woken up. After a couple moments of looking about the room Breeze walks over to Destiny and hugs the leg nearest her.

Tomoe was engrosed in his conversation thus unfortunately not noticing his daughter. "Well... considering the system is sentient, it is wise to ensure loyalty to prevent, erm... 'mishaps'." The High Priest scratched his head. "I doubt you'd want to offend her and have her refuse to target the enemy, correct?"

"Of course I wouldn't, my old ship was capable of doing so. Most Star Army vessels were subserviant...but Asamoya was a whole nother story entirely. She could've said no to anything I asked." The Commodore chuckled as she spoke to Tomoe still. "That is what made her unique, a Yamataian vessel capable of actual choice."

Ri'del had followed his sister back into the dining hall, creeping past the the short cat -eared woman, and his father conversing, and came up beside his mother. The little boy tugged on her outfit, looking up at her.

"Little Breeze!" Destiny squealed a little and grinned, picking her daughter up suddenly. Laughing a little she tossed the small girl into the air. Her hands were already up in the air to catch the girl as she came back down. As she felt the tug at her pants, she put Breeze on her thigh and did much the same to Ri'del. "Little Stargazer!" The Xiaah was all smiles.

Breeze giggled merrily when tossed about by her mother. and squealed with glee upon landing. No longer tired, Breeze hugged Destiny around the middle and buried her face into her mother's stomach. "Stargazer said you're back mama!"

"Hm, well, then you may be glad to know that ARIA units are inherantly capable of being able to converse. So, you will be able to become close to an ARIA over time, and vice versa." Tomoe explained, then he looked to his sister and his children. "Ah, you two woke up! Do tell your Mommy how things went while she was gone."

Ri'del went tight lipped as he remembered attacking the maid who tried to bathe his sister.

"I would enjoy that very much actually."Yuriko said as she finished her milk and moved back to the wine. "I assume their personalities are not pre-programmed, and grow according to stimuli, and their surroundings?" She asked.

"Mmm for the most part, outside of basic programming and operational protocol." Tomoe said in reply as he finished his wine. "I doubt you'd want to spend the time to train an ARIA in how to do what she does."

Yuriko chuckled slightly. "Oh my no...I could program a computer yes, having grown quite familiar with the Kessaku OS, and basic, and advanced computer systems in general but call me lazy." She winked slightly. "Do they all have a uniform appearance or...do they choose their own, or owner's preference?"

"Yes yes come now dears tell me how it was without mommy here?" Destiny smiled and tilted her head to the side.

"Well..." Tomoe decided to take a tactful approach to the explaination. "The ARIA calls for a living tissue shell, thus we utilize grown bodies to be implanted with the ARIA system. Thus, appearances do vary greatly."

Breeze smiled up to her mom, still apparently overjoyed. After a bit of squirming she manages to sit up on Destiny's lap and lean against her. "It was boring. I didn't do anything!"

"...I attacked the maid for giving Breeze a bath...." Stargazer admitted and looked away, wearing a frown.

"Hmm...interesting. Height, weight, also vary?" Yuriko asked before sipping at the wine once more. "Oh my...what type of wine is this exactly?" She asked, suddenly remembering.

"Nothing at all? Well I will have to change that now won't I? And Stargazer, unless you want to start bathing your sister, you must allow the maids to do their jobs." Destiny raised a eyebrow and looked down at her son.

Stargazer now blushed.

"Well? Do you want to start bathing your sister?" Destiny pressed her son with a smirk. "Your father used to bathe me you know, when I was younger."

Tomoe held up a finger to Yuriko as he gazed out of the corner of his eye to his son. Spotting his expression, he could not help but to smile widely. I'm proud of him! He thought to himself before he resumed talking to Yuriko. "Yes the dimensions of the individual ARIA vary... as for the wine... hrm..." Tomoe sniffed at the empty glass which he had. "Three parts mood elevating, one part stimulant, one part aphrodisiac."

The High Priest smiled widely as he heard his sister speak, he then looked to Stargazer and smiled. "Son, it means you'll be able to keep a better eye on her. Who knows what could happen in the bath and what lurks beneath the soap suds."

Yuriko chuckled nervously as she sat her glass down."I tend to have a more...elevated reaction when I consume Lorath Wine..." She warned before switching back to milk.

Stargazer looked at his father, then to his mother, then sister. "Okay..." He murmured, but still blushed.

Breeze again giggled and hugged her mother's waist, purely overjoyed to have her back. After a couple moments of listening into the conversation Breeze blushed at all the talk of bathing her. She wasn't quite sure what to say, so she sat silently upon her mother's lap and squirmed in the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Do you mind that Little Breeze, that your brother bathe you?" Destiny watched Breeze now with a smirk.

"Mmm, I do suggest you approach Lorath food in moderation then. The issue is that most of our food carries the same molecular composition as our wines. The plants of our homeworld all carry many of the same compounds, those compounds are carried over into the meat and secretions of livestock as well. It is the underlying reason why our foods tend to induce various altered psychological states." Tomoe scratched his cheek. "My people have grown quite adapt to coping with the amounts found in food."

"Ahh...I do enjoy Lorath wine, I am just a little wary of the effects." Yuriko replied politely as she drank more milk. "If we are to be friends I suppose I must begin to try and adapt myself and learn to cope with it as well." She said smiling. She did not however move back to the wine at that moment, knowing it'd impair her judgement. "I am curious however...you've been quite kind to me, and I do appreciate that. I only wished I could've enjoyed the sights Lor had to offer...I heard much about them...and I am curious as to if Nyli has anything to compare."

"It is unfortunate, Nyli has very few notable features... Well, maybe it does... but my people tend to not be enthusastic, considering that Nyli is not really our true home, but it is just a place which we happen to be." Tomoe let out a small laugh. "Meanwhile, Lor is something which is entirely different than what it was... so my people and I are at somewhat of a loss."

Breeze, addorned with a glowing blush by now, squirmed under the stress of answering before she shrugged and hid her face in her mother's stomach.

"I'll take that as a yes then" Destiny was all grins still as she poked at her daughter's back.

"Home is where the heart is, and is where you make of it." Yuriko recited before toying with her cup. "If I've offended you by saying such a thing I apologize, I too feel attached to my homeworld...but Jiyuu is my home now, and I would not have it any other way."

"Mm. Your saying is true enough, yet we do have a very... complex... bond to Lor. It is where we grew, and it's surface was a place which we longed for... Lets forget this line of conversation." Tomoe waved his hand dismissively. "For now though, it seems like we have lost our interest in our appitites... How would you like a tour of the palace?"

Breeze giggles when poked and ruffles her wings in a light protest."Mamaaa..!" she said with a laugh before looking, still embarassed, up at her mom then over to Stargazer.

Between them, the animal which was served had lost at least half of it's mass. Bones were exposed, organs were missing, and it seemed to be quite a grizzly mess. It was the product of sitting four individuals with massive apetites at a single table.

Stargazer's face had become a brighter shade of red as he sat ramrod straight on his mother's lap.

"I would be honored at being taken on a tour." Yuriko said smiling at this, and pleased. She'd been curious about the place sense being asked to come to the world.

"Splendid." Tomoe said as he smiled and looked to his sister. "Want to come along?" He asked.

Meanwhile, the wooden wall panel popped open again, and a number of Helashio came out and began to clear the table.

"Of course!" Destiny smiled and picked up both her children, placing them on her shoulders as she nodded. "I want to bring the little ones along as well, they need to begin to learn the layout regardless."

"Splendid then... Yuriko, what is your field of interest? What kind of things do you enjoy? It will give me a direction of where to begin our tour." Tomoe stated as he stood up from his seat.

Breeze was excited but frightened by the sudden movement, and though she laughs with joy as she's hoisted onto her mother's shoulders she stabilizes herself with one hand and reaches for her brother's hand with the other.

"I...I enjoy art..." Yuriko said sheepishly.

Stargazer "Umphed" at being lifted up onto his mother's shoulder, and when Breeze's hand found his he smiled a little.

Tomoe gave a nod as he thought of where to begin. "Well then... I suppose we could start with the gallery. Unfortunately it is not fully set up, but it does have some of our more prominant pieces on display."

Yuriko nodded. "Then please, lead the way." She said sounding quite happy about the prospect of seeing alien art.

"Mmm, well then, stay close. We don't want you getting lost." Tomoe moved to an exit and waited for Yuriko and her bodyguard to follow, he also waited for his sister which he would have follow the group.

Yuriko and Saito did as instructed, following along behind Tomoe, and waiting for Destiny.

Destiny stood with the two on her shoulder and smiled, allowing the others to get out ahead of herself.

Tomoe led the way, moving at a steady pace yet not one too fast to where he'd end up losing those following. "Mm, as you may have noticed, we incorperated this palace into a mountain side... and incorperated a Byakko-Class carrier as well." As he said this, something did noticably change. Not the decor, but the sound of the floor as he walked, it seemed more metallic.

Yuriko's ears twitched slightly as she noticed this. "Do you intend to build a proper palace or continue using this one?" She asked curiously as they walked. "I do however find the fact you chose a mountain side quite good, it allows for a more protected, and defensable position."

"With the potential of the SMX coming again, I think it would be best for my family if we were near a fast means of getting off this planet." Tomoe stated quite blatently. "It also provides excellent internal security, and protection for those within." Tomoe turned a corner and continued down a corridor.

Yuriko nodded. "I see, I see. Hopefully they do not choose to come knocking at our door..." She said with a soft sigh. "I fear it is simple wishful thinking."

"Mmm, if they knock, we'll be ready... Anyway..." Tomoe stopped at a large pair of double doors. He tapped at a nearby wall panel and the doors slid open after an audible 'CLANG' came from inside the wall, the apparent disengaging of a locking mechansim took place.

When the doors opened, a number of brilliant lights bursted into an activated state, shining their pure light upon the various displays they were pointed at.

Yuriko blinked, and couldn't help but go, "Oooooo....." As she looked into the bright room violet eyes wide.

Within the room, there were dozens of murals painted upon fine cloth. Sculptures of various figures, and displays of rather functional looking weapons... which had apparent blood stains upon them, yet the weapons were quite beautifully decorated.

Yuriko looked to Tomoe as if asking if she were allowed to enter.

Tomoe strode in first before he gestured his hand. "Come in, but don't touch anything, please."

Yuriko blinked several times, but nodded. "Oh of course." She said with a start as she walked inside. What caught her attention was the weapons...the ones that seemed to have blood on them. She wore a slightly confused, and curious expression at seeing these. "I assume they are...antiques?"

"The proper term is 'relic'." Tomoe corrected as he smiled softly while looking upon a sapphire encrusted scabbard. "They're relics from the history of my people, and considered to be the finest examples of craftsmanship as well."

Destiny walked forward to a particular sword, looking at the item with a touch of reverance in her eye. The sword looked like a oversized scimitar with two rings in the backside of the blade. The tip of the blade was broken off, and a large gash of blood that had long dried ran down the rivet in the blade. Destiny's fingertips brushed along the sharpened edge of the blade which even now, drew a faint trickle of blood.

"They must have quite the history..."Yuriko said as she looked to the same scavvard as Tomoe. "From battlefield to gallery, to be revered for their history as well as craftsmanship. You do your people's history an honor." She smiled and nodded at this. "I've yet to find such a thing of my own..." She said wistfully. "These are a symbol of your strength, and artistic nature all melded into one well crafted piece."

Most of the art in the room seemed to have some of the same inherant traits to one another. Clearly products of Lorath design, however, there were some pieces which had much different designs to them, and seemed far more... abstract and rough.

Yuriko looked to the weapon in Destiny's hands, and looked up at the larger woman. "You seem to be quite familiar with that weapon." She remarked, eyeing it again.

"It was my mothers. The tip that is missing gave me my scar, and the blood is from a Helashio elder that was killed in battle. The very last elder actually..." Destiny said, her gaze searching every inch of the blade as if each speck of blood would help to bring the battle back.

Yuriko looked slightly confused. "Forgive me if I'm ignorant, but..."Her voice trailed off at the question, wondering if it was appropriate or not.

"Mhhh? Go on dear." Destiny blinked and turned to Yuriko, the blade still in her hands.

"What happened?" Yuriko finished the question that was on the tip of her tongue for that moment.

"It was the end of the great war to reclaim the surface of Lor... I was following my mother into battle, and her blade was chipped as she hacked into a Helashio. The chip fragmented off and sliced open my face, which I had stupidly not protected with my helmet. A few moments later, my mother decapitated the last fighting Helashio elder, and holding his head up high, shouted out a feral scream of rage. The battle ended with little more fighting." Destiny replied, holding the blade in one hand with some apparent strain. The blade seemed heavy, even for the Xiaah.

"It somewhat reminds me of my own mother. Shortly after giving birth to me she returned to the battlefield, it was in the waining days of the Xyainbor Campaign... Her power armor was horribly damaged during the fighting yet she continued on like the berserkers of Yamataian legend nothing halting her rampage. It was when the ship I was on was targeted that she boarded it, the ship already taken a savage beating that she...sacrificed herself, detonating her power armor near the SMX vessel's power core, setting off a reaction that destroyed the ship, and her along with it. Reports were far and few, but they said in the end she'd ravaged a number of Mishhuvurthyar screaming in fury and rage, all the while saying not a soul would take that ship, the ship I was on." She smiled faintly and sighed

Destiny nodded a little, remembering the battle scream her mother had made when she had charged down the hill. "A mother's will to protect the one's they love is amazing." Destiny said with a nod..

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